TNA Talents Bashing WWE is getting annoying

I for one hope that this new Monday night war does what the original war did...make wrestling better for all the fans. During the original Monday night wars, yes there were some questionable storylines and tired angles, but it also ushered in some of the most entertaining wrestling that we've seen in ages...if TNA needs to blast WWE on the air to do so, I'm ok with it as they did quite a bit of it back in the old Monday night wars on both sides and it made for some entertaining product to watch.
Mr ratings, congrats to you for posting that reply! WWE has been around for 50 years, so of course EVERY wrestling fan knows them. Not to mention every KID that tunes in and watches John Cena every monday night. Kids don't watch TNA because of how edgy it is and how much sense it USUALLY makes.

Of course kids watch TNA, to say otherwise is just as stupid as saying somehting that's spam isn't.

and Mikeyboy, great comment lol just watch out for Lee, he'll consider that spamming LOL

Silly boy

The big thing about TNA bashing WWE constantly is they want to reignite the wars. And that's actually a great thing if you think about it.

Yeah but put of everyone to bitch about it surely Shannon Moore is the least qualified. You know if WWE offered him a contract he'd eat up the opportunity, just like he did in 2006. Everyone knows he's only in TNA because he's mates with Jeff.

Who has better WRESTLERS? TNA. They actually, you know, wrestle. Most WWE matches are scripted and the moves are all scripted, for the most part. If they had a real match between Samoa Joe and Cena....poor poor cena....

And you're telling me TNA isn't scripted? If you believe the matches in TNA aren't scripted you have delusions of grandeur to the highest level. Who has the better wrestlers you ask? Well that depends on what you like. If you like wrestling to flow and have logic, then WWE is the place for you, if you like spot, nothing, spot, nothing, spot, finish. Then TNA is the place for you, both have wrestling, just very different styles of approach. If you like blood and bewbs then TNA is your place, if you like some good wholesome family fun then WWE is for you. The fact that people can't look past the ratings is pretty sad, it's the same as arguing South Park is better than friends because friends is rated PG without even looking into WHY it's better.
I hate it when tna talents bash wwe, its just old, it was wuite interesting when wcwdid it, buts its gone too old.

wcw would talk about wwe ever week on nitro, yehh wat a way to advertise your rivals..:wtf: look what happened to wcw, it died..wwe never talkd bout wcw. remember the fingerpoke of doom incident...

tna should concentrate on their own show and leave wwe alone..i mean look at dell, they dont advertise hewlett packard products do they??

tna is doing the same thing,
If TNA wants to waste its time and energy bashing the WWE, let them. It's not hurting the WWE one bit and does little more than cater to those in the IWC that consistently bash the WWE anyhow. When it comes to the majority of wrestlers on the TNA roster, this does include Shannon Moore, they'd jump at the opportunity to work in the WWE as most of them sure as shit aren't making any money working for TNA. Shannon Moore is singing the praises of TNA right now because TNA is actually using him for something. He's appearing on iMPACT! and ppvs, hence he's actually making some money. However, let's see if he's still as high on them if they start leaving him off tv and ppvs for a two or three month stretch like they do with three quarters of their roster.

As for who has the superior product, it all depends on what you like. Yes, ratings do play an important factor in the overall success a product is generating for the company. However, quality is all a matter of opinion. For me, I prefer WWE wrestling because it has a natural flow to it, most often has logic, tells a story, has psychology to it, etc. Now, that's not to say that they don't put on matches that don't waste time and are meaningless filler. As far as TNA goes, most of their matches generally fall into one of two categories. Usually, they're either clusterfucks in which the matches are overbooked and filled with 5, 6 or 7 wrestlers with overly complicated and/or outright meaningless stipulations. Spotfests are exactly what they sound like, matches filled with high spots and not much of anything else and are completely forgettable 5 minutes after they take place. In TNA, if you prefer seeing blood and a few four letter words tossed out every so often, then it's probably the place for you. In the WWE, if you prefer something that anybody between the ages of 12 and 70 can watch and still be entertained, then it would probably be for you. Far too much emphasis is put on the PG rating by some fans, particularly as they try to make it seem as though the entire WWE audience is between the ages of 10 and 12. In actuality, about 60-63% of the WWE's audience is male and 61% of those males are between the ages of 18-49 and that's about the same as the male demographic of TNA. Now, while TNA claims to be the "more adult" product, a lot of people simply aren't buying into it due to the fact that they don't do anything edgier than have a few chicks run around in skimpy outfits, say a few words like ass every couple of shows and spill some blood. If that impresses you, more power to you but, to me, it's little more than a smokescreen.

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