TNA needs to

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TNA needs to stop trying to be the WWE Light. I think they need a total overhaul... Rebrand TNA/Impact as an R rated product and incorporate the MMA World World into the Products.

Scrap the titles current titles and have these titles and Divisions

World Champion (No Weight Limit)
World Heavyweight Champion (Unlimited to 240)
World Light Heavyweight Champion (239 - 215)
World Cruiserweight Champion (214 to 200)
World Middleweight Champion (200-185)
World Lightweight Champion (184 - below)

You can make angles out of wrestlers trying to lose weight to win a belt or win multiple weight classes.
No. Just no. The last thing professional wrestling needs to do as an entity is make itself extremely similar to mixed martial arts. It just comes off as a crappy imitation. All that does is chase fans off to the real thing.

Plus, remember the times TNA has tried to be similar to mma? Yeah, it sucked, and is generally considered some of the worst programming they've ever put on.
Angles about wrestlers trying to lose weight? I've heard it all now... Don't you think these guys go through enough without having to play with their weight? I can understand having weight classes, but every wrestler deserves to fight a weight class above them. TNA will never make it on their own if they don't ditch Hogan first and foremost... After that then we'll talk.

Also a few tips, don't make the title 'TNA Needs to', it's leaving it vague and pisses people off. It's like when people say stuff like 'I think this should happen...' or 'I have an idea'. I'd recommend changing the title to 'TNA Needs to Stop Trying to be WWE Lite'. And lose the first sentence.

Another thing to do would be to explain HOW TNA is like WWE Lite, explain, give a few examples and so on. It helps people when they want to understand your way of thinking.
No. I don't know what to really say about this. If you're a true fan of TNA, you can easily see that it is a different product than that company called WWE. Just let TNA be TNA. They are young and are getting better with time. It is a tough economy, so in a few years maybe TNA will be consider "major league". Which I still don't get how it isn't. Anyway, seems like a bad attempt at thread to hate on TNA, per usual.
TNA needs to not listen to anything BC1978 suggests.

How the hell is TNA trying to be WWE light?

There's no way that TNA, or WWE for that matter, would break down weight classes with 15lbs separating each of them to have 6 separate mens singles titles. How do you support that on one show a week? half the weights these guys get listed at are probably a load of shit anyway.
I understand hat they are small but their show is on a national if not world channel but they stay dominantly in the south more specifically south east rarely going out of that area.

I believe that they need to travel more to small arenas and interact with the fans else where cause WWE got big through traveling so why would it not work for TNA. Personally I believe the PPV's have been better on TNA then WWE more recently so use the little momentum they have & get out of the impact zone.
TNA needs to stop trying to be the WWE Light. I think they need a total overhaul... Rebrand TNA/Impact as an R rated product and incorporate the MMA World World into the Products.

Scrap the titles current titles and have these titles and Divisions

World Champion (No Weight Limit)
World Heavyweight Champion (Unlimited to 240)
World Light Heavyweight Champion (239 - 215)
World Cruiserweight Champion (214 to 200)
World Middleweight Champion (200-185)
World Lightweight Champion (184 - below)

You can make angles out of wrestlers trying to lose weight to win a belt or win multiple weight classes.

You're exactly right on many counts and don't think otherwise just because naysayers nay on here. It's what they do. In fact, alot of pro wrestling fans seem to hate the idea of injecting MMA into the product, but I've said for a long time, it needs to be done. I wouldn't make an angle out of dropping weight though unless it's done in a serious fashion, and maybe only once.

I'd wouldn't go R, but maybe hard PG-13 and make it realistic. No comedy.
Lol at saying TNA is WWE light. That's the most cliche thing that someone that doesn't watch TNA or barely follows the product can say. This thread is a joke. TNA is their own company and has done enough to distinguish themselves. Go make this thread suggestion in the WWE section since they are the ones taking ideas from TNA and desperately need new ideas. Btw, your ideas are terrible. Stick to watching the shows. Don't try to brainstorm for them.
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