TNA holding back Christian and others, not WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Matt Boone just posted an item on the maine page stating that Christian Cage DVD's (amoungst others) are still being sold on TNA shop. Now that got me to thinking, what if all this time it hasn't been Vince keeping the former TNA wrestlers down but rather TNA keeping them down. When Christian went back to WWE it seemed like he was being held back, now Vince didn't have to do that and im thinking he maybe didn't want to but rather had to from a business sense as he was still being sold through merchandise on TNA and the last thing WWE wants to be doing is pushing TNA merchandise (however inadvertently). Think when a wrestler leaves WWE for TNA, almost instantly, at least within the first week their mechandise is taken off WWE, no hard feelings but they just aren't going to continue making money and pushing your name if you're not working for their company anymore, fair enough. But not TNA, they keep pushing the merchandise until the bitter end knowing that WWE won't push their former roster members until they stop being affiliated with TNA. So i think if TNA worked the same way as WWE and just took members off the roster and out of the shops straight away then TNA wrestlers who move to WWE would stand way more of a chance of getting a proper push. What do you think?
I see what your saying, but I don't think that is what is happening. I think Vince is holding Christian back for a few reasons.
1. He jumped to TNA...He hasn't really been back long enough on a MAJOR show(ECW didn't count) to get his push and I think after the draft we might see that happen. He will probably go to Smackdown and then be relivent again.
2. There really isn't room at the top for him right now the way the roster set up is. If he were on Smackdown now, there is CM Punk/Swagger/Jericho/McIntyre to fued with. Raw has Batista and that is really it for top level heels. Either he needed to turn heel, which with his following wouldn't work, or they could use him how they are right now in tyring to get him against up and coming heels(Ted DiBiase) and such.
3. He is still young considering...He had some time off from the ring, and TNA's work schedule wasn't demanding so he didn't take the nightly beating that he gets in WWE.
Like I said, after the draft I fully expect him to be used better because they can balance out their faces/heels and set up possible turns that way. Always get fresh fueds right after the draft. So don't worry, he'll get up there soon enough.
i wasn;t really concerned that he won't be getting in the main event scene, and i've heard all the reasons before about how WWE is keeping him and other down because they left the company, but i just last night started to see if from the other side, that WWE shouldn't and most likely wouldn't be that pissed that their B-list (at the time) stars were jumping ship for a lesser schedule, i mean sure Angle was better than that and they'd have been pissed at that but that'd be more because of the way he went about it. But i really dont see them being angry at them leaving and i dont see them being petty when they return. I honestly think that its merchandising from TNA's side that is stopping them getting over in WWE. I mean think if they'd pushed Christian as soon as he came back to WWE, like straight into the world championship scene, TNA would have doubled or maybe even tripled their mechandising for him as people that hadn't bothered to watch TNA would have wanted to see what he'd been up to whilst he was away. So Vince is a smart business man, he's hardly going to push somone else's mechandise is he?
I see what you are saying but I really don't think that is the reason. Vince could have always put out his own Christian DVDs and shirts to counter the ones TNA had. If people didn't switch over to watch his TNA matches when he switched why would they care now? TNA just leaves all that old stuff up since they are a smaller company and can't just throw away or donate their old wrestlers stuff. They need to keep selling it to get some money back and lower their loss. The reason he might not be moving up is well he left they filled his spot with other wrestlers and now he has to wait to earn it back or for someone else to make a hole.
Not really, TNA still had Jeff Hardy DVDs for sale when he was chasing the title, Jeff won the title and TNA STILL sold Jeff Hardy DVDs. Did it stop Jeff's push? Of course not.

The simple reason has been mentioned already as to why they do this. TNA is a smaller company, they have a lot less DVDs to sell so it would be illogical to stop selling them. Plus TNA always mention WWE so it makes no end to them at all. WWE don't want to acknowledge them on screen, and thus it makes more sense.

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