TNA Turning Point: 11.13.11

If I didn't have to watch his matches, I'd start a campaign for Scott Steiner to win the world title.

Eh, fuck it, the promos would be worth it. Scott Steiner for emperor of Impact!
We generally make a habit of ignoring it every week, but Anderson's whole 'asshole' shtick seems to be over everywhere he goes.
Something about Kenderson just screams.... Billy Gunn to me. Someone help me figure out why
Why won't they let Abyss use the old mask that covered his mouth? He could really use that thing. That gap in his mouth just kills the monster look.
Anderson does Trouble in Paradise. Now all we need is Kofi Kingston to be a sloppy drunk douche on twitter, and Wrestlezone has it's lead story for the next three days
Real talk; of all the men in this tag team match, who do you think is into the weirdest shit in the bedroom?

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