TNA sign "No Mercy" Tommy Mercer

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Independent wrestler, Tommy Mercer, has reportedly confirmed that he has signed a contract with TNA Wrestling.

Mercer participated in TNA's "Gut Check Challenge" in Orlando earlier this month and had a dark match at the December 6th tapings.



Admittedly, I've never seen this guy perform, so I know very little about him to pass an opinion on about the signing. His build looks impressive, and his promo (above) was adequate, but otherwise that's all I have to work with him on.

Does anyone know anything about this guy?

It's being said that Mercer is set to make his debut in the next month.
I saw the guy in a web match feature Jerry Lynn and he held his own. Admittedly the other talent in the match (was tag match but turned into a four corner) was not great and there were some awful FU spots, but Mercer looked out.

He's kinda like a Test/Goldberg/Vance Archer mix. He's got the potential to be an imposing muscle guy, but at the minute looks a little lanky. Oh, and his attempts at kicks and punches are AWFUL - almost Hogan bad. He does have good agility, especially a HHH esc high knee. His finisher, a Katatonic esc swinging front slam into almost a Lethal Combination ending in a reverse STO is impressive from someone his size. Stills looks a little green though and honestly, might have been better waiting for the call from FCW as he has attibutes which I think would see him go further in WWE mold.
I youtubed him and watched a highlight reel of his work. I mean he doesn't look any greener than Shamus, Swagger, or anybody in Nexus in their earlier work but he does have a good look and great execution, something that many wrestlers are lacking these days. Many wrestlers forget that you have to sell your moves just as much as the guy receiving it. if you doubt this, then just take a look at the Ortons and the Cena's who put alot of bounce and emphasis on their end of it to sell the force. The other half is selling the impact, which is up to the receiver. But he does have potential. I think that this is a pretty good signing for TNA over signing someone who may just be a name who could be out of shape and prolly wearing a compression shirt underneath their tights to look trim on camera (yeah Tommy, I'm talkin about you, lol). Plus, with all of the guys in TNA who own their own academies and training dojos, they can cut the green off of him and build up his ring work. The only issue might be his mic work. But if they give him a manager or mouthpiece for the time being or let him work it out like WWE did with many a guy until he gets over the fright of working a big crowd, then he should be fine.

This could very well be a nice pick up for TNA, with the signings of Robbie Ecko and Mr. Pectorial as well. It looks like TNA is about to trim the budget and look for the next wave of younger stars while they can. This way, they can be a little more selective with signing WWE castaways who try to get their twitter followers to pressure Dixie into picking them up. Kudos to TNA for some of their latest roster moves, but they still have a ways to go to get some more youth injected into the mixture as well.
I think this Good signing for TNA, After I read about this I went on to Youtube to see what this guy was all about and I was Really Impressed by what I saw he has really good look and from the matches that I saw on Youtube those were pretty impressive for a guy his size and he is also pretty agile, I also thought his finisher was Impressive. Good Signing and I can't wait to see his debut.
I saw the guy in a web match feature Jerry Lynn and he held his own. Admittedly the other talent in the match (was tag match but turned into a four corner) was not great and there were some awful FU spots, but Mercer looked out.

He's kinda like a Test/Goldberg/Vance Archer mix. He's got the potential to be an imposing muscle guy, but at the minute looks a little lanky. Oh, and his attempts at kicks and punches are AWFUL - almost Hogan bad. He does have good agility, especially a HHH esc high knee. His finisher, a Katatonic esc swinging front slam into almost a Lethal Combination ending in a reverse STO is impressive from someone his size. Stills looks a little green though and honestly, might have been better waiting for the call from FCW as he has attibutes which I think would see him go further in WWE mold.


Finisher reel starts around the 5:40 mark.

I agree, he looks a little green, but that frame is imposing and he certainly looks adequate in the ring. Frankly, if they use him as a big guy, I can't really see how this would fail — what would he need to be doing in the ring that would require all that much technical savvy or prowess?

That finisher looks fantastic when he plants it well, but that might be difficult to perform on guys with too much weight or size.

What I really want to see though, is more of his mic work. Personality comes before performance in my book, so as long as he has one, I'll be sold on him.
Honestly, I was impressed. From what I've now seen, I put him in the Matt Morgan category.

If he is going to fill in a "big man" role than he needs to make things like shoulder blocks look a little more convincing. Early in IDR's video, it showed some basic lock up holds that didn't look great, but I can't see him using too many of those in TNA. That isn't why they signed him.

The finisher was very innovative! I love it. Hopefully they can work out the kinks before he debuts...he should fit in nicely.
I watched the video, the guys finisher was rly impressive. It was different and it looks amazing when properly executed. How ever like IDR said if he cant talk and cut a promo (which I don't know if he can or not) I have no interest in him. IMO if you cant talk you dont belong in modern wrestling.
I actually know his wife and this guy use to be in the army I've been waiting for his debut on WWE but their were rumors going on he was going to TNA instead which I'm happy about. Seen a few of his matches a real power house certainly has the look can't wait to him on Impact and wrestle
Honestly, I was impressed. From what I've now seen, I put him in the Matt Morgan category.

If he is going to fill in a "big man" role than he needs to make things like shoulder blocks look a little more convincing. Early in IDR's video, it showed some basic lock up holds that didn't look great, but I can't see him using too many of those in TNA. That isn't why they signed him.

The finisher was very innovative! I love it. Hopefully they can work out the kinks before he debuts...he should fit in nicely.

I watched the video. I do like his finisher. It's only effective if he A. Bulks Up and B. Perform it on smaller opponents.

Mic work is a must. That is where you become somebody. You can have the natural in-ring ability. Also, the physic of a Zeus. If your lacking Mic skills, don't look at being the "GO-TO-GUY" of any promotion. You can go ask Shelton Benjamin about that.
Interesting project with nice upside potential. I think I read somewhere someone half joking about him being booked as amazing red's brother. I actually think that would be a decent starting place if they had a tag team. Red could do the working and this guy can be the presence and power moves.
This guy isn't that talented. His moves look way to scripted, punches look fake and slams look soft. On top pf that, his mic skill leaves much to be desired. Maybe he'll get better but seeing his recent work, don't count on him being a big player.
so crazy, i log on to the site i read wrestling news on, and happen to see the name of a wrestler i went to high school with on the forums. this guy is a str8 up tank, talented as hell, first time i saw him wrestle i said to myself this guy belongs in the big leagues, he has the look, the talent and the drive to be bigger than any wrestler in the game today. hes only been wrestling for 3 years and hes bigtime already, that should say something, some guys wrestle for 10 years before they get their break. well not this guy lol. expect to see him in the wwe sooner rather than later, when it comes to his look and his work ethic, i know damn well vinnie mac will love him. i see him in the main event at wrestlemania in a few years, no joke. def stoked to see someone from my little hometown make it big, and he deserves it.
wow that finisher looks amazing, i think TNA did a really good job with in signing this guy, i hope they decid to use him right and not give him a crappy gimmick/storyline
He looks fairly impressive and has potential. I like that TNA are looking at developing some of their own talent rather than just relying on WWE cast offs, that can only be a good thing.

Mercer has a cool look and a good finisher, I am interested to see how he will debut on TNA and whether he will be renamed or given a different gimmick. Good luck to him
I have mixed feelings about this. I don't believe that TNA should be hiring additional talent on this level. When it comes to their current roster, TNA could benifit from decluttering their current roster.

In regards to Tommy Mercer, he looks very green to me and I don't see anything special about his look or his promo. That being said, I am a huge fan of his finisher and kept rewatching it. It's very unique and looks like it could cause some actual damage to the person on the receiving end.

Over all, not too impressed with this signing.

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