TNA Looking To Bring Back Past Stars/Big Name Indie Talent For Destination X


Fucking Hostile
As noted before, the Destination X pay-per-view will feature an X Division Title match, an Ultimate X match and the return of the six-sided ring. TNA will be featuring its current X Division roster as well as bringing back stars from the past. TNA is looking at bringing back former stars such as Senshi (Low Ki/Kaval) as well as new names. The format for Destination X is being described as something like last year’s Hardcore Justice pay-per-view which had an ECW theme.

I am loving the sound of that idea, it seems like WWE is looking to get something of a who's who of Cruiserweight/X-Division talent as well as some former stars to come back for this years Destination X. I think this could turn out to be a great idea if they can get the right people. That being said, just who are the right people? Who do you think TNA should be looking to bring in for this event?

Personally I have a few guys I would love to see.

Low Ki/Sheshi/Kaval: This one would probably make the most sense, he is still well and truly able to go in the ring and would probably still be familiar enough to an audience that he could get over reasonably well. He also has a history with a lot of the current TNA guys in either TNA or the indies so it would be too hard for him to start a feud with anyone.

Psychosis: Psychosis was one of the original X Division guys in the early days of TNA. Considering that TNA has a working relationship with AAA (who Psychosis currently works for) I am sure it couldn't be too difficult to convince him to do a one off thing. He may be 40 but he is still wrestling and he is still decent enough in the ring to pull off most of his spots.

Jerry Lynn: Another one from the early days of TNA, they tried to get him for last years Hardcore Justice PPV so why not try again for this? He is obviously still in decent shape considering they attempted to get him last year and the fact he was ROH champion in 2009. The fact that most of the audience would probably know him would help as well.

Prince Devitt/Jushin Liger/Someone else from NJPW: This is probably the least likely of them all but I would love to see NJPW send someone over. New Japan and TNA have a working relationship and TNA sent talent over there earlier in the year so I would love to see them return the favour. If they sent anyone I would ideally love Prince Devitt due to reasons of being absolutely awesome but Liger would work as well due the the fact he is a legend and most people would know/know of him. Failing one those two though anyone in NJPW's Junior Heavyweight division would probably suffice.

There are others I would like to see like Kenny Omega and Davey Richards but I can't be fucked writing paragraphs about them as well so I'll just say it here.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this? Do you like the idea of TNA bringing in outside talent and past talent for Destination X? If yes who should they be looking to get? If no why not?
I love the idea. Everyone's been calling for a one-night-only 6 sided ring return, and Destination X is the perfect place. The 6 sided ring was always associated with the X Division, and Destination X has been as well, so add them all together and you get this.

Some guys I'd like to see return/debut:

Low Ki
Petey Williams
Sonjay Dutt
Prince Devitt
No limit (As a tag team)
Jay Lethal

So yeah, I'm looking forward to this. This is the only time i can remember when a Destination X seems promising and intriguing.
Gimmick PPVs tend to be quite divisive, but an X-Division one could be fantastic! Yes, yes I can hear "spot-monkeys" and "cluster-fuck(s)" being used at some stage but my god it could be entertaining. Off the back of a very solid PPV in 'Slammiversary' then they have the momentum to go 2 for 2 despite the shift in focus. Now, who I want to see return:

Sonjay Dutt (deserved better)
Petey Williams
Lethal Consequences (yup, I liked them, and if they came back for a night I'd still like them)
Senshi/Triple X
The Naturals (one of the best tag-teams in the early years of TNA)
Super Crazy
Jerry Lynn (he can finally get his match with RVD)
@Dowds Consequences Creed is currently signed to WWE. Forgot what name Hes under There.
I Liked Austin Starr but IDK If hes in ROH (Lack of ROH In UK) But when he was in TNA He was Decent.
Just a few of the guys I'd bring back, personally:

Kid Kash: Mainstay in the original X Divison and held his own well the last time they brought him back for the Hardcore Justice PPV last year. Looked to be in tremendous shape.

Senshi/Low Ki: Also a mainstay in the original X Division, his style was incredibly violent and high-flying. Would be a fine compliment to an all X Division show.

Austin Aeries: Not sure what the logistics behind bringing him back might be since from what I understand he left the company under inauspicious circumstances, but his time with the Papparazzi Productions stuff with Shelley and Nash was classic, and he's got all the tools necessary to be a "Starr".

Petey Williams: Just to see that sick Canadian Destroyer one more time! Love me some Lil Petey Pump.

The Naturals: One of the most underrated and underutilized tag teams in the early TNA years. Forget Shane Douglas. Just bring back the Naturals and give them a tag match against Triple X!
Low-Ki - Was a member of Triple Threat, was lethal as X-Division Champion, his matches with Chris Sabin were exceptional.

Petey Williams - As IDR said, mostly to once again see the flipping piledriver. I don't even know where Petey is at right now to be frank, but an appearence from him would be cool.

Ultimo Dragon - One. More. Time! Let the man wrestle one more time on pay-per-view. Who doesn't like UD? He hasn't wrestled for TNA before but if they're searching for good lightweight talent, this dude is a must.

Paul London - He has once before competed in the X-Division, and WWE plucked him from TNA. The one thing I can imagine stopping him is that he rubbed TNA wrong once before, slamming them, and refering to the company as a "stepping stone" to the WWE. But it would be great to see Kendrick and London in a ring together once more.

Some other names will probably swin around. One that I can rule out is Fergal "Prince" Devitt. He has said in many interviews, and press conferences that he has an ambition to one day work in the WWE, but has said he doesn't see of what benefit TNA could be to him seeing as he's already big enough in Japan. Also Austin Aries... Yeah, after his outburst against the company last time, I really, really, really doubt it.
Just a few of the guys I'd bring back, personally:

Kid Kash: Mainstay in the original X Divison and held his own well the last time they brought him back for the Hardcore Justice PPV last year. Looked to be in tremendous shape.

Senshi/Low Ki: Also a mainstay in the original X Division, his style was incredibly violent and high-flying. Would be a fine compliment to an all X Division show.

Petey Williams: Just to see that sick Canadian Destroyer one more time! Love me some Lil Petey Pump.

The Naturals: One of the most underrated and underutilized tag teams in the early TNA years. Forget Shane Douglas. Just bring back the Naturals and give them a tag match against Triple X!

Great choices with these 4, I am a big fan of all of them. I really don't know why TNA ever got rid of any of them, they were some of favourites back in the early days of the company.

Others I would like to see return would be the likes of Jerry Lynn (a personal favourite), Pcicosis (TNA and AAA are working together so that could be a possibibility), Juventud Guerrera and I would love to see guys like Jack Evans, Pac and Homicide as part of the PPV.

I am really looking forward to Destination X, especially with the return of the 6-sided ring. The shape of the ring gives much more space for some extreme, high-flying action.
It'd be nice to see Teddy Hart & Jack Evans, but I haven't the vaguest idea what either is up to currently. Hell, I don't even know if either of them are working at this point.

I'm sure someone who follows the business more closely than myself can chime in here...
It'd be nice to see Teddy Hart & Jack Evans, but I haven't the vaguest idea what either is up to currently. Hell, I don't even know if either of them are working at this point.

I'm sure someone who follows the business more closely than myself can chime in here...

Last i heard, both Teddy Hart and Jack Evans work for AAA and are part of Konnan's faction " The foreign legion". Now back on topic, i would love to see Senshi/Low-Ki/Kaval back in TNA, but i think his 90 days no-compete clause with WWE is not finished so he won't be back in time for Destination-X. I would bring back Petey Williams and The Naturals (without Shane Douglas).

"Sorry about your damn luck!!!" - James Storm
"I can whoop your ass backwards!!!" - Stone-Cold
Most of TNA's former X-division talent didn't deserve to be released, and seemed to be cut largely due to managements basic dislike (or lack of appreciation) for the X-division. The X-division in it's prime was all about wrestling ability, and very few of the X-division wrestlers over the years were lacking in that area. I'm glad to hear that TNA is reconsidering some of those decisions, and I hope this leads to a completely revitalized X-division. Anyways, these are my top picks for a return:

Petey Williams: Petey has THE best finisher in pro-wrestling, a great look, and is all around excellent in the ring. He easily carried the X title back in the day when it was still being contended for by guys like AJ Styles, which should say something about his ability. His matches against Chris Sabin and AJ Styles were classics. He's also shown himself to be charismatic and capable of adjusting to various roles, such as his "Mapleleaf Muscle" gimmick. And who could ever forget the corner nut-stand + "Oh Canada" routine? In addition, from all accounts Petey was a great employee who didn't deserve to be released. To put it bluntly, TNA was stupid to release him in the first place.

Austin Aries/Star: This is likely a long shot, as I doubt he wants to return. But Austin was really onto something with his 'Austin Star' gimmick and look, and could easily have carried the X-division as a strong heel. Of course, with or without that gimmick Austin is a phenomenal talent.

Sonjay Dutt: When I first started watching TNA, I was absolutely in awe of just how fast Sonjay Dutt moved in the ring. And in addition to being a great in-ring talent, Sonjay showed himself to be versatile in his mic-work. He was great in his "playah from the himalaya" role, and was really onto something with his Guru gimmick, but TNA failed to capitalize on it (or rather, they waited too long to do it). Sonjay still has a lot of potential, and at the very least can infuse some speed and ethnic diversity into the X-division.

Senshi: After Samoa Joe left the X-division, Senshi did a decent job of filling the gap he left behind. Obviously, Senshi can go in the ring, and he's not bad on the mic/as a character. Additionally, he brings a level of intensity to the X-division that has been lacking since Samoa Joe left.

Jay Lethal: Why was Jay released in the first place? Like Petey (if not to the same extent), he was over with the fans, good in the ring, good on the mic, and seemed to be a good employee. I feel as though Lethal was released due to his inability to catch on in the heavyweight division. Yet, Lethal didn't NEED to be feuding with bigger guys, or with legends like Ric Flair. Lethal was X-division, and if that division had been respected/understood by the powers that be in TNA, he could have excelled in that role.

As others have mentioned, I'd also like to see the returns of Kid Kash, the Naturals, etc. I'll add on to that list Elix Skipper (if he's good enough for TNA to utilize footage of him in every highlight reel, they may as well put him on the roster), Hector Garza (who I enjoyed in the X-cup), and the "Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong. All of these guys were fun and exciting to watch, which was the main appeal of the X-division in it's prime.
Last i hear, both Teddy Hart and Jack Evans work for AAA and are part of Konnan's faction " The foreign legion". Now back on topic, i would love to see Senshi/Low-Ki/Kaval back in TNA, but i think his 90 days no-compete clause is not finished so he won't be back in time for Destination-X. I would bring back Petey Williams and The Naturals (without Shane Douglas).

Jack Evans competes in AAA, Teddy Hart was released for starting a fight in the backstage area.

Bringing in Hart is like bringing in a ticking timb bomb. Sooner or later, he'd blow, even on a one night appearence.
For the 10th time, since everyone feels the need to start a thread about this, some guys aren't a possibility!

For one, Petey Williams will NOT be back. He is working for Lucha Libre USA and can't work anywhere else on TV. Sorry, you won't be seeing him. If you want proof of that, I interviewed him and would be glad to PM you guys the interview so you can hear it from Petey's mouth. Plus, he sounds like he wouldn't go back to TNA even if they asked. Doesn't matter though, because he's signed somewhere and he's not going to be at this PPV.

My opinion on this PPV is that it's a freakin sham. Anyone who was a fan of the old TNA in that sense is going to have a good time with this show, but the next day will realize that this was a parting shot. Maybe a name or two get to stay around, but this is to officially take the X-Division and bury it 6 feet deep. Not bury as in wrestling terms, but bury in terms of death. It's like ECW last year. There's an audience for it, but the show is not focused on that and this will be its last stand. Sure, it might be nice to see some old names come back and fly around for one night, but that's it. Maybe someone comes back and wins the X-Division title, but after that? The division goes right back to irrelevancy and the X Division guys go back to not mattering. It's what I said in the beginning.

The whole storyline is a farce. Guys like Kendrick, Kazarian, and others aren't getting a major push in this company. It was never going to happen. This was a short term solution to satisfy "those" fans for a little while, but it has no long term vision. You aren't going to see some great culmination here, just maybe some old X Division guys helping one guy win the belt back. It will be a nice moment, but then the belt won't be featured on TV for weeks.

I'm sure the show will be fun, and there are literally tons of names to choose from to bring back for one night only. That said, it's still just one night. It's finite and if anything, it's sad. A look back at what put TNA on the map and a look forward at how today's product features nothing of the sort. Should be interesting.
For the 10th time, since everyone feels the need to start a thread about this, some guys aren't a possibility!

For one, Petey Williams will NOT be back. He is working for Lucha Libre USA and can't work anywhere else on TV. Sorry, you won't be seeing him. If you want proof of that, I interviewed him and would be glad to PM you guys the interview so you can hear it from Petey's mouth. Plus, he sounds like he wouldn't go back to TNA even if they asked. Doesn't matter though, because he's signed somewhere and he's not going to be at this PPV.
Thank You.

My opinion on this PPV is that it's a freakin sham. Anyone who was a fan of the old TNA in that sense is going to have a good time with this show, but the next day will realize that this was a parting shot. Maybe a name or two get to stay around, but this is to officially take the X-Division and bury it 6 feet deep. Not bury as in wrestling terms, but bury in terms of death. It's like ECW last year. There's an audience for it, but the show is not focused on that and this will be its last stand. Sure, it might be nice to see some old names come back and fly around for one night, but that's it. Maybe someone comes back and wins the X-Division title, but after that? The division goes right back to irrelevancy and the X Division guys go back to not mattering. It's what I said in the beginning.

And you know this how?
The whole storyline is a farce. Guys like Kendrick, Kazarian, and others aren't getting a major push in this company. It was never going to happen. This was a short term solution to satisfy "those" fans for a little while, but it has no long term vision. You aren't going to see some great culmination here, just maybe some old X Division guys helping one guy win the belt back. It will be a nice moment, but then the belt won't be featured on TV for weeks.
Why the hell do they need a major push? None of them are stars. Get over seeing these guys as World Champions. It's not happening.

You are totally talking like you can see the future and you do not. You are over exaggerating.
I'm sure the show will be fun, and there are literally tons of names to choose from to bring back for one night only. That said, it's still just one night. It's finite and if anything, it's sad. A look back at what put TNA on the map and a look forward at how today's product features nothing of the sort. Should be interesting.
It's still one night? It's a freaking PPV. Obviously it is one night. TNA is not making a 2 how show each week for spotfest wrestling.

The X-Division put them on the map? No. It made people notice they were interesting but it never put them on the map, it never made TNA a company and it never helped TNA grow.

The X-Division has it's limits. None of the segments drew ratings recently either. TNA does care this time around about making the X-Division relevant but if there isn't enough ratings each week from US, UK, Germany, Australia and everywhere else to account for their segments and their time then eventually they will move on.

Only the IWC loves spotfest wrestling. Nobody else buying tickets, watching it on television doesn't seem too.

If this does good ratings, good buyrates and draws some buzz then TNA will give it another shot. You do not cater to something that put you on the map in the past when it doesn't do a damn thing for you in the present day.

Hell, TNA could just do this as a yearly thing knowing people will buy the PPV each year as a gimmick PPV.
Thank You.

And you know this how?

Why the hell do they need a major push? None of them are stars. Get over seeing these guys as World Champions. It's not happening.

You are totally talking like you can see the future and you do not. You are over exaggerating.

It's still one night? It's a freaking PPV. Obviously it is one night. TNA is not making a 2 how show each week for spotfest wrestling.

The X-Division put them on the map? No. It made people notice they were interesting but it never put them on the map, it never made TNA a company and it never helped TNA grow.

The X-Division has it's limits. None of the segments drew ratings recently either. TNA does care this time around about making the X-Division relevant but if there isn't enough ratings each week from US, UK, Germany, Australia and everywhere else to account for their segments and their time then eventually they will move on.

Only the IWC loves spotfest wrestling. Nobody else buying tickets, watching it on television doesn't seem too.

If this does good ratings, good buyrates and draws some buzz then TNA will give it another shot. You do not cater to something that put you on the map in the past when it doesn't do a damn thing for you in the present day.

Hell, TNA could just do this as a yearly thing knowing people will buy the PPV each year as a gimmick PPV.

I gave my opinion on how I think it will play out. I don't claim to know it WILL play out that way, but my gut feeling says it will.

The same way you are telling me none of the "X-Division guys" are stars, that's the same knowledge I have of this thing failing. We are both guessing based on what we already know. Quite honestly, I do think that someone like Brian Kendrick is a better talent than much of the roster, and I think it's a shame that he's seen as "small" so he won't get the opportunity. Still, maybe I'm wrong. After all, even in being a writer, I'm a fan like everybody else and I see this through a fan's eyes. I see talent in Kendrick even if the "powers that be" in TNA don't.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but until proven wrong, I do think this is short term fodder and nothing else. While I'm not one to say that X-Division matches should main event PPVs, I do think that some of the talents from the division are underutilized. Quite honestly, I don't care if the belt is gone forever, but it's the talents I feel for. This is their last stand, never to be relevant again (at least in my opinion). I could give you a list of talents from that division that I think if given a chance, could do big things in TNA. They won't though, and that's what saddens me. Forget spotfests, some of these guys are capable of working matches and working the mic, and I have to imagine could be draws if given the chance. Unfortunately, I don't think that chance will come. That said, I still hope I'm wrong. Then maybe, just maybe, Eric Bischoff will go from in the ground of douchebaggery to on the surface of slimy car salesman in terms of my respect for him.
I’ve been watching TNA since 2008 and I can’t really think of anyone that I would bring back since I’ve been watching. Basically I haven’t really missed anyone that’s been released over that time period. But there are a few guys from NWA Hollywood that I would like to see come in long term and be apart of a revamped X-Division.

Number one on my list would be Austin Aries. He’s the one guy I’ve always wanted TNA to sign. He seems to have everything needed to be a top guy, minus the huge frame. His mic work is top notch, he’s very charismatic and his ring work is pretty good to. Would love to see him up against AJ Styles.

Number two would be Willie Mack. He’s a younger, blacker, fitter, quicker Samoa Joe. Joe would also be ideal as Mack’s first opponent and I believe those two could have a pretty interesting feud.

Number three would be Scorpio Sky. He’s not really much of a character but he works the X-Division style well. I think he could also match up with Daniels pretty well.

And for one night only, I’d bring in Jerry Lynn. Just so him and Rob Van Dam can steal the show.
I gave my opinion on how I think it will play out. I don't claim to know it WILL play out that way, but my gut feeling says it will.

The same way you are telling me none of the "X-Division guys" are stars, that's the same knowledge I have of this thing failing. We are both guessing based on what we already know. Quite honestly, I do think that someone like Brian Kendrick is a better talent than much of the roster, and I think it's a shame that he's seen as "small" so he won't get the opportunity. Still, maybe I'm wrong. After all, even in being a writer, I'm a fan like everybody else and I see this through a fan's eyes. I see talent in Kendrick even if the "powers that be" in TNA don't.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but until proven wrong, I do think this is short term fodder and nothing else. While I'm not one to say that X-Division matches should main event PPVs, I do think that some of the talents from the division are underutilized. Quite honestly, I don't care if the belt is gone forever, but it's the talents I feel for. This is their last stand, never to be relevant again (at least in my opinion). I could give you a list of talents from that division that I think if given a chance, could do big things in TNA. They won't though, and that's what saddens me. Forget spotfests, some of these guys are capable of working matches and working the mic, and I have to imagine could be draws if given the chance. Unfortunately, I don't think that chance will come. That said, I still hope I'm wrong. Then maybe, just maybe, Eric Bischoff will go from in the ground of douchebaggery to on the surface of slimy car salesman in terms of my respect for him.

Working matches? The Kaz vs Kendrick didn't draw anything within the 12 minute match. If they can't draw during the 3/4 week build up + the PPV buyrates itself, then the X-Division is a flop.

What more do you want? Do you want TNA to fire every guy and make the X-Division the main event title? That's unrealistic. They are very relevant, Style is relevant, Joe is somewhat relevant, Kendrick and Kaz has always been relevant.

Anyone who isn't is simply because they are terrible on the mic or have lacking qualities like Amazing Red's mic skills, Jay Lethal's potential to be a legit star.

Why is it nobody is calling Daniel Bryan irrelevant? The man hasn't done shit in WWE for the last 3 months and I hardly watch WWE and I know this.

Nobody feels those those guys?

TNA is focusing on pushing Gunner and Crimson but according to the IWC, they don't have potential? They are young, fresh and not from WWE. The X-Division does not have to be the only source of talent to push.
Working matches? The Kaz vs Kendrick didn't draw anything within the 12 minute match. If they can't draw during the 3/4 week build up + the PPV buyrates itself, then the X-Division is a flop.

What more do you want? Do you want TNA to fire every guy and make the X-Division the main event title? That's unrealistic. They are very relevant, Style is relevant, Joe is somewhat relevant, Kendrick and Kaz has always been relevant.

Anyone who isn't is simply because they are terrible on the mic or have lacking qualities like Amazing Red's mic skills, Jay Lethal's potential to be a legit star.

Why is it nobody is calling Daniel Bryan irrelevant? The man hasn't done shit in WWE for the last 3 months and I hardly watch WWE and I know this.

Nobody feels those those guys?

TNA is focusing on pushing Gunner and Crimson but according to the IWC, they don't have potential? They are young, fresh and not from WWE. The X-Division does not have to be the only source of talent to push.

In fairness, you are completely twisting what I am saying. I'm saying that no one should be shut out of a push because they are or were X Division guys.

You're right, pushing AJ Styles worked because people like him. If others have that potential, and I gave Kendrick as a name there because I believe he's a talented guy, why shut him out because he's an "x division guy"?

As for Gunner and Crimson, what makes them better than Brian Kendrick and Kazarian? Honest question, two guys compared to two other guys. Why are the first two any better than the latter two? The only one of those four to ever show anywhere that he has mic skills is Kendrick while Kendrick and Kazarian are the superior workers by far. Plus, Kazarian is not much smaller than Gunner (Kaz listed as 6'1" 215 pounds, Gunner listed as 6'2" 230 pounds) so it's not as though size is an issue for at least one guy.

I'm not arguing to push Gen Me because they suck. Spot monkeys, but no depth. I'm not a fan of that. However, if guys can be the total package in wrestling despite not being 6'5" I see no reason to ignore them. Jericho didn't get his chance in WCW and did in WWE. He proved to be a draw. I'm just saying you can't ignore an entire division because a few stars could be there.

Now, please don't twist my words again. I'm not an X-Division fan and never have been actually. I'm saying if you take some of the talent that has been billed in that division and allow them to work as actual wrestlers with promo time, match time, etc., I think you would see positive results.
I think its sad TNA hasnt realised that its not the older stars that are gonna make them a true wrestling company everyone wants to see. Bringing back old stars just holds down the new stars, thus not giving them the time they deserve to be in the spotlight. Doesnt TNA do alot of work with AAA? Bring in some of there talent and have the crusierweights or "X-Division" caliber guys go head to head and showcase theyre talent.
Kid Kash
Petey Williams(Dont care if he cant do it, it would be a dream match)
AJ Styles
Christopher Daniels
Low Ki
Jerry Lynn
Elix Skipper
Micheal Shane
Amazing Red
Chris Sabin
Sonjay Dutt
and whatever that guys name is who does "The 630".

These are the guys that made the x division. Its a shame most of them have been long gone from TNA. I miss the old TNA so much. So much talent and epic matches. Everything was like "Holy Shit/This is awesome". Now its like we get one good match every um...:shrug:
My opinion on this PPV is that it's a freakin sham. Anyone who was a fan of the old TNA in that sense is going to have a good time with this show, but the next day will realize that this was a parting shot. Maybe a name or two get to stay around, but this is to officially take the X-Division and bury it 6 feet deep. Not bury as in wrestling terms, but bury in terms of death. It's like ECW last year. There's an audience for it, but the show is not focused on that and this will be its last stand. Sure, it might be nice to see some old names come back and fly around for one night, but that's it. Maybe someone comes back and wins the X-Division title, but after that? The division goes right back to irrelevancy and the X Division guys go back to not mattering. It's what I said in the beginning.

This is pretty much what I'm thinking will happen. Ultimately, the theme of this year's Destination X ppv will be something of a tribute ppv to the past glories of the X Division just as TNA attempted to do with ECW and the Hardcore Justice ppv last year. I have little doubt that, in terms of wrestling match quality, it'll be an infinitely better show than Hardcore Justice but I don't see any sort of long lasting, renewed relevance for the X Division in the aftermath of Destination X. I might be completely wrong and I hope I am, this is just what my instincts tell me because TNA very much likes doing things for the short term. Maybe Destination X will become a bone TNA will throw to its fans annually. I don't believe that the X Division will be going away, but I do believe it will quickly fade back into irrelevancy not long after the fall out from Destination X fizzles out. TNA bringing in a lot of former X Division competitors and champs for the show is nice and all but the vast majority of these guys are going back to the indy circuit after the show is over just like the ECW alumni did after Hardcore Justice.
My typical answers are Low Ki, Jay Lethal, and Jerry Lynn.

I would LOVE to see Ultimo Dragon return for one more match. I would literally buy my first TNA PPV just to see that. It would be cool if they could get Tajiri for the event as well.

What I do NOT want to see is RVD and the Hardys pretend they are X-Division athletes.
I'm glad I never have to buy TNA PPV's because we get them for free over in the U.K.

Instead of having these 3-Way Matches, over 4 weeks, with only 4 out of 12 guys getting through, why couldn't all 12 of them have an Ultimate X Match? You can't deny, that would be amazing. I'd love to even see Curry Man back if Daniels wasn't having fun as himself. But Jay Lethal & Jerry Lynn for sure. Hell, even Sonjay Dutt. You can't deny he's a great wrestler. I wouldn't mind seeing Low Ki either, as well as a brief Suicide appearance.

The only question. Seeing as this is an "X-Divison" PPV, does that mean we really have to watch Abyss defend his Title?? Here's to hoping he loses it in the next 3 weeks, or they leave it off the card.
...why couldn't all 12 of them have an Ultimate X Match? You can't deny, that would be amazing.

I absolutely could not deny such a thing.

However... I do believe that it would be better still for them to use the other X-Division spot-fest, the one that hasn't been seen since that shitty DQ finish where Jeff Hardy showed up and sat around looking moody...

Oh yes, I'm talking Steel Asylum! Six Sides of Steel, a domed top, a mass of bodies and a guaran-damn-teed injury or three? I'd buy that for a dollar!

Seriously, I've really missed the Steel Asylum, and without the six sided ring I doubt we'll see it again. With Destination X featuring the return [for one night only] of the fabled Hellacious Hexagon™, It'd be fitting to give the Steel Asylum a proper send-off, with a proper finish. Fucking DQ in a cage match my hairy northern arse.

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