TNA/Wrestle-1 Title?

Should TNA and Wrestle 1 introduce a joint Title?

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So at the beginning of March, TNA and Wrestle 1 (A wrestling promotion from Japan) held there first ever joint Wrestling Supershow called Outbreak. since then TNA and Wrestle 1's working relationship has continued with three stars from the japanese promotion appearing at the TNA lockdown event and with Sanada winning the X division title at Outbreak, the relationship bettween the two companys looks set to continue.

So if TNA and Wrestle 1 intend to continue working together for the forseable future, Would a joint TNA/Wrestle 1 title be introduced. For me the Introduction of a Wrestle 1/TNA title could be beneficial to both Companys. Wrestle 1 currently has no championship as such so having a championship that could be defended at there shows could be a usful tool for the company to have and with members of the Wrestle 1 promotion having to appear on Impact and TNA PPV's to defend or challange for the Title, will help promote Wrestle 1 to a much wider auddiance. TNA would also recieve the same covarage when any of there wrestlers appeared for Wrestle 1 to defend or challenge for the Title. Also with TNA not using the TV title anymore it would give many of the midcard guys like Sam Shaw something to compete for and allow guys who are not currently being used on TV something to do.#

So what do you guys thing, Would a joint Title be a good idea or would it just be a waste of time.
I think a talent exchange is as good and as far as it will go. It works well for both companies & might benefit both of them in the long run.
TNA championships are currently being defended within Wrestle-1, which is what should continue from the TNA side of things. They have no reason to add a Wrestle-1 title to their broadcast. If Wrestle-1 thinks they need titles on their end, fine, but the last time we saw TNA have that type of working relationship with non-TNA titles being defended on TNA shows was with their relationship with New Japan, I believe, back when the Guns and 3D were feuding over the NJ Lightweight Tag Championships, or some shit like that.

Made little sense to American fans who had no idea what those titles meant.
TNA already has two singles belts that don't mean a damn thing. Do we really need to add a third? After this, we can introduce the "Try Hard" championship, for the guys that individual people like, but aren't deserving of the top four belts, followed by a "Rookies" title for all the people that haven't been in TNA more than a year, and finish the year by giving everyone who's stayed under contract a Participation Trophy.
I think they call it the X Division Championship. Why make another belt when they can barely showcase the 4 they have? They've dropped the TV title already. Why make another?
I think they should just keep doing what they have been with the X-Division Championship. Don't add or subtract titles. They have a hard time as it is.
But If it does happen, I wouldn't mind.

I haven't seen much from Sanada, but what I have seen is very impressive, I especially enjoyed the meeting he had with Keiji Mutoh, that was pretty cool.

Wrestle-1 has some good talent that I know of, and am kind of pumped to see some of them on TNA.

I think I read in an article here that Outbreak will be released as a TNA One Night Only PPV.
It's actually quite intriguing. An inter-promotional championship. I don't think it's ever been done before, and it wouldn't be a bad idea for TNA to be an originator in that sense. However, with that said, I am a firm believer that if you can't do it damn near perfectly right, then just don't do it at all, especially in wrestling. TNA does not have that mindset, nor do the people in charge seem to have the ability. At least WWE does the right stuff a good amount of the time. TNA seemingly always does the wrong thing, so if TNA were to be TNA on it, then don't do it, cause it'll suck. But if they somehow managed to pull it off properly, I'd love to see it work out.
It's been done by WWE before with the old WWF Light Heavyweight Championship. The title wasn't even created IN WWF, it was made in Mexico for Universal Wrestling Association and then migrated to Japan. So, I could see Wrestle-1 go out and create something similar, and TNA recognize it on their shows but never truly defend it. So, this isn't a terrible idea, just not something I'd do personally.

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