TNA Pro's and Con's

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
I am a big fan of TNA and i dont really watch much WWE anymore, i read the results and then decide wether or not to watch and 9 times out of ten its a no. Now i know TNA isnt perfect by a long shot, but in my opinion its a damm sight better than the WWE's current product.

Alot of people cant get on with TNA and have a severe dislike for it, and some people really have a severe dislike for the WWE.

So here my question to you all, What are the main Pro's and Con's with the Current TNA product?

(It seems an appropriate time to do this as TNA is bigger than ever right now, and on the rise still)

My Pro's:

The Quality of the matches are top notch.

Non of the characters portrayed by the wrestlers are unbelievable.

They have a fresh young roster of talent

They have a working relationship with ROH.

Impact is not a drag to watch, the story action and in ring action, all seem to have a sense of urgency to them, it all seems like it happens for a reason.

The Womens division that is starting to emerge, isnt full of Bikini models.

All the wrestlers on the roster seem to have a good balance of in ring abilty and mic skills.

There not afraid to take risks.

6 Sided ring.

My Con's:

They rely too heavily on gimmick matches sometimes. (What really pisses me off with the gimmick's is the 30 or so different names they call a No DQ match, WWE does this as well and it pisses me off)

Kip james

Dutch mantell and Vince russo's Clashing style of booking, I personally think if Russo is left to write the product and has his ideas filtered by Jarrett and Cornette, then it would be a much better product.

Two entrance ramps. It strikes me that they could have maybe 200 extra people in there each time, if they had one ramp.

Production needs to be tightened up.

Anyway there is my list, of TNA pro's and Con's i would like to hear what some other peoples thoughts are.
Her are my thoughts:
Often very good matches, really enjoyable.

Like DJmartyn said, realistic characters. I find some people or magazines(powerslam who are normally very good) find it bad scripting when we see a character seems face one moment and heel another, take Kurt for example he comes in a s a face but slips into a heel role at other times (talking to sting last week) I find this to be better because it shows people are not always clear cut good guys/bad guys and gives their characters a more polished feel to them.

Also 6 sided ring, gives the wrestlers more options with their matches, makes it less predictable also (and looks cool too :) )

Mabey a contraversial one here but story lines, even though some feel they have slumped recently (the abyss' mum angle) i feel the stories are more genuine than
the wwe's. I loved the feud between LAX and A.J/Daniels, very heated, very dramatic but most importantly compelling.

Too many gimmicks, i dont mind having them but i feel they are overdoing it at the moment, the main culprit would be the various names for Street Fights, there just isnt much need for most people to have some speciality street fight named specifically for them.

1 hour show, this has to be the biggest drawback for TNA, impact just never feels enough for me, and a lot of talented people are being wasted because of this, Ron Killings for example is a great wrestler who is SO over with the crowd its crazy but when was the last time we saw him, oh yeah on a rambo poster?! But i will say i do feel they are doing a good job with what they have, i am liking the focus being put on team Cage at the moment, they needed to destroy a few people to elevate them to the big threat for the other main eventers.

JOE M.I.A?! Remembered hearing a lot about him before i started watching tna and thought he was great instantly, but has had to take a step back in Kurts shadow which i can understand, i just hope this Sting/Angle thing leads into a feud leaving Joe to go after Cage himself, drawing it out for a while until he gains the title and then can defend against Angle to step him into their established main guy.
YES!!! Thank you Dirtyshubb!! If TNA wants people to honestly believe that they are an alternative to WWE then they MUST stop focusing on former WWE guys. Cage is WAAAY overated in terms of main event ability. He only has the title bcuz TNA promised him title runs if he ditched WWE. Sting is just getting too old to b interesting, and Angle's going to drop dead @ any sec if he doesn't retire. No one likes Jarrett, heel or face, and Rhino's got no credibility as a champion. Styles, Daniels and ESPECIALLY Joe need to take the top spots. Bcuz Samoa Joe has a style of wrestling that can bring him to the very top of the WWE shud he bcome unhappy and leave TNA. and the fans wud never forgive Mangement for letting that happen. JOE NEEDS THE WORLD TITLE!!!
Cons: Tna sux......horrible storyline....2 many gimmick matches....6 sides....vince russo...shark boy

Pros: *None* :|
I feel that TNA has alot going for it right now. The thing is that they need to identify what audience they want to play to in order to improve the product

The Pros:
I feel that TNA, pound for pound, is one of the best wrestling shows on TV today. They took guys who would be nobodies in WWE, such as Eric Young and Tomko, and made them ino strong guys that the fans love and support. I do feel that the strength of TNA's wrestling is the X-Division. Rather than keeping it strong as they did when Russo first took over, they have made it more comical than it should be. WWE can't compete with the matches that this division can put on due to not wanting to work stiff and disallowing many moves that would put over their cruiserweights. Plus, alot of the guys can probably get stories from Frankie Kazarian about how WWE can kill your credibility as a legit wrestler as he has never recovered from his stint there. The big names they bring in have name power and experience to pass to younger guys, which is another plus. Plus, you get damned near as many matches in an hour of Impact as you do in two hours of RAW or Smackdown these days.

The Cons:
Too much going on. The promos are short and often don't have the build up to go over. The main even guys work too soft and sloppy sometimes. That chair shot from Cage to Angle last week should have been harder. I know he was trying not to hurt him, but I've seen 3 year olds take harder hits without crying. Hell, Tracy Brooks took a harder shot than ANgle did. Plus, you see too many storylines crossing into each other. I know that WWE ofter has matches with wrestlers from two different angle tagging to face each other without facing each other, but three weeks in a row? It dilutes the product.

If TNA wants to play in the big time, they need to get that 2 hours deal signed sealed and delivered ASAP or else TNA Impact will implode from having too much material for too short a show. Other than that, TNA is on the rise and needs a few more pieces to the puzzle. Once they get those, they can make a formidable run at WWE head to head.
Ok, first let me start off by saying that I'm probally going to be the biggest TNA smark you ever met before. But in this thread I will admit the flaws that TNA presents. First, lets start with some of the positive things.


-Talent. They have so many talented wrestlers on there rosters wether there from the indy scene or a former promotion like WCW or WWE. Even Scott Steiner a big man impresses me. He had a phenominal match with Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Also seeing the Frankensteiner was amazing at Lockdown. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Christian Cage and Jay Lethal are just some names that impress me.

- Feuds. They have awesome feuds since starting out. Jarett vs. Sting, Aj Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe are just examples but most recently a feud that impressed a lot of people was Sting vs. Abyss. They had good matches and a good story line to it. Everyone was praising it including my self.

- PPVs. There PPVs are fucking awesome. Some people even say its the best thing about TNA and I have to agree. They always stack a good card and never fail to impress. Lets take a PPV and look at it. How about the most recent Lockdown? The whole card was stacked and impressive. Worst match on the card was the blind fold match. Even Gail Kim vs. Miss. Jackie was good and proved that a womens division in TNA can suffice.

Ok, thats all the pro's I can think of. Lets see the set of cons.


- Impact shows. They barely have good wrestling but the promotion claim and have a slogan that states ''We are Wrestling''. They have at least 30-35 minutes of promo's and 10 minutes of wrestling. Keep in mine that 15 minutes go to commercials.

- Misuse of talent. TNA barley show case some talent like Ron Killings who is very talented.

Those are the only 2 con's TNA has. I think they both can be resolved though and soon. Once they get two hours I would like to think they would put on better matches and use there talent more often.
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