TNA, Orlando: Round 1, Match 1: #1 Randy Savage vs. #64 Nailz

Savage vs. Nailz

  • Macho Man

  • Tough as Nailz

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in th eTNA region inside the six sided ring, from Orlando, Fl

#1. "Macho Man" Randy Savage


#64. Nailz
When the best picture you can find of someone is their action figure, it should tell you a lot. Savage made a career out of getting beaten up and coming from nowhere to get the win. That's exactly what he would do here and he'd make it look easy. Nailz lost the only feud anyone remembers him having and aside form a mini-feud with Taker, he never did anything. Savage after a short affair.
Nailz's greatest contribution to the WWF was making it easy for their defence lawyers to say that his testimony was bull shit. He lost to Bossman and his only notable success was against Virgil, and I think I'd probably beat Virgil, such was his jobber status.

Randy Savage is my favourite wrestler ever probably and was huge in his day. He's win this one quickly and easily.
Nailz doesn't have ten percent the success Savage has and Savage is just an all-around better performer than Nailz can ever hope to be so Macho Man gets the win.
Even if his voice and his face were intimidating, Nailz was nothing more than a jobber to the stars...his most significant victory was a squash over Virgil at Summerslam '92. And, I don't think I even need to tell you how great Savage is.

Pick: Savage
I'm a bit late, but I wanted to post anyway. As a long-standing Macho Man fan, I must say that this isn't much of a contest. I mean, sure, Nailz was impressive in-ring, but still. Savage has had some of the most memorable Wrestlemania matches ever and has fantastic in-ring skill. Randy Savage, easy.

When the best picture you can find of someone is their action figure, it should tell you a lot.

Sorry KB, Shockey just doesn't look hard enough.


But yeah, that's the face of someone who should be in therapy, not in a wrestling ring.
C'mon!!!! Really?!?!?!?!?!?! Nailz against Macho Man Randy Savage!?!?!?!?!?! Nailz was...I mean...can't we make Savage at least break a sweat??? Sure he's a big, scary looking guy but...*sigh* Well, at any rate, Savage takes this. I mean Nailz....goddammit Nailz.....
5 minutes of Nailz beating on Savage, followed by a mistake, and a two move win by the Macho Man. SQUASH!
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