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TNA Spin Cycle: Borderline Racist?


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm not the sort of person that offends easily, or that starts witchhunts condemning entertainment as racist or homophobic but this takes the piss:


You have three blokes, all making jokes at a woman because of her Mexican heritage, even the guy who's supposed to be a face. Then there's some classic homophobia to boot. I just found it immensly uncomfortable.

You can tell that JB is clearly embarassed by it all. You can write it off as a work and that Bully Ray is just in character but the "you're both the same colour" line is just fucking attrocious.

I'm not the sort of person that offends easily, or that starts witchhunts condemning entertainment as racist or homophobic but this takes the piss:


You have three blokes, all making jokes at a woman because of her Mexican heritage, even the guy who's supposed to be a face. Then there's some classic homophobia to boot. I just found it immensly uncomfortable.

You can tell that JB is clearly embarassed by it all. You can write it off as a work and that Bully Ray is just in character but the "you're both the same colour" line is just fucking attrocious.


Dude the whole world is racist. doesn't mean its right but everyone is at least a bit racist. It must not be such a big deal or else we would have heard it mentioned on the news and on wrestlezone. Take a chill pill you will live longer.
I'm not the sort of person that offends easily, or that starts witchhunts condemning entertainment as racist or homophobic but this takes the piss:


You have three blokes, all making jokes at a woman because of her Mexican heritage, even the guy who's supposed to be a face. Then there's some classic homophobia to boot. I just found it immensly uncomfortable.

You can tell that JB is clearly embarassed by it all. You can write it off as a work and that Bully Ray is just in character but the "you're both the same colour" line is just fucking attrocious.


Why is it surprising? It's TNA and they thrive on this sort of stuff. TNA fans will swear it's great stuff and that it sets it apart from WWE. Well it does that alright. Clearly, TNA endorses racist views on their air! What a shock!
What I learned from that video, is Bully Ray and James Storm is awesome.
and if Rosita was white and the others was mexican this would never have been brought up, so it's a non issue.
Why is it surprising? It's TNA and they thrive on this sort of stuff. TNA fans will swear it's great stuff and that it sets it apart from WWE. Well it does that alright. Clearly, TNA endorses racist views on their air! What a shock!

Wait, are you suggesting the WWE doesn't do anything racist? Really? Have you seen the many things they've done to Mark Henry? Do you not remember when they dressed DX in black face? It was a comedy bit, but I'm sure some African Americans found it offensive. And let's not get started on WWE's many instances of homophobic behavior. Michael Cole shouldn't even have a job with the company right now. One of the WWE's head writers, Michael Hayes, is a known racist who has used racial slurs in the past. Seriously, is this the first year you've watch pro wrestling?
it's a internet show...who really cares. not a big deal. If the other company can make fun of fat people, have a bully as face of the company...this really is...eh. I see how shit can be offensive but hey...that's the world. spin cycle isnt scripted or atleast it the one show that wasn't when I use to watch it
whys it racist, there are stereotypes EVERYWHERE and as long as we can learn to laugh n live it, were all happier. its a tv joke meant to piss ppl off, who cares
I don't watch it normally so is it usually done in kayfabe? I don't know but if it is kayfabe then it's kayfabe and I'm sure apologies etc were made afterwards to Sarita if she was actually offended. If it wasn't then sure it's not good but it's life they were taking the piss out of the UK and I wasn't offended, admittedly I probably cared even less than they did about the royal wedding so you know.

If Sarita was genuinely offended she would have taken it out with Bully after the show. But it was all just stereotypes. The same way Mexican America come out and insult Americans through stereotypes every week. Same way people like Nigel McGuiness get told to amp up the British accent and get names like Desmond Wolfe. It's just wrestling it lives off stereotypes.
I'm hoping it's a work but the reactions from Borash, Hardy and Rosita tells a different story. Rosita looks like if she was a 200lb man she'd kick Ray's ass. Ray's always been an ass with that " your both the same color " line just proves it
It's about context.

The setup here you have 2 heels mocking another heel about her race. James Storm, THE FACE, also mocks the heel about her race.

Now Rosita didn't seem particularly amused by it all.

Problems also arise in that Rosita is seemingly out of character. She doesn't appear to be a heel at all, she tells a story of how her dad was killed in 9/11. Minutes later the three blokes then continue to mock her. You could tell Borash wasn't advocating any of it, he was her only line of defense. "She is legal," he said to James Storm.

I accept that wrestling is built on lazy stereotypes, but what made this so uncomfortable it didn't work within the context of TNA's character framing, it was just...attrocuious. It's the sort of stuff that gives wrestling a really bad name

This is just so typical TNA ass backward stuff.

And to the bloke who said we're all a little bit racist. No, we are not.
But it was all just stereotypes. The same way Mexican America come out and insult Americans through stereotypes every week. Same way people like Nigel McGuiness get told to amp up the British accent and get names like Desmond Wolfe. It's just wrestling it lives off stereotypes.

Well, to be fair, there is a difference between racism against a minority and racism against the majority group of a particular culture. Racism's bad in any form, but definitely more harmful structurally to underprivileged groups. Mexicans in America have much less power--financial, political, media--than whites, and so they have much less influence on how the majority of the country perceives them. For the majority of wrestling fans, when a white American stereotype is used, it's not as profound an effect, because they get to see white Americans portrayed hundreds of ways through thousands of media outlets. Mexicans don't have this luxury.

And although it's true that white Americans (and Europeans) are also stereotyped, I think that it's sort of problematic that TNA is a company run by white Americans; in any sort of media, it's good to keep the creators in mind (the director of a film, the author of a book) in order to better understand their cultural/historical outlook on things. If this occurred in a Mexican wrestling organization, it would be a totally different thing; but because this occurred in an American company run by white Americans against a minority group, it's kind of offensive. Or, if not offensive, at least not something to brush away, to look at and say "oh everyone's racist, chill out." That kind of apathetic thinking about things can be pretty harmful and doesn't do anything to change the all-too-often unfair status quos of our society.
Wrestling as a whole is usually amazingly racist.
I mean, to put it prespective, Rosita is in a stable called Mexican Americana, and they come out to shit all over the US flag and show off the Mexican flag. It's basically a modern LWO.
Wrestling has never been something for thin skinned people. How often do you see a foreign superstar not have something from their heritage used? Most foreign stars make their careers off their heritage. I will say, Rosita decided to break character and speak without an accent, which should of killed anything they did. I'm taking a guess that this is only partially scripted, and the stars are adlibbing in character between talking points.
Well, to be fair, there is a difference between racism against a minority and racism against the majority group of a particular culture. Racism's bad in any form, but definitely more harmful structurally to underprivileged groups. Mexicans in America have much less power--financial, political, media--than whites, and so they have much less influence on how the majority of the country perceives them. For the majority of wrestling fans, when a white American stereotype is used, it's not as profound an effect, because they get to see white Americans portrayed hundreds of ways through thousands of media outlets. Mexicans don't have this luxury.

And although it's true that white Americans (and Europeans) are also stereotyped, I think that it's sort of problematic that TNA is a company run by white Americans; in any sort of media, it's good to keep the creators in mind (the director of a film, the author of a book) in order to better understand their cultural/historical outlook on things. If this occurred in a Mexican wrestling organization, it would be a totally different thing; but because this occurred in an American company run by white Americans against a minority group, it's kind of offensive. Or, if not offensive, at least not something to brush away, to look at and say "oh everyone's racist, chill out." That kind of apathetic thinking about things can be pretty harmful and doesn't do anything to change the all-too-often unfair status quos of our society.

THIS is the problem with today's thinking. oh it's racism against the big bad white, so it doesn't really matter. but if a white person says anything anywhere even close to being conceived as racist, it's the end of the world, and heads must roll!
So you're okay with blatant racism?

Guess you didn't watch the RAW this week with all their blatant Racist jokes in their opening segment, so this is just another chance for you to get on the bash TNA for everything they do bandwagon and be a hypocrit. Must mean your a racist to since your ok with everything the WWE does that has involved racism.
Is this really thread? That youtube clip was no worse than 99% of all the other crap on there. I guess the LWO, Nation of Domination, that jobber faction Juventud had driving the lawnmowers around weren't racist though. I find it more insulting that Bully Ray, singles heel, wasn't discovered a long time ago.
THIS is the problem with today's thinking. oh it's racism against the big bad white, so it doesn't really matter. but if a white person says anything anywhere even close to being conceived as racist, it's the end of the world, and heads must roll!

Well, I think you kind of misread what I said. Any form of racism/stereotyping is bad. Even against white upper class conservative veteran tax-paying business men. It's bad bad bad. But these "big bad white" guys have much less to lose from racism. They're already on top, and all of their friends control the politicial, business, and media worlds, so you flip the channel, and you can see them in a totally positive, non-stereotyped role. Again, minorities generally do not have this luxury as often.

Heads will roll? No, I didn't say that. I just said that stuff like this isn't something to ignore like many people here are doing. It's something, hell, at least to consider on an internet forum. I'm not asking anyone to write to Congress about it. Just give topics like this the time of day.
It's funny how everyone in the IWC had a problem last week with Miz & Truth but not with this. Maybe it's the WWE hate that blurs peoples minds
I didnt find it to be that bad to be honest. Sure they overdid it with the "mexican" thing but it wasnt anything that we havent already heard. As far as for the gay joke I guess OJ's cool with portraying a steryotype. But if you are offended to the point where you dont want to watch anymore thats understandable. I wouldnt want to be a Mexican TNA fan and be watching that video though.
Is this really thread? That youtube clip was no worse than 99% of all the other crap on there. I guess the LWO, Nation of Domination, that jobber faction Juventud had driving the lawnmowers around weren't racist though. I find it more insulting that Bully Ray, singles heel, wasn't discovered a long time ago.

Wasn't watching when the LWO and NOD were about. I got the distinct impression that the Mexicools were a group of Mexicans adhearing to their own stereotypes purposely to prove a point.

But that doesn't relate to this at all. This is completely out of context as I've explained in my earlier posts. This isn't part of a storyline. This is two bulky white blokes ridiculing a Mexican woman, who clearly isn't in character.

And as for the "its only youtube" responses, this isn't a situation where some dumbass is posting on his channel. This is an official TNA video with racist undertones masquerading as entertainment. There's a huge difference.
So you're okay with blatant racism?

No, but man you think everybody loves everybody? Why do you think we have wars and we had wars since the dawn of time. Some of those wars are for economic reasons but other wars are purely for ethnic reasons. Does the war in the Balkans ring a bell? Hell does World War 2 ring a bell? Everybody is prejudice, does it mean its right? No because if it was we wouldn't have this debate right now. Oh and by the way when was this shot? I ask that because may be part of the Mexican America angle they are running.
Well, I think you kind of misread what I said. Any form of racism/stereotyping is bad. Even against white upper class conservative veteran tax-paying business men. It's bad bad bad. But these "big bad white" guys have much less to lose from racism. They're already on top, and all of their friends control the politicial, business, and media worlds, so you flip the channel, and you can see them in a totally positive, non-stereotyped role. Again, minorities generally do not have this luxury as often.

Heads will roll? No, I didn't say that. I just said that stuff like this isn't something to ignore like many people here are doing. It's something, hell, at least to consider on an internet forum. I'm not asking anyone to write to Congress about it. Just give topics like this the time of day.

and I completly do not understand how it can be less ok when racism is directed at non-white because.. well whites can deal with it better. what kind of logic is that? I'm totally for equal rights for people, but with someone yelling racist at every tiny little thing, racism is always gonna be at the forefront of arguments, when things don't go someone's way. no matter what their race.
rationalizing that "well, whites are in better position to offset racism" is never gonna achieve the goal that so many people (supposedly) have of ending racism. I see no way shape or form this "incident" is anything but a complete non-issue.

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