TNA & Favoritism?

If the WWE didn't randomly check main-eventers then there would be evidence to this, why would they have suspended Hardy during one of his hottest runs? It's very hard to turn a blind eye when Vince has implemented the policy that has made MASSIVE strides in cutting down drug use. TNA has not.

Yep, that policy definitely got Jeff Hardy to clean up his act ...

In response to the claim the WWE don't use blood tests I suggest you read the Wellness Policy (which is administered independantly by Aegis Sciences: btw shattered dreams). Nobody is holding TNA to any "ridiculously high standard" but testing wrestlers without appropriate punishments is ridiculous in this day and age. If you're claiming to be in the same league as the WWE then you should be held to the same standard people expect of the E. I don't think money should be an issue, I don't think Panda is going to go bankrupt any time soon.

I looked at what information I could find about the wellness policy (not much). That is the problem I am talking about, while a doctor of an independent company runs the program as far as I can tell all the information and announcements about it come from WWE. That is not transparent. That is carefully put together deniability that sounds much better than it is. On blood tests it looks like they do blood screening, not testing. Screening means they are making sure they do not have transferable diseases, not trying to find out if they have been using HGH or something like that. TNA is vague too so who knows what type of blood "testing" they actually did. I think anyone who thinks WWE has some great wellness policy to be praised for is hilarious. They do the minimum and should not be praised for it.
Yep, that policy definitely got Jeff Hardy to clean up his act ...

Yes, it did. He seemingly passed all of his tests before his departure. What he did after that is not the WWE's fault or business.

I looked at what information I could find about the wellness policy (not much). That is the problem I am talking about, while a doctor of an independent company runs the program as far as I can tell all the information and announcements about it come from WWE. That is not transparent. That is carefully put together deniability that sounds much better than it is. On blood tests it looks like they do blood screening, not testing. Screening means they are making sure they do not have transferable diseases, not trying to find out if they have been using HGH or something like that. TNA is vague too so who knows what type of blood "testing" they actually did. I think anyone who thinks WWE has some great wellness policy to be praised for is hilarious. They do the minimum and should not be praised for it.

I suggest you read the policy itself, my dear friend. Absolutely nowhere does it say it merely screens blood though admittedly it does not specify. However, saying it "looks like" is based on what? It doesn't state so in your mind they clearly only screen it? I'd like to look at where you're getting your information from because you aren't referencing any of it. Not only does the WWE randomly test their wrestlers a minimum of four times a year they closely monitor anyone that has failed one for twelve months with very intense methods.

From the policy:

"A WWE Talent, who tests positive for a prohibited substance under the Policy and is penalized in accordance with Section 15A of this Policy, shall be subject to mandatory unannounced follow-up testing as prescribed by and administered by the PA for a 12 month period following the positive test that resulted in this follow-up testing. WWE may require WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests that include, without limitation, urine, blood, saliva and/or hair, as part of this follow-up testing program. "

Further, weed is not that difficult to test for. A long-term weed smoker like RVD can take up to 30 days to fully get the drug out of their system but it varies person to person. However, even if RVD managed to clear his system for a urine or blood test a simple hair extraction (like the WWE uses) can give you someone's drug history up to about six months, be it weed, coke or other drugs.

See, you're criticizing the WWE for it's drug policy when really you (and admittedly myself) have very little information about it. However, it's extremely arrogant for you to think you've obtained more information about it than the FBI has. The FBI has means and ways of investigation that we could only dream of and they could not find any significant reason to either continue their investigation or bring charges against the McMahons. Do you honestly think that if the likes of Cena, Batista, etc wouldn't have been found out by now if they were using 'roids? Do you not realize how closely the WWE has been monitored since Benoit by both the government and the media? If there were any grounds to even suspect the WWE of faking/altering or excluding anyone from the random testing it would be in the newspapers.

I'm sure the Wellness Policy isn't perfect but for anyone to conclude that the policy isn't worth shit because they can't seem to find much information about it is even more laughable. There is absolutely no proof of any wrong-doing, merely speculation by a brigade of people of are of the opinion that Vince eats babies anyway. FBI investigations into other sports have yielded many controversies about companies that have an awful lot more money and resources than the WWE have in order to cover things up.

If Batista, Cena or Trips haven't ever been seen giving samples or being subject to the policy do you not think some disgruntled former employee wouldn't have tipped off or pointed it out to someone?

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