TNA Talents Bashing WWE is getting annoying


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Is anybody else getting annoyed with the amount of time TNA puts into their daily routine just to bash WWE. Since TNA has declared war against McMahon what has vinny mac or anyone apart of the WWE done to discredit TNA. I almost lose more respect for TNA simply because it seems they are desperate to compete when they all know it's just impossible to right now.

The only thing Vince has done since the War that possibly hurt TNA was counter Hogan's debut with Bret Hart's return.

Since the war what is this.. Shannon Moore's 3rd-4th negative comment towards WWE?

"It sucks to hear that people lost jobs today. From what I hear that place is a black hole anyway. Alot of peeps are miserable going to work. They dont understand what talent is. They would rather hire a jackass that don't know nothing about the biz rather than someone that loves it and pay pennies on the dollar to get someone to sign their life away. I think that the talent should think about making the jump. I thank god everyday for my chance to be family with TNA. From the office to talent in TNA it's nothing but fun. All I can say is @tnadixie thank you for bringing me into the family. I love going to work. Hogan F'N rocks. I wear TNA colors with pride and will bust my ass to better the company.TNA TNA TNA TNA"

Hey Shannon.. It sucks to hear TNA just released two of their best talents (Creed and Daniels) too... Quit acting like WWE is the jack*** org, the week after Hogan took over 5 wrestlers asked for their releases and we can confirm Homicide and Kazarian (another two of their best superstars) were two of them. Your own President had to have a meeting with the talent asking the talent to be supportive and if they weren't to ask for their release.. (and then she had the audacity to not even give the 5 that spoke up) Not to mention they aired this for some reason :S

Not to mention.. E continue to bash Vinny Mac on national TV

"Wait, your going to create a football organization to compete with the NFL, how dumb can you be"

You know what makes McMahon the best head... He knows he doesn't have to take shots at his competition to get his talent over. TNA has the talent to get over but they focus more on Mike Tenay making sure he says the line "Call and Text all your friends, because the best wrestling show on monday night is live right now" at least 7 times an episode.

I'll give Vince credit, he's literally crushing them in every aspect of the business (Ratings, PPV Buys, Merchandise, ECT) and he still just takes there remarks and smiles. If you compare it to a similiar fan base.. Dana White is in the same situation as Vince and he goes ballistic every time a rival org mentions the UFC. If I was Vince and I had to listen to Eric's remarks week in and week out, I'd be starting out Raw on the Cell phone "Wait a second, you're telling me your going to put the Championship on David Arquette and have Jay Leno pin your World Champion?" We all know he doesn't though.

The most TNA bashing that's happened since the War has came from Jim Cornette (well deserved for the way he was treated) and Bill Goldberg who has the occasional twitter jab at Russo and Hogan (once again deserved) Neither of the two are with the WWE and Cornette even despises WWE and he's rooting for them in the War.

1. Every day wrestling fans – the type who don't rely on the internet dirt sheets to spoil the results of taped shows so they can sit on an internet forum somewhere from the solitude of their mother's basement debating said results – don't give a flying fuck about what a wrestler says on his Twitter account. Most probably don't even know what Twitter is, and far fewer don't understand the difference between on-air talent and Twitter posts that are written by the real performer.

What's so wrong with what Shannon had to say? It's what he feels as a performer who worked at both companies. Good for him if he enjoys his time in TNA more than in the WWE who've had a history of making their talents feel unwanted/not at home if they're not actually related to Vince by blood or law, or friends with said blood or law relatives.

In the real world, they call what you're doing by using Moore's comments as proof of TNA knocking the WWE "grasping for straws", or a "reach".

2. I think it's entertaining that they take pot shots at the WWE, and I have very little issue with them doing so as a means to add comedic value to their product. TNA caters very much so to the IWC who make up a very large majority of their audience, and the ICW laugh at "insider" jokes like that, so why is it so bad?

If it hurt your feelings so much, stop watching the show. Otherwise, quit bitching about something so miniscule and irrelevant to the product.
1. Every day wrestling fans – the type who don't rely on the internet dirt sheets to spoil the results of taped shows so they can sit on an internet forum somewhere from the solitude of their mother's basement debating said results – don't give a flying fuck about what a wrestler says on his Twitter account. Most probably don't even know what Twitter is, and far fewer don't understand the difference between on-air talent and Twitter posts that are written by the real performer.

What's so wrong with what Shannon had to say? It's what he feels as a performer who worked at both companies. Good for him if he enjoys his time in TNA more than in the WWE who've had a history of making their talents feel unwanted/not at home if they're not actually related to Vince by blood or law, or friends with said blood or law relatives.

In the real world, they call what you're doing by using Moore's comments as proof of TNA knocking the WWE "grasping for straws", or a "reach".

2. I think it's entertaining that they take pot shots at the WWE, and I have very little issue with them doing so as a means to add comedic value to their product. TNA caters very much so to the IWC who make up a very large majority of their audience, and the ICW laugh at "insider" jokes like that, so why is it so bad?

If it hurt your feelings so much, stop watching the show. Otherwise, quit bitching about something so miniscule and irrelevant to the product.

TNA Caters to the IWC? 2005 called.. they want your post back..

Good reply Helen... The IWC bashes TNA more than newbies my friend. And for good reason.. They gave up the product that drew us all in for a product that resembles what they bash on a daily basis.

This is the same company that just wasted a face winning their world title on one hour notice... A 4 yr old could book a better angle than that... Don't get me wrong.. the match was phenominal.. but there is a reason they got a 0.9-1.0.... Same mistake WCW made with booking Goldberg vs Hogan on 4 days notice on national tv.. It could of broke records on ppv but Eric doesn't care about PPV.. all he cares about is being better than Vince.. and he's clearly not..

Until you can make logic points that defend TNA wasting time on bashing WWE instead of pushing talent.. I'll keep "bitching" nerd.
I'd rather watch a show that insults its competition than my intelligence, but that's just me. I really don't give a rats ass about what wrestlers say outside of TV. Its their live. They can live it however they want. However what I do see on TV is true. Eric jabbed the guest host concept. It was spot on. Jericho did mock Hogan taunts on Jan 4th. If you say it then you were watching Raw, right? All's fair in love and war. And what do you people refer to this? The "WWE vs TNA Monday Night Wars"? Who gives a shit. Just give me some wrestling and keep McGruber away from it.
I'd rather watch a show that insults its competition than my intelligence, but that's just me. I really don't give a rats ass about what wrestlers say outside of TV. Its their live. They can live it however they want. However what I do see on TV is true. Eric jabbed the guest host concept. It was spot on. Jericho did mock Hogan taunts on Jan 4th. If you say it then you were watching Raw, right? All's fair in love and war. And what do you people refer to this? The "WWE vs TNA Monday Night Wars"? Who gives a shit. Just give me some wrestling and keep McGruber away from it.

The guest host angles are a joke.. no one is going to dispute that..

Both shows are putting out horrible shows in my mind... Were not even a month removed from Brian Knobbs taking up 10-15 min an impact. We still have to witness Hornswoggle get 15 min a show...

Neither of the two are putting out their best but its ridiculous that TNA keeps bashing WWE when their product sucks just as bad right now.
TNA Caters to the IWC? 2005 called.. they want your post back..

Good reply Helen... The IWC bashes TNA more than newbies my friend. And for good reason.. They gave up the product that drew us all in for a product that resembles what they bash on a daily basis.

Yes, asshole, TNA caters to the IWC, and that's made proof positive by the undeniable fact that they run the gamut of their promotions through it. They do a pre and post-show online for iMPACT! every week, they have a weekly YouTube segment called Spin Cycle and they utilize YouTube, Facebook and Twitter more than any other wrestling promotion in the US, so how exactly do they not? Oh, that's right – they don't all have accounts on this forum, and don't debate the microcosms of their broadcasting, so they obviously don't care what any of us have to say, right? :rolleyes:

By the way, 1998 called. They want that joke back. Some guy named "Wasssuppppppppppp" also left a message. Not sure if that was for you or not?

Until you can make logic points that defend TNA wasting time on bashing WWE instead of pushing talent.. I'll keep "bitching" nerd.

Because the second half of my post wasn't a logical point?

Let's try this again, nice and slow and I'll hold your hand like a small child so even you can understand:

I (that being me. Still with me, chief?) personally (that means it's my opinion as a fan) think it's entertaining (isn't that the job of the company – to entertain me as a fan?) that they take pot shots at their competition, as it adds comedic value (you know, those segments when you laugh?) to their product (the thing they show every week).
WWE did the same thing when they were going up against WCW, if memory serves me correctly. "The Nacho Man," "The Huckster," putting WCW on a little Bret Hart impersonator's ass, and invading the WCW offices come to mind. So really, is a twitter and a few snide remarks really that much compared to what WWE did back in the day when they were the underdog going up against the larger foe?

It's competition. You are going to get that in every aspect of life. I wouldn't want TNA to come out on TV and say "You know what? WWE's great. You should watch their show instead of us." No. You want them to fight tooth and nail with the competition to show how different they are. And to be honest, TNA has taken small steps towards that. I don't see them really having a full-out war with WWE at least for a while. I think they are just aiming right now to get above the 1.3 range, which is a little hard to measure given they have two showings of the same show.

Bottom Line though: I actually appreciate the comments Moore made because it shows that he has some sort of investment in this company. And for his few thousand Twitter followers, they will say "Oh, burn." And the football joke by Bischoff was so small that I don't think it came across as anything mean. After all, Vince has joked about the XFL over and over again on his show. But to say that TNA is going over the top to attack WWE is a little much, considering the history of WWE's past attacks on WCW.
Children, children, why all the fighting? First off, this should probably be in the WWE vs. TNA thread because that is what it is turning into. Pot shots at each other over a wrestling forum are infinitely weaker than pot shots at rival wrestling promotions.

As far as what started all this, I interviewed Shannon back in December before he was employed by TNA and I got the sense that he preferred TNA even then. That is his opinion and he told me that he regretted the fact that he had to go back to WWE in 2005 due to financial obligations. Careerwise, he always felt more comfortable with TNA and that is fine. Some guys will prefer WWE, some will prefer TNA. I don't think it's arguable though that at this point, WWE is still the place to go regardless of "low morale" that is a rumor for both promotions. We love rumors on these boards, but you have to have the ability to decipher what matters.

I think it's a little much to bash WWE on television, but TNA hasn't done that in over a month. I personally don't find it funny, but what do I know.........I only do stand up! Pick you product and enjoy it. However, don't fabricate things like "Hornswoggle gets 15 minutes of TV time" when he barely gets 1. It's one thing to argue facts, but it's entirely another to fabricate things to make an argument. No one will take you seriously when you use lies or stretches of the truth as the basis for an argument and that goes for both of you. I used the Hornswoggle thing, but the Nastys were also featured for like 5 minutes every 2 weeks so it's equally inept as an argument. Just enjoy wrestling and stop bashing each other!!!
I'm totally fine with TNA doing it. They're trying to bring pride back to the product. Taking jabs at WWE is something I'm glad they're doing, and I want WWE to retaliate. It'll make their product better.

When TNA does this, either it goes over people's head but they're entertained anyway because comments about starting a football league in general are just silly, or it's entertaining because they don't care. No harm at all. In either sense, it's entertaining.

"Both shows are putting out horrible shows in my mind... Were not even a month removed from Brian Knobbs taking up 10-15 min an impact. We still have to witness Hornswoggle get 15 min a show..."

I've been fortunate enough to be getting a non-IWC opinion on both shows. My girlfriend starting watching with me to get herself more involved in my life, and has actually grown to enjoy TNA. When we got Wrestlemania, she was bored out of her mind, and found nothing remotely interesting about any of the storylines. She said that she'd rather watch a random impact than what is supposed to be the greatest show in sports entertainment. She also has severe ADD, and can get through a full episode of TNA, while WWE practically makes her cry. She's not in on the business or real life feuds going on, or even what the difference is on paper between what TNA is trying to do and what WWE is trying to do. She specifically said, unprovoked, "Why does it seem like WWE is purposely aimed at children? It makes me feel dumb watching it, like if someone saw me watching Sesame Street".

Point is, it's simply more entertaining, and if Vince doesn't realize that, he's going to eventually lose. Of course WWE is going to be crushing TNA in every respect right now. It would be a miracle if it were even close. But Vince had the same reaction when WCW started getting big, and they eventually lost in the ratings for way too long. Vince not responding to TNA doesn't make him a bigger man, it makes him a confident man, which isn't the same thing by any means. He's got an ego, and if he doesn't change his product, then when all the kids age a few years, he's going to be screwed. Vince hasn't been planning for long term, because he never had to. He now rushes and puts titles on new guys just for the sake of it without a proper build and it'll continue to fail. If TNA can constantly point out the flaws in WWE, then it'll set them apart. If Mickie James gets hired by TNA and her first gimmick is how she was treated like a pig in her old job, GREAT FOR HER. She should say something about that on national television. I think it's a mistake on WWE's part for not saying anything.
All it does is continue to make TNA look like a small-time production. They aren't really concerned with improving their product, as the main event in the last PPV really showed.
I'd rather have a day go by where a forum post isn't started about how terrible TNA is and how they will never measure up to what is apparently the golden idol that is the WWE. That won't happen any time soon so I deal with it.

If talent is mistreated in WWE and jumps to TNA then I feel they have the right to bash them if they so choose. Some won't and some will and I accept that. If WWE acknowledged TNA's existence I'm sure you'd have one or two of the TNA-to-WWE jumpers bashing them. It's how it worked in the 90's and it's how it will always work.
I'd rather have a day go by where a forum post isn't started about how terrible TNA is and how they will never measure up to what is apparently the golden idol that is the WWE. That won't happen any time soon so I deal with it.

If talent is mistreated in WWE and jumps to TNA then I feel they have the right to bash them if they so choose. Some won't and some will and I accept that. If WWE acknowledged TNA's existence I'm sure you'd have one or two of the TNA-to-WWE jumpers bashing them. It's how it worked in the 90's and it's how it will always work.

Talent is mistreated in TNA, ROH, CZW, Dragon Gate, ECT.

Just because WWE has proven to be the best over the past couple decades doesn't mean that they should get poked at more for mis treating talent. Hell the NFL is the biggest money making machine in sports/entertainment and they still treat their talent like garbage. The TNA marks love to jump on these WWE releases even though they fail to even realize TNA does the same thing...
I didn't mean that TNA doesn't screw over talent, just that every other org, as you pointed out, does too. TNA's screwed over LAX by splitting them up, Ron Killings near the end, Christopher Daniels near his end, and others. The X-Division is largely irrelevant now. If they went to the WWE and said they are finally given a chance to shine then that's fine.

I just want people to remember that complaining about the competition after talent was fired or left was a mainstay during the Attitude era. And remember that WWE has put down TNA, if not by name then by proxy. Remember what Edge said when Jeff Hardy came back? "I thought you died like three years ago." I enjoy TNA and WWE now about equally but I'm really getting sick of internet d-bags constantly trashing TNA for minor mistakes while ignoring WWE's problems. I was really pulling for Raw this past Monday to be a big game changer but they just did the same thing they always do with a different skin. It was 10 minutes of a good show surrounded by 110 minutes of crap.
To say that Shannon Moore's comments were attacking WWE is stupid. Its his opinion and he can have it if he wants. Also he has every right to say what he said because WWE treated him like crap, i cant even remember anything he did but TNA at least uses him and lets him be himself.

TNA constantly insults WWE because they are trying to start the war again from WCW vs. WWF. During those times, they constantly insulted each other. For godsakes DX drove a tank to a WCW arena.

They think that doing that kind of stuff is edgy and will get better ratings, what they should be doing is booking better but thats a different subject. Its annoying but its really not that big of a deal and until they start getting better ratings no one is going to care.

Vince is doing exactly what he should be doing...nothing. He doesnt give a shit about what TNA has to say because in his eyes they are not a competiton to him and lets face it, right now, they're not. Last week was one of their best shows in a long time and it still only pulled in a 1.0 Thats NXT and ECW ratings, thats not good.

Raw was one of the shittiest shows this week and they still got a 3.0 which tells Vince that he doesnt even have to try to beat TNA. So if you really want TNA to stop insulting WWE all the time then for godsakes watch TNA and help the ratings.
I dont really care about TNA taking WWE superstars, but one reason I dnt like TNA anymore is because of that reason! TNA should build up their own credentials and superstars. The reason why wwe is so famous because they did that to hogan and cena. TNA should kno they r not WWE theyre TNA. Create your own superstars and build them up
It's funny how you mention two TNA wrestlers asking for releases when Hogan came in. Where are they now? Back in TNA. Kaz and Homicide are both in the big picture in TNA now. They didn't like what they THOUGHT would happen, but it seems like they don't mind it now
It's funny how you mention two TNA wrestlers asking for releases when Hogan came in. Where are they now? Back in TNA. Kaz and Homicide are both in the big picture in TNA now. They didn't like what they THOUGHT would happen, but it seems like they don't mind it now

How about you continue to read...

Dixie wouldn't grant them their release even though she said she would if they spoke up. Homicide has been asking for his release for a while now. Why do you think there getting such a push now?... I'd push two of my best talents if they were asking for their walking papers as well..
If TNA wants to waste their air time bashing the WWE instead of focusing on what their doing that's on them. I personally would just worry about making a descent product. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I just think Shannon Moore looks like an ass with his comments. If TNA is so great why did he leave them high and dry back in '06 to go back to WWE?

I doubt they wouldn't have brought him back if he wasn't friends with Jeff Hardy. They had no interest in him after WWE released him a second time. He showed up with Hardy on the January 4th Impact, but wasn't used again till Hardy signed a contract. I would say that shows they only took him cause Hardy asked them to. Now he has all this TNA pride will see what happens when Hardy leaves I'm sure he'll be gone and bashing TNA from the indies.

I didn't see him saying it was a shame Creed, Daniels, Roxi, Traci Brooks lost their jobs. It sucks when anyone loses their job. Unfortunately it has to happen in pro wrestling. The ones that are not getting over have to go to make room for new guys that come. It happens in both companies I'm sure TNA will release more soon.
Look, Bweezy - everyone's entitled to their opinions, and Moore was just expressing his. It's not like he cut a ten-minute promo on Impact to air his grievances, he complained via the internet...much like you did, when you started this thread.
hey bweezy, you said so yourself that she'd release them if they wanted to. And they didn't. so APPARENTLY they weren't too upset with the show. And all Shannon said was WWE misuses their talent and doesn't treat them right. Which sounds kinda like he's happier in TNA. There's some thing to be said when talent makes comments like that about a show they WERE on. He wasn't in character on TV, this was an internet post from him, like Idioteque said, and I fully back him up on his comments. Why do you think so many stars are going straight to TNA once their no compete clause ends? Why do you think so many ex WWE stars are HAPPY in TNA? You aren't there for the backstage politics, none of us are. That's why people like Moore post shit online, so we can get an idea of how life in WWE and TNA are. And when they do crack open that window, people like you want to call it bashing when in truth it's just how business is done. WWE is more business like and TNA is more family like. Don't call some one a basher just because he didn't like the atmosphere in WWE. Damn people will find ANY reason to hate some thing they don't like, won't they?
You know whats funny to me.... TNA haters love to bring up the ratings as if to say "WWE's ratings are so much higher therefore its a better show"

Uh no, the reason why WWE has the higher rating is cause they developed a fanbase over 50 years. And in that 50 years they have built a tradition, which means the people who watched it passed the word on, told their kids about it, and the kids spread it around and so on and so forth.

My point is that TNA ( a upstart company ) is taking on a established fanbase 50 years in the making. If WWE was in its 8th year too, TNA would most likely be kicking its ass in the ratings.

And dont bring up WCW. WCW was built upon the ashes of the NWA ( back when the NWA was relevant and was WWEs cheif competition ). And WCW contained all of the NWA stars. Where as TNA was built upon the NWA that was already 15 years into its death from popularity ( i said that cause i know NWA is still around ).

So TNA has to do whatever they can to get more notoriety. If that means taking shots at the big dog then so be it. Its like what disciple said earlier, WWE was taking big shots at the bigger dog. So why oh why is TNA now in the wrong for doing it?

When DDP made his WWE debut what did he say? He said "I wanted to make a IMPACT, so I went after the biggest dog in the yard!". This is still a good example even though Vince squashed him cause he wasn't his creation.

DDP's WWE debut.... Give it another watch if you have the time.
Mr ratings, congrats to you for posting that reply! WWE has been around for 50 years, so of course EVERY wrestling fan knows them. Not to mention every KID that tunes in and watches John Cena every monday night. Kids don't watch TNA because of how edgy it is and how much sense it USUALLY makes.

and Mikeyboy, great comment lol just watch out for Lee, he'll consider that spamming LOL

The big thing about TNA bashing WWE constantly is they want to reignite the wars. And that's actually a great thing if you think about it. Who has better WRESTLERS? TNA. They actually, you know, wrestle. Most WWE matches are scripted and the moves are all scripted, for the most part. If they had a real match between Samoa Joe and Cena....poor poor cena....
Who has better WRESTLERS? TNA. They actually, you know, wrestle. Most WWE matches are scripted and the moves are all scripted, for the most part. If they had a real match between Samoa Joe and Cena....poor poor cena....

First of all just because TNA arguably has more wrestling doesn't mean they have better wrestlers. Secondly, of course most WWE matches are scripted, well actually all of them are scripted. This is pro wrestling, everything is suppose to be scripted. I hope you're not implying TNA doesn't script there matches. Thirdly, why in the world would Cena and Samoa Joe wrestle a real match? Again this is pro wrestling not amateur wrestling so it's irrelevant who would win in a real match.

Now for my opinion about the WWE bashing, I don't really mind it coming from wretlers while they are not in character. It's their personal life and their personal experience so they can say what they want. However I don't feel TNA should be bashing WWE onscreen. By doing so it makes them look minor league. It's just a fact that the bigger promotion will not acknowledge the smaller one because they don't want to let their fans be aware of another promotion and the smaller promotion will always bash the bigger one in hopes of getting some attention. The WWE and TNA should just do their own things and focus more on their own show then the other company's show.
If they had a real match between Samoa Joe and Cena....poor poor cena....

Small anecdotal thing but Cena and Joe are friends as are a bunch of TNA/WWE wrestlers. Cena can put on a good match but he has a terrible character for that, which is my main problem with WWE. They have amazingly talented wrestlers but they don't utilize them which is what I find so disappointing. They've somehow got many marks to think that putting on a good match on Raw is "giving away a PPV match for free," and putting on a good match on one of the not big four(three now?) PPVs takes away from them.

And one thing that really pisses me off is when, like this Monday, they have a big tag team match featuring mainly main event guys, and Festus, what happens? One of them will be pinned in 3-5 minutes whereas each of these guys, minus Festus, can wrestle an hour straight and make you believe they could still win. This would be a neat shock if it didn't happen twice a week.
hey bweezy, you said so yourself that she'd release them if they wanted to. And they didn't. so APPARENTLY they weren't too upset with the show. And all Shannon said was WWE misuses their talent and doesn't treat them right. Which sounds kinda like he's happier in TNA. There's some thing to be said when talent makes comments like that about a show they WERE on. He wasn't in character on TV, this was an internet post from him, like Idioteque said, and I fully back him up on his comments. Why do you think so many stars are going straight to TNA once their no compete clause ends? Why do you think so many ex WWE stars are HAPPY in TNA? You aren't there for the backstage politics, none of us are. That's why people like Moore post shit online, so we can get an idea of how life in WWE and TNA are. And when they do crack open that window, people like you want to call it bashing when in truth it's just how business is done. WWE is more business like and TNA is more family like. Don't call some one a basher just because he didn't like the atmosphere in WWE. Damn people will find ANY reason to hate some thing they don't like, won't they?

You're not understanding this whole release story. They aired the video of her talking and she was quoted on saying if you're not going in our direction than ask for your release and it will be granted. FIVE people than asked for there release and she DIDN'T grant it to them. It's not like out of no where they were all just like "oh wait it's fine now, love you dix" ... No homicide is still rumored to be waiting for his contract to be over..

and can I ask why Shannon Moor is cheering on the "TNA colors" all the way now?.. How about when he left TNA and went back to WWE when the offered him a couple years back? The guy is a hypocrite...

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