TNA To Air In New Zealand


Neon Lights, Nobel Prize
I don't know how many people on the forum are form NZ but eh

I have received word from that SKY TV has secured the rights to air TNA Impact in New Zealand.

The first airing will be on Saturday 21st of January at 9:30pm on the BOX - supposedly just hours behind it airs in America to keep up-to-date with the show before PPVs.

I for one are very excited about this I have been waiting to see TNA in NZ for quite sometime just happy it's coming on NZ television
TNA is dying because Hogan and Bischoff are drying it from all its money. TNA is going down and McMahon will buy it. It is not growing it is a sinking ship.

Of course, what I just said is being disproved practically every month with every little baby step or a bigger step like this one. I know some TNA fans from NZ, heard about the news as well and I'm excited for NZ TNA fans. Also, fuck you.

... I'm never getting TNA in Bulgaria or Holland. TNA Y U NO LIKE ME?!
I live in Australia now but I remember 4 or 5 years ago when I was living in NZ emailing SKY TV asking when TNA was coming to NZ and they replied along the lines of something like "were working on it, and possibly the start of next year" that was about 5 years ago, so about fricken time. Congrats NZ, unfortunately I live in Australia now so it's a tad not relevant to me now, but congrats never the less.
Congrats now they have some else other then the Sheep channel.
ps the Sheep channel would be more logical/entertaining then TNA :)
TNA is dying because Hogan and Bischoff are drying it from all its money. TNA is going down and McMahon will buy it. It is not growing it is a sinking ship.

Of course, what I just said is being disproved practically every month with every little baby step or a bigger step like this one. I know some TNA fans from NZ, heard about the news as well and I'm excited for NZ TNA fans. Also, fuck you.

... I'm never getting TNA in Bulgaria or Holland. TNA Y U NO LIKE ME?!

Disproved how? ratings are not going up, PPV buys are still almost non existant
they still do impact from crappy little arena's. The only thing that changed for the better in recent years is some fresh talent getting a push and spending money on touring. Everything else remains a mystery.
hey, i am from new zealand, and i for 1 am very happy that we got tna ppvs back for first time since 2008 and then also the massive news for the first time ever we are getting impact wrestling.

i ran a facebook page petition for nz tv networks to get tna impact and ppvs so i just wonder if that played a major part in it.

if so then im proud of my idea :)

but yeh awesome time to be a wrestling fan again in NZ, havent had competiton on our screens since WCW vs WWF
I'm from NZ too and while I am happy TNA is expanding and our fans over here can watch the show, I really have no care for TNA. Although maybe now I may start watching it... Anyway, good stuff for expanding to new countries, TNA.
Sweet. Now New Zealanders can NOT watch Impact as well. I mean before they couldn't, but now they can finally make the same choice the rest of us do and don't watch.

Seriously though. Its about time. Its a fairly large population wise western country. You would have thought TNA would have shown some time ago.
I really dont know how TNA has survived its dying ran by a incompentent owner and glory hounds hogan and Eazy E!!! Its literally a three ring circus TNA has no direction and its a shame they have some really talented people!! Really good athletes its ok though Vinnie mac will soon buy it!! TNA in NZ is just a smoke screen IMO
Disproved how? ratings are not going up, PPV buys are still almost non existant
they still do impact from crappy little arena's. The only thing that changed for the better in recent years is some fresh talent getting a push and spending money on touring. Everything else remains a mystery.

I don't think it's necessary to correct your plain ignorance, but I'll do it anyway.

1. Ratings are not going up. Good one, Columbus. Which wrestling show's ratings are? There's a pattern here, one that you're too vague to notice. Let's see if you'll figure it out. I'll give you a hint. One word. Plateau. No, it doesn't mean "poop" in French.

2. PPV buys are obscure? You based this statement on ... what information exactly? The voices in your own head?

3. TNA toured in bigger arenas this year. It was a test run. This is called being cautious. Being careful. You always check the water before you go swimming. First we had the March 3rd show which was a success. Then they toured some more, learned a lot from that next move and drew their conclusions. Everything points to doing some more shows down the line, and if they too end up being fruitful then I suppose we'll see even more shows on the road.

What your simple mind can't get is the fact that TNA's got a really good deal with Universal. They have a home base. They have a place to run their shows whenever arenas are either no wanting them, they can't pay for it, or whatever other reason there may be. Going on the road full time is I am sure a huge investment. I'd rather have them save their money, do some shows outside of the Impact Zone and some in the Impact Zone and be careful with what they spend, rather than start going for bigger venues, squatting over their deal with Universal and acting like big shots, just to give some random smark a boner. They'll do it when they're ready. Financially that is. Clearly this caution has allowed them to start projects outside of the US, to strike more TV deals and in other words expand globally. Now bad for a glorified indy company, is it.

The only thing that is a mystery is what the hell you'll bitch about in a year, seeing that TNA is improving, evolving and getting better with every passing month. I'm sure you'll find something, you can't spell your name but you sure as hell can scout for faults. At least you're good for something.
In my Honest opinion it would have been better if SKY had just picked up IPW off of the Maori Channel. Then it would be in English and I would be able to actually watch the matches. TNA with TV in New Zealand is a good thing because it means that there is more wrestling on TV, the problem comes from the fact that Friday through Sunday(Monday for PPV) is the only time that Wrestling is on.
Wow, a surprising number of people from New Zealand...Including myself :)

I am looking forword to this, I havent really watched TNA so its gonna be interesting to see just HOW bad it apparently has become/ has always been. And there might be some moments of nostalgia for my dad who will recognise quite a few people in the roster seeing as how he used to be a WCW fan. Its about damn time!!
Lot of Kiwis on here. Good to see. One more to the list. It will be good to be able to have a fair judgement on the quality (or lack thereof) of TNA. I always thought when SKY used to carry the PPVs that they would have picked up iMPACT. It's too bad that this is when they picked it up, rather than the pre-Hogan days.
Good stuff. Now hopefully Australia can get it on a channel that isnt totally shockingly bad and in a package noone ever gets.

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