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TNA Holding Back?


JC CooL 420
I touched on this earlier in another thread, but I think it deserves it's own thread and I wanted to see what you guys thought about this subject in perticular...

I think some of you are forgetting the most important partnership of them all, the one that already exists... Panda Energy...

They are a billion dollar company and I was listening to an interview with Flair last week (I think it was a couple weeks old) and he said something about Bob Carter wanting to see TNA stand on its own two legs before investing major money into it... Flair almost seemed excited when he said some like When he does put the money in, look out brother...

I think there is a lot of truth to that... I mean, we all heard the rumors that Hogan and company signed contracts with Panda Energy and not TNA and the way I see it is... Bob wants his daugther to succeed to a certain extent before he sinks a lot of money into it...

I think a lot of people are way out of line thinking that TNA is going out of business... They have a massive amount of cash on the back burner and before they fall, I'd be willing to bet that Daddy Carter will dish out the cash to keep it floating and most likely is just waiting for the right time to put up the cash to help TNA blow up...

I think TNA is on the right track now... They just got a toy deal, that will help them out by kids seeing the toys in stores and maybe wanting to watch the product... Also, ratings have been on a slow but steady climb up and their house shows are getting nothing but good reviews and from what I hear, the attendence has been rising as well...

Do you think there is any truth to Bob Carter holding back on the money he invests into TNA?

Do you think Panda Energy's money could help TNA compete with WWE?

If TNA continues their slow climb in ratings and attendence, could they reach a level where Bob Carter would be comfortable investing more into TNA?

Personally, I hope he decides to invest more into TNA's advertising... That seems to be the biggest fault in my opinion...

You always hear the saying, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. I think that quote really applies to TNA...At least it would have applied when they were up against the WWE on Mondays. Now, I'm not so sure. It's a known fact that they can't compete with the WWE, so no need to blow a bunch of money now. As you said, just let the company slowing increase ratings and attendance and take it from there. If they feel they can compete with the WWE on Mondays, then spend the money, go all out do whatever it takes and see what happens the second time around.....If that ever happens...
Bob Carter is a billionaire because more than likely, he's agood businessman. It would be foolish for him to throw tons of money into a product that can't stand on it's own. Daughter or not, he's not going to risk his fortune on TNA's future if he's not sure it will have one. He may have vast resources, but at the end of the day, he has to focus on number 1, and that's Panda Energy. Although you have no idea how much I wish he would just sell Panda Energy and dump every dime he has into TNA. Never gonna happen, but one can dream.
Throwing money into TNA is pretty much a money pit. Why waste your money on it when you know it will fail? They've tried everything they can to boost the ratings and they're still shit. They don't bring in much money either. So obviously Bob Carter knows what he's doing. At a time like this TNA is in a predicament, it is smart for him to hold back because they will definitely fail, but they need to go all out. They need to get money from another source.
Throwing money into TNA is pretty much a money pit. Why waste your money on it when you know it will fail? They've tried everything they can

got to interupt you there, they didnt actually tryed everything one of the most important option they didnt try is move from impact zone and do weekly shows not in orlando and what about impact live on thursday that could work but they are not taking a risk at the moment
Panda Energy wont be investing big money in TNA any time soon as, since the turn of the year, they've spent a helluva lot of money securing these big money contracts for guys that should, in theory, have been able to make TNA explode on a massive level. Yet all these guys have done is bring TNA a lot more red ink, without bringing in the extra revenue. I know a lot of TNA die-hard say TNA doesn't release ppv numbers so no-one knows how well they're doing but, let's face it, Dixie Carter would shout out that TNA had bigger notoriety in a mens toilet then a glory hole. If the PPV numbers were good, she'd deffo let people know.

Back to point, Bob Carter isn't a fool and, even if he is a sucker for his little girl (like a certain man called Vince is) the money people at Panda sure as well wont be, and they'll point out that TNA needs to show justifiable reasons that it's turning the corner before throwing anymore money at it.

Besides, they could throw all the money in the world at TNA but, when the most recognisable faces that would be plastered all over the posters (as that's who most people know) would be Hogan and Flair, it'd be a waste of money.

More then advertising I'd spend whatever it took to get Paul Heyman on board TNA. Not because he's the booking genius, but because of what he can bring. BROCK LESNAR. In the fighting industry Lesnar is THE man, without equal. You get him on TNA that brings instant recognition to TNA that no Cena, Hogan, HBK, Austin etc would. In 2010 that, to me, would be the best spend of Bob's money
God damn right I believe the rumor that Big Bob is holding back on giving TNA anymore money. I'm sure he doesn't want to look like a total dip shit like Ted Turner did, handing the keys to the car over to Bishoff and Hogan only to see them drive WCW into the toilet.

Why would he...?

You can give morons a ton of money and they will still suck balls if they don't know what the fuck they are doing with it.

So, you're one of the people that thinks Hulk Hogan was one of the biggest factors in sending WCW into the toilet, I am not going to doubt that someone with Hogan's star power never caused issue, but there's more to WCW's downfall then just Hogan being there, if you look back on the company's earlier days they came close to death and were in worse shape. Just look at WCW's ratings during the final days it was still something that more people were watching than whatever else they had on at the time. WCW may have still gotten beaten by WWF if they had stayed in business but if Turner hadn't been forced out of his power of the company through all those business mergers it's very possible that they still could have lasted a few more years. So in essence you got a lot of nerve speaking on something that only internet rumors are really the only source of. You are no expert on the business of wrestling and you are not privy to what's really going on behind the scenes in TNA as far as what Bob Carter is doing with his funds, unless you can prove you know how much money he has devoted to TNA and how much of it he's using, I mean show us proof for once dude, and we'll be more than glad to listen.

I just can't see why you like to just come out here and make insults towards people who just happen to like more than WWE as far as professional wrestling is concerned. Get real dude. No one will have a problem with you just expressing your opinion in a rational and tactful manner if you are anti-TNA, all you have to say in some fashion is that you don't think TNA has what it takes to compete with WWE and say it in a way where we can correspond with you constructively on the issue. Not saying we'll ever have to agree on anything, but we can have a lot more fun discussing things in a more civil manner, all you seem to want to do is create negativity and troll people. Besides this topic was about what Bob Carter is doing with TNA's money, we don't need the WCW history lesson. I just brought it up to make a counterpoint to your lack of constructive thinking.

In my view, I have always felt that TNA's parent company Panda Energy isn't being rash to put all their money into TNA just yet, they've bided their time for quite a while now and obviously they are business people and they see themselves getting results somehow or else they would have shut down TNA long ago. Granted they haven't made WWE like numbers yet, but WWE has only been at this game for some forty years prior to TNA even being a concept let alone a company.

Learn some respect twentytwo, the trolling is getting really tiring.
Would you give Dixie a load of money seeing how she is so easily influenced? If Hogan or Bischoff or Russo told her to buy magic fucking beans she probably would.
The only way it would happen is if they took a more active role in the running of TNA.
It would be good to invest in advertising and branding and taking TNA on the road. Go all over the USA and build your fan base. Go up and down USA, invade WWE country, hell even do some sort of promotional offer to get people to go and see your shows, even if those particular shows take a loss. Because you get the people in there and put on a great show, storyline free then you might build your fan base. An increase of .1 every 2-3 months would be great for TNA. Pretty soon they will be in the 2s.

But keep your wallet shut on signing other/more wrestlers. I dont care who he is, there is not 1 single wrestler out there whether free agent or under contract who would spike business to make them a big threat to WWE. Spend on advertising and branding so that people know who TNA are and then spend money that when they are watching, they aren't watching to see old WWE guys, they are watching to see TNA guys, make Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD and the others be identified as TNA wrestlers, not old WWE guys. Make Joe, AJ, Wolfe, Lethal be the faces of TNA too so if they are ever in the public eye without being wrestling on TV make sure they know these people are TNA wrestlers.
If they didn't do it when TNA made the move to Mondays, when would they? What can TNA do that they haven't already done in an attempt to stand on its own? Further, if they can stand on their own, wouldn't that mean they didn't need Panda Energy anymore? Isn't that what standing on your own means?

Once you learn how to interpret corporate speak, what Bob Carter said was that Panda Energy won't be investing large resources in TNA, because it isn't worth it. Businesses aren't going to throw large wads of capital at something that is going to lose them more money than what they put in. This is an admission that TNA is not a high value investment for Panda for now. When companies really believe in something, they are willing to invest heavily. Panda doesn't do that though. But, what do you expect? TNA has nothing to do with what Panda Energy does...TNA is a toy investment, that doesn't help grow their company at all. As such, they aren't going to invest much in it, because it doesn't help their bottom line as an energy company. The WWE's money is all the WWE's money. Vince McMahon is the head of a corporation that was specifically designed to be wrestling related. They have branched out to do movies, but the WWE is a wrestling corporation that runs a highly successful wrestling promotion. The owners of the promotion are the promotion. The owners of TNA are not TNA. That makes a huge difference in what they are willing to invest.

That doesn't mean that Panda expects TNA to fail, if they were convinced of that, they would have pulled their funding already, before they threw more money at it. What it does mean is that TNA is not Panda's first priority, that it is more like a hobby that some of the Board members enjoy. The problem is, hobbies don't get the funding, generally.

Panda Energy's biggest interest as a corporation is power plants. That's what they do. TNA has nothing to do with that. The WWE's biggest interest as a corporation is wrestling. That's what they do. Raw and Smackdown have everything to do with that.
When I first read this I thought ted turner 2.0. I gaurentee you thats why eazy e and the hog wagon came on. They knew they would have an open checkbook eventually. Now all they need is for panda energys to merge with aol time warner. Then its bye bye tna.
I think Panda Energy should try to invest more money into TNA just to see what will happen. It's not like it would hurt them much and TNA can only go up from where they are now. I would like to see TNA become more invested into producing commericials for their wresters to advertise products and getting some of their wrestlers on t.v. shows and be guest stars at sporting events and charities. This can help expand their fan base more than just hosting a PPV or house show out of Florida every once in a while. Speaking of which, they should really try leaving the iMPACT zone more often. This can help them get more fans in other places and this can all happen if Panda Enery would be willing to put some money into TNA more.
That is pretty interesting. I doubt that means that much now but what it could mean is that if TNA ever got on a steady upwards tick then that potential money could kick-in and possibly accelerate the climb significantly. Make no mistake about it. There is a reason panda etc. invested in TNA. WWE basically had a monopoly on a significant market. There is potential for some decent money to be made if TNA can grow their market share. Everyone knows this and it is partly what Paul Heyman was talking about in that interview where he threw out that number that everyone fixated on as what he wanted opposed to what he explained as a potential earning. I agree with the OP. It would be really nice to see TNA stand on their feet enough to get an advertising budget boost.

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