TNA: Dog Collar Match: Triple H vs. AJ Styles

Triple H vs. AJ Styles

  • HHH

  • AJ

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And he's also lost a strap match as well to Kane, I'm glad that team Triple H has failed to bring that point up yet, but you know...

As I've said,t eh accomplishments of Triple H mean jack shit in this environment. Nothing in the WWE is remotely similar to TNA. Everything from the large crowds to the four sided ring, all of that. this is a small, intimate environment, that is going to have a rabid fan base, and it's an arena that AJ Styles knows like the back of his hand. This isn't like the WWE where they are in a new arena each week, TNA is in the Impact Zone week in, week out, for Impact andd pay per views. I'm surely going to take the guy that wrestles in that building, who already has experience in this match against bigger opponents, over the over confident bastard any day of the week.

Everyone goes on about the Cerebral Assassin, fair enough. But what the one thing that is larger then Triple H's supposed Knowledge of the Game (which that is a stretch to begin with), it's his ego. This environement is One Night Stand 2006 all over again. Rob Van Dam to ECW is what AJ Styles was to TNA, you might disrespect and think what you will about those two companies, but both individuals records in those companies speak for themselves. Both are their companies Sting to WCW. The difference being, when John Cena went into the Hammerstein Ballroom, he was already leaps and bounds better then Triple H ever was at any point of his career, and Cena still lost in that environment.

Triple H's ego is legendary in the business. This is the same ego that has allowed him to lose to guys like Shelton Benjamin, guys like Jeff Hardy, guys like the Brooklyn Brawler. Triple H lost to a Shawn Michaels in a match that suited Triple H, and HBK hadn't wrestled for over 4 years. Triple H's ego played to the smarky crowd at Wrestlemania 22 against a green John Cena, and triple H ended up losing that match. Triple H's ego is as big of a factor in this as anything else. When that guy belittles himself by going into the Impact Zone and has 1000 Smarky TNA fans jumping his siht, that ego of his will turn on to prove to them that he's better then them.

AJ Styles doesn't have to dominate Triple H, AJ Styles has to pin Triple H, and there is a track record of Triple H losing matches he should win because his ego gets in the way. AJ Styles has beaten all of the "supposed WWE Rejects " that have walked into the Impact Zone, and Triple H is going to be no different.
Wouldn't traveling to different arenas every week help Triple H adjust here? They aren't wrestling throughout the arena, they are going at it in the ring.

Triple H has no problem taking the heat either. He is the bad guy here, he's on AJ's turf, and Triple H was never truly affected by that.

The loss to Kane? Kane was one of the biggest players at the time of that match, and had the strength advantage on Triple H.
And in a match where you only have to pin someone in the ring, but can still go out of the ring, that favors AJ Styles. Travelling from generic arena to generic arena each week to fans that aren't as emotionally invested into the company or wrestler doesn't give you the advantage in a match. The fans of TNA at the Impact Zone,t he fans of ECW at the old Arena or the Hammerstein ballroom go out of their ways to make themselves apart of the match, much to the disgust of traditional wrestling fans that think fans should sit on their hands and not be vocal.

Triple H is an egomaniac, and the second a "you can't wrestle" chant breaks out, the pandering to the crowd, the show boating begins. There are countless match where triple h has things in the bag, but then he takes time to show boat, and in that split second, he's eitehr chokeslammed or DDT'd. Again, this perception that Triple H is one of the most stoic wrestlers out there is laughable. Triple H becomes just as frustrated, and d showboats like the rest of them.

Kane a big player in 2001, arguable. I mean, this was the guy that was one month removed from a wonderful Hardcore title run oh well. It brings up that Triple H can be beaten in strap matches, as opposed to never losing one.
What sort of ABSURD compariosn is THAT?

Last time I checked, Kane is er, larger than AJ Styles and works a totally different style. Just slightly. Im not sure how on earth you can possibly bring that up. If anything, it just further shows that the bigger, stronger man has the out and out advantage in this match.

in this case, being Triple H.
Kane won the strap match with Trips due to outside interference from Stone Cold, this was during the Two Man Powertrip, Stone Cold ran in interference for Triple H but ended up inadvertently knocking out Triple H with a chair or something like that instead, and yeah comparing Kane to AJ is just a tad bit silly anyway
Everyone goes on about the Cerebral Assassin, fair enough. But what the one thing that is larger then Triple H's supposed Knowledge of the Game (which that is a stretch to begin with), it's his ego. This environement is One Night Stand 2006 all over again. Rob Van Dam to ECW is what AJ Styles was to TNA, you might disrespect and think what you will about those two companies, but both individuals records in those companies speak for themselves. Both are their companies Sting to WCW. The difference being, when John Cena went into the Hammerstein Ballroom, he was already leaps and bounds better then Triple H ever was at any point of his career, and Cena still lost in that environment.

Triple H's ego is legendary in the business. This is the same ego that has allowed him to lose to guys like Shelton Benjamin, guys like Jeff Hardy, guys like the Brooklyn Brawler. Triple H lost to a Shawn Michaels in a match that suited Triple H, and HBK hadn't wrestled for over 4 years. Triple H's ego played to the smarky crowd at Wrestlemania 22 against a green John Cena, and triple H ended up losing that match. Triple H's ego is as big of a factor in this as anything else. When that guy belittles himself by going into the Impact Zone and has 1000 Smarky TNA fans jumping his siht, that ego of his will turn on to prove to them that he's better then them.

Shocky, you are seriously overestimating the TNA Fans. They are nothing compared to the ECW Fans, absolutely nothing. They may have a fairly small smarky base at the Impact Zone, but they are no-where near as rabid as the ECW Fans were.... which means it's a much less of an intimidating place to go. It would be an extremely valid argument if this was ECW with an ECW legend in it, but and I watch Impact fairly often the crowd in the Impact Zone are almost dead compared to the old ECW Crowds.

Triple H losing to Kane actually gives a positive to the argument for Triple H here. Kane is bigger and stronger than Triple H and it gave him the advantage here... Triple H has beaten Kane in one on one matches before so it shows that the strength in this match type is important. Triple H might not be well know for his strength that's a valid point, but he is stronger than AJ Styles and if people want to cite Kane beating Triple H then that alone should mean Triple H should walk out a winner in this match.
Ok, so I have been meaning to vote in this one for the past 3 days but eveytime I go into this thread I can't make up my mind. After reading through each post twice, I think Shocky and Sam have convinced me to go with Styles. I prefer him as a wrestler, but after reading their arguements, I think that the match stipulations coupled with the home field advantage, Styles squeaks this one out.
Ok,there seems to be a constant claim that AJ can't do any flying moves because Trips will just pull the rope.

Secondly, AJ is tied to a dog chain, which is tied to HHH. HHH can pull on the rope, and negate AJ's high flying ability.

Couple of things wrong with this argument.

1)AJ isn't a dog.Hunter can't pull the rope,call "heel boy",and AJ will be tossed around like a little bitch.He isn't strong enough to that to AJ,he's no lightweight.AJ has to just,you know,stand his ground.HHH is stronger,I will probably admit that.But not that much.

2)When an opponent is on the ground ready to be hit with a spiral tap,he is too stunned to move.No one argues.But throw in a rope and "HHH can just pull on it".But we never hear "Well,he can just move".

3)Why can't AJ pull the rope?The answer,he can.This will negate HHHs advantage.Triple H is tied up aswell,just so you know.

4)Picture this.AJ starts to run around,tieing the rope around him.Helmsley decides to try and pull the rope.
In order to pull the rope,Hunter must open himself up and sacrifice some of his own attack to do it.All AJ has to do is flying forearm him and it's over.
Well,after a few more moves.

It's a travesty that Aj is losing,correct it.
Okay, this getting silly.

AJ wins cause he's faster and we have TNA ropes? I haven't heard a single argument yet that destroys the premise of "I'm HHH. I am stronger than you. I am going to pull this chain over and over and over again until its a THREE foot chain and then I beat you to death with the leftover seven feet."

When it comes to brutality, Cactus Jack > AJ by a mile. If Hunter can take Cactus' abuse in a cell and keep coming, or the Rock's in a strap match... he can damn sure whip AJ like a red headed stepchild.
Why do people carry on posting after the poll has closed? I honestly we think we've been getting more discussion after polls have closed than before they've opened. AJ should have won but he didn't. If you don't think the AJ argument is valid, it's because you prefer Triple H.
Ok,there seems to be a constant claim that AJ can't do any flying moves because Trips will just pull the rope.

1)AJ isn't a dog.Hunter can't pull the rope,call "heel boy",and AJ will be tossed around like a little bitch.He isn't strong enough to that to AJ,he's no lightweight.AJ has to just,you know,stand his ground.HHH is stronger,I will probably admit that.But not that much.

So if Triple H is stronger than AJ who do you think would win in a tug of war? Thats effectively what it would become. Exactly.

2)When an opponent is on the ground ready to be hit with a spiral tap,he is too stunned to move.No one argues.But throw in a rope and "HHH can just pull on it".But we never hear "Well,he can just move".

AJ first has to knock Triple H down, and since if Triple H was standing and AJ goes to the top rope to do something Triple H will pull on the rope knocking him off balance preventing the move AJ is going to have to hit a ground move or simply out brawl him, neither of which will be easy against someone like Triple H.

3)Why can't AJ pull the rope?The answer,he can.This will negate HHHs advantage.Triple H is tied up aswell,just so you know.

But he is not as strong as Triple H, so the rope gives Triple H the advantage. Strength = Good. Got it?

4)Picture this.AJ starts to run around,tieing the rope around him.Helmsley decides to try and pull the rope.

AJ gets close enough, BAM Pedigree.

In order to pull the rope,Hunter must open himself up and sacrifice some of his own attack to do it.All AJ has to do is flying forearm him and it's over.

You are missing the concept of this match, Triple H (or AJ for that matter) will only need to pull on the rope when his opponent is out of range to do a move of some kind, I'm sure Triple H has enough reaction time to spot AJ letting go of the rope and trying an offensive move to effectively block, dodge or counter it.

It's a travesty that Aj is losing,correct it.

No, it isn't.

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