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TNA Legends Championship

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Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
So everyone finds the TNA Legends title to be worthless correct? Well instead of complaining about things I like to think about how I can make them better. So here is my idea. Have Booker defend the belt against AJ at Destination X. Booker T wins. Sting beats Angle and joins the frontline. Every week Booker T puts the Legends title up for grabs against a legend. Whether it be Jake Roberts, or Terry Funk, or whoever. Doesn't matter if they are washed up. The crowd will pop like crazy for them and they would be like one match payoffs every time. This is all to goad Sting into defending the TNA title against him at the next ppv. After Booker batters Terry Funk after a win over Funk. Foley comes down and attacks Booker and leaves him a bloody mess and challenges him to a match at the ppv for the Legends title. Foley wins the title. Then Booker T challenges Sting at whatever the next ppv after that is. This way it sets up a fresh feud for the world and legends titles involving two big names people want to see. It has the title defended against actual legends not refs and jobbers. Plus Booker gets featured in more than squash matches and being a mafia lackey. What do you guys think? Discuss.
I think they should unify the World Title and Legends title thus just having the World title and ousting the Legends belt. If Booker T can just bring any belt into TNA and they take that belt seriously and actaully acknowledge it then I guess if AJ Styles or Samoa Joe wanted to bring in any belt and name it, for example the Frontline Title I guess it would be ok with TNA. TNA is fine and should just stick to it's World, X-Division, Tag Team and Women's title's. Less equals more.
TNA should utilise the Legends Championship better.

TNA should use the Championship to bring in legends on short term or one shot deals, this in turn could potentially lead to spike in the ratings or a PPV buyrate - that is of course as long as its advertised well before hand.

If the Legend that TNA brings in on a short term or one shot deal poves to be succsessful then TNA could offer them a longer deal.

Just think of the talent TNA could try to get for each PPV -
Terry Funk, Sid Vicious, Ultimate Warrior, Scott Hall, Goldberg, DDP, Masahiro Chono.

TNA already have Booker T, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Sting, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett.

I would personally build up a match between Sting vs. Ultimate Warrior at Bound For Glory 2009 for the Legends Championship.
So if I am hearing u guys right. U want TNA to get even older with bringin in older talent!!! Thas crazy talk. They don't have a good balance as it is between their older and younger wrestlers.

This legends belt should be used to promote upcoming wrestlers to they can achieve legendary status. Use it like the IC title from days of old.

I do believe that they have something here with this legends title. They just need to use it to promote up and comin talent.

I think the Legends belt is ok in the short-term, but if they are using it just as a heavyweight mid-card belt, I guess I really don't see the point at the time. What sets TNA apart from WWE is the X-Division. If TNA pushes the Legends belt as a mid-card heavyweight belt, it devalues the X-Division title and makes it the WCW Cruiserweight division. If that happens, it's just another retread.
To be honest with you I don't like the Legends belt.. it's meaningless, I like Booker T but he really isn't a legend at the moment, the only person in TNA worthy of the belt at this point is Sting in my honest opinion.. now a mid card belt is needed but come on a belt that is really for the older guys is daft.. I generally get the sense the belt is more like the Million Dollar belt then anything else.
I think they should change the name of the belt or get rid of it.

I don't think you should have name a title like that mainly because and I don't care who hates me for this lol TNA is a joke there best stars come from WWE and all their mic acting and announcing suck horribly I stopped watching it when they had that sharkboy douche rip off Stone Colds gimmick. But back to my point lol it's a slap in the face to actual legends in this business the only legend I've seen on their roster is Sting and I disagree with the people who think it'd be ok to have all the really old legends come back to just get beatin up to try and give it credibility I mean think about it if you asked the current champion "who did you beat to get/or retain that title" the only thing they can really say is "a bunch of 60 and 70 year old men" and all the working legends that people really really like to see are in the WWE so if anything the WWE should have that belt
So if I am hearing u guys right. U want TNA to get even older with bringin in older talent!!! Thas crazy talk. They don't have a good balance as it is between their older and younger wrestlers.

This legends belt should be used to promote upcoming wrestlers to they can achieve legendary status. Use it like the IC title from days of old.

I do believe that they have something here with this legends title. They just need to use it to promote up and comin talent.


Well i watch & started watching TNA specifically for the older talent, that will obviously not get a good reaction from the the majority of the people on this forum however i belive that im not the only one. Dont get me wrong i enjoy watching the younger talent aswell but if it were not for Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner & Kurt Angle i dont think i would have become a huge fan of TNA like i am now.

I dont think TNA bringing in older talent such as Scott Hall, Sid Vicious & Ultimate Warrior is bad what so ever as long as they build up there young Talent aswell.

The TNA World Heavyweight Title contenders could be people such as AJ Styles,Samoa Joe, Abyss, James Storm, Robert Roode & Hernandez with the occasional Legend now & again. Meanwhile The Legends could compete for the Legends Championship.

I dont think the Legends Title should be a Mid Card Belt for example if Matt Morgan won it, i would have difficulty accepting him as a legend which is what the Legends Championship represnts.
TNA should change the Legends title to a Television title. Use it as a way to build midcarders. Since its creation Booker T has held the title. It is TNA's way of saying, we having nothing else for you so here hold a title that has no purpose. Give him a fued with someone and put them over. Make it a lengthy fued. Much like the Booker vs. Benoit best of 7 back in WCW. It was a fued that really helped the two get over and launched their careers. TNA needs to build the midcarders (aka home grown talent). Not depend upon WCW/WWE veterans.
i have allways thought that the WWE should have a legends belt and in very much the same way have only legends wrestle for it, it would make a spot for Hogan, Flair, Sting I guess it would be sorta like the PGA's senior tour.
Here's the thing though, the Legends title really (to my knowledge) isn't a long term title, it was made to further the feud between the Frontline and the Main Event Mafia. That's something people can't seem to understand, it's kinda of on par with the Million Dollar Title, a title that was created by Dibiase when he failed to win the world title in WWF (sound familiar).

i see no point in keeping it around, granted you could use it in a special attraction type thing, bringing in a new legend to face the champ on special occasions. However keeping it around all the time really makes no sense considering TNA's legends aren't really all legendary. I really can say only Sting is a legend.

Plus in the overall outworking of things, it really doesn't benefit TNA in any way. Granted it may keep older guys away from the world title if they around in the long-term, but sure won't help any of the young guys in TNA since it would look ridiculous if a mid-carder TNA is trying to build up captures the Legend's title.

I say get rid of it, but that's just me.
i never saw the legends title as a real title. i always saw it as property of booker t, like the aforementioned million dollar belt was dibiase's.

the thing that bothers me is that i always figured it for an excuse to do exactly what many here suggested tna do with it, namely, to be an excuse to bring in a long line of older wrestlers to wrestle booker. now, i'm not sure what they are doing with it. (what, exactly are we supposed to think? are we intended to believe that shane sewel could carry a legend title convincingly?)

like so many things, tna seemed to be setting up something cool, but never went anywhere with it.

and just for the record, i'm a tna fan. i watch impact every week, i buy every ppv.
not so for wwe. i only recently noticed smackdown had moved from thursday to friday, and i can count on one hand how many times i've watched raw in the last year.

in fact, if i never see a promo with jericho in it, i just don't bother with vince's product, although i've been considering watching ecw, since so many guys from tna and roh wind up there.
Worthless prop.

If TNA wants to bring respectability to belts, they need to initiate a US or International title in it's place, or add a TNA Championship belt (much like WWE had the World Heavyweight and WWE Championship).
It was a worthy prop when the MEM storyline first started. But now it's no longer on somebody who can even be considered legendary, it's pointless. TNA'd be better off having Styles face suicide next month in a title vs. title match, and merging the two.
That'd be a terrible booking approach, IMO. First of all, Suicide and AJ have never crossed paths, secondly Suicide just won the XD title, and AJ the Legends title, and thirdly why further an already dreadful character by booking him against a top face in the company?

No thank you a thousand times over.
The Legends title is about to get turned up a notch. For some reason I think Beer Money Inc will dispand, or with the recent Matt Morgan heel turn I could see some AJ style-Matt Morgan Legends title in the future.
I think it would be a great belt to have Rhino, Morgan, Abyss, Styles, Joe to compete for.
That'd be a terrible booking approach, IMO. First of all, Suicide and AJ have never crossed paths, secondly Suicide just won the XD title, and AJ the Legends title, and thirdly why further an already dreadful character by booking him against a top face in the company?

No thank you a thousand times over.

A terrible booking approach to merge two worthless titles and hopefully make a new worthy one?

TNA want to further the Suicide character, dreadful or not. A.J. is one of the top faces in the company. If anybody can get him over it should be him.
The Legends title is a great but no brainer idea.It acknowledges that TNA has veterans & coulda been the basis for some great matches, but as soon as its created,its used as part as the MeM -Frontline feud with AJ (a relative new guy) challenging for it.They could do this with the tag title ,give Steiner,Nash & Booker something to do other than fart around Kurt ,or the Frontlines main title,the X division but NO.
This feud coulda been great if a bit obvious but like the W/ECW invasion angle they mucked it up ,with vets Jeff,Foley & the Dudleys on the side of the new guys for a start,(& Christian was meant to do likewise) & the MCM imploding on Creed/Lethal in the tags.It just doesnt make sense.& Joe whose meant to lead the Frontline is messing off on a new angle already.
When this feud fizzles out ,maybe this title will give overlooked vets like Rhyno or special guests a look in,or maybe it was just created FoR this feud & like the WWF hardcore title,the novelty,ll wear off.& end in title unification.
This title needs to go. It's a horrible gimmick, like the Million Dollar belt. Give it back to Booker to be used as a meaningless prop that no one actually competes for, and have him give it to a protégé just as DiBiase did with Virgil and Austin.

Replace the belt's "spot" with a TV or US/International competition title that can be pinned on a new-comer like Brutus Magnus or Kiyoshi. Magnus might actually benefit greatly from it if an international competion (like the World X Cup) were established and he won it over at a PPV.
I don't get why you all hate the Legends Title. You all bitched for ever how TNA needed a mid-card championship and now you bitch after they finally make one. Whats wrong with the name? I think it sounds cool and its a way to not immediately come out and say that the title is not worth as much as the world title even though it is obviously not. What the fuck else do you want to call the title? TV Title? That is the dumbest fucking name for a title I have ever heard. I remember the WCW TV Title and I always thought that belt was fucking useless. The name just sounds stupid. So they are the champion of TV? Horrible. I can see why WCW dropped it. They can't make a US title because then people will bitch that they are ripping off WWE. Also the international title sounds like a blatant rip-off of the intercontinental title. I think calling the title the "Legends Title" is fine. They had a veteran and former world champ introduce it and have a lengthy reign before losing it to an up and comer. The belt will only help TNA in the future by building up guys like Morgan, Roode, Storm, and Magnus before they throw them in the main event.
The Legends title should morph into either a TV title (which could be defended EVERY week on TV) or a US title.
Fuck a TV title. That is the dumbest name possible for a title. Let them be original instead of naming it after some piece of shit title that WCW gave 2 shits about. And US title can't be done because everyone will say they ripped off WWE. Legends title works.
I disagree, Legend Title doesn't work. TNA North American Heavyweight Championship works better for me. Or TNA THIS TITLE ISN'T WORTH ANYTHING.

I do hope that they just merge it back into the TNA WHC, as I like TNA having only the three belts (Knockouts doesn't count)
I never ever got the point of this belt but like its good to have a mid card belt, another reason for people to fight...ive been a fan of as many belts as possible...it doesnt bother me..gives u more feuds to work with and i jst enjoy it...but the legends title is a nowhere one
Fuck a TV title. That is the dumbest name possible for a title. Let them be original instead of naming it after some piece of shit title that WCW gave 2 shits about. And US title can't be done because everyone will say they ripped off WWE. Legends title works.

I'm guessing you don't remember a little title that RVD held two years and if i remember right only lost it due to an injury?Honestly hardly anyone will argue that statement that the WCW TV Title was garbage but for a long time in ECW its TV Title seemed better then its Heavyweight title but then again that's not hard to achieve when one of the best and most under-rated wrestlers in his prime held the title.The T.v title would make a lot more sense then the Legends Title seeing that honestly only two people in TNA currently would even come close to legend status.Foley and Sting.
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