TNA Mid-card Belt

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I was wondering what you guys thought about another title for the midcarders of TNA. I think it would be great for them to have some type of Intercontinental/United States title like a Middleweight championship. It can really proress storylines for Chris Harris, Roode, James storm, and others. With the 2 hour expansion this is the perfect time to do it.

However, i also realize that this means tna would eventually have 5 championsips because the women's division is coming. I am big on the idea of the more titles the less they mean (and so is Jarrett). I think each title would be very important but when i think of one show with five belts I think that is too much.

-WWE has way to many belts but no brand has more than 4 titles.

On the other hand, Each title would have its one niche of wrestlers rather than being irrelevant like the European Championship was in WWE.
I feel that with a women's divison being added is the only thing that will take be really new. What a mid card belt does is give meaning to the mid carder's feud, example if Kazarian and Mr. It Pays to be Rude were to be feuding somewhere with a mid-card belt, these 2 would be as they are future stars. And if a mid-card belt is added i hope then that the x-division is treated as its own entity and maybe have as much as, or close to as much prestige to hold the x-division title as it is to hold the heavyweight title.
The X-Division Championship is essentially a mid-card championship belt. It's the IC Title meets the Cruiserweight Championship. Although I do think that another title would be good. Maybe the TNA Mid-Atlantic United States Championship? Or the TNA Television Championship?
i say they should call it the TV title if they make a new one, but am i the only one who thinks it would make TNA awesome if they had the x-division completely seperate from the heavyweight division(with the example of like AJ, Kazarian, and Daniels) and the titles seemedalmost equal then they feued the x-title holder with the heavy weight title holder and have them face off but in a non-tittle match to see who's the best and have it be just for pride?
well if they really are going to make a womens division then they shouldnt make a mid card title, cuz it really would be way too many titles, now i would rather have a mid card title then a womens title, not that i dont like women wrestling, but TNA doesnt really have many female wrestlers =/... unless they bring in a lot of them...

but i wouldnt like that cuz they would be stealing time from the x division that was promised more time as soon as TNA got a 2 hour deal

so now they would have to squeeze in x division/women/ and mid carders matches in about 1 hour since the other hour im guessing would be for the heavyweights, and id rather just have them squeeze in 1 hour of x division and mid carders

so, if they dont go through with the womens division, then i think it would be great to get a mid card title, guys like rhyno, storm, harris, roode, abyss, and the likes really need it... some would say the x division title should be treated as the mid card title

but i think the x division title should be seperate from the heavyweights, TNA has more than enough indy guys to carry that belt and make it important, plus not many x division guys can put on a good feud with the heavyweights

so if there isnt a womens division, put in a mid card title, it would really help for us to know who is bigger right now, guys like rhyno and storm, or guys like kaz and roode?? without a belt for them its all just confusing...
ACTAFOOL i agree with what you say but i don't think that a mid-card title will take away time, the way i see it as the guys who are feuding over it would be feuding anyways, example is that feel the Kazarian/Rude would probably be the current mid-card title feud if they had one and they are already feuding so adding both won't really take up as much time cause the mid-carders would be feuding anyways it just makes there feud mean more as long as the belt isn't watered down like in WWE.
They need to re-establish the X-division title before they add another one. Recall, Jay Lethal ended Sabin's long run and the belt was coming back, and just like that Samoa Joe wins it just so they could run the main event around every belt. Now, with Angle dropping it to Lethal, it can bring some prestige back. Lethal, although a gimmick wrestler, is over and is one of the best to run with it for now. This has all the makings of becomming the IC belt of the late 80s early 90s, so for now, TNA has enough titles.
ACTAFOOL i agree with what you say but i don't think that a mid-card title will take away time, the way i see it as the guys who are feuding over it would be feuding anyways, example is that feel the Kazarian/Rude would probably be the current mid-card title feud if they had one and they are already feuding so adding both won't really take up as much time cause the mid-carders would be feuding anyways it just makes there feud mean more as long as the belt isn't watered down like in WWE.

yes, i agree, but what i meant was that TNA is already going to squeeze in mid carders and x division in about 1 hour of their show (i hope.. maybe not even that...) imagine if they were to add also a womens division.. they would be back to step 1, wich is huge roster, not enough time to develop many storylines or decent matches that go longer than 5 mins

so what i meant isnt that the mid carders would take up too much time, but mid carders + womens division would...

but i agree, with or without a belt there will be feuds between them so i dont see why not put in a belt for them, but imagine a belt for them, then the x division belt, the tag team belt, the tna belt, AND a womens division... could TNA make so many titles, on one show, still meaningful??? maybe... the only reason why WWEs belts dont mean much is because of lack of competition i guess, the IC belt has like 4 guys, while a tna mid carder belt would have plenty...

but still i just think it would be too many titles, so its either womens division or mid card title for me... i would much rather have a mid card title, but even if they do put in both, im not against it, i just dont think its a good idea, x division deserves like at least a half hour for storylines/matches, and i forgot about the tag team division wich they would have to squeeze in, but i guess they have a whole other hour for them and the heavyweights...
Agreed, i think the only way the titles would not be watered down would be if the x-title is a completely seperate entity and has the prestige of a heavyweight title but not be as prestiges as the heavy weight title. Another thing they could do is instead of having the replay, after TNA goes 2 hours they could have xplosion in that slot to give the x-division guys who are not getting alot of impact time coughpeteywilliamscough some time to showcase there talent on tv even though it might not be the main show.
Id like to see a T.N.A. T.V. title for sure i always like the tv titles in wcw and ecw may have been my fav. names for a title as well

i remember the old wcw days when they would say "This match is set for one fall with a 15 min time limit" or "this match is set for one fall with tv time remaining" i used to love that belt
i don't like it. I want to see the World Heavyweight and World X divisions held in the same regard. Now while I recognize that the current creative team doesn't have the same vision, I'm sure many of you will remember a time when it was. Under D 'Amore the X-Division title headlined PPVs ahead of the World Title which would precede it. I want to see this again. And with a secondary title it becomes impossible to accomplish and in fact diminishes the feel of the title - as it in effect becomes third tier.
All I know is that adding a Womens Division adds absolutely nothing. Honestly, when was the last time you were rivited to a womens match that didn't involve them stripping each other? If I want that I will watch MTV.
All I know is that adding a Womens Division adds absolutely nothing. Honestly, when was the last time you were rivited to a womens match that didn't involve them stripping each other? If I want that I will watch MTV.

Amen to that too. I never liked the women's division (seems Paul E and Eric Bischoff agreed) and IMO women have no place in wrestling. Their effectiveness as valets and managers is even starting to curtail. I'd be happy to never see a woman on a wrestling program again the way they are being used at the moment. I'd prefer to watch Cumfest 7 after I'm through with the latest edition of Impact.
Gail Kim vs. Jackie Moore Lockdown 2007, good match, and there are women that can wrestle out there(see 2 said women) just very few are employed by that organization who has disgraced the women's division for some time now.
Well let's see...RAW has the World title, IC belt, Tag and Womens. That's 4. So why shouldn't TNA have 4 belts? Both 2 hour shows as long as you're going to follow that logic of how many belts in 2 hours.

And as far as a womens division, hell long as they keep women with talent on the card. After Trish left WWE, Vince decided to have more models and beauty queens instead of wrestlers. They used to have the likes of Madusa and Ivory who could hold their own with any of the men. Now we have a soft-core porn actress Candice Michelle with the gold. The only ones currently who can truly wrestle are Victoria and Alexis Laree (Mickie James) and Vince has them jobbing to the no-talent models.

If TNA follows their pattern, I believe that you will see good solid and entertaining matches. Unlike WWE, TNA doesn't stand for "tits and ass".
I love the idea of a women's title. Right now TNA has a wonderful women's division, and I'd love to see So Cal Val join in as well. With 5 more women coming it, it should get even better. As far as a midcard title, I'd love to see a TNA TV Championship come in...
If TNA follows their pattern, I believe that you will see good solid and entertaining matches. Unlike WWE, TNA doesn't stand for "tits and ass".

yet they dont.. tna is losing focus of what made tna, tna.. being different and giving us a taste of what wrestling should be. i seem them slowly moving towards being what everyone hates about wwe, the talent sees it to.. and if they dont fix that.. they wont last much longer..

should tna have a mid card belt!?!?

X Division Title: everyone is concerned with this belts future and i think with Lethal holding it and actually going against competitors like the fallen angel and maybe aj styles making a return to play a bigger role in the x division youll see even more people drooling over the thought of this title going on up for grabs at a ppv..

Womens Title: I dont mind seein women wrestle, but i think ecw and wcw was right when they didnt have a womens title.. its jus not that interesting to see a bunch of females not being able to pull off a simple bulldog.. so thats why you get women who know what their doing.. well see where tna goes with this..

TV Title : a television title for tna's midcard performers.. and why not? if there can only be so many belts why are you bringing in a slew of costly new talent for a belt[womens title] that a majority of fans may or may not approve of...a tv title would be good for the up and coming talent but the concept doesnt make the following statement less true

more belts, less meaning..
I've thought that TNA needed a TV-type title for a while now. It would clear up the main event picture by keeping people like Rhino and Roode (and others) out. Plus, every promotion needs a "stepping stone" so that up-and-comers aren't just thrust into the main event. That way the company can see how a wrestler would be as a champion without ****ing the belt out for a month.

Not everyone fits the X-Division style, and TNA doesn't need to compromise the X-Division title with people who don't fit the mold. BTW, a women's division should be, IMO, the LAST concern of TNA. I know that there are great female wrestlers out there, but they seem few and far between; and anyway, you just can't make me care about women wrestling. Sorry to be so unevolved and sexist, but that's my 2 cents
A midcard championship is a great need to TNA. First, it will allow alot of younger guys to gain some gold and see how they react to putting a title around their waist. You can't really test it off of putting them in the running. See how they react backstage.

Also, TNA can't make the X Division the midcard championship. Alot of times, the X Division Championship has been the main event compared to the World Title. X Division is TNA. It is up there with the World Title.
Amen to that too. I never liked the women's division (seems Paul E and Eric Bischoff agreed) and IMO women have no place in wrestling. Their effectiveness as valets and managers is even starting to curtail. I'd be happy to never see a woman on a wrestling program again the way they are being used at the moment. I'd prefer to watch Cumfest 7 after I'm through with the latest edition of Impact.

Wo the most narrow minded thing I have ever read, Women Wrestlers don't get the respect that they deserve, adding a Women's Title is a good thing for TNA, look at it from the poiint of view of the WWE has only a fraction of the talent out there, and then you have the useless members of the WWE women's locker room. There is a whole raft of Women's talent out there that are as good as if not better than a large number of Male Wrestlers. I may not follow Women's wrestling that much so I can't comment on it, but This could help put names on the board that deserve to be in the public eye, like Alison Danger (Steve Corino's Sister), Lu Fisto, Ms Chif and so many others.

As for a TNA midcard title, right now there is no need for it, until at least a year down the road from the expansion to two hours, while it will be a good thing to see at some sage there is no need for it really as you can see that there is, The X-Division Title is a good Title for the mid card right now as it has the prestige while not being too bad off when it comes to its situation despite being close to being ignored for a few months. TNA needs to worry more about what the divisions need work as the Tag division needs work right now, the X-Division has a good number of contenders right now, Alex Shelley being a key name here. This is where they need to work rather than trying to add more belts that distract from the actual product which is wrestling and the already put in place belts.
"The X-Division Title is a good Title for the mid card"

While it may located on the "middle" of the card, the X title deserves far better treatment than being considered the "midcard" belt. The X Division has been the most consistently entertaining division in TNA (or any other promotion on cable) since its inception. It has outperformed the TNA and NWA World Heavyweight titles on a consistent basis.

That being said, the X Title is no "midcard" championship. TNA really should consider a second-tier title for the reasons Ruck and I have mentioned.
I did add on the two key words there. Right and Now. for the here and Now it is the midcard belt. they should not bring a midcard belt in right now. because they are trying to bring in a womens title this would be overshadowed by a midcard title being brought in right now. I agree that TNA will eventually need it but as of this point in time it would be a belt for a belts sake not something that needs to be worked for which is what TNA has right now. Jeff Jarrett knows what too many belts can do to a show as he was on the USS WCW. That went down in part because of the number of titles that were being thrown around, a cruiserweight tag title, a US Tag title a world tag title belt, they had a complete set per division(effectively) too many titles takes away the focus of the show.
The problem with the X-Division title being a midcard title is the fact that it is a division title. You can't have gus like Roode, Rhino, and Messiah's competing for the X-Division title. So in a sense I see a need for a TV title but with the introduction of a womans title there might not be room but, WCW when they were on top of WWE had the World, U.S., TV, Cruiserweight and tag titles. So TNA could balance five titles if they kept the World Title matches on TV to minimum and save it for PPV's.
yea, One more title is enough, and I think it would be good, World, TV, X-Division, Women's, Tag Titles....I think there is enough time to seperate it enough....

I'd prefer a TV title over a Hardcore title as well...Hardcore title isn't truly a midcard title...Also I'd prefer TV title over US, Intercontinental, and FTW as they are all currently used by other companies...
the x-division is not a midcard title, that was one of the reasons many people were angry with Angle having it because he does not fit that style of wrestling, i mean guys like Robert Rude are not going to get the X-tittle and there are very few people who who have gon from X_division to heavyweight...i count 3 Daniels for a little while, AJ obviously and Kazarian right now but that's itguys like Rude and Harris need some sort of stepping stone to the World the IC title used to be.
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