TNA Hardcore Title?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw a post in the WWE section wondering if the 'E should bring back the hardcore title. This got me thinking about the possibility of TNA having a hardcore title.

TNA as of late has obviously been going the TV14 route with all the blood and no DQ matches they've had so it would seem like a good fit to me.

I know TNA already has a million titles. So I was thinking with most of the legends most likely not being around much longer in TNA they should have Foley win the Legends title back from Nash. Then have Foley and Abyss feud over the belt with Abyss eventually winning it and renaming it the hardcore title? Or hell, take a shot at the 'E and name it the Extreme title (unless that'd be violating some kind of trademark, I don't know). They could talk about how TNA is the only place you are going to find real Extreme matches (since the 'E obviously can't even show blood on their shows).

It'd give something important for Abyss to do and a give mid carders looking to make a name for themselves something to feud over.

IMO it would make for far more interesting TV than the Legends Title.

But maybe that's just me.
No. Just plain no. It would give TNA more reasons to use gimmick matches more then they already do. I'm a huge fan of TNA but they need to have less gimmick matches. Adding a potential Hardcore Championship would not help this situation. It would only make matters worse. TNA is fine where it is with championships. I see the Legends Championship as their midcard belt really. Eventually I believe Nash or whoever holds it at the time will lose it to a credible up and coming star in the company.

While yes it would give Abyss something to do it would only bring back the Abyss of old and while a lot of people love that side of Abyss a lot also love what is going on with his character right now. Besides not too many guys in TNA right now are as hardcore as Abyss is. They no longer have guys like Sabu or Jeff Hardy or Raven who would gladly compete in those types of matches.

Also the last the TNA needs to do is make notice of or mention the WWE again. They already mention other promotions and hint at the WWE enough as it is. I highly doubt it would lead to more interesting tv too. It would only lead to more and more spotfests and more and more weapons involvement. And with the recent wave of WWE gimmick pay per views and TNA's constant abuse of gimmick matches I am slowly losing interest in any gimmick match in existence.
It would only lead to more and more spotfests and more and more weapons involvement.

That sounds like good stuff to me. TNA used to be non-stop spotfests and it was awesome. And personally, I'd love to see more hardcore matches. But this way with the belt, you could keep it in its own division, and for purists like you, you could enjoy a weaponless X Division and World Title Scene.
I see tna has a lot of problems and a lot of things to fix. they should focus on what makes tna different from the rest and thats the x division.
Yeah I don't really like the hardcore title, I mean I would see someone crowned champ, go to take a piss and come back to a new champion. And really it serves absolutely no good use in feuds because so many people fight for it.

I just never like the title. Sans the 24/7 rule it might be okay and a little fun but TNA would likely overuse it anyway.

Just My Opinion
Well I guess maybe I should be a little more clear. I don't mean for TNA to have a 24-7 rules hardcore title rip-off of the WWE.

I just mean for them to have a hardcore division with all the matches being no DQ. The TNA X-Treme Division? Alright I guess that might make things too confusing with the X division. Just figured if they did do it, that's probably what they'd do since they are obsessed with the letter X.
No, TNA doesn't need anymore titles. TNA should've kept it at three or four titles. Less is more and they made bad choices in my mind adding both a Legends title (which is entirely meaningless) and a Knockouts tag team title. They certainly don't need another title belt on top of the six they already have. Why in the world do they need six titles for a two hour show every week? It's ridiculous to me. Try focusing on building interesting storylines and feuds instead of making titles just to toss matches together with no real story besides "fighting over a title". I don't even see the point of having both a Knockouts champion and Knockouts tag team champions when what you'll find is instead of both of them being on a pay per view it'll be one or the other. So why have both when you only have enough time and means to have one of the titles being defended on a pay per view? Why not just focus on one championship with lots of options? The Hardcore title would be as ridiculous as the Legends title.. how many wrestlers in TNA would there be to make up the division? The answer proves how silly the thought of making a title is to me. Unecessary, much like the Legends title is.
As MisterRob said, TNA certainly doesn't need anymore titles on their roster. As of right now, TNA has 3 different tag team titles on their roster. Counting the IWGP tag titles, they currently have the same number of titles the WWE has but with only a third of their weekly air time.

As for a TNA Hardcore Championship, I just don't really see a point. There's no reason to have a title just to slap one on somebody and call him/her/them a champ. There's enough of that going on in TNA now as it is, no need to make the situation worse. Besides, the only one I can see ultimately reaping any sort of benefit out of it would be Abyss. The only matches I'm even remotely interested in seeing him in are hardcore matches because those are really the only matches he's any good in.
Well, It's a strange one. Personally, As a loyal WWE | TNA fan, I would love to see the arrival of the Tna Hardcore championship however, It in my opinion should fall at a price. Remove the Iwgp tag team Championships and send them back, allowing room for just one additional title to the prestegous Total Nonstop action roster. I will be very interested to see what develops over this.
Well, It's a strange one. Personally, As a loyal WWE | TNA fan, I would love to see the arrival of the Tna Hardcore championship however, It in my opinion should fall at a price. Remove the Iwgp tag team Championships and send them back, allowing room for just one additional title to the prestegous Total Nonstop action roster. I will be very interested to see what develops over this.

I agree. I don't think TNA should showcase any titles from any other feds on their shows. It makes them look small time. I could also do without the knockout tag titles.

I guess this is how I would like to see things;
World Title
X Division Title
Hardcore Title
Tag Titles
Knock Out Title

I guarantee a lot of the other guys on TNA's roster could do hardcore. It's not hard to go through a table...

I guess for me personally, that would be a more entertaining TNA title scene.
For those that say there's no point, my counter to that would be there is definitely a positive to having a hardcore division.

Wrestling as it is right now is pretty stagnant. With MMA, who cares about watching a realistic fake fight?

That's where the hardcore comes in. MMA doesn't have chairs, tables, barbed wire, etc... People that want to see that kind of stuff can't see it in MMA.

Hell, the first episode of this years Ultimate Fighter had more blood in it than any mainstream wrestling match in recent memory. Now THAT shit was brutal.

I'm not saying hardcore is the savior of wrestling; obviously it isn't anything new. But a good hardcore division, and the spot fest style X Division would definitely help make TNA an alternative to the current WWE and to MMA.
For those that say there's no point, my counter to that would be there is definitely a positive to having a hardcore division.

Wrestling as it is right now is pretty stagnant. With MMA, who cares about watching a realistic fake fight?

That's where the hardcore comes in. MMA doesn't have chairs, tables, barbed wire, etc... People that want to see that kind of stuff can't see it in MMA.

Hell, the first episode of this years Ultimate Fighter had more blood in it than any mainstream wrestling match in recent memory. Now THAT shit was brutal.

What in the hell are you talking about? What does this have to do with MMA? Nothing, really.

I'm not saying hardcore is the savior of wrestling; obviously it isn't anything new. But a good hardcore division, and the spot fest style X Division would definitely help make TNA an alternative to the current WWE and to MMA.

First of all, TNA and all of pro wrestling isn't really similar to MMA at all, so just stop talking about it. Secondly, TNA is already pretty different than the WWE, I don't think they need to do much more, not like a hardcore title would help.

There is really no reason for a hardcore title, TNA needs to cut titles right now, not add them. Besides, there is enough hardcore stuff in TNA with all the Foley/Abyss stuff and all of the other gimmick matches.

A hardcore title would just be pointless and overkill.
What in the hell are you talking about? What does this have to do with MMA? Nothing, really.

Oh I forgot... TNA doesn't have Bobby Lashley and they aren't always talking about MMA themselves... My point is, TNA would LOVE to get MMA fans to watch their product because there is obviously more of those than wrestling fans.

My POINT was; how are they going to get MMA fans to watch their show? By showcasing good old fashioned wrestling? Definitely not. Wrestling is a joke to most of these people.

People said there would be no point in having the title, and to sum up my counter point, the point would be to raise the violence level in TNA.

They want viewers of a product that sees people get legit knocked out and left in a bloody mess to tune into a product with fake submissions and fake violence? Just doesn't seem very feasible to me.

And I agree with getting rid of unnecessary titles, if you had read my previous posts in this thread, you would have seen that. I definitely support getting the IWGP titles off tv, along with the Legends title, and the Knockout tag titles.

Hell, maybe this whole thread is just more about my wish for TNA to increase the violence on their programs. I'm already a TNA fan, just wishing for more I guess.
TNA can't even manage to book the X-Division title properly anymore. The Legends title is (I guess) TNA's version of the IC or U.S. title. It doesn't feel remotely unique at this point. So if you have two singles titles for male wrestlers besides the World title that can't be booked properly then why in God's name would you add a third?

TNA has three goals in this order:

1) Make the X-Division title feel unique and have a true purpose again.
2) Make the Legends title a secondary title with meaning. So far it's been created by Booker out of the blue, a consolation prize to Foley and a money grab for Nash. A.J. had it too but it still felt like a prop. Make it a meaningful goal.
3) Get a third hour of TV time. Xplosion doesn't count.

After all of that is done then MAYBE TNA can think about a new title. Until then I don't care if it's a Hardcore title, a TV title or whatever. It's not a good idea.
Oh I forgot... TNA doesn't have Bobby Lashley and they aren't always talking about MMA themselves... My point is, TNA would LOVE to get MMA fans to watch their product because there is obviously more of those than wrestling fans.

First of all, there are probably more MMA fans than wrestling fans because it is more well promoted/hot at the moment. TNA can't do much to change that. Secondly, the fact that they have Lashely is already helping them enough.

My POINT was; how are they going to get MMA fans to watch their show? By showcasing good old fashioned wrestling? Definitely not. Wrestling is a joke to most of these people.

So, instead of wrestling you want crazy, bloody matches with weapons. Yep, that's a lot more like MMA.

People said there would be no point in having the title, and to sum up my counter point, the point would be to raise the violence level in TNA.

Well, your counter point fails because there are a lot of titles and that's a problem. Lack of violence is not a problem.

They want viewers of a product that sees people get legit knocked out and left in a bloody mess to tune into a product with fake submissions and fake violence? Just doesn't seem very feasible to me.

MMA and pro wrestling are completely different, that isn't going to change.

And I agree with getting rid of unnecessary titles, if you had read my previous posts in this thread, you would have seen that. I definitely support getting the IWGP titles off tv, along with the Legends title, and the Knockout tag titles.

They are more useful that a Hardcore Title though.

Hell, maybe this whole thread is just more about my wish for TNA to increase the violence on their programs. I'm already a TNA fan, just wishing for more I guess.

I think the violence is fine, Abyss is on every week.
I'm not saying be MORE like mma, I'm saying be an alternative. What's a normal wrestling match? A fake fight. Who cares about that when you can watch real fights? I'm not saying there isn't a place for regular wrestling. But wouldn't less gimmick matches and more boring regular matches make TNA just more like WWE? I haven't been able to sit through a WWE show in 3 years.

I'm both an mma and wrestling fan, and I know one thing is for sure, I LOVE violence. And I know most mma fans do, too. That's all I'm saying. Up the blood, up the chair shots, up the table spots.

I guess the most important thing would be for TNA to start actually delivering when they promise a match is going to be the "most brutal over the top match the wrestling world has ever seen!" They promote shit like that all the time but when it comes down to it, it usually ends up being pretty weak. That's why the last show in the old ECW arena was so weak. I think it was Lockdown. They promoted it as being the most hardcore ppv ever, and then all the fans in Philly were like, "Are you kidding me? TNA calls THIS hardcore?"

The match between Suicide and Dinero at the last ppv was a step in the right direction. However I'm really puzzled as to why it had no prior hype and wasn't even announced for the show.

And no, I'm not wrong. It is my taste and I know you obviously have different tastes. I'm just saying being a normal run of the mill wrestling company isn't going to make TNA any bigger than it is now. And maybe more violence wouldn't either, but from where I'm sitting, it would be a lot more entertaining.
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