TNA & Favoritism?


Occasional Pre-Show
So I read that at the TNA Tappings this week they are having to screen all the wrestlers. They all get Blood Tested, they all get Physicals, but the Drug Screens they get randomized for them. Do you think that this could be that had to lure RVD in by telling him he can be high all he wants so thats why make the drug test random. Because if they tested him he would pop out positive for sure and in the case they would have to release him. So is that why all test are required for all people except the drug test?

If it's a "random" drug test, don't you think RVD would be... I don't know... Unaware of when it happens? Kinda how "random" works.

But I get what you're saying. You're saying RVD gets a heads up so he can sober up before taking it. No. That would be dumb. It was last year that drugs were found on Kurt Angle's car. He may have had a prescription, but the press was all over it. Not only that, but the Sports Illustration scandal has been rearing up it's ugly head again. Allowing anybody in the company to have a slip on drug tests would be a recipe for disaster. And RVD has already caused a disaster back in 2006. As ECW and WWE Champion, he was caught with Sabu carrying marijuana. Do you really think a delicate company like TNA would gamble such a taboo like that for the sake of keeping one or two talents?
Riaku, it was a random drug test that RVD probably didn't know about; however, not all the TNA wrestlers were tested, only a certain 'random' selection, and most likely RVD was not chosen. If he was, then he would have definitely tested positive for weed and been unable to compete, at the least, or released, at the worst (best for us though imo).
LOL all you TNA loves please read:

You say my comments about TNA is over the line and i am "******ed" . FUnny when Mark Madden has been saying what i have been saying for a good year now. I am not saying he gets his ideas from me lol, in fact sometimes i take ideas from his columns because he speaks the truth. TNA is a weak, unorganized, idiotic company that favors only the people who suck up or is a "legend" and the younger talents will never get what they deserve. The moral should be low because there is no one there to keep it up. Tommy Dreamer is the new "Paul Heyman". Hey TNA, ever wonder why dreamer was always a jobber in WWE? Its because thats what he was only good at. Just because a person was in the business for a really long time doesnt automaticallly make them a wrestling genious. Its just not logical what TNA does.
While I do believe that there are several wrestlers within TNA who might skate by or get a heads up about "random" drug tests, I don't think that any of them are named RVD. I mean even the WWE only gives a slap on the wrist for positive pot tests. So I highly doubt that it would effect him much, even at all, especially when he's currently at home taking time off from the ring as he's used up most of his contracted dates already.

Now as far as Mark Madden goes, I don't think he's AT ALL a credible source. For one, he's never liked Vince Russo because Russo never wanted his ass to be doing color on Nitro and replaced him with much more competent workers like Mike Tenay and Scott Hudson. And who could blame him. I mean whenever the camera would pan over to his ass, he looked like he should be going to and from the ring on one of those motorized shopping carts that you see cronically obese people using to go to McDonald's. NEVER does Madden go after WWE for stupidity, and believe me there are moments where he could. Nope, instead he stays locked onto Jeff Jarret (who coincidently he asked for a job back when TNA first started and was told no) like a rabid pit bull who smells a bloody steak in your back pocket.

I mean TNA could dump their who roster, get full A list stars, bump ratings up to a 5.0 weekly, and be flawless. And Madden would still sit here posting a weekly unecessary bitchfest, mocking anything and everything that they did. Now when someone who isn't a jilted fat bloated rotting ex lover starts posting an article about how bad they think TNA is, then I might think it's credible. But when you're a bitter, penniless shut in who needs to grease up your flip flops just to get them on your feet to take your daily trot from your bed to the computer to bitch and moan about TNA, then you ant saying shit.

But the one thing that I don't get is this. The one thing that kind of sticks out. Madden writes with so much rich detail in his criticism that you could damned near read that for the spoiler results or play by play. So if he hates the promotion SO much and thinks it's a waste of time, then why is he watching the damned thing every week? I mean it's almost like he watches the show, turns down the sound, and pretends that he's the pretty little princess who's dream has come true as he does the color commentary and screams "Smoochie Boochies" (or whatever the fucking crack head saying he started using when Stevie Ray told him to stop stealing "fruit booty") over and over again whenever he sees the knockouts while chewing on a stick of butter. Ah, we can all dream can't we? lol
LOL all you TNA loves please read:

You say my comments about TNA is over the line and i am "******ed" . FUnny when Mark Madden has been saying what i have been saying for a good year now. I am not saying he gets his ideas from me lol, in fact sometimes i take ideas from his columns because he speaks the truth. TNA is a weak, unorganized, idiotic company that favors only the people who suck up or is a "legend" and the younger talents will never get what they deserve. The moral should be low because there is no one there to keep it up. Tommy Dreamer is the new "Paul Heyman". Hey TNA, ever wonder why dreamer was always a jobber in WWE? Its because thats what he was only good at. Just because a person was in the business for a really long time doesnt automaticallly make them a wrestling genious. Its just not logical what TNA does.

Yeah,I read that column. I enjoy those Mark Madden columns.

As far as Tommy Dreamer goes,I never understood peoples appeal with that guy. I remember when ECW first blew up and everybody was talking about how awesome this Tommy Dreamer. So I finally saw this guy and was like "this is the guy everybody keeps talking about?" I love how on "The Rise and Fall of ECW" he keeps talking about how he stayed with ECW the whole time because he didn't want to go anywhere else. Bullshit,he didn't go anywhere else because no one else wanted him. And to be honest with you I don't blame the guys who have been with TNA the longest being pissed off about having a bunch of guys who were never really worth a damn coming in and getting top billing.
I wanna know why the OP or anyone else thinks RVD or anyone would get released or have some form of punishment if caught positive with marijuana? First of all, TNA doesn't even have any fine policies or any punishment policies if caught with marijuana as far as I know. That's only in the world of WWE where they are so strict and that is due to Congress and the media being on their ass about it due to their past history concerning early deaths, Benoit, and whatnot. 2nd even in the world of WWE, if you are caught positive with marijuana in your system, it's a slap on the wrist. So this is what we can access: TNA wrestlers testing positive doesn't mean a punishment and if there was a punishment in place for testing positive for a drug, then it wouldn't be more than a slap on the wrist. So there you go!
AMEN AFRO!! Preach brother :worship:. I was thinking the same thing. Seems to me if you don't like a product (i.e. America's Got Talent, Dancing with the stars, etc), then why would I subject myself to two hours that I will never get back in my life, no matter how hard I try? ---and you're right---he never rips on WWE. Never, ...and there's plenty to rip on on occasion. I enjoy his column---only because he sits there and says that this is wrong, this didn't work, etc, and when some of it does.....I think he's wishing he would have thought of the angle. He wasn't much for a color comentator during Nitro,---just a hunk of mass that filled a seat until they got someone who had an idea what wrestling was about.

NOW...about the randomness of drug testing......I think maybe TNA is doing it ---in a publicized way---because of the recent death of Lance Cade. There's nothing wrong with that, but before every other social media gets caught up on they "oh they're druggies......but wait...they have a "wellness program" (whatever that means)".....TNA wanted to at least make it know too that they too, have a drug screening process. However, not to be critical, but I can only really think of maybe two bodies they should test. Morgan's and Terry's. The rest need to either hit the weight room or try Stacker.
AMEN AFRO!! Preach brother :worship:. I was thinking the same thing. Seems to me if you don't like a product (i.e. America's Got Talent, Dancing with the stars, etc), then why would I subject myself to two hours that I will never get back in my life, no matter how hard I try? ---and you're right---he never rips on WWE. Never, ...and there's plenty to rip on on occasion. I enjoy his column---only because he sits there and says that this is wrong, this didn't work, etc, and when some of it does.....I think he's wishing he would have thought of the angle. He wasn't much for a color comentator during Nitro,---just a hunk of mass that filled a seat until they got someone who had an idea what wrestling was about.

NOW...about the randomness of drug testing......I think maybe TNA is doing it ---in a publicized way---because of the recent death of Lance Cade. There's nothing wrong with that, but before every other social media gets caught up on they "oh they're druggies......but wait...they have a "wellness program" (whatever that means)".....TNA wanted to at least make it know too that they too, have a drug screening process. However, not to be critical, but I can only really think of maybe two bodies they should test. Morgan's and Terry's. The rest need to either hit the weight room or try Stacker.

Mark Madden has said numerous times that he wants to like TNA,but the mistakes can't let him. And I love this "he never writes anything negative about the WWE" theory. That's bull,he's done it. But the fact of the matter is as bad as the WWE is,it's still not as bad as TNA is. And Madden makes some valid points but I guess the fanboy in some of you either can't see it,or don't want to see it.

And anybody want to bet that one of the guys that talked to Madden for that article is Kevin Nash.

As far as that random drug test goes,it's a load of bunk. They know who is gonna be tested before hand. I remember ESPN running an Outside the Lines special about steroids in wrestling,and in response WCW decided to have a "random" drug test. Strangely,Scott Steiner no showed the event where they had the random testing. And I say strangley because Steiner was one of the main guys the OTL special focused on.
It's the same story, whatever Hogan, Nash & Bischoff touch the destroy.

All you need is one bad owner (Dixie) who buys into their bulls**t and you get the current TNA.

Dixie is a hack. The next smart thing she does will be the first. First she brings in Hogan and Bischoff. I'd like to know who told her that was a good idea. Then they convince her to move to Monday night. How did that work out? Now she brings in the ECW guys,most of whom weren't worth a damn in ECW's heyday. And now your locker room morale is low because you brought in a bunch of no talent hacks and put them ahead of guys that have been busting their ass for you for the past couple of years.

I enjoyed TNA a heck of alot better before Hogan and Bischoff showed up.
Mark Madden has said numerous times that he wants to like TNA,but the mistakes can't let him. And I love this "he never writes anything negative about the WWE" theory. That's bull,he's done it. But the fact of the matter is as bad as the WWE is,it's still not as bad as TNA is. And Madden makes some valid points but I guess the fanboy in some of you either can't see it,or don't want to see it.

And anybody want to bet that one of the guys that talked to Madden for that article is Kevin Nash..

Only ******s and people on the WWE Kool Aid believe what what Mark Madden has to say. Who in their right mind will give insider info to a guy who was never relevant in the business. Madden's commentary single handedly put me off watching WCW, he couldnt even sell himself let alone a actual match.

Not even once has he proved who his sources are, i actually read his article and all he talks about is......

'Said one TNA employee'. Thats it, you people have to gullible shits to believe that.

I boned Britney spears said one 'wait for it, WAIT FOR IT............

said one TNA employee.
Only ******s and people on the WWE Kool Aid believe what what Mark Madden has to say. Who in their right mind will give insider info to a guy who was never relevant in the business. Madden's commentary single handedly put me off watching WCW, he couldnt even sell himself let alone a actual match.

Not even once has he proved who his sources are, i actually read his article and all he talks about is......

'Said one TNA employee'. Thats it, you people have to gullible shits to believe that.

I boned Britney spears said one 'wait for it, WAIT FOR IT............

said one TNA employee.

Yeah,because an employee who wants to keep his job is really going to let someone put his name on an article where he gives information that's bashing the company.

But it can't be true if it's said about TNA,right.
Yeah, its a safe bet he talked to Nash. Nash has been lobbying to give him Tenay's job for almost a year. He's also awfully tight with Ric Flair. Oh, and Raven, too.
He is absurdly tight with Gilbernetti. Back when Mark started with wrestlezone, Disco worked for TNA and wrote a regular column for wz. Glen used to be absurdly positive about how GREAT TNA was. Madden played devil's advocate for cheap heat. ((It was funny as hell)).

I think Mark pays attention to TNA for two major reasons:
1) He has good friends who work there. Whenever one of my buds is on national tv, you can bet your ass I dvr it.
2) He gets paid by a wrestling site to write a wrestling column. JACKPOT!

The stuff he writes, well... Is it completely TRUE? I don't know. Most of it is opinion, anyway. Does it get people FIRED UP? That I know. Of course it does.

If it didn't, the same people wouldn't be in here every month saying, "Madden's a jerk. I am never reading him again!"

Month after month.

Yeah, its a safe bet he talked to Nash. Nash has been lobbying to give him Tenay's job for almost a year. He's also awfully tight with Ric Flair. Oh, and Raven, too.
He is absurdly tight with Gilbernetti. Back when Mark started with wrestlezone, Disco worked for TNA and wrote a regular column for wz. Glen used to be absurdly positive about how GREAT TNA was. Madden played devil's advocate for cheap heat. ((It was funny as hell)).

I think Mark pays attention to TNA for two major reasons:
1) He has good friends who work there. Whenever one of my buds is on national tv, you can bet your ass I dvr it.
2) He gets paid by a wrestling site to write a wrestling column. JACKPOT!

The stuff he writes, well... Is it completely TRUE? I don't know. Most of it is opinion, anyway. Does it get people FIRED UP? That I know. Of course it does.

If it didn't, the same people wouldn't be in here every month saying, "Madden's a jerk. I am never reading him again!"

Month after month.


Exactly. I don't think he'd make up what he said in the column. I just don't see it.

Now like you said,is everything the guy writes true,I doubt it. But I don't think he should be dismissed as some bumbling idiot,either.
Yeah,because an employee who wants to keep his job is really going to let someone put his name on an article where he gives information that's bashing the company.

But it can't be true if it's said about TNA,right.

So, there is no employee like i mentioned. If there was, he would give hints but as there is no employee he doesnt need to mention it because he knows most of you lot are gullible and would believe anything he says.
So, there is no employee like i mentioned. If there was, he would give hints but as there is no employee he doesnt need to mention it because he knows most of you lot are gullible and would believe anything he says.

Okay,let me ask you a question: You work for a company and you don't like what's going on. So you give an interview with somebody saying you don't like what's going on. Are you gonna tell them to go ahead and use your name in the interview? Hell no,you're not,why because you want to keep your job.

Same thing here. Whoever said it wants to keep their job,so they don't want their name used.

Besides why make it up to bash TNA. There is plenty wrong with TNA that he could have bashed without "making up" a story.

But hey,if you want to be gullible and think that everything is great in TNA,you go for what you know.
The thing I am getting at is they are popping out "random" drug screening, is so they can choose who gets tested and not have to test the guy they know will come out dirty. I'm pretty sure it was a deal for RVD to get high all he wants. i just don't see why he just doesn't get e medical marijuana card there legal in both Cali and michigan.
So, there is no employee like i mentioned. If there was, he would give hints but as there is no employee he doesnt need to mention it because he knows most of you lot are gullible and would believe anything he says.

When someone mention something negative out of the White House with confidentiality, they refer to "Senior White House Officer" for example. They never give any hints on the messenger because that defeats the purpose of being confidential.

Good to see TNA instituting such drug testing procedure. You hear of many deaths in the industry related to drug use. One of the ways of prevention is weeding out the individuals who are hooked or using these toxins. Hopefully the test will point on who needs advice or rehab.

Random drug testing could be problematic since you have the ability to pick and choose who takes it. If i was administering it, RVD would be automatically picked because of his public comments. Past offenders would be automatically picked because of their history of drug use. Scott Steiner would be pick, not because i'm Triple H and willing to drop as well, but because "c'mon, Scott Steiner, c'mon."

But it's random, so we can draw straws. Maybe pull a few names out. Life would be easier if everyone was obedient and followed the rules of the organization. I wish the industry had a one-strike you're out policy. You get caught with painkillers or roids or whatever deadly toxins, you should be banned from the entire industry. If you need painkillers, then there isn't any point of being in the business.
I don't like much of what Madden has to say. I remember reading one blog and thinking to myself "this guy is the epitome of the problems within the IWC". However, as much as I disagree with him I find it very hard to do so with regards to TNA. Anything Madden has said about TNA has usually been either partially or completely backed up by fact and logic, he's rarely wrong where TNA is concerned. TNA has problems and the TNA fans need to accept the fact that people are going to critique the product, especially with the massive issues in the company.

On the subject of drug testing. The WWE is regarded by many in the IWC as the evil druggy corporation and are held responsible for the deaths of many wrestlers, whether they worked for the WWE or not in some cases. However, the Wellness policy and the subsequent amendments about chair shots, etc, were classy moves and were not purely done for image purposes. Many people who criticize the WWE in this regard (many of whom seem to believe Vince McMahon was responsible for 9/11 and many of the world's atrocities anyway) completely ignore TNA and their COMPLETE lack of any form of wrestler protection.

I believe, though I don't possess a source to prove it, that the last time they tested the wrestlers it was revealed that a ridiculous amount of wrestlers there are abusing substances. I believe it was something along the lines of 40%. Y'see, when people think of drugs in wrestling they think of RVD and Hardy, refer to them as junkies and continue marking out for the TNA homegrown talent. However, it's not just RVD that these tests will catch out, I guarantee you MANY within TNA smoke weed (for which there should be no penalty in my opinion) and a great deal are using pills.

Next time anyone starts mouthing about Vinnie Mac's sins they should bear in mind that many of TNA's IWC heroes are likely abusing substances and TNA is doing nothing to regulate or stop it. In this day and age I believe Dixie Carter should be ashamed of herself for not implementing a wellness policy. Vince doesn't turn a blind eye to it anymore but Dixie sure does.

EDIT: I found an unconfirmed source. The figure is 43% but the source theorizes that as a female has never been suspended for drug use it's presumed that the figure means that 56% of the male performers were on some type of drug.

That's still a ridiculous figure.
To start off with, I think the drug testing is a good thing, and just so you guys know, weed is pretty hard to test for, so RVD wouldn't really have a lot to worry about, and even if he did test positive, TNA could always say he didn't. They may not even test for weed.

Also, guys, I don't understand everyone's Mark Madden love fest. The guy is a huge tool who THINKS he is an insider to the wrestling biz, even though his only wrestling job was announcing for WCW...which closed 9 years ago. He doesn't "speak the truth" because he doesn't know what the truth is, he makes it on his own. unless he is backstage in Orlando EVERY night they are wrestling, he doesn't know shit. Second hand information is not necessarily fact. Oh, and if you email him with a differing opinion, even nicely, he will use every bit of profanity you can think of for disagreeing with him...I know, cuz I e-mailed him disagreeing with one of his editorials, and all he could do was use every other word as a swear or ethnic/sexual slur, and didn't even make any attempt at a rebuttal. He just swore at me, and I worded my email very nicely, and certainly not offensively.

Also, to those who say that only the Legends ever get featured, you're full of it. other than the EV2 guys,there has been a steady spotlight on the young guys. I mean, when was the last time Nash, Hogan, Jerrett, Sting, etc. part of huge, main event feuds and such? months ago, and even then, it was only a couple of them, and not main event stuff, other than the Sting WHC matches. The roster on TV is prominantly the young guys, and to top that, mostly young TNA guys. I really don't get why people always make the assumption that TNA is all old guys...oh wait, unless they never actually WATCH the show. I figured it out!!
In this day and age I believe Dixie Carter should be ashamed of herself for not implementing a wellness policy. Vince doesn't turn a blind eye to it anymore but Dixie sure does.

EDIT: I found an unconfirmed source. The figure is 43% but the source theorizes that as a female has never been suspended for drug use it's presumed that the figure means that 56% of the male performers were on some type of drug.

That's still a ridiculous figure.

2 things wrong here. Vince does turn a blind eye to drug use, a lot. I mean Batista, not using steroids, really? Riiiiight. Oh, and the Billionaire's son in law? Cena? WWE very clearly makes sure to "randomly" check wrestlers...who aren't in the main event. Also, it's not consistent. Wrestlers sometimes get fired for one time getting caught, while others get caught numerous times, get suspended, and are happily accepted back and put on tv once their suspension is up. It's all about politics over there, and if you don't kiss the Billionaire's ass, and you get caught, you're gone. On the otherhand, if the Billionaire likes ya cuz you kiss ass, he doesn't care what you're doing.

Also, "unconfirmed source" means some loser sitting in his mom's basement who doesn't know anything more than you or me.
So much ignorance in this thread. Random means random. How hard is that to figure out? No one in either company gets even suspended for marijuana, let alone a forced release. WWE testing has no external oversight either so who is say they are not the fake random the idiots are talking about in here? In fact they have clearly shown favortism to the top guys in the timing of suspensions and counting of strikes. They flat out skipped a should have been additional suspension and strike for Orton saying he was "already" punished for it by a prior suspension. How does that even make sense? They purposely kept guys like Orton and Hardy out of the bigger groups of released names when multiple suspensions were handed down. I am not sure but does WWE even do blood tests at all? Hell, in a real sport MLB people were accused of tipping Arod off. Let us not be idiots trying to hold tna to some unrealistically high standard right off the bat. This should be supported as a step in the right direction. Not bashed for some idiotic RVD delusional notions.
2 things wrong here. Vince does turn a blind eye to drug use, a lot. I mean Batista, not using steroids, really? Riiiiight. Oh, and the Billionaire's son in law? Cena? WWE very clearly makes sure to "randomly" check wrestlers...who aren't in the main event. Also, it's not consistent. Wrestlers sometimes get fired for one time getting caught, while others get caught numerous times, get suspended, and are happily accepted back and put on tv once their suspension is up. It's all about politics over there, and if you don't kiss the Billionaire's ass, and you get caught, you're gone. On the otherhand, if the Billionaire likes ya cuz you kiss ass, he doesn't care what you're doing.

Also, "unconfirmed source" means some loser sitting in his mom's basement who doesn't know anything more than you or me.

Well what's your source for Batista using steroids? The Wellness Policy is operated by an independent source and a federal investigation yielded no holes in the policy. Do you have some information the FBI don't? You say Batista is on 'roids? I say that could just as easily be the product of an intense work out routine. Rob Terry though? THERE'S a 'roid head.

If the WWE didn't randomly check main-eventers then there would be evidence to this, why would they have suspended Hardy during one of his hottest runs? It's very hard to turn a blind eye when Vince has implemented the policy that has made MASSIVE strides in cutting down drug use. TNA has not.

Your claims that the wellness policy doesn't work are based on what exactly? Where's your source?

In response to the claim the WWE don't use blood tests I suggest you read the Wellness Policy (which is administered independantly by Aegis Sciences: btw shattered dreams). Nobody is holding TNA to any "ridiculously high standard" but testing wrestlers without appropriate punishments is ridiculous in this day and age. If you're claiming to be in the same league as the WWE then you should be held to the same standard people expect of the E. I don't think money should be an issue, I don't think Panda is going to go bankrupt any time soon.
Well what's your source for Batista using steroids? The Wellness Policy is operated by an independent source and a federal investigation yielded no holes in the policy. Do you have some information the FBI don't? You say Batista is on 'roids? I say that could just as easily be the product of an intense work out routine. Rob Terry though? THERE'S a 'roid head.
Actually, Batista was a 'roid head starting out in OVW as the Leviathan Character. No idea afterwords. I remember a promo on Youtube from those days when he had a bloated head, and that's one of the signs when you're stopping the steroids I think.
Yes, before the wellness policy came into effect. I don't know what he did or didn't do before the policy but I have doubts that he was allowed to continue using steroids after the Benoit tragedy, were it to ever be discovered it would be a massive blow to the WWE and they would likely lose many of their sponsors. Do you honestly think Vince would risk his company so one of his wrestlers can look a bit better?

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