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TNA is a Rest Haven For Former WWE Talent

CM Steel

A REAL American
For the past 9 years now that each year between the spring & summer it's when the WWE began's to cut talent for very different reason's. And each year (or whenever the WWE release's a talent) TNA always find a way to pick up on that talent. Or even when that former WWE talent's contract is up with that company (Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, ECT).

But like we've seen in the past, no former WWE talent can stay with TNA forever (Christian, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, ECT). TNA/Impact wrestling has talented wrestlers on it's roster. They always did! But the head figure's who TNA pick up from the WWE always end right back up signed to the WWE. Because TNA/Impact isn't really a place where a iconic wrestler can end his career. But Sting could be an exception? Maybe even Ric Flair?

TNA/Impact wrestling is more like a wrestling refuge for cut WWE talent. And when things don't go the way the new faces of TNA wants them to go in any kind of way, they head right back to the WWE or go to ROH or even Japan. That's just the circle of how todays wrestling works since the old teritory days.

But TNA/Impact wrestling is nothing more than a rest haven for former WWE talent. A place where Mr. Anderson/Kennedy can be a world champion. A place where we can still see Hulk Hogan vs Sting. And a place where Jeff Hardy can wrestle high as a kite.
TNA is always going to pick up WWE talent that leave the company because they know that by doing that it will boost ratings and more people will tune into watch as itz names they will recognise but TNA can no longer be called 'original' anymore in my opinion as there top starts are all former wwe superstarts and at nearly every ppv that they have, it is headlined by a former wwe superstar
I don't understand the point of your thread. They haven't picked up Gregory Helms, Mike Knox, Carlito, etc. I guess it's not as big a haven you thought it was.

Former WWE talent need a job. TNA is just another promotion for them to work at.
I'm sooo sick of people saying that all former WWE wrestlers go to TNA. Do you think that just because WWE gets rid of wrestlers that they don't deserve to wrestle somewhere else? TNA is the only company that they can showcase their talents with , and paid halfway decent pay. Without TNA the wrestling world would be shit to alot of people that like to watch it on tv, especially with people that know or have watched previously. Give TNA a break for once, and the wrestler's that actually try to go to TNA because WWE uses them and tosses them out. I hope most of them end up in TNA because they deserve to have a job outside of the WWE UNIVERSE.
Yeah. The business works that way. At least it used to when there was more than one large company. Is it a bad thing? Doubt it. It keeps companies fresh. Only smarks are stupid enough to care about a wrestler's origin rather than the quality of their performance. So TNA can be called a "haven" for former WWE talent. You saying Christian, Kurt Angle, RVD, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Mr. Anderson and Ric Flair have done nothing of note in TNA? if not, what's your point? It's business as usual. If WCW and ECW were alive today, thing would be the same.
Yay. Another "WWE rejects go to TNA to die" thread. These wrestlers gotta work somewhere, I'm sure they don't want to go back to the independents and with TNA being the 2nd biggest company.. yeah, I'd go there as well.. what was so different about the days of old.. WCW vs WWF vs ECW.. the ex wrestler of each of those went to the competition.. it's no different than now.. if i can't see them on WWE tv, I'm happy to see them on TNA tv and guess what, ex-TNA wrestlers also show up in WWE, they may not be as big as they were in TNA.. but WWE still picks them up.. *cough* Braden Walker *cough*

I think the only ones that cry about it, are the ones who hate TNA, or don't watch it at all.. and say, boy I sure do miss so and so on Raw or Smackdown.. yeah, well ******, turn on TNA and you might see these wrestlers you loved :)
I'll admit I am a WWE fan much more then TNA, but I'll tell you why. I don't mind TNA picking up former WWE talent, cuz honestly, WWE misuses ALOT of them (Melina, Masters, Gail Kim, Ultimo Dragon to name a few). The only problem I have really with TNA is the same problem I had with WCW. TNA goes out of their way to bash WWE on a constant basis. I understand it's competition, but seriously, I can count on one hand how many times WWE has bashed TNA whereas TNA does it on a regular basis. Same with WCW. WWE didn't really retaliate against WCW until the famous "Billionaire Ted" skits & they hardly mention TNA ever. If TNA would cut the crap of constantly bringing up WWE, Vince, and quit with the verbal assaults it might just be watchable. I mean come on they had a whole friggin months long storyline about the WWE Hall of Fame ring etc. They need to grow up
For the past 9 years now that each year between the spring & summer it's when the WWE began's to cut talent for very different reason's. And each year (or whenever the WWE release's a talent) TNA always find a way to pick up on that talent. Or even when that former WWE talent's contract is up with that company (Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, ECT).

But like we've seen in the past, no former WWE talent can stay with TNA forever (Christian, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, ECT). TNA/Impact wrestling has talented wrestlers on it's roster. They always did! But the head figure's who TNA pick up from the WWE always end right back up signed to the WWE. Because TNA/Impact isn't really a place where a iconic wrestler can end his career. But Sting could be an exception? Maybe even Ric Flair?

TNA/Impact wrestling is more like a wrestling refuge for cut WWE talent. And when things don't go the way the new faces of TNA wants them to go in any kind of way, they head right back to the WWE or go to ROH or even Japan. That's just the circle of how todays wrestling works since the old teritory days.

But TNA/Impact wrestling is nothing more than a rest haven for former WWE talent. A place where Mr. Anderson/Kennedy can be a world champion. A place where we can still see Hulk Hogan vs Sting. And a place where Jeff Hardy can wrestle high as a kite.

What do you expect? For satan's sake, wrestlers are human beings with families so if they are cut by your precious WWE you want them to starve to death? This is no different than when WCW and ECW existed and guess what it will remain the same 100 years from now. You see this is the problem with WWE fans, you all think that WWE is the only company that matters when in fact they are other companies out there. Are the other companies as big as WWE? Fuck no, but wrestlers have to live so if they go to TNA ,ROH or anywhere else its ok.
To me, I don't really care that WWE wrestlers goto TNA and vise versa. Like many of you have said, they need places to work, so TNA, New Japan, ROH, or they go back to the indy's and wrestler for much less money. However, when they go to TNA, WWE guys watch the them on TNA and say, damn, we made a mistake, and they come back. Sting has never wrestled for WWE and most likely will not ever. WCW did the same thing, took main event guys from WWF/WWE and signed them as soon as their contracts were up/ or released, but nobody mentioned that. I think it is good that this goes on. Melina will most likely end up in TNA, along with Gail Kim and whoever else goes.
The reason why they go to TNA is because TNA is the 2nd best option after WWE.
I also agree with some of what I've read here. WWE really misuses some of their talent and those wrestlers go to TNA and get more tv time, more exposure, etc... Some of them do come back to WWE, like Christian. It's kinda like dating a girl, not appreciating her, u dump her, she goes out with your friend and u start to think she's hot again. AKA WWE releases talent, they sign with TNA and WWE wants them back.
LOL, a cyclical pattern...The wrestling version of breathing.
With everything said, I'm kinda glad Gail and Melina are gone. WWE doesn't want a good women's division, TNA has a great roster of women that can cut promos and put on a semi-decent match. ANY man that says they watch the women, purely, for the wrestling is 100% lying. However, I watch to see some hott chicks, definitely, but it's a lot easier to watch when the chick has talent. In that regard, PG WWE doesn't work for female wrestlers. It's a great spot for KELLYKELLY or Maria, etc...but Melina, Gail, Mickey, Tara, etc... will always put on better shows for TNA because they're allowed to.
For the past 9 years now that each year between the spring & summer it's when the WWE began's to cut talent for very different reason's. And each year (or whenever the WWE release's a talent) TNA always find a way to pick up on that talent. Or even when that former WWE talent's contract is up with that company (Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, ECT).

But like we've seen in the past, no former WWE talent can stay with TNA forever (Christian, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, ECT). TNA/Impact wrestling has talented wrestlers on it's roster. They always did! But the head figure's who TNA pick up from the WWE always end right back up signed to the WWE. Because TNA/Impact isn't really a place where a iconic wrestler can end his career. But Sting could be an exception? Maybe even Ric Flair?

TNA/Impact wrestling is more like a wrestling refuge for cut WWE talent. And when things don't go the way the new faces of TNA wants them to go in any kind of way, they head right back to the WWE or go to ROH or even Japan. That's just the circle of how todays wrestling works since the old teritory days.

But TNA/Impact wrestling is nothing more than a rest haven for former WWE talent. A place where Mr. Anderson/Kennedy can be a world champion. A place where we can still see Hulk Hogan vs Sting. And a place where Jeff Hardy can wrestle high as a kite.

It seems you've forgotten that TNA is also where a lot of indy stars can catch a break in front of a global audience while WWE are focused on cookie cutter types and catalog models.

It's a place where Anderson can be a world champ? Sure but it was also one of the places he first started working before WWE picked him up based on matches including his TNA work.

Jeff Hardy wrestled as high as a kite in WWE, especially in hia latter year there, you just didn't know it because they were hesitant to suspend him until they really had to. Jeff was a liabilty wrestling high on drugs since 2002, two years before he first competed in a TNA ring.

Or is it that you like some others are STILL buying into that stereotype about TNA as a way to try and put the company down and ignore all the good things they've done and all the talent they've discovered before WWE did (such as CM Punk, Mickie James, Mr Anderson, Low Ki and countless others)?

Remember, WWE themselves used that stereotype against WCW but at least half if not more of their roster were younger guys and women who WWE picked up as soon as they were available after seeing them in WCW (Madusa, Jericho, Benoit, Guerreros, need I go on?).
hasn't this been asked/discussed/beat to death before? yeah they get wwe talent - why wouldn't they? you said it is a place where anderson can become world champ. wasn't wwe grooming him for that? it is also the place where christain became the 3 time world champ when wwe wasn't willing to pull the plug on him - it took wwe almost 2 years since he came back for them to do that. yeah, TNA isn't the wwe - 30 years ago, the wwf wasn't the wwe. they have built this great myth that is you are not in the wwe, if that was not your life long ambition, then you are nothing. there is nothing wrong with being in TNA. wcw had old wwf talent - they also almost put wwf, with all its young new talent, out of business. it is not a matter of where they were, it is a matter of how they work. kurt angle can still work better than most guys, same with sting. and take a look at the roster - how many old wwe talents are actually there wresting now? look how many guys went from TNA(or ROH) to wwe? does that make it a rest haven for TNA or HOR talent? it is a standard business practice not something TNA created and perfected. people need to quit with this bs already.
What annoys me is that you only get called a "Reject" if you go to TNA.

Haas and Benjamin are in ROH but no one calls them WWE Rejects.

Lance Hoyt, monty brown, chris harris, Consequences Creed all got released from TNA and went to WWE but they didn't get called TNA Rejects.
What annoys me is that you only get called a "Reject" if you go to TNA.

Haas and Benjamin are in ROH but no one calls them WWE Rejects.

Lance Hoyt, monty brown, chris harris, Consequences Creed all got released from TNA and went to WWE but they didn't get called TNA Rejects.

That's because a lot of the IWC pleasures themselves to ROH. Then complain about TNA's low ratings despite ROH isn't on national television.

TNA, ROH, anywhere else - just places to work. Wrestlers & everyone need money to feed their families too, that's all they are doing. Some people [Taz] go to TNA because of an easier schedule to spend time with the family.
I think tna will always pick up the wwe rejects because of name recognition for ex hulk hogan and rvd for instance they use the wwe names for ratings and fans that like watching them in wwe
I don't understand the point of your thread. They haven't picked up Gregory Helms, Mike Knox, Carlito, etc. I guess it's not as big a haven you thought it was.

Former WWE talent need a job. TNA is just another promotion for them to work at.

This is true. WWE isisnt the only honest wrestling job in the world. There people and they need to earn money. If WWE gave them the boot then the other resonable thing to do is jump on another high paying promotion. THere not ganna go back to nobody promotions to earn scrap. TNA is that other company to make good money.
But TNA/Impact wrestling is nothing more than a rest haven for former WWE talent.

Is this necessarily a bad thing?

In some cases, but not all. You can argue that Foley, Flair, Hogan, people like that may have made the wrong choice in going to TNA as they risk the possiblity of tarnishing their legacy. Then again, much like sports stars who go team to team, some people just have such a passion for what they do that they don't want to walk away until they absolutely have to.

I don't think it tarnishes anything, much like in football, I don't lose respect for anyone that hangs on longer as long as they can still perform, because it's entirely up to them when they retire and move on. And if other promotions are calling, why not keep doing what you love to do?

I don't really understand the your point. TNA have had hits and misses with former WWE talent, but it's not like they take in every stray dog the WWE casts aside, they sign whom they believe will make their product better.

A place where Mr. Anderson/Kennedy can be a world champion.

He was going places in WWE until the injury bug struck him, over and over. But in TNA, with the lighter schedule, he's been able to become a legitimate main eventer. Nothing wrong with either party here, TNA got themselves a charasmatic superstar whom they've elevated up-to where WWE were taking him, and Anderson got a World Championship run.

A place where we can still see Hulk Hogan vs Sting.

I really, really hope this doesn't happen.

Sting can still put on a decent match, but Hogan has had more surgeries than I can count, and I would not want to see him back in a ring again.

And a place where Jeff Hardy can wrestle high as a kite.

Though he did have problems coming out of WWE, he was a big star with them and had a decent following. I don't blame TNA for taking a chance on him, it was a high-risk high-reward type of move and though it blew up in their face at Victory Road they dealt with the situation and moved on.

The fact is, like I stated earlier, TNA don't sign all of WWE's cast-offs. And the ones they do sign, don't always pan out. But, lets look at some that did.

Matt Morgan: WWE didn't use him correctly, he wasn't over, and never elevated anywhere past the midcard area of the roster. However, TNA molded him into a good upper level superstar. He's good in the ring, and has done well in TNA, much better than he did in WWE.

R-Truth: Though he's with WWE now, and he has been pushed, he started with WWE(at the time WWF) as K-Kwik. He was a typical mid-card guy who held the Hardcore Championship, I think like twice, but lost it very shortly after both times. Jump to TNA, where they molded his character and allowed him to grow and become an overall better talent.

Christian: Now, he wasn't some shmuck with WWE obviously. He flourished in the tag team division, and had a nice little run as a singles competitor before leaving for TNA. But, when in TNA, he was pushed as a legit main eventer who won World Championship gold. Coming back to WWE, he was put right away into a feud with Jack Swagger for the ECW Championship, which IMO reflects directly from how much TNA had helped his star rise.

The point is, you can't blame a company for signing stars who are now free agents. Though they don't always pan out, there's always that chance that they will, and the DO come with name value.
I feel that the main reason people make statements like "Another WWE superstar goes to TNA to die" or TNA picks up another WWE reject" is simply because TNA kinda sucks a bit.

Listen to the production work with the crowd noise, it is absolute garbage. The majority (not all, but the majority) of the crowd at an Impact taping, are folks that happen to be walking around an amusement park.... they are not wrestling fans who bought a ticket. They are there for a chance to be on TV. If you honestly believe any different, you are either naive, or a blind fanboy (and either way, noone will change your mind).

I begged for another option (just like everyone else did) when WCW went under. I followed every tease, rumor, hopeful company beggin and yearning for a return to a time when on a Monday night, I would wear my finger to the bone flippin between Rasslin and Wrestling.

Now in defense of the talent.... if you are cut from a job, you may have to take a little crap and a pay cut, but putting food on the table is the main issue... so going to TNA after being cut from WWE is about the only choice you would have right now. But noone says they have to like it and from the looks of it, most don't. Yeah you might get you a little title run as a reward for signing on to do a little pay per appearence deal... but everyone knows (that is, everyone who would search their souls and be frank and honest with themselves) TNA/Impact Wrestling is not the place any wrestler hopes to be.

And just as a side rant... I had not completley abandoned TNA until recently. The straws (2 of em) that broke my TNA camels back... Misleading advertising of CM Punk coming to TNA (Yeah, that's how it was thrown out there) and the signing of Jesse from Big Brother. Those two things, combined with the fact that I can't condone the Hardy situation are enough to make me stop DVR'ing the show... (even though I could watch the whole thing in 17 minutes if I fast forwarded through the commercials and any Hogan and/or Flair and/or Bischoff segment).

Wrestlers will go where they can get paid. MOST (again not all, but most) talent will put up with TNA's crappy show so they can remain in the eye of the public until Big Daddy Vince comes calling and invites them back to the real world.... (Kevin Nash made a statement about actually being in front of a crowd upon his return to the WWE.... before flaming me and labeling me a TNA basher, think about that......Work in front of 1000 Disney guest, or work in front of 10000 Wrestling Fans). But if the 10K fans are taken away from you, 1k fans, seems mlike a lot more than 0 fans.
I'll admit I am a WWE fan much more then TNA, but I'll tell you why. I don't mind TNA picking up former WWE talent, cuz honestly, WWE misuses ALOT of them (Melina, Masters, Gail Kim, Ultimo Dragon to name a few). The only problem I have really with TNA is the same problem I had with WCW. TNA goes out of their way to bash WWE on a constant basis. I understand it's competition, but seriously, I can count on one hand how many times WWE has bashed TNA whereas TNA does it on a regular basis. Same with WCW. WWE didn't really retaliate against WCW until the famous "Billionaire Ted" skits & they hardly mention TNA ever. If TNA would cut the crap of constantly bringing up WWE, Vince, and quit with the verbal assaults it might just be watchable. I mean come on they had a whole friggin months long storyline about the WWE Hall of Fame ring etc. They need to grow up

However, just the same WWF resorted to a lot of low blowing with those Billionaire Ted skits, actually they were going out of their way to embarrass Ted Turner just as much as anything else. Plus at the time it showed WWF was pretty upset that they lost their two biggest stars in Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage who were still having success into their early 40s, not to mention that Mean Gene Okerlund was a pretty big signing to have in WCW. I mean Vince not only lampooned WCW, but he also made it a point to mention public controversies that Ted Turner had, going beyond just the notion of ridiculing WCW. Sounds like Vince has some real big animus and personal issues towards Ted, just go through the archives and watch all those sketches, the Tee Vee Trivia sketch says it all right there, unfortunately the link I used to have for it is no longer valid since YouTube had it taken down.

Anyway, anytime to my best recollection that an organization like TNA or WCW has ever taunted WWF/E, they have never brought up dirty laundry that has scarred the company's public image, i.e. the Steroid Indictment, the Sex Scandal and so on. If you really REALLY look back at the Billionaire Ted skit you will see the WWF was a much more desperate organization at that time than people will really care to admit.

Also, the whole WWE Hall of Fame Ring deal in TNA, was it my favorite storyline? Absolutely not, but again I still maintain this, Vince McMahon brought the NWA/WCW Big Gold Belt on his own programming, don't get me wrong a great angle and what not...but just the same, I think we should be keen to take note that all's fair in love and war, let's not be selective here on how we criticize one organization's tactics while ignoring the other. Yes, before anyone says anything about the belt situation with Flair, I know he was owed his deposit and interest for the thing, but just the same, if what they say is true, it was still pretty petty on Vince's part to allow it on television if you really think about it. WWF/E has never been innocent in this type of stuff before and anyone trying to justify WWF/E's actions in the past is nothing but a stupid and close minded mark. 'Nuff said.
TNA is not a WWE haven. When WCW and WWF were in competition talent went back and fourth endlessly. WWF/E signed so many EX WCW stars to contracts during that period and developed a few! Before WWE started a developmental system all talent moved back and fourth. TNA doesn't really have a developmental system so they have no choice by to sign ex WWE stars, ex ECW stars or established indy stars or they will just have awful wrestlers who are green in the ring, on the mic or green in both aspects. From a business standpoint TNA should be plucking as many ROH and indy talent who can work in the ring and mic and use all the veterans they have to train them with their experience to be better performers.
While I don't like the term "rejects" used on talent the E releases that sign with TNA, I think people have to understand one basic truth; the WWE is the top dog in pro wrestling, and if anyone signs with them it's seen as a "step up". That means when they're released or, in Gail Kim's situation, quits and signs with a TNA or ROH or NJPW, its seen as a downgrade. Its like going from the NFL to the Arena Football League or the CFL. Does that mean its some kind of disgrace to work for them? Not at all, work is work after all. Look at MVP in NJPW, he seems happier then ever right now. So if any of these folks hook up with another wrestling company, more power to them. The other thing I keep reading is how "WWE misuses talent". That's a blanket statement because there's no guidebook on how to correctly use talent. The fact is everybody isn't gonna be a top star, but if you're a fan watching on TV, how do you know how a talent should be used? Of course you have ideas for your favorite talent, but every company has a direction and sometimes a talent doesn't fit that direction. Maybe the talent can adjust to the company, but rarely does the opposite happen. I'm a writer and I've casting for small projects and I've found some truly talented actors who just didn't fit what we needed. It sucks but sometimes its just that simple.
IvoryHHH... WTF are you talking about? If you watch TNA on a regular basis... since when have they bashed the WWE? You are obviously a huge WWE mark. You love Jon Cena and their excellent Diva's and Tag-Team divisions.

Robert Roode, A.J. Styles, and Kaz tried out and were rejected by WWE. Impact is not a "Rest Haven" for former WWE wrestlers. I don't see RVD, Kurt Angle, and Mr. Anderson "resting" at all. They are all kicking ass and taking names! Not to mention the re-birth of Mickie James and Tara!
How dare TNA pick up talent that has world wide recognition and prior marketing exposure and valuable training. How dare they I say!!

...yet another dumb thread.
I'm not really sure what you mean by "rest haven" because like the poster above has touched on 99% of the guys who come over do better in TNA (Matt Morgan, Pope, Mr Anderson, Bully Ray, Tara and so on).

Or do you just mean TNA sign the odd talent who competed in WWE? Just like the WWF used to sign former WCW and ECW talent? Just like WWE sign former TNA and ROH talent? Just like ROH sign former TNA talent? What's the point you're trying to make? Wrestling promotions can't just pluck their rosters from thin air, they have to come from somewhere.

It really doesn't matter if a promotion signs another promotions former talent, if it increases the quality of product/entertainment. Which guys like Hogan, Flair, Anderson, Angle, Morgan, Bully, Pope etc have done. Again, what's the problem and what's your point?

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