TNA territories


Pre-Show Stalwart
So it seems like TNA is going to go live next month. My question to everyone is how they would feel if TNA switched venues every season have 4 locations a year, and live, instead of having a ppv every month have a ppv at the last week at that particular venue, simply hav Bound for glory october 1st in Florida or have it in Hammerstein Ballroom as TNA's welcome show to NY. SO what do people think of this idea, and what do people think of these locations

The Hammerstein Ballroom in NY for 4 months october-jan

maybe try their luck with a location in California, or even the UK for 4 weeks in feb.

go back to Tennesse(forgot the Asylum was torn down in june) for 3 months march-may,

Impact Zone in Orlando, (Maybe go to an outside venue) 4 months jun-sept

It would be a great way to get their name out their more and yea it would cost some money but at the same time it would cost less then traveling from one arena to the next. And the could plan their house shows accordingly to whatever location they are in
TNA pays a set amount for renting the impact zone from Universial Studios. This will cost them more and many of these locations they cannot guarantee an audience. Also, The Assylum is/has been torn down. This seems expensive. They want be able to guarantee an audience and it will reduce the size of house shows. This does not seem like it should happen.
thanks for the correction. I see what you mean they have alot of safety in the Impact Zone but the house shows they have done atleast over here in the NY area have sold very well, and in the UK Impact draws more viewers then WWE many weeks, obviously they have the same thing in Florida, and I have lived in memphis it is a pro-wrestling state.

Im sure it will cost money and its not as safe as staying in the impact zone, but traveling is how you draw viewers and while house shows are good, im pretty sure less house shows, and more live televised shows at different venues adds to the excitment and takes away from the second-rate feeling of the same venue every week. Being in different venues is how you generate new fans.

I do see your point about expenses though its definitely would be a large step to take
TNA pays a set amount for renting the impact zone from Universial Studios. This will cost them more and many of these locations they cannot guarantee an audience. Also, The Assylum is/has been torn down. This seems expensive. They want be able to guarantee an audience and it will reduce the size of house shows. This does not seem like it should happen.

TNA pays a set amount. I could've sworn it was Universal Studios actually allowing TNA to hold shows in Universal for free and giving them a set amount of cash since they are an attraction for the theme park. Someone clear this up for me.

But to the OP, has this been confirmed that TNA will be going live or is this speculation? I haven't seen this anywhere. But if it's true, then you're thinking the same exact way I am. Because I've always thought of TNA renting out small venues on the road like the Hammerstein and taping a few shows there along with some house shows. Great idea.
yes it has been confirmed, Dixie announced it on twitter

She said they were going live on 10/7 not everyweek.

But if they are going to travel while it seems safe I think near the end of their stay at each location people would start to get burned out on going. If they only come to a town 4 or 5 times a year it makes it special. Plus if you know they are going to be in town for one day it would make you want to go. Then at that event or a few weeks after they can say when they will be back.
Actually Universal Studios pays TNA to hold their events there and for the right to have park goers be able to get in for free as part of their park admission charge, not the other way around. But all in all, it's actually pretty cheap for TNA to do these events as they don't have to pay any traveling costs in a day and age where gas is a motherfucker. That way, they can curtail the costs of setting up at a different venue every week, use the packed crowd in the Impact Zone to sell the look for live events, where they can be more hands on and personal.

I think that this idea would work, but only if certain stipulations were in order.

1. The first would need to be that they could use a venue with a guaranteed weekly packed house, meaning that the venue would need to be adjoined with something where it's not the main attraction. Something where they can leave a regular stage set up to insure maximum safety when you do add ons for gimmicks. I mean lord knows, we don't want to take the chance of another Owen Hart incident by having someone with a limited budget trying to pull off some Hollywood shit in an untested local.

2. Some kind of contract restructuring would need to be done. As it currently is, majority of TNA's talent pays their own travel costs, which is why many of the stars relocated to Florida. If TNA would fit the bill for tapings, then it would make up for the extra costs, but then TNA would need some considerations in return to make up for it as it would defeat the whole purpose of using the Impact Zone in the first place.

3. TNA would need to shift the location for each taping. Now while having four locations to do tapings from would be kick ass, imagine how fucked up it would look in tv to see one location for four weeks and then to see another the next four weeks and so forth and so on. Even if they did two tapings, it would still have a weirder feel and look than the Impact Zone every week.

4. The would need to go live every week. Now while this would need to be a factual reality, it's very unrealistic. TNA's one strength with it's current rating is that it has a low cost of production. Also, the taping every two weeks schedule free stars up to do things that would enable them to have something to fall back on after wrestling. Yes, I said it. And it's true too. While some stars do the whole TNA live touring from city to city, others have taken the time between tapings to go back to school, start up businesses, and to start movie careers. So this would not be good fr anyone involved.

Your proposition seems to be good on paper, however, each and every stipulation that they would need to have in place contradicts the positives that they have by staying right where they are right now. Sure it gets boring and sucks, but it is what it is for the time being.
Actually Universal Studios pays TNA to hold their events there and for the right to have park goers be able to get in for free as part of their park admission charge, not the other way around. But all in all, it's actually pretty cheap for TNA to do these events as they don't have to pay any traveling costs in a day and age where gas is a motherfucker. That way, they can curtail the costs of setting up at a different venue every week, use the packed crowd in the Impact Zone to sell the look for live events, where they can be more hands on and personal.

I think that this idea would work, but only if certain stipulations were in order.

1. The first would need to be that they could use a venue with a guaranteed weekly packed house, meaning that the venue would need to be adjoined with something where it's not the main attraction. Something where they can leave a regular stage set up to insure maximum safety when you do add ons for gimmicks. I mean lord knows, we don't want to take the chance of another Owen Hart incident by having someone with a limited budget trying to pull off some Hollywood shit in an untested local.

2. Some kind of contract restructuring would need to be done. As it currently is, majority of TNA's talent pays their own travel costs, which is why many of the stars relocated to Florida. If TNA would fit the bill for tapings, then it would make up for the extra costs, but then TNA would need some considerations in return to make up for it as it would defeat the whole purpose of using the Impact Zone in the first place.

3. TNA would need to shift the location for each taping. Now while having four locations to do tapings from would be kick ass, imagine how fucked up it would look in tv to see one location for four weeks and then to see another the next four weeks and so forth and so on. Even if they did two tapings, it would still have a weirder feel and look than the Impact Zone every week.

4. The would need to go live every week. Now while this would need to be a factual reality, it's very unrealistic. TNA's one strength with it's current rating is that it has a low cost of production. Also, the taping every two weeks schedule free stars up to do things that would enable them to have something to fall back on after wrestling. Yes, I said it. And it's true too. While some stars do the whole TNA live touring from city to city, others have taken the time between tapings to go back to school, start up businesses, and to start movie careers. So this would not be good fr anyone involved.

Your proposition seems to be good on paper, however, each and every stipulation that they would need to have in place contradicts the positives that they have by staying right where they are right now. Sure it gets boring and sucks, but it is what it is for the time being.

I would agree with 100% of your post when you break it down alot of chips would have to fall into the right place and alot of money would have to be invested, I looked at this from a stand point of the next move for tna, after eventually going live, they way i look at it is TNA has done nothing but gotten better year after year, so eventually a move to popularize themselves as a company is bound to happen, but yes the financials might not be their just yet
TNA just doesn't have the financial resources at this time to move out of the Impact Zone even on a semi-regular basis and hold shows for extended periods in other venues. If they did, I'd imagine that they would have already been doing it by now.

As has been said, Universal Studios pays TNA a certain amount to film iMPACT! there. TNA probably also gets paid on a weekly episode basis the way Raw and Smackdown do in their respective networks, but there's no knowing how much they get as their financial records aren't public domain. However, I would imagine that it's probably a mere pitance to what the WWE gets for their shows. The Impact Zone is a safe base of operations for TNA in general and while TNA does sometimes get criticized for looking "second rate" because of the Impact Zone, they don't really have a choice. It's not as if Dixie can pop a squat and come up with all the capital that they need and TNA in general doesn't have the vast financial backing and resources that WCW operated with. In a nutshell, they're realistically doing the best they can with what they've got.

Also, there's no indication at this time that TNA iMPACT! will be going live each week. After 10/7, iMPACT! is going back to it's regular taping schedule at least for a while. The decision to go live each week might happen eventually, or even seen after the tapings. I'd imagine a lot might hinge on what kind of numbers they pull in on 10/7 because airing a live television show isn't all that cheap, especially each week. Besides, it's not as if we haven't seen iMPACT! aired live before.
How about a similar version of this idea, one halfway stolen from Ring of Honor:

Figure out some regular tour stops to tape Impact from two or three times a year. Aim at a schedule where you tape an Impact in New York in February, June and October, in Philadelphia in January, May and September, Greensboro in March, July and November, and London in April, August and December.

One question is, how expensive is it to do a taping outside the Impact Zone, if you're not going live.
the last i heard was that tna house shows draw really well. maybe going live from different areas would work although i agree there would be a greater cost to the company. i have watched wrestling since the late 60's and i remember when the big promotions came near what an event it was. we would regularly drive(as i am from east tenness) to asheville and greensborough for special events.
I would agree with 100% of your post when you break it down alot of chips would have to fall into the right place and alot of money would have to be invested, I looked at this from a stand point of the next move for tna, after eventually going live, they way i look at it is TNA has done nothing but gotten better year after year, so eventually a move to popularize themselves as a company is bound to happen, but yes the financials might not be their just yet

You're very right. TNA has gotten better every year, no matter what anybody says about not centering about the X-Division anymore. I mean shit, you can either have an X-Division concentrated company like ROH and pretty much look half assed for life or you can start doing like your main competition and move the heavyweights and ladies. I mean hell, you were TNA before you started making it seem like that was because it stands for Total Nonstop Action.

If anything, I think that TNA could expand if it goes live in the future. Smackdown moving to SyFi has left MyTV with a huge original programing gap that I am sure it would love to fill with either another wrestling program or an MMA program instead of churning out more episodes of Law and Order: Criminal Intent and My Name is Earl to fill that void. If TNA were to do a live night and a taped night, I think that it could bring alot of attention towards the Spike program and increase ratings. I mean they have enough Smackdown familiar faces on their roster already, so people would tune in. They could even have an ECW-like show to make it seem like there are separate brands. And storylines would have more time to play out as well if you decided to just do two Impact types shows.

Plus, another positive would be that with a still developing network like MyTV, there really isn't alot of pressure to bring in big ratings off of the bat and the other programs there already have mature content as well. So if you ask me, while territories would be an interesting move, pitching a show to MyTv would be the smarter deal. One that would help build towards the future growth of TNA.
I think that they should take a camera crew to the live out of town venues and tape those shows. Use a minimum production crew, just enough to get the show on tape. Bring the tape back to Orlando and edit it into a two hour show. Keep this show purely the live event without storyline development, make it one match after another with no bullshit in between. Restrict any promos to personal promos where its only the wrestler talking about himself with no mention of any competitors other than the one they are facing that night. Give the viewers a look at what it is like to be at a live event. For one thing I think it would increase house show attendence because people would have a chance of being on TV by attending the show. It would also give the TV audience watching the house show incentive to go to a TNA event when it came near them. The major problem is finding TV time to air the show. I don't know if TNA has an exclusive agreement with Spike or not. If they don't, try to get this show on another network. If done well, it would drive viewership to Spike and increase the ratings there. I'm sure there are people who never even think to see what is on Spike TV and flip to their few favorite channels to see whats on there like I do most times. If suddenly TNA showed up on one of their favorite channels they might just watch and then also tune into Spike for Impact. If they have an exclusive with Spike, I'm sure they could find a "dead" show in their lineup that could be replaced with this new show. What would really be cool is if the new show did better than Impact and showed TNA to put more emphasis on wrestling matches and llittle less on the storyline.


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