TNA One Night Only: Jokers Wild


Lord And Master
Staff member

Airing through the month of May, TNA presents the "Jokers Wild" Tournament. Fighting for a chance to with $100,000 24 TNA superstars are at first paired up at random for a set 6 tag team matches. The winners of each match qualify for the main event match. A Royal Rumble-style Over-the-top-rope Gauntlet match.

The 24 participants in the event are:

Jesse Godderz
Rob Terry (billed as Robbie T)
Robbie E
James Storm
Christian York
Alex Silva
Matt Morgan
Samoa Joe
Joey Ryan
Christopher Daniels
Rob Van Dam
Chavo Guerrero
Kid Kash
Mr. Anderson
Douglas Williams
Zema Ion
Joseph Park
Bobby Roode
Al Snow

The card match-ups (if desired to see) are:
*James Storm and Christian York vs. Gunner and Crimson​

*Jessie Godderz and Mr. Anderson vs. Douglas Williams and Kid Kash​

*Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Rob Van Dam​

*Robbie E and Zema Ion vs. Bobby Roode and Joseph Park​

*Hernandez and Alex Silva vs. DOC and Devon​

*Robbie T and Matt Morgan vs. Joey Ryan and Al Snow​

*Final Gauntlet Match with All Winners for $100,000​

General Thoughts:

The PPV in itself is pretty meh. Standard stuff and the wrestlers do work the "odd pairings" very well as the theme goes on even after teams have won their respective matches. One thing about this show I feel will stand out for those who watch it though is the commentary. Taz and Mike Tenay clearly did not go out there with the intention of being serious. At all. The entire event is littered with jokes revolving Christy Hemme and the lottery balls she pulls out of the tumbler, Mike Tenay making fun of Taz' choice in words, snarky comments at moments you wouldn't really expect during normal broadcasts and such. I personally found it hilarious since I did not take it seriously. But then again, my sense of humor has been called into question around here. It's not a terrible show, but it is forgettable.

Discuss general thoughts on it here, and avoid spoilers of the winners. Maintain mentioning the match ups under spoiler tags since the unknown match ups and pairings are a part of the shows theme. You may comment on a wrestler's performance such as Al Snow collapsing on the ring apron due to exhaustion.
Well I saw this one as I did the last one night only ppv and I have to say they both have been nothing too exciting. I agree the matches were meh I think I already had a pre-determined dislike of the event already due to the fact the winning money thing has been a silly idea since before I was a twinkle in my parents eyes. I personally think the highlight match was the main event and correct me if I am wrong but I believe they have another tag team One Night Only taped. I actually forgot that RVD was going to be in it til I saw it but I am not sure whether that was a good or a bad thing or just a point of interest. From what I remember the commentary was equally jocular in the last one which I thought was slightly better but I quite enjoy the X-Division.

My grade C or C+
I honestly thought it sucked... I am trying to like these One Night Only shows so much but they are just not delivering for me. I'm all for new ideas but I don't think they used the concept to its full potential. It didn't help either that the matches were very lackluster. It is my belief that when you have a show like this, the focus should always be on the match quality. But it didn't seem like the wrestlers were going all out, just something you'd see on impact. I think the best match was
Roode and Park vs Robbie E and Ion. This was a unique and great setup which had Roode doing it all by himself and constantly mocking Park. Then you had Park go full on Abyss, with the pose and everything!

And my thoughts on the winner
No problem at all with Storm. He is like Tenay said, TNA's best tag team wrestler, so it's only natural he should win a random tag partner tourney
This PPV was 13 degrees of shi%.

I'd be quite content with leaving that as my only comment, but for the purpose of leaving a more constructive write-up ..

It seemed like the event was attempting to be Entertainment instead of wrestling, and in that respect, it only 'worked' in one match.
Roode & Park vs Robbie E & Ion
Sure, I found the revealing of random partners marginally exciting, and the subsequent displays of tag-chemistry were occasionally interesting .. but hey, I don't think I'm being greedy for wanting more from a PPV.

Hernandez wins a gold-studded dude award for his super-sick surprise suicide dive over the top rope to the outside.
Other than that, the rare memorable moments for me were: Rob Terry being furious for a few seconds when he entered the gauntlet match, and Gunner cutting a better-than-you'd-expect promo.

To sum it all up, when the PPV finished, all I could think of was that I'd been unmercilessly brain-buggered for nearly three hours, due to listening to Taz delivering his worst ever serving of pi$$-soaked bollocks.

The ONLY decent thing besides Hernandez's spot was the preview package for the next One Night Only PPV, Hardcore Justice II.
It looks to be f#cking fantastic.
But please, Dixie, re-record the inevitably dire commentary for it ..
Tenay and Keneley, Eric Bischoff and Don West, JB and SoCal Val, I don't care .. just no more Taz.
I thought this sounded like a really interesting concept. It just wasn't done very well and was a struggle to watch in the end. I don't like the idea of a PPV being taped months before it shows either. I am glad we get these for free in the UK as I wouldn't be paying for them.

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