TNA needs to offer as much as they need to

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
A lot of people are sitting here saying "TNA needs to quit getting legends" and yet there is still one person that TNA needs to get in order to get that big money rolling in. And that guy, is The Rock.

Ok, stay with me here. I get that The Rock is done with wrestling, I get that he's considering a WWE Authority Figure roll, but the point is TNA can still get The Rock. SpikeTV is owned by the people who bring us MTV. MTV is one of the world's biggest TV stations, and owns Nickelodeon. SpikeTV could ask MTV for that extra boost and offer a big lump sum to The Rock.

The guy doesn't even have to wrestle. Use him to give someone like The Pope a push. And if he must wrestle, give him one match against Samoa Joe or Desmond Wolfe. Just get The Rock and TNA would sky rocket.

Cause think about it, right now The Rock is the only ring legend that hasn't returned but we all want to see return. If TNA can get The Rock, they could put him on Creative Writing and he can book some damn good programs.

Anyway, if TNA had the money, would you say that they should pursue signing The Rock?
This must be the most unrealistic proposition I have ever heard around here. First off The Rock or Dwayne Johnson as we should call him made it clear he doesnt want to return to the professional wrestling business. What he was talking about is just being a guest host or maybe a GM for a month or so.

Second Dwayne's reps dont want him to be affiliated with pro wrestling so that he can make it in hollywood. Now with that being said WWE has become more main stream again recently because of the guest host concept. Whether you like it or you despise it this concept has started to remind some people about WWE and how it should be a proud form of entertainment.

As for TNA there is no chance in hell that Dwayne would want to affiliate himself with them. First off he is a Disney guy and TNA is too adult for his image. Second it will not do any good for him ,his image, his time and his money. And I can assure you that he doesnt give a fudge about TNA making it or not. So your best bet for seeing The Rock again is on WWE television.

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