TNA Late Night


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm not sure what anyone else would think about this, but what if TNA moved IMPACT! back an hour. This would mean that IMPACT! would air from 10 PM - Midnight. Alot of people seem to hate the current WWE PG rating, so I'm assuming that people don't want to see that in a wrestling show. Being that wrestling usually comes on at 9PM, there are many kids who are still awake at that time of the night. It appears that the main market that TNA is trying to attract to it's programming is the 18-49 male demographic. This would allow TNA to be able to do stuff that they may not be able to do while airing earlier on in the night. While they don't to go fully extreme with something like this, they could probably draw in another audience. They could have blood, weapons, whatever they want. I'm sure that TNA would be pretty open to let them push the limits a bit more if they were on later in the night.

From looking at the history of wrestling ratings, it always appears that more people seem to tune into wrestling during the 2nd hour. Since wrestling always goes off by 11 o clock, it's never clear whether people tune into the 2nd hour because it's more interesting or whether the people who watch the show are late night television viewers. So is this a good idea or a bad idea?
but then again a lot of people cant tune in that late cause they have to wake up early for school, work, ect. (including me) so i'd actually think they'd loose more then gain more... at least from my point of view
I doubt that it would help much, maybe even lowering the ratings. TNA iMPACT! is hit or miss most of the time. And in more than half of the shows, it either becomes to boring to watch or so much of a confused, jumbled, mindfuck ******* that you say 'Forget it' and debate whether you shoud go to sleep for your school/job the next day or post about your disapproval of the show, you sad bastard. So moving it to 10 to 12 wouldn't make much of a difference. It would just make less sense, since you would already be tired. It would lose viewers, mainly the kids who watch TNA for the flippys, blood, and tits. And Jeff Hardy. It would include more "backstage situations", which we seem to get every week BTW. And overall, it would be bad for the company and the late night spot would make TNA think that they have a little more freedom as far as content, and might make them do something stupid like have their main face win a female in a match, implying rape, or having one wrestler stab another in the arm with a sharp piece of a broken glass bottle.

Oh wait.
No for a couple reasons:

First: they've gone through a rollar coaster of changes over the last six months, and quite frankly they simply can't afford to continue re-branding and shifting time slots.

Let SpikeTV continue to advertise Thursdays as TNA Thursdays, and keep the show as a 9pm show.

Second: A 10pm to midnight time slot would mean they'd have to buy back for three-hour specials to run it from 9 to midnight, because there's no way fans would stay up willingly to 1am to watch.
Prime time is between 9 pm to 11 pm. After that the audience drops. Just look at Jay Leno and Conan O"Brien's ratings last year. That didn't work out really well. I don't think TNA going on later promoting more blood and violence is going to do any wonders. If viewers tuned in to see nothing but blood and violence on a wrestling show, then ECW would still be in business.

TNA will lose their audience and their sponsors if they go to late night. Even if they wanted to, Spike TV has other shows on during those time slots. TNA has tried to have a more adult show with hardcore violence over the years and it hasn't gotten them anywhere. TNA needs to focus more on wrestling and less on shock television.
What TNA really needs to do is GET OUT OF THE IMPACT can not get better ratings if you do have a consistent fan like WCW did and WWE does duh? that is how you get people to watch your show and buy your pointless pay-per views!
If TNA decided to go with more of a "adult-theme" (or whatever), the time-slot wouldn't really make a big difference. Just think about all the things that the WWE (WWF at the time) used to get away with on USA in the 9-11pm timeslot.
One of the biggest problems many fans have with TNA now. Is the over use of blood, the profanity, the creepy Orlando Jordan gimmick, and the fact they try to resurrect the attitude era. How much further can they push the envelope? They need to tone it down a bit not get raunchier.

Changing time slots again would be a huge mistake in my opinion. I'm sure their ratings would drop if they went till Midnight. When they debuted on Spike they were on late night ans were pulling in .4 .5 ratings.
One of the biggest problems many fans have with TNA now. Is the over use of blood, the profanity, the creepy Orlando Jordan gimmick, and the fact they try to resurrect the attitude era. How much further can they push the envelope? They need to tone it down a bit not get raunchier.

Changing time slots again would be a huge mistake in my opinion. I'm sure their ratings would drop if they went till Midnight. When they debuted on Spike they were on late night ans were pulling in .4 .5 ratings.

you know i agree with what u are saying... i think some people are overlooking the problem of tna.. if people been watchin wrestling since hulkamania era then they should understand how the wrestling business suppose to work and what not suppose to work they do need to tone down a bit, but thats not the problem we are watchin tna weekly and because we are watchin weekly we seeing stuff that doesnt make any sense in terms of storyline and its not the storyline its the whole product and they need to get rid of wack gimmick wrestlers, some of it makes people want to change the channel
But I don't think the answer is 10 - 12. I think the answer is a pre-taped show using lower end talent doing outrageous stuff from 11-12 on Mondays. More or less half old school ecw and half promo for the main show. Wouldn"t cost much, you could use the under-used talent on the days you already have the camera crews there. Might be a moderate success. Might be a hour long commercial. There ARE people watching wrestling on Mondays who'd stick around for another hour.
Television prime time is generally from 8 to 11 pm. After that, the audience tends to drop off dramatically for most stuff. At 11 pm, you've got people that are having to get ready for bed to go to work or school the next day or flip over to their local news to see what's going on, maybe check what the weather's gonna be, etc.

TNA going raunchier really isn't going to help much, if any, for a lot of reasons I think. To go raunchier, TNA would have to go in a direction that television sensors simply won't let them go. In order to come off as innovative instead of looking as though they're just pulling cheap stunts for ratings, there'd have to be extreme profanity and probably even nudity going on and it's just not going to happen. If Spike was able to actually get away with that sort of content on a show or a movie, they'd have already done it a long time ago.

I feel that one of TNA's biggest problems is that they're just coming off too often as a cheap attempt at their own Attitude Era. It's just not working and it only furthers the image of TNA being "WWE Lite" that some fans already have of the company. Pulling sleazy stunts isn't going to fix what's wrong with the TNA product. They've already gone down that road a few times and have produced some of the shittiest hours of wrestling you'll see in this year. Too many people are hung up on the whole PG and TV14 ratings stuff for some reason. Just because a show is advertised as being "edgy" or more "adult oriented" doesn't necessarily make it so, nor does that automatically mean that what you're seeing is quality.
Moving their time AGAIN!? No. No way they should do this. Reasoning is that the bulk of revenue for advertising and all that good stuff comes between 8-10 PM EST. The phrase 'Prime time' was coined because it was the prime time for viewers to watch their shows and for companies to advertise their products. Moving their show back to where it would end past midnight would not only lose viewers, but lose money because they would have to lower the price of their advertising slots in order to actually HAVE companies advertise for them.

So this would be a HUGE mistake.

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