TNA Turning Point: 11.13.11

That was a great match. AJ was nothing short of awesome despite the ankle. And Roode was great too. 10 minutes left though. Is Joe coming or not?
I think it deserved a better overall rating.

I didn't. There were two good matches, one of which would have been worse had AJ not been hurt. The Jeff battle was more about surprise than being good which is how it was designed. The X match was ok and the rest was just there. Nothing great, nothing bad, but the show had zero fire going in and I didn't get into it at all until the last 45 mintues.
I didn't. There were two good matches, one of which would have been worse had AJ not been hurt. The Jeff battle was more about surprise than being good which is how it was designed. The X match was ok and the rest was just there. Nothing great, nothing bad, but the show had zero fire going in and I didn't get into it at all until the last 45 mintues.

Yeah i get what your saying i think its a case of me having more fun watching this PPV and getting into quicker and well its your opinion and i respect that.
Fun show.

...What? Really? Damn dude you're REALLY easily entertained.

I was in a fantastic mood, a bit tipsy, a bit stoned, and I was still bored to absolute tears attempting to watch this show. I haven't been so glad to skip buying a TNA PPV since I first started covering them and gettin' reimbursed just to review 'em. So glad I had previous commitments this past Sunday. Downloaded it last night and fell asleep atleast 3 times while trying to watch it.

Only matches worth watching were Daniels/RVD and Roode/Styles. And even both of those were barely above ***-ish stars and nowhere near the A-game of the individuals involved.

Daniels promo before the match with RVD was fucking GOLD though, I was cracking up, Daniels is so awesome when he's heeling it up.

Crimson/Morgan should be a serious contender for "worst match of the year" I'd say.

All in all a terrible show. I'm shocked by how bad this show was considering how good Bound For Glory was. I mean, I actually thought this show looked okay on paper, but boy was I wrong. Dead wrong.
...What? Really? Damn dude you're REALLY easily entertained.

Which tells you just how bad the WWE product must be.

Crimson/Morgan should be a serious contender for "worst match of the year" I'd say.

Do you like anyone that is over 6 ft tall anyway?

Surprised you felt the X-divison match was worthless.

Not surprised you neglected the Steiner promo or dismissed the match. You are fairly predictable in suckling at those you like and hating everyone else irrationally.

Oh yeah, the opener was fun too.
Worst Match of the Year? I think not.

I can't think of one worse currently, including several matches involving Michael Cole. 12 minutes of agonizingly bad wrestling with a double-DQ finish that luckily didn't kill their heat because they had none to begin with. That crowd sounded like they were watching a golf match during that match, but then again they were like that the entire show.

Which tells you just how bad the WWE product must be.

More like how limited your taste in pro wrestling is. For fucks sake the WWE gave away a Daniel Bryan/William Regal mat classic last week on Superstars, their D show, for free, just because. If you can't enjoy that or the multitude of other high-quality wrestling matches you get on almost every single WWE show, TV or PPV, well, that sounds like a Shattered Dreams problem, not a WWE problem.

Do you like anyone that is over 6 ft tall anyway?

I don't know, let me look at the height of some of my "favorite" wrestlers that come to mind...

1. Steve Austin - 6'2
2. Kenta Kobashi - 6'1
3. Shawn Michaels - 6'1
4. Terry Funk - 6'1
5. Raven - 6'1
6. CM Punk - 6'1

Yeah, I think I like wrestlers above 6 feet tall quite well.

Surprised you felt the X-divison match was worthless.

Not "worthless", just not good or memorable. About **1/2-**3/4 stars. Had a few nice spots but no flow or connection to the audience. Not one of the better X-Division matches of recent months.

Not surprised you neglected the Steiner promo or dismissed the match. You are fairly predictable in suckling at those you like and hating everyone else irrationally.

What? That tag match was mediocre at best. **1/4 maybe if I'm being generous. The Steiner promo was....a Steiner promo. It was slightly unintentionally amusing, like his promos have been for the last 15 years. Didn't seem worth mentioning since I wouldn't fork over money for a 2 minute Scott Steiner promo or a mediocre six-man tag involving him either.

I'm just surprised by how mediocre everything else was.

Oh yeah, the opener was fun too.

If you like shitty comedy matches, sure. Shit you must love Santino Marella if that lame shtick entertained you.

Show was lame dude. One of their worst this year.

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