TNA iMPACT! v. The TNA Roster

Souls On Fire

Occasional Pre-Show
What is going on in TNA? After watching Impact last night i had to wonder where the hell was th rest of the roster.
I felt the show being a followup to a ppv was very dissapointing. And after thinking for a while I couldn't believe
how much talent wasn't used. Here is a breakdown of how the TNA roster was used last night...

who wasn't on the show

1. Abyss(put him here but yes he is out storylinewise)
2. Alex Shelley
3. Amazing Red
4. Brian Kendrick
5. Brother Devon
6. Chris Sabin
7. Christy Hemme
8. Crimson
9. Daffney
10. Eric Young
11. Generation me
12. Jay Lethal
13. Jesse Neil
14. Kiyoshi
15. Magnus
16. Matt Morgan
17. Mick Foley
18. Mickie James
19. Orlando Jordan
20. Shannon Moore
21. Shark Boy
22. Suicide
23. Tommy Dreamer
24. Desmond Wolfe(out due to health issues)

On the show but didn't wrestle

1. Bully Ray
2. D'Angelo Dinero
3. Gunner & Murphy
4. James Storm
5. Jeff Jarrett
6. Kurt Angle
7. Madison Rayne
8. Mr. Anderson
9. Ric Flair
10. Robert Roode
11. Rob Terry
12. Samoa Joe
13. Scott Steiner
14. Tara
15. Winter

Had matches

1. Kazarian
2. Robbie E
3. Hernandez
4. Douglas Williams
5. Matt Hardy
6. A.J. Styles
7. The Beautiful People
8. Sarita & Rosita
9. Jeff Hardy
10. Rob Van Dam

If you ask me these numbers are rididculous. 50 talents only half were shown on air at all and of the 25 shown
only 12 of those talents were featured in a match. On top of that of the 5 matches that were on 2 ended in DQ
and one by a low blow that Anderson didn't see.

The first match was Hernandez Vs Williams. So ok you need Hernandez to squash a guy cause he needs to be built up a
bit after being off TV for so long and in this match Hernandez goes over clean. However why was there no confrontation
from Matt Morgan following this match. (missed talent use #1) also why in blue hell are Sarita and Rosit all of a sudden
with Hernandez?

The next match was Kazarian Vs. Robbie E.....First you have Robbie talking about how he was planning on taking on 2 guys
not 1 at the ppv so he wasn't prepared. Ummm... so being prepared to take on 2 guys instead of focusing on 1 is a
disadvantage? Then on top of that you have a great speech by Kazarian saying how he is going to bring the X-Division
back to the forefront of TNA. It was a good speech, however about 2 minutes into the match Cookie comes out and shits
all over the X-Division by interfering in the match. Even more sad is that this is the only time the X-Division was
featured for the show and whats this gonna lead to? A mixed tag match of Robbie and Cookie vs. Kazarian and Traci...
wow so much for bringing the X-Division back. This match should of been pushed back later in the show with maybe an
X-Division opening match(missed talent use #2) so that at least it got featured that night. Then Kazarian could of at least
mentioned the opening match that night featuring the X-Division and how its coming back and it wouldn't look so bad that his
match ended in DQ. Oh and where were GENME during this match? Still stuck in Utah?(missed talent use #3)

The third match of the night was probably the best one of the evening. Matt Hardy vs. A.J. Styles with Flair turning
his back on Fortune in the end. Flair's turn should have ended the show and left everyone wondering why for a week.

Insert tag match here (missed talent use #4)

SO next up the Knockout Division was featured with The Beautiful People vs. Rosita & Sarita great to feature the knockouts
but Rosita & Sarita had gotten their airtime already and if it had to be them in the match it should of been a
knockout tag title match with velvet coming down during the match and eventually having something break out between
her and Sarita. At least Winter would of been involved in a match(missed talent use #5)

Last but not least was the main event of the evening. Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy. Ok so first of all after years of watching
wrestling i'm suppose to believe that "The Network" is gonna demand matches? Not only that but a match that should be saved
for a PPv, a match that RVD has been fighting to get, a chance to redeem the title he never lost? Ok anyways so at least
its a good match, well on paper it was. This match failed to deliver in my opinion. Where was the signs of emotion in RVD? He's
has been trying to get this match for months it should of been an all out brawl. Instead we get them hitting their signature
spots and then a low blow by Hardy and the match is over. Well way to sell that whole thing.

All i can say is TNA let me down a bit last night. If they can't stop trying to be the WWE with their storyline driven show
then they will never reach that level. They have all the talent in the world to put on a great wrestling show every
week, a true alternative yet they don't produce. I'm not turning my back on TNA just yet. I will say that i do enjoy
the storylines they have going on but they need to figure out a way to work them in and still showcase the talent on their roster.
Will TNA ever learn how to use their talent? Am I the only one that feels they are burying themselves when they truely
have everything they need? I guess for right now i need to try to have a little faith......
Thats the problem with that many people on the roster and only 2 hours of weekly t.v to air.Nothing they can do really to fix it besides:

1)Release the talent they don't see as key in current/future story lines.Will save them money and let them focus more on the key talents.
2)Try again to have another show added.This would be kind of hard considering they have their reduced schedule(compared to the WWE).They already tape Impact weeks in advanced sometimes.Would they be able to do the same with a second show? Yes.It would be better to wait til they start moving out of Orlando more and if/when they start running Impact live to try something like this tho i think.

Lots of their roster are probably used more on the house shows or other events like autograph signings and such too or maybe doing indy bookings while TNA doesn't have much for them.It's too hard to find time for everyone when you have that many people and only 2 hours to work with.Even if they cut out all the promo time which will never happen seeing how important promos help move story lines along they would still have people not being used.

Tough position to be in really having so much talent and such a small window to use them.
Dude I feel you there but if you want TNA to stop trying to be WWE, then TNA needs to do several things.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Flair. Bischoff is a joke... he ran WCW into the ground and tried to run WWE into the ground when he was GM of Raw temporarily. Hogan is past his prime, and needs to focus on his family. Flair is also past his prime, hes injury prone, he needs to retire. After all I thought HBK ended his career at Wrestlemania a few years back?

2. Stop bringing in all the WWE guys who "retire" or get fired. I mean you look at half of ya'lls roster and theyre former WWE superstars.

Christy Hemme, Mickie James, The Hardy's, the Dudley's, Kurt Angle, Brian Kendrick, Matt Morgan, Mick Foley, Tazz (your announcer), RVD, Mr. Anderson.... aka Mr. Kennedy, Scott Steiner, Tara.... aka Victoria of WWE, Tommy Dreamer, I'm pretty sure Orlando Jordan was too, and then you add in Hogan, Bischoff n Flair.

Thats like 20 people right there and I dont remember if any of the other people were in WWE. So when 20 out of the 40 to 50 or so people on your roster are from WWE and youve got Hogan and Bischoff trying to run the company... how can you expect it not to end up like WWE.

Also I was watching a week or 2 ago... and I noticed something hilarious. You know how Mr. Anderson always does the thing with the mic and yells MR!!!!!!............ ANDERSON! Well I forgot which night it was but when he did that right before he yelled Anderson you could hear him slip up and almost say Kennedy. There was a slight K sound in there.

So yeah, you wonder why it seems to be trying to be like WWE, thats why. Another reason TNA will never get to be like WWE is the fact that TNA is only on once a week. WWE is on 3 times a week, 4 if you wanna count NXT even tho its now only online. But you figure we have Raw with over 900 episodes, Smackdown with the 600th episode on Friday and WWE Superstars that comes on an hour before TNA.

If you really wanna be come as great or greater then WWE, you need more airtime and more talent. 50 pople on a roster is just not enough. WWE has 47 people on Raw (which includes ring announcers, announcers, and the wrestlers. Smackdown has 36 people. So all together thats 83 people not include NXT rookies, and not including the referees. But the other thing is all 83 people can appear on Raw, NXT, Superstars or Smackdown, they're not just relegated to one show like TNA.
Also other things that would help.

1. try doing a show live on TV.... because then people wouldnt know the results ahead of time and would actually watch the show.

2. if someones going to make their return... do promo videos like WWE has done for Undertaker, Chris Masters, Jericho, and stuff. Not saying copy their promos but do things to keep people interested.
Thats the problem with that many people on the roster and only 2 hours of weekly t.v to air.Nothing they can do really to fix it besides:

1)Release the talent they don't see as key in current/future story lines.Will save them money and let them focus more on the key talents.
2)Try again to have another show added.This would be kind of hard considering they have their reduced schedule(compared to the WWE).They already tape Impact weeks in advanced sometimes.Would they be able to do the same with a second show? Yes.It would be better to wait til they start moving out of Orlando more and if/when they start running Impact live to try something like this tho i think.

Lots of their roster are probably used more on the house shows or other events like autograph signings and such too or maybe doing indy bookings while TNA doesn't have much for them.It's too hard to find time for everyone when you have that many people and only 2 hours to work with.Even if they cut out all the promo time which will never happen seeing how important promos help move story lines along they would still have people not being used.

Tough position to be in really having so much talent and such a small window to use them.

Agreed that it isn't possible to take out all of the promo time. Obviously storylines drive the show and sell the ppv. A second show would be great for TNA but if it was a full 2 hr show we'll just end up with the same thing as Impact. IMO the best option for a second show is an hour long show that features only wrestling matches. It would be a way to showcase at least 10 more talents a week. Even if it came on st 8 o'clock every week and aired right before Impact seeing as i'm not sure how well it would do any other night of the week, but it could feature up to 4 matches and would be a great use for their talent that aren't involved in the storylines going on.

I think another option to add some more in ring time would be backstage promos during matches for example last night during the Kazarian Robbie E match you could of had Christy Hemme talking to Gen Me just to get them on tv same with Matt Morgan during the Hernandez/Williams match. They have things they could capitolize and just aren't doing it.
Another reason TNA will never get to be like WWE is the fact that TNA is only on once a week. WWE is on 3 times a week, 4 if you wanna count NXT even tho its now only online. But you figure we have Raw with over 900 episodes, Smackdown with the 600th episode on Friday and WWE Superstars that comes on an hour before TNA.

In my area we don't recieve WGN unless you have dish network. This leaves an oppurtunity for TNA to compete with the WWE on one night. Taking advantage that Superstars isn't available in all areas is an advantage for TNA. Just using that one hour and showcasing the talents of their roster would be a great addition to their product.
Dude I feel you there but if you want TNA to stop trying to be WWE, then TNA needs to do several things.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Flair. Bischoff is a joke... he ran WCW into the ground and tried to run WWE into the ground when he was GM of Raw temporarily. Hogan is past his prime, and needs to focus on his family. Flair is also past his prime, hes injury prone, he needs to retire. After all I thought HBK ended his career at Wrestlemania a few years back?

2. Stop bringing in all the WWE guys who "retire" or get fired. I mean you look at half of ya'lls roster and theyre former WWE superstars.

Christy Hemme, Mickie James, The Hardy's, the Dudley's, Kurt Angle, Brian Kendrick, Matt Morgan, Mick Foley, Tazz (your announcer), RVD, Mr. Anderson.... aka Mr. Kennedy, Scott Steiner, Tara.... aka Victoria of WWE, Tommy Dreamer, I'm pretty sure Orlando Jordan was too, and then you add in Hogan, Bischoff n Flair.

Thats like 20 people right there and I dont remember if any of the other people were in WWE. So when 20 out of the 40 to 50 or so people on your roster are from WWE and youve got Hogan and Bischoff trying to run the company... how can you expect it not to end up like WWE.

Also I was watching a week or 2 ago... and I noticed something hilarious. You know how Mr. Anderson always does the thing with the mic and yells MR!!!!!!............ ANDERSON! Well I forgot which night it was but when he did that right before he yelled Anderson you could hear him slip up and almost say Kennedy. There was a slight K sound in there.

So yeah, you wonder why it seems to be trying to be like WWE, thats why. Another reason TNA will never get to be like WWE is the fact that TNA is only on once a week. WWE is on 3 times a week, 4 if you wanna count NXT even tho its now only online. But you figure we have Raw with over 900 episodes, Smackdown with the 600th episode on Friday and WWE Superstars that comes on an hour before TNA.

If you really wanna be come as great or greater then WWE, you need more airtime and more talent. 50 pople on a roster is just not enough. WWE has 47 people on Raw (which includes ring announcers, announcers, and the wrestlers. Smackdown has 36 people. So all together thats 83 people not include NXT rookies, and not including the referees. But the other thing is all 83 people can appear on Raw, NXT, Superstars or Smackdown, they're not just relegated to one show like TNA.

They've got another show show called Xplosion for the international fans plus online. So you need to do your research before you post and WWE NXT still counts if it is currently only available online. Web based or international shows counts even if they don't show the on American TV. The day I would pick is Sat @6pm or 10 or 11pm on Spike cause that seems like the time which would be best. Yeah TNA does need to show more of it's roster even if it's Battle Royals or massive Tag Matches. Oh by the way WWE is on everday of the week except Wednesday as you have:
Sunday- WWE AM RAW @1am (USA) The monthly PPV which start @6:30pm
Monday- WWE RAW @8pm (USA)
Tuesday- WWE NXT @9pm (WWE dot com)
Wednesday-Not Available
Thursday- WWE Superstars @7pm and encore @11pm (WGN America)
Friday- WWE Smackdown! @7pm (SyFy)
Saturday- Encore showings of WWE RAW @6pm&10pm plus
WWE Smackdown! @8pm&12am (UNIVERSAL HD)
And Bischoff didn't killed WCW it was AOL-Time Warner merger and Ted Turner losing his spot with the company. That merger killed it not B!tchy. Plus it takes at least some veterans that still have it. The ones I think are done or lost "IT!" are The Lardyz (Fatt and Snuff), The Dudlyez, RVD (if he lost some weight) to name a few. That why the WWE us better than all the minors including TNA and ROH cause they have a mix of veterans who would help the rookies or young guys ala JBL and The Miz. TNA needs to realize that it's about the youth and not tryin to copy the Attitude-Invasion EEras all over again. This past Impact was one of the boring ones other than the Knockouts.
They only have two hours of programming, so I'm not sure what you were expecting. If you want to bitch about who is used, I'm with you. But, with limited time, only so many guys can make the cut.

Weird not to see Crimson. He could have at least been in the 5 second promo Steiner cut. Seeing Robbie E. challenging for the X-Division title made me sick. Just throw Lethal in there, who is (and always will be) 20x more entertaining. I would also say it's odd not having Matt Morgan around, but since dropping out of the title hunt, he doesn't seem to be as high on creatives list as he once was.

The women took up way, way too much time. I'm sure some like the Knockouts, as do I for obvious reasons, but 4 segments? They took up a lot of time, and when you already have very little wrestling, it's not the best idea. Maybe it wouldn't have been so terrible had the girls not ruined the Hernandez/Doug Williams match.
What is going on in TNA? After watching Impact last night i had to wonder where the hell was th rest of the roster.
I felt the show being a followup to a ppv was very dissapointing. And after thinking for a while I couldn't believe
how much talent wasn't used. Here is a breakdown of how the TNA roster was used last night...

who wasn't on the show

1. Abyss(put him here but yes he is out storylinewise)
2. Alex Shelley
3. Amazing Red
4. Brian Kendrick
5. Brother Devon
6. Chris Sabin
7. Christy Hemme
8. Crimson
9. Daffney
10. Eric Young
11. Generation me
12. Jay Lethal
13. Jesse Neil
14. Kiyoshi
15. Magnus
16. Matt Morgan
17. Mick Foley
18. Mickie James
19. Orlando Jordan
20. Shannon Moore
21. Shark Boy
22. Suicide
23. Tommy Dreamer
24. Desmond Wolfe(out due to health issues)

On the show but didn't wrestle

1. Bully Ray
2. D'Angelo Dinero
3. Gunner & Murphy
4. James Storm
5. Jeff Jarrett
6. Kurt Angle
7. Madison Rayne
8. Mr. Anderson
9. Ric Flair
10. Robert Roode
11. Rob Terry
12. Samoa Joe
13. Scott Steiner
14. Tara
15. Winter

Had matches

1. Kazarian
2. Robbie E
3. Hernandez
4. Douglas Williams
5. Matt Hardy
6. A.J. Styles
7. The Beautiful People
8. Sarita & Rosita
9. Jeff Hardy
10. Rob Van Dam

If you ask me these numbers are rididculous. 50 talents only half were shown on air at all and of the 25 shown
only 12 of those talents were featured in a match. On top of that of the 5 matches that were on 2 ended in DQ
and one by a low blow that Anderson didn't see.

The first match was Hernandez Vs Williams. So ok you need Hernandez to squash a guy cause he needs to be built up a
bit after being off TV for so long and in this match Hernandez goes over clean. However why was there no confrontation
from Matt Morgan following this match. (missed talent use #1) also why in blue hell are Sarita and Rosit all of a sudden
with Hernandez?

The next match was Kazarian Vs. Robbie E.....First you have Robbie talking about how he was planning on taking on 2 guys
not 1 at the ppv so he wasn't prepared. Ummm... so being prepared to take on 2 guys instead of focusing on 1 is a
disadvantage? Then on top of that you have a great speech by Kazarian saying how he is going to bring the X-Division
back to the forefront of TNA. It was a good speech, however about 2 minutes into the match Cookie comes out and shits
all over the X-Division by interfering in the match. Even more sad is that this is the only time the X-Division was
featured for the show and whats this gonna lead to? A mixed tag match of Robbie and Cookie vs. Kazarian and Traci...
wow so much for bringing the X-Division back. This match should of been pushed back later in the show with maybe an
X-Division opening match(missed talent use #2) so that at least it got featured that night. Then Kazarian could of at least
mentioned the opening match that night featuring the X-Division and how its coming back and it wouldn't look so bad that his
match ended in DQ. Oh and where were GENME during this match? Still stuck in Utah?(missed talent use #3)

The third match of the night was probably the best one of the evening. Matt Hardy vs. A.J. Styles with Flair turning
his back on Fortune in the end. Flair's turn should have ended the show and left everyone wondering why for a week.

Insert tag match here (missed talent use #4)

SO next up the Knockout Division was featured with The Beautiful People vs. Rosita & Sarita great to feature the knockouts
but Rosita & Sarita had gotten their airtime already and if it had to be them in the match it should of been a
knockout tag title match with velvet coming down during the match and eventually having something break out between
her and Sarita. At least Winter would of been involved in a match(missed talent use #5)

Last but not least was the main event of the evening. Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy. Ok so first of all after years of watching
wrestling i'm suppose to believe that "The Network" is gonna demand matches? Not only that but a match that should be saved
for a PPv, a match that RVD has been fighting to get, a chance to redeem the title he never lost? Ok anyways so at least
its a good match, well on paper it was. This match failed to deliver in my opinion. Where was the signs of emotion in RVD? He's
has been trying to get this match for months it should of been an all out brawl. Instead we get them hitting their signature
spots and then a low blow by Hardy and the match is over. Well way to sell that whole thing.

All i can say is TNA let me down a bit last night. If they can't stop trying to be the WWE with their storyline driven show
then they will never reach that level. They have all the talent in the world to put on a great wrestling show every
week, a true alternative yet they don't produce. I'm not turning my back on TNA just yet. I will say that i do enjoy
the storylines they have going on but they need to figure out a way to work them in and still showcase the talent on their roster.
Will TNA ever learn how to use their talent? Am I the only one that feels they are burying themselves when they truely
have everything they need? I guess for right now i need to try to have a little faith......

To me....TNA has a lot of good talent, they just don't know how to use it, I mean, you have a list of guys who didn't wrestle that night, and some if not all have pure talent, then you got guys like Dinero and Bully Ray who just cut promos last night, and then only like 10 guys actually had matches...TNA, pick up the ball and use some of your more athletic talent and not just the guys who are politically in the company's pocket....guys like Chris Sabin built the company, guys like Kendrick can be the future of the company, but the creative team DOESN'T know how to use these guys....
Dude I feel you there but if you want TNA to stop trying to be WWE, then TNA needs to do several things.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Flair. Bischoff is a joke... he ran WCW into the ground and tried to run WWE into the ground when he was GM of Raw temporarily. Hogan is past his prime, and needs to focus on his family. Flair is also past his prime, hes injury prone, he needs to retire. After all I thought HBK ended his career at Wrestlemania a few years back?

2. Stop bringing in all the WWE guys who "retire" or get fired. I mean you look at half of ya'lls roster and theyre former WWE superstars.

Christy Hemme, Mickie James, The Hardy's, the Dudley's, Kurt Angle, Brian Kendrick, Matt Morgan, Mick Foley, Tazz (your announcer), RVD, Mr. Anderson.... aka Mr. Kennedy, Scott Steiner, Tara.... aka Victoria of WWE, Tommy Dreamer, I'm pretty sure Orlando Jordan was too, and then you add in Hogan, Bischoff n Flair.

Thats like 20 people right there and I dont remember if any of the other people were in WWE. So when 20 out of the 40 to 50 or so people on your roster are from WWE and youve got Hogan and Bischoff trying to run the company... how can you expect it not to end up like WWE.

Also I was watching a week or 2 ago... and I noticed something hilarious. You know how Mr. Anderson always does the thing with the mic and yells MR!!!!!!............ ANDERSON! Well I forgot which night it was but when he did that right before he yelled Anderson you could hear him slip up and almost say Kennedy. There was a slight K sound in there.

So yeah, you wonder why it seems to be trying to be like WWE, thats why. Another reason TNA will never get to be like WWE is the fact that TNA is only on once a week. WWE is on 3 times a week, 4 if you wanna count NXT even tho its now only online. But you figure we have Raw with over 900 episodes, Smackdown with the 600th episode on Friday and WWE Superstars that comes on an hour before TNA.

If you really wanna be come as great or greater then WWE, you need more airtime and more talent. 50 pople on a roster is just not enough. WWE has 47 people on Raw (which includes ring announcers, announcers, and the wrestlers. Smackdown has 36 people. So all together thats 83 people not include NXT rookies, and not including the referees. But the other thing is all 83 people can appear on Raw, NXT, Superstars or Smackdown, they're not just relegated to one show like TNA.

to start, Bischoff and even Russo were not THE reason WCW went out of business.

out of all those former WWE people, do you really think all of them should be gone? some of those names are still stars and will continue to be going forward. probably half those names WWE would take back in a heartbeat if they thought they could be productive.


of the names listed that were not on the show, a lot of them should not have been on the show anyway.
could there have been opportunities to use additional talent? sure, but that's the case every week.
I do wonder where some of the major talent has been lately, like MCMG. where have they been?
They've got another show show called Xplosion for the international fans plus online. So you need to do your research before you post and WWE NXT still counts if it is currently only available online. Web based or international shows counts even if they don't show the on American TV. The day I would pick is Sat @6pm or 10 or 11pm on Spike cause that seems like the time which would be best. Yeah TNA does need to show more of it's roster even if it's Battle Royals or massive Tag Matches. Oh by the way WWE is on everday of the week except Wednesday as you have:
Sunday- WWE AM RAW @1am (USA) The monthly PPV which start @6:30pm
Monday- WWE RAW @8pm (USA)
Tuesday- WWE NXT @9pm (WWE dot com)
Wednesday-Not Available
Thursday- WWE Superstars @7pm and encore @11pm (WGN America)
Friday- WWE Smackdown! @7pm (SyFy)
Saturday- Encore showings of WWE RAW @6pm&10pm plus
WWE Smackdown! @8pm&12am (UNIVERSAL HD)
And Bischoff didn't killed WCW it was AOL-Time Warner merger and Ted Turner losing his spot with the company. That merger killed it not B!tchy. Plus it takes at least some veterans that still have it. The ones I think are done or lost "IT!" are The Lardyz (Fatt and Snuff), The Dudlyez, RVD (if he lost some weight) to name a few. That why the WWE us better than all the minors including TNA and ROH cause they have a mix of veterans who would help the rookies or young guys ala JBL and The Miz. TNA needs to realize that it's about the youth and not tryin to copy the Attitude-Invasion EEras all over again. This past Impact was one of the boring ones other than the Knockouts.

Ok first off dude some people but not all watch the online versions of NXT or explosion. I'm sure if u got the Ratings for Raw or Smackdown and compared it to NXT there would be a significant difference. Or if you got NXT Season 1 or 2 when it was on TV and compared it to 3 & 4, there would be a signifcant difference.

Second of all, I dont count the encore showings because its showing the same episode that most people watched either Monday, Tues, Thurs or Friday depending on the show. And most people dont watch the replays unless there's absolutely nothing else on tv. It use to be WWE was on

Sunday- Sunday night Heat, plus the monthly PPV
Monday- Raw
Friday- Smackdown
Saturday- Velocity

Third of all, if it was really AOL & Ted Turner that killed WCW then why couldnt they move to a different channel/tv company or w/e? I mean if I remember correctly WWF/WWE used to be on USA then went to Spike TV and now is back on USA. So the fact that Ted Turner & AOL was the problem is pretty much null n void.

Fourth of all, dont you remember the Monday night Wars between WWE & WCW (which Bischoff was running at the time) and then Shane McMahon ended up stealing the business right out from under Bischoff.

And Finally, yes you're right some of the Veterans do still have "it". But others like Flair? Hogan? dont and need to retire.
to start, Bischoff and even Russo were not THE reason WCW went out of business.

out of all those former WWE people, do you really think all of them should be gone? some of those names are still stars and will continue to be going forward. probably half those names WWE would take back in a heartbeat if they thought they could be productive.


of the names listed that were not on the show, a lot of them should not have been on the show anyway.
could there have been opportunities to use additional talent? sure, but that's the case every week.
I do wonder where some of the major talent has been lately, like MCMG. where have they been?

Hey I'm not saying that TNA shouldnt have taken them cause some of them are still stars and left WWE cause WWE didnt support them or were tired of their roles or w/e. But to bring in the old guys like Hogan, Bischoff and Flair? I mean come on Flair is like 50 or 60 something. Hogan is getting up there too. Bischoff is just a moron.

I mean Christy Hemme, Mickie James, RVD, n some of them can still do it, but when you bring in a lot of former WWE employees and when you got Hogan n Bischoff trying to run the company... Bischoff who ran WCW n at one point ran WWE for a lil bit dont u think that TNA would kind of start to become similar to WWE?
TNA bringing in Hogan I don't think was bad. I think TNA expected it to make significant improvements in the ratings with such a wrestling icon.

Bischoff is also someone I don't think was bad. he has had success. he gets too much negative attention because of what ended up happening to WCW, but that was not his fault. let's also remember it was Bischoff who made WCW so big to beat WWE in the ratings when he first brought in Nash/Hall/ect and formed the nWo.

Flair is not there to wrestle, but he can be useful. he is gold on the mic. I would have thought he would be better to continue being the mouth piece/manager with Fortune, but that didn't happen.

should TNA want to be similar to WWE? or not want to be similar to WWE?

I think regardless of what TNA does or doesn't do they are always going to have similarities to WWE.

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