TNA has lost me


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've lost interest in TNA altogether. And what that means for me is that I've lost interest in wrestling altogether. WWE is pointless to watch and has been for years. And last night TNA proved that they're equally as pointless to watch if not even worse.

And it's a damn shame too, because TNA has some INCREDIBLE wrestlers. In fact, their roster is absolutely stacked from the bottom up. But there comes a point when you see pointless faction after pointless faction that it becomes old and stale. What's worse is when it's pointless faction REMAKES. This storyline can go NOWHERE interesting and I for one give up on TNA. At least with WWE's awful storylines, they know where they're heading. TNA has ZERO direction. I'm done with TNA. They don't deserve another chance.
i know i'm the last person on here to actually say something like this, but you lost me on this post. why are you telling everyone that you're not watching wrestling anymore? why not just stop watching it and stop getting attention? i doubt anyone's gonna say "oh you're right, hope it gets interesting so you can watch it again!"

this was as pointless as the TNA Storylines you find "pointless"
I'm saying it to show the marks how the TNA swerve that they some how convinced themselves was a good move was so bad that it made a die hard TNA fan, one who has watched from the moment TNA began, to quit watching TNA.
You shouldn't stop watching TNA because of a horrible storyline going on right now. If you are a true die hard TNA fan, you will see the good in TNA not point out the bad like you just did. You need to stick with your company through and through if you're truely a fan. At least give it until Turning Point to see what becomes of this. You haven't even seen iMPACT yet. You're not a true fan if you give up so easily...
Only problem is I have stuck with it. For months and months of Hogan turning a company that thoroughly entertained me week in and week out into something that I just can't watch anymore without asking, "what in the world are they doing?" I'm not saying I'm done for good, but right now, TNA's just unwatchable.
I agree with Genius.

Listen man, the angle isnt done. Its not what most of us hoped for, but it was surprising. Which is one step in the right direction. If you want to give up on wrestling then go ahead, but no one else really cares, and I doubt there are too many marks on this forum, and none of the ones that are here will be swayed by someone else saying they hate TNA or WWE.

I dont particularly like either product right now, but Ill watch it anyway because I like wrestling, and personally I dont see how anyone can say both companies arent at least getting better than what it has been over the past several years. There are more than one interesting angles in each company which is more than there has been in years. Not to mention I watch more for the wrestling itself than the storylines. Sure that is watered down too, but there are still good matches every week. So while so many people complain about the storylines, I wonder why they dont find a sitcom or other syndicated show to give them good writing. Or watch a good movie, I can suggest hundreds to you if you'd like. Find what you can in the TNA and enjoy that, because there are good things. Try to look past the rest, or truly stop watching and frankly, get over it.

That or apply for a job within their company and do something about it yourself.
I'm saying it to show the marks how the TNA swerve that they some how convinced themselves was a good move was so bad that it made a die hard TNA fan, one who has watched from the moment TNA began, to quit watching TNA.

I am also a die hard TNA fan who has watch since the beginning of TNA, and I thought the angle was really good. You did not see it coming, all people talked about was Angle and Anderson but NO ONE even mentioned Jeff Hardy winning the title. Yeah it was a swerve but it was a good swerve because it was not predictable and actually make sense to me. I was watching and I had absolutely NO idea where the match was going to go until Hardy hit Angle with the crutch. Is that not the whole point of wrestling, put on a good match,check, build and deliver on a story, check and get the "fans" to react to what is going on in the way the story was meant to make people react, check. I really don't see a problem with TNA using "wrestling 101" and delivering a very good and unpredictable angle.

If you want to stop watching TNA by all means do it, I just don't understand when TNA actually builds and delivers a awesome story like everyone has been asking for, then you criticize them and quit watching because of one angle. Now if you wanted to quit watch TNA because of the Shore angle I would not blame you one bit but over this. :wtf:
what were you expecting from TNA? what was it you think made it good before, but not anymore?
has this similar type story line been done before? yes sure, but pretty much everything has been done. your not going to get much that different. even to say THIS new heel turn story line has been done is premature because it just started last night. there are so many different directions things can go with right now in TNA.
I'm not saying TNA can be entertaining to certain people. They're delivering a product that many people LOVE. I myself, just find it unwatchable. The reason for that is because I've been thinking it's becoming more and more like WCW since Hogan came in with countless factions constantly being added and storylines that are started then end up just being dropped. Then last night did it for me. The attempted recreation of Hogan's heel turn in 96 just completely turned me off. I tried looking for the positives, but honestly, WCW was unwatchable for me in their later days and now TNA is unwatchable. That doesn't mean I'm saying TNA is in it's last days. I think they're far from that. But they just remind me way too much of WCW and for me, it's simply unwatchable.
Woah, look. it's the ultimate TNA mark out to delete any thread and declare crazy, any person that says anything that TNA does is bad. Not surprised. Go ahead and move it to spam...I made my point.
I have been watching Pro wrestling for over 35 years now and I look at it this way, I watch because I am entertained. Not because of story lines, or stables, or even face/heel players. I do watch it all the time and my trick is NOT to over think anything that's going on. I can be like " Man,did that just happen?" and wait till next week for the story to continue. Plain truth is, it does not rule my life. I will enjoy it no matter what because it is entertainment and not life.
I have been watching Pro wrestling for over 35 years now and I look at it this way, I watch because I am entertained. Not because of story lines, or stables, or even face/heel players. I do watch it all the time and my trick is NOT to over think anything that's going on. I can be like " Man,did that just happen?" and wait till next week for the story to continue. Plain truth is, it does not rule my life. I will enjoy it no matter what because it is entertainment and not life.

Great point. And that's the issue. I'm just not entertained any more by TNA. I force myself to watch it cuz it's what I used to be entertained by. I'm entertained when the wrestling is going on like the Guns and Gen. me and the triple threat main event. but then the entertainment for me is ruined by the shore, Orlando Jordan and Eric Young nonsense, and the recreation of an old WCW storyline. In the end, the amount of nonentertaining moments just totally outweights the entertaining moments for me. I just can't watch TNA anymore.
Don't like TNA don't watch it!!! Sorry that you can't watch wrestling any more well never met you so bye realdealasshole.
Woah, look. it's the ultimate TNA mark out to delete any thread and declare crazy, any person that says anything that TNA does is bad. Not surprised. Go ahead and move it to spam...I made my point.
No you idiot, all IDR is doing is maintaining order in the non-spam TNA section. Where the idea is to put out a constructive idea or opinion for other to share thoughts on.

I don't consider your preferences and rants to be "constructive" in the least. You're just making an outlet for people to get a post count out of your pointless rant. If you don't believe me, look at the posts between your opener and IDR's decision to move this. Very informative and compelling stuff there that really drives discussion and debates, right?

No offense to the posters I mentioned.
I've lost interest in TNA altogether. And what that means for me is that I've lost interest in wrestling altogether. WWE is pointless to watch and has been for years. And last night TNA proved that they're equally as pointless to watch if not even worse.

And it's a damn shame too, because TNA has some INCREDIBLE wrestlers. In fact, their roster is absolutely stacked from the bottom up. But there comes a point when you see pointless faction after pointless faction that it becomes old and stale. What's worse is when it's pointless faction REMAKES. This storyline can go NOWHERE interesting and I for one give up on TNA. At least with WWE's awful storylines, they know where they're heading. TNA has ZERO direction. I'm done with TNA. They don't deserve another chance.

I just want to reach through my monitor and give you a hug and tell you that everything is in TNA is going to be just fine.;)

This is the worst time to lose interest in TNA. Almost all of TNA's storylines head into a direction. I think the past 4 months or so of TNA programming has been some of their best. I don't agree with some things and I sometimes scratch my head. But the storylines in TNA have made more sense in the past year than what they did 5 years ago when Impact first started airing. Back then I couldn't keep track of feuds in TNA and everything was so run together I couldn't stand to watch it, but sucked it up and stuck with it.

Before Bound For Glory you had 3 huge Storylines going into the PPV. The Deception one with Nash,Pope and Sting vs Double J and Joe with the Deception guys talking about knowing who "They" are and knowing that Jarrett and company were up to no good. There was Rob Van Dam vs Abyss with Abyss preaching about "They" coming. And then the Main Event of Angle, Anderson and Hardy.

Three huge storylines that have been going on for months all came together last night at Bound For Glory. It made a shit load of sense. Now im not posting all this in hope TNA keeps one more fan because im sure when one fan stops watching another one will start. Im a Pro Wrestling fan. WWE gives us shit that is god awful every week but I still tune in for the love of wrestling and the entertainment.

All I gotta say is just stick around until Turning Point or at least this weeks episode of Impact. If it blows harder than Monday Night Raw having a laptop directing orders and Mike Cole saying,"Vintage" you can come back on here and bash the hell out of me for being wrong or a noodle for even caring.

And I Quote," Once you Cross the Line...There is no going back!"
Corny I know:blush:
You shouldn't stop watching TNA because of a horrible storyline going on right now. If you are a true die hard TNA fan, you will see the good in TNA not point out the bad like you just did. You need to stick with your company through and through if you're truely a fan. At least give it until Turning Point to see what becomes of this. You haven't even seen iMPACT yet. You're not a true fan if you give up so easily...

You know, I normally could give 5 shits about anything TNA but what you just said was just stupid. You need to stick with a company "through and through" to be a die hard fan? That sounds like an abusive relationship. You stay with this company, even with all the crap they're giving you and all you say is "give it a chance". I've heard that WAY too many times over the years and nothing's changed for the better. It's that there's just too many people who have a high tolerance for garbage. I was a big TNA fan since they went on Spike and I quit. I put being smart before being a "die hard TNA fan". So for those who have been tired of watching TNA like me, I understand them..
I haven't really quit on TNA. I will agree that what they been doing lately, has left me wondering WTF they are doing. WWE I've come to accept as being beyond redemption because any slight glimmer they have is stomped down by Vinny Mac's ego and thinking he knows what wrestling fans want. I started watching ROH last year an the only reason I watch ROH these days is because they still shock and amaze me with matches, gives me something different, and I feel the politics are reduced to a minimum. The big problem with the whole Hogan/Bischoff thing is that TNA can't honestly expect this to be a longterm solution. They need something for the longhaul and having those two around is not it
I am honestly finished with wrestling period!! I actually liked TNA because to me they worked harder than the wrestlers of WWE who were more of a fairy tale to me. Dixie Carter, Bishoff, Hogan and Jarrett all need to go seriously because they are all a JOKE! They need to have TNA back to the way it was before good old fashion wrestling. Ric Flair and Fortune is a JOKE too. I liked A.J. Styles when he was just doing his own thing and not letting all the stupid gimmicks get the best of him. Samoa Joe is an un sung hero. He is one of the pest pure wrestlers alive and they do not give him no respect at all
Woah, look. it's the ultimate TNA mark out to delete any thread and declare crazy, any person that says anything that TNA does is bad. Not surprised. Go ahead and move it to spam...I made my point.

Oh look, it's another whiney psuedo fan who thinks his message of complaining about what he doesn't like about TNA is original and needs to be heard on it's own — as though it's never been said in other words by any other users on this forum for months prior.

You made a point, not your point — your point is the same point as dozens of others here who beat you to it weeks ago.
i was a TNA diehard fan from 2002-2007 but when they started doing dumbshit crap, i rebecame a wwe fan all over again and havent looked back since! now i know i have been bashing TNA and bashing the IWC but TNA's storylines are not beleiveable to me anymore! now as shitty as THE E's storylines are: a fucking computer GM and this NEXUS/CENA thingy + this horrible guest host gimmick and hornswoggle. i can adapt to the shit WWE spews out why? because with WWE i can watch a RAW or a SMACKDOWN! (i dont watch NXT or SUPERSTARS) or a wwe ppv and get my moneys worth and be entertained as with a TNA PPV or an IMPACT! show it seems so corny to me that i would turn to something else on tv or just comepletely turn the television off and with tna PPV's i just call my cable co. and ask them for a refund because i cant adapt to TNA like i did in the past when TNA was good and it made sense. now if the op wants to stop watching TNA and stop looking at pro wrestling.. IT'S HIS PEROGATIVE! hell if dixie lose 1 fan she will gain 30 tomorrow! just like if vince lose 30 today he will gain 3000 tomorrow! leave the guy alone and stop trying to pressure him into "staying" a TNA diehard because you IWC marks think that TNA will fail because 1 fan/former? fan says he dont want to watch TNA anymore! DIXIE WILL GAIN 30 more tomorrow! TNA WILL BE OK JUST LIKE WWE WILL BE OK! if chris benoit would've kept his hands to himself and not go on a murderous rampage by killing his wife and child WWE/TNA/ROH would be much better!

SORRY FOR THE SERMON...THAT'S HOW I GET MY POINT ACROSS! i can be very rude 1 day, nice the next or i can be a mixture of both! i can be so rude that you guys would want me dead or i can be so nicey nice that you would want me as your ally! that's why i call myself the chameleon because i can change my tune within a matter of moments!


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