TNA Need To Do Something With The TV TITLE


Dark Match Winner
TNA needs to either defend this title on TV EVERY WEEK or just get rid of It or call it something else maybe the TNA Intercontinental or Us Or something besides TV Champ and not that dumb Global Crap but the darn belt has become the most stupidest belt in the history of wrestling it has no prestige what so ever they don't even defend it at Pay per views and I think every Wrestling company need at the least three singles belts. But what are they doing with this belt any suggestions on what you'd like to see them do with it?
It's extremely simple what TNA should do, but being TNA they have to make things more difficult than they should be.

All they have to do is put it on a guy who's a good worker and have him defend it regularly. It's so simple.

They don't need to change its name for the umpteenth time. It doesn't have to be defended every single week.

All they have to do is put the belt on somebody who doesn't make the audience burst into laughter when they see him with it.

They were doing a good thing last year when they had A.J. Styles as champion and he feuded with Douglas Williams over it.

That feud made the belt look prestigious. It was great.

Then, they pissed it all away when they had Williams drop the belt to Abyss a month later.

I think the belt would be perfect for guys like The Pope, Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Crimson, and, Christopher Daniels to feud over.

Like I said earlier, this should be really easy for TNA to figure out.
Well they dont want to change the name of it to the Intercontinental or US title cause they would get accused of ripping off the WWE, their best bet would be to get the title off EY and then have it defended every week by someone that can give it some credibility. Roode, Morgan, Pope, or Crimson, would be my top choices.

Since they seem to be in the process of breaking up Beermoney I personaly would put the title on Roode and get his singles push started already.
Honestly I love what they are doing with it , Eric Young is freakin hilarious man

The TV title is some un-nessecary 2nd rate title anyway

We got the X division title and the World title , thats good. I love wasting this already useless 3rd one on a great comedy guy personally

Hopefully he will somehow retain the title forever so that this title can essentially be worthless and technically removed just like E.Y.s outdated world heavyweight championship belt
Renaming the title again, really?
I think they should just burn it, X-division is enough midcard title for the company.
well if you remember back a couple weeks we did see EY Beat Gunner. Which despite what others might say i think that Gunner has a whole bunch of potential. And isnt everyone saying EY is "underrated." i do think though that Eric Young is not giving this belt the prestige that it deserves. Mainly because they just recently rehired him and didnt build him. Hell even before they fired him he was teaming with orlando jordan. All thats necessary is to defend it more often, like on a week to week basis. You gotta remember TNA now that your focusing on The X-Divison, and the World Title. Keep the Tag & TV Titles going now too. And yes i just said Tag Titles, because they're barely promoted at all. baring in mind that TNA is building some good tag teams Mexican Am. Ink Inc ECT. But i digress, If i were to name a new TV champion i would give it to someone whose on the cusp of the main event. thats what makes it Pretigious look at U.S. title in WCW, look at the IC Title in the 80's and 90's. Put the belt on a Samoa Joe on a Matt Morgan on a RVD. And keep it relevant. You do have a valid point here King_Kayon
I think it's a terrible Title to be totally honest. At first, when Booker T debuted it as the "Legends Title", it was 10x better, however, there wasn't much potential in it, simply because there wasn't enough legends to throw it between. What with it being a Television Title, obviously you're not going to defend it on PPV, are you? So why not put it on Xplosion? That way, if there's going to be a TV Title Match that isn't important enough to put on iMPACT, then you can chuck it on Xplosion and get them to fight over it on there. That way, it adds interest to the additional TNA/IW programme, possibly drawing in a few more viewers, say if towards the end of iMPACT, you hear Tenay say "Oh and on Xplosion tonight, Eric Young will be defending his Television Title in a 3-Way Match against Robbie E & Max Buck, don't miss it!. Then you go "Oh, a Title Match eh? Maybe I'll watch that."

IW could try to bring you in that way, if not, just defend the Title every so often on iMPACT, but it really is pointless, a terrible title.
Trash it. I always believed you needed three belts, Heavyweight, Mid-Card, and Tag for men. TNA has the X-Division, that's Mid Card AND Lightweight in one, no need for the TV Belt.
This again?

Ok, in short, the name of the title means nothing. You could call it the Frank A. Gotch Memorial Collar & Elbow Pacific Coast Championship and it wouldn't mean a thing. The name TV doesn't mean anything. It's named that because WCW and ECW had TV Titles and TNA seems to think that using ideas from the two biggest companies that are out of business is a great idea. The name TV is a misnomer and is really just a way for more of Young's comedy. The name means nothing and could be interchanged with anything.
Tba all you guys have been moanin about restoring the X Divison and TNA are doing that as we speak. TNA need to keep there focus on it for the time being and not get distracted by tryn to make the TV title better. Now should they get rid of it? No i kinda like the belt and its fine how it is.Should they put a bit more focus onnit? Hell yeah but jeez guys u bitch and moan of how crappy the X Division was they do something about it then u moan about the TV Title. TNA cant win as long and you guys are concerned what next the focus on the TV Title and loose a bit of steam on the X Division u guys would be the first to moan again get a grip.
Are you people seriously complaining over the name of the title AGAIN?! It was you fucking IWC people that kept whining when it was the Global Championship and the Legends Championship... now you're wanting them to rename it again? For what reason? Because it's not defended every single week on TV?

Ok then tell me why does ROH have a TV Title? Currently, they don't have a TV spot so are you saying that they should drop it or rename it?

People find the dumbest things to complain about. The TV title is just about as useful as the European title back in the Attitude Era was. It's there to help develop talent without giving them the X-Division, Tag, or World title... or it could also be used to help people fulfill more accolades like Grand Slam Champion... which right now TNA only has two of (Abyss and AJ).

Not to mention, the TV title is getting the most exposure it's gotten in a very long time. When Gunner had it, he wasn't even on TV... same goes for all past champions except for (hold your hats) Eric Young. Seriously, you people just need to get a grip.
I must be the only one who thinks they are doing something with it by putting it on a guy who actually wears it every week on television — Eric Young.

You may not agree he's the best to hold it, but frankly, I think he's done a fantastic job with it, albeit all in the name of comedy. But why is comedy not acceptable from a champion? We all laughed at guys like Foley and the Rock when they held titles, and they were World Champions, (a) far more meaningful and prestigious belt(s), so why is it so wrong that EY carries this one?

The only issue with him I have is that he still carries around the old TNA World Heavyweight Championship. As TV champion I think he's doing just fine. In fact, I think he's doing fantastic, and he cracks me up week-after-week.

Scott Baio, you're next!

Sorry fellas, but not everything needs to be serious business.
I was thinking about this too. I recall when Styles won the championship and "renamed it" the Television Championship to honor Flair, he said that he'd defend it on every show. Correct me if I'm wrong. But that never happened.

What I think should be done is just that, the title should be defended on EVERY impact wrestling live show, whenever they are on TV. (Both the Weekly Impact Wrestling show, and PPV's) The challenger can be chosen at random via drawing either before the show behind the scenes, or before the match. Either way would be good, and I think it would be interesting for awhile.
Burn it to the ground

Wow. Productive. I can't see you lasting long here.

As for the OP, I wish people could give a bit of credit from time to time. TNA are in the process of increasing their X-Division exposure, something the majority of TNA fans have been begging for for the longest time, and they've already done something with the TV Title by putting it on Eric Young and actually featuring the man week-in, week-out, at least now you don't have to think too hard to remember who has it.
Tba all you guys have been moanin about restoring the X Divison and TNA are doing that as we speak. TNA need to keep there focus on it for the time being and not get distracted by tryn to make the TV title better. Now should they get rid of it? No i kinda like the belt and its fine how it is.Should they put a bit more focus onnit? Hell yeah but jeez guys u bitch and moan of how crappy the X Division was they do something about it then u moan about the TV Title. TNA cant win as long and you guys are concerned what next the focus on the TV Title and loose a bit of steam on the X Division u guys would be the first to moan again get a grip.

Hey, I'm just a traditionalist. Give me my three meaningful belts, a womens championship, and get rid of anything unneeded. Now if the X-Division was more exclusive and they had more air time sure, but it's not. Give me my three belts and I'm happy with it.
I don't know, The TV Title could be used as a good Upper-Card Title, and would work for those mid-carders that wouldn't exactly fit in the X-Division.
I Wasn't Moaning I Like the name of the belt when it was the Global and I like it as the TV Title I Just Wanted to know if you think they Should Use It Proberly or Get Rid OF it.
I Wasn't Moaning I Like the name of the belt when it was the Global and I like it as the TV Title I Just Wanted to know if you think they Should Use It Proberly or Get Rid OF it.

It can be used properly for the Upper Card Division and even those mid carders who are too big for the X-Division.

Television Champion: Eric Young

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
Jesse Neal
Christopher Daniels
Douglas Williams/Brutus Magnus
Desmond Wolfe (if he ever returns to TNA)
Abyss (once he loses the X title)
Bobby Roode/James Storm (if they break up)
Samoa Joe
Matt Morgan
Matt Hardy
Rob Terry
Orlando Jordan

These are all suitable canidates for this division. Hell you can throw in Murphy if you want.

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