TNA: Dog Collar Match: Triple H vs. AJ Styles

Triple H vs. AJ Styles

  • HHH

  • AJ

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Also add in the fact that in previous tournaments he has been in this region, so to a degree that Triple H doesn't know the ring is a fallacy if we take previous matches into account as well as previous tournaments.

Well, it's ten matches vs. five years.

Triple H is well known as a so called Student of the game, how many of these type of matches would Triple H have watched, including the one that AJ Styles was involved in. Triple H has faced against similar style wrestlers before, ie quick and fast.

Not often. I remember him beating Rey Mysterio up at the Royal Rumble. Jericho, Michaels and the like certainly aren't on par with AJ. Speed and agility-wise, that is. And if he's a student of the game, why does he not alter his style in the slightest to compensate for who he's facing?

Combining in the fact that there is a rope involved that will play a part with the choking and all that, as well as the fact that Triple H is a sick sumbitch when he needs to be.

Triple H isn't actually that much heavier. And like I said, AJ is the one that understand leverage and how to use it better. If anyone's going to get choked, it's the Game.
I'll be voting for A.J. Styles. Why you may well ask, err, because I prefer him. That's why.

But Triple H should win this. Styles isn't just a high flyer, but it's a large part of his arsenal. What happens when he tries to do one of those jumpy moves? Well Trips just pulls the rope doesn't he. Simple. Somebody has said this before me, haven't they? Oh well, still voting for A.J.

Hmmm. There is no reason that HHH has any advantage over AJ styles and vice versa. But if Jake can blindly have faith in his guy, then I will mine. Vote HHH.

Lets work it out. HHH had to go through Stan Stasiak, Barry Wyndham and Tom Billington. AJ had to go through a Von Erich, MVP and Roddy Piper.

They'd both be puffed out. BUT I can only remember AJ styles going up against Christopher Daniels in a 30 minute Iron Man match.

HHH wrestled The Rock in a 60 minute one. DO the maths.
That means HHH beats AJ Styles TWICE AS MUCH!

Also, each time HHH faced a new opponent, he drank a fresh bottle of water coming down to the crowd. Refreshing.

Vote HHH.
LOL. This is a good one. But knowing Dixie and Jeff, they are known for burying their guy's and pushing new comer's from WWE to the moon and getting nothing in return. (Except Kurt Angle and Mick Foley). A.J. may have speed and agility but HHH has name power and that's the only thing that matters to Dixie and Jeff.
LOL. This is a good one. But knowing Dixie and Jeff, they are known for burying their guy's and pushing new comer's from WWE to the moon and getting nothing in return. (Except Kurt Angle and Mick Foley). A.J. may have speed and agility but HHH has name power and that's the only thing that matters to Dixie and Jeff.

Name power doesn't mean anything here. You think in a kayfabe setting they wouldn't book one of their own guys over anybody from WWE. Styles knows that ring better than anybody else and Triple H may be able to adapt, but it's easier for the one that has been there the most. He will still be able to hit his impact moves and HHH has been susceptible to rollups by guys with a similar build to AJ (i.e. Shelton Benjamin).
Don't vote for AJ because you prefer him. Well, if you really want, I won't stop you. Nope, really, I won't. I promise. I won't get it your way. Do what you will. I've got no problem. Do it, man. Do it. Vote for AJ. Vote for AJ. Go on.

Vote for him because he'd be better in this scenario.
Completely torn, you see, people probably mistake me for the kind of person that thinks that WWE is the be all and end all but no, you see I'd vote Sting over HHH anyday.

Now thats over why do I think AJ has a chance, well, the gimmick favours HHH I dont think I can be pursuaded otherwise, but AJ is probably the best TNA has to offer today, in a company with Sting and Kurt Angle, while I think Kurt Angle is so overrated on these boards it isnt even funny he's still a Main Eventer.

So by my logic, even todays Sting>HHH, AJ>todays Sting>HHH. So I might just vote AJ.
The two things that would give AJ an advantage over Triple H are his speed and agility, those two same things are what will be taken away by having Dog Collar wrapped around his neck, also take into consideration that Triple H has experience in these types of matches and has beaten guys like Kane and Rock in similar matches, and AJ doesn't stand much of a chance, AJ will give this match everything he has but will ultimately come up short, take a pedigree and will be left lying in the ring as Triple H walks out the winner
In what fucking way? HHH's promos are shit, he can't draw worth a damn,

These don't matter at all in the match. Regardless, HHH has put on better promos that AJ and has certainly drawn more in his career.

and the only time he has good matches is when a gimmick is involved,

A gimmick is involved.

Seriously, that's the truth. AJ Styles, on the other hand, is a pretty damn good promo cutter who's getting better each day at it, carried TNA to its Spike TV deal, and has participated in a LOT of this decade's greatest matches.

None of this matters in the match, and hopefully this tournament is good enough to be broadcast on a better channel than Spike.

Just because he politicked his way to all his championship reigns doesn't mean shit to me.

What a bullshit argument and I'm sick and tired of people using it. Last time a checked, all of HHH accomplishments still count and obvioulsy he wasn't the first, and won't be the last, to use backstage politics to get ahead.

The fact is... TNA wouldn't be around if there was no AJ Styles, whereas I strongly believe that WWE would be doing BETTER business if HHH never existed. That accomplishment alone makes AJ more accomplished than HHH, if you ask me.

Meh, maybe. I think Triple H may be hurting the product today, but he certainly was a big draw in the past. Either way, doesn't matter much in the match and certainly doesn't make AJ more accomplished.

AJ's a pretty muscular guy, so I doubt HHH would be able to handle him so easily. Besides, AJ has been in a ring PLENTY of times with stronger wrestlers than him, so I'm sure he would know how to handle Trips' strength anyway.

AJ may be muscular, but most pro wreslters are. HHH on the other hand is huge, bigger and stronger than most. AJ may have been in the ring with strong wrestlers in the past, but you can't tell me Abyss is as good as HHH.

Have you ever seen a Dog Collar match? There are plenty of high spots.

Yes, and HHH would be smart enough to pull the rope.

First of all, HHH accomplishments are bullshit, so no... they don't mean anything, in any ring, but ESPECIALLY in a TNA ring. That six sided ring and the TNA fans really work against HHH. And that's a fact.

I won't even bother with that first bullshit argument anymore, but I think HHH is more than capable of handling the fans. In my opinion, he was at his best as a heel, and would be able to feed of the hate from the fans. Not a big issue.

A very different wrestling ring than what HHH is use to, and in a very different atmosphere HHH is use to as well.

The only difference are the number of sides and that it is smaller. The 2 extra sides is really not a big issue, HHH was won 3 matches in a row there. And the smaller ring would help HHH in this type of match.

None of those mean anything in this match; they really don't.

I know they don't, just responding the Shock posting AJ's resume. And I think best hair might actually matter a little.

Both are still very different companies, though. Coke and Dr. Pepper might both be Soda, but they taste very different from one another.

In my opinion, they aren't that different. It won't be that hard for Triple H to adapt to the ring and he has already done it against 3 other men.

HHH isn't in Kurt Angle's league in ANYTHING pertaining to this business.

Has he had a match against AJ Styles?

I'm just using these guys as exapmles who went from WWE to TNA, and were successful in a short period of time.

So you don't think AJ Styles would be able to handle a closeline from HHH?

He would be able to handle it for awhile, but multiple closelines and spinebusters would certainly wear him down.

AJ wouldn't let himself get caught with the pedigree.

How can you be so sure? I'm sure everyone says that going into a match with HHH, but they aren't always successful. And if you say this, I can also say HHH wouldn't get hit with the Pele Kick or Styles Clash.

And AJ is definitely a brawler himself. Watch his matches against Abyss to see that.

Yes, but not as good of a brawler as HHH. On top of that, you can't compare HHH to Abyss.

AJ would counter everything Trips would throw at him. AJ has seen it all before, against much superior wrestlers than HHH.

Everything? I highly doubt that, I'm sure HHH will be able to get his fair share of shots in on HHH.

AJ isn't known for being a striker? His kicks are the best in the business, especially his drop kick.

He may have good kicks, but that's not what he's known for. He's known for his high flying, which will be limited in this match.

So, what does that have to do with anything? The fact is, Abyss and Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle are just as tough as ANYONE WWE has to offer, and AJ has multiple victories over all of them.

First of all, I wouldn't compare Abyss to any of these wrestlers. Joe and Angle may be just as good, but that's 2 wrestlers, compared to nearly a dozen in the WWE that are on that level. This was in response to Shocky saying that WWE was "diluted" and the talent that HHH defeated didn't compare to TNA's, which is not at all the case.

And AJ has just as much competition in TNA as HHH has in WWE. It doesn't matter who has the bigger roster.

It's close, but I think WWE's competition is a little better. Either way, doesn't matter much. I'm voting HHH because I think he can beat HHH, not because of who he has beaten.

The simple fact is this... the match is in TNA, and AJ Styles has been the face of the company since it was created basically. He would never, in a million fucking years, let someone from WWE, especially a guy who is as hated as HHH is by both the TNA roster and TNA fans, come into TNA and defeat him. He just would never let it happen. AJ Styles is already the superior wrestler, but I guarantee you were this match to ever take place, in TNA, we would see a more determined, brutal, sadistic AJ Styles then we've ever seen before. He would not lose this match. I would put my life on it

R.I.P. jmt225:undertaker2:
It's fashionable to dislike Triple H, God knows I've dogged him a time or two, but this is a match where AJ's best assetts are severely hindured. I keep hearing as to how the smaller six-sided ring gives the smaller man the edge and that makes me think back to a recent match Styles had against Nash on Impact.

It was maybe...I dunno 6 weeks ago, or at least around that time and Nash spent the majority of the time dominating Styles. Styles did some of his high flying moves, used his agility and all this but he just wasn't getting it done. Now even though Styles lost dut to interference, that's not my point. Later, after the match, Styles is walking backstage breathing hard and says how Nash brought his A-Game. Now, that made me think for a bit on this. If Styles, with all his quickness, superior athleticism and high flying offense can barely hold his own against an over the hill, barely able to get around the ring Kevin Nash, then how is he going to beat Triple H, in his prime, in a match where a good deal of Styles offense is going to be limited.

I'm not saying that Styles couldn't take Triple H in a straight up match or even some gimmick matches, but I just don't see it in this one.
I'm just going to quote myself. I'd just be repeating myself and people seem to be ignoring my posts. I'll just leave these here.

Not often. I remember him beating Rey Mysterio up at the Royal Rumble. Jericho, Michaels and the like certainly aren't on par with AJ. Speed and agility-wise, that is. And if he's a student of the game, why does he not alter his style in the slightest to compensate for who he's facing?

Triple H isn't actually that much heavier. And like I said, AJ is the one that understand leverage and how to use it better. If anyone's going to get choked, it's the Game.

Three pages? This is hardly fair. Guy's gotta sleep, y'know.

Firstly, I should point out that this isn't dragging your opponent to the corners to win. As it states on the first page, in Shocky's original post, it's the first person to score a pinfall that wins.

So, Triple H is bigger and so has the advantage, right? Wrong. Historically, the smaller man has faired just as well as - if not better than - the bigger man in these matches.

The little man is almost always better at dodging than the bigger man, and this is no exception. Recently(ish), AJ had a dog collar match (though TNA called it a Motor City Chain Match; because they're TNA) with Rhino. In that match, AJ proved that he could use his agility and speed to dodge around Rhino, and could execute a good number of his favourite moves. Obviously, he won the match or I wouldn't be using this as an example.

And that was heel AJ, who had absolutely no confidence in himself and didn't have the TNA fans on his side.

Obviously, this post is entirely in vein. People will take one look at the stipulation and vote for Triple H. They shouldn't. This match isn't about who's better close up (and it's a long fucking chain/rope/piece of string), it's about who's better at dodging around their opponent, using leverage and tying them up.

The Game might have the presence of mind to tug AJ off the ropes if he goes for a springboard whatever, or try to pull him toward him and go for a flying knee. But AJ will have the presence of mind to keep his distance from the Game, will be able to dodge over or underneath him with ease and will wear Triple H down to the point where he can't physically pull on that rope any more. It's that well known physical state called lying on the floor, breathing heavily.

To summarise:
- Dog Collar matches don't actually give the advantage to the bigger man
- AJ is more agile and can dodge around Triple H, giving him the advantage
- Triple H never changes his game plan or his style, so is pretty screwed
- AJ understands leverage better than Triple H
- Precedent exists when a heel AJ went over Rhino in a dog collar match, AJ showing that he could still use many of his signature moves
I'm not sure who to vote for, but too many people are using the fact that it's in TNA as an annihilation argument in favour of AJ.
Is HHH gonna say "Oh God, the ring has six sides, I don't know what to do, I'll just lay down so you can pin me now and get this over with."
Aside from that, the crowd would back AJ, but HHH has been far better as a heel, and will take anything the crowd can throw at him.
I'm still not sure which way to go, AJ is phenomenal, his moveset is amazing, but HHH is the cerebral assassin for a reason, he's brutal and intelligent. I'm leaning more towards HHH. The 6-sided ring shouldn't mean that AJ goes through without considering other things.
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Sorry everyone, but HHH should take this one. I haven't seen a single argument for AJ that I consider to be credible at this point. AJ beat Rhino, so what, Rhino is a mid carder, HHH is a 12 time (??) World Champ. Its a six sided ring. So what, HHH is one of the smartest wrestlers around and would adapt no problem. Its in TNA. Doesn't matter, the ring won't make that big of a difference in this type of match. The chain keeps AJ close, and that edge goes to HHH. The fact is that HHH is stronger, smarter, more sadistic, and more willing to cheat to win than AJ. Not to mention more successful. HHH has beaten some of the best ever in hardcore type environments. Sure, AJ would take the fight to Trips, but I just don't see AJ keeping Hunter down.
To summarise:
- Dog Collar matches don't actually give the advantage to the smaller man
- AJ is more agile and can dodge around Triple H, giving him the advantage
- AJ understands leverage better than Triple H

Yes, exactly, which is why Triple H, the bigger man, has the advantage

...but..he CANT dodge around and use his agility advantage, becuase he is er, chained to a much larger man. any match that emphasized agilty may favor AJ. but this one doesnt.

How do you figure? Triple H is one of the most intelligent wrestlers EVER. Im pretty sure he has the leverage thing down. he also beat The Rock is a very simular match to this. Id say he could handle AJ, if he could handle one of the all time greats.

Now to step outside of Kayfabe....Er Triple H is Triple H. AJ Styles...isnt. This is basically the Dynamite Kid conversation, except way worse.
I think this type of match requires a type of brutality the likes of which is incomparable. A type of savage nature that is better suited for a type of warrior. To win this match, you shouldn't just want to beat your opponent... Your goal should be to maim him.

If that doesn't describe Triple H completely, I'm not really sure what will. Triple H's entire gimmick is based around a wrestler that will go to any extents not simply to beat his opponent, but to end his opponents career. This is the same man that gave Mick Foley a beating the likes of which are only comparable to The Undertaker. How many times has he left his oppponents bloodied and battered, punishing them with every cold and calculated move he makes. He is the cerebral assassin. The brutality in which he displays is almost savage at times. Yes, we sit and laugh when he comes to the ring at Wrestlemania 22 dressed as Conan the Barbarian... But in his heart, no other character describes Triple H better. A punishing style works best in this kind of a match. AJ Styles, as talented as he is, doesn't have a short range arsenal to attack Triple H with. Triple H would simply wind the dog collar around his fist, even if it means choking himself, just so he could knock out Styles with a right hand. This match requires, more or less, a bruising short range attack, in contrast to the aerial, long range attacks provided by AJ. This isn't to say that AJ doesn't have mean streak to him. But quite frankly, Triple H is one of the most sadistic wrestlers in history. He's not afraid to bludgeon his opponents; he thrives on it. It's what fuels his character.

AJ will give this a valiant effort. But I have to give this to The Game.
Yes, exactly, which is why Triple H, the bigger man, has the advantage

Did you edit that to say smaller man? My post, that is. Smaller man has the advantage, I mean to say.

...but..he CANT dodge around and use his agility advantage, becuase he is er, chained to a much larger man. any match that emphasized agilty may favor AJ. but this one doesnt.

It's not a straitjacket. Spellcheck says that's right, so I'll roll with it. It just means that when he does dodge around Triple H, Triple H gets crotched or choked.

How do you figure? Triple H is one of the most intelligent wrestlers EVER. Im pretty sure he has the leverage thing down. he also beat The Rock is a very simular match to this. Id say he could handle AJ, if he could handle one of the all time greats.

If Triple H was so smart, he'd adapt his style to different opponents. The most Triple H has ever adapted is figuring out that if Mick Foley leaves tacks lying around, to Pedigree him into the tacks. And it's hardly like The Rock was particularly smart either. Great wrestler, not as grotesquely agile as AJ.

Now to step outside of Kayfabe....Er Triple H is Triple H. AJ Styles...isnt. This is basically the Dynamite Kid conversation, except way worse.

TNA, baby.

Like I said though, it's a foregone conclusion.
Triple H can't adjust? What?

He's the Cerebral Assassin. If there's one thing you can't take away from Triple H it's the fact that he's always thinking one step ahead of you. Triple H is historically dominating in gimmick matches and I see this as nothing different. AJ Styles is a very good wrestler, but he received a bad draw here.
I'm going with AJ. A 12 ft chain is pretty long, and won't completely hinder AJ's offense. His aerial assault is not limited to just climbing the ropes, and doing his move. He's quicker than that, and is never on the ropes for a long time. He also has the Pele kick, which has taken down big guys like Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle, and faster guys, like Jerry Lynn, Low Ki, and Christopher Daniels. Triple H is going to be ripped to shreds by the fans here, while AJ will be wrestling with 100% support. He'll be on top of his game, and give HHH a lesson in TNA wrestling.
It was a tough choice, but I'm going AJ. AJ Styles beat Rhino in a similar match, and if there is anyone on the TNA roster similar to HHH, it's him. HHH may have won this sort of match before, but never against anyone significantly quicker than he is. I think AJ would get absolutely whooped here, but somehow he'd pull it off. These matches don't favour power wrestlers any more than they do guys like AJ, because you can't really throw people off the ropes, which is a key part of The Game's arsenal. I think AJ wins a brutally close one here.
I'm going with AJ. A 12 ft chain is pretty long, and won't completely hinder AJ's offense.


I guess I have to explain simple physics to people here.

True, 12 feet is pretty long.

But when Triple H PULLS ON IT which he undoubtably will, it makes the chain quite a bit shorter. Innit.

I didnt edit your post Sam. See, even YOU dont really belive the nonsense you spew.

Triple H is bigger, strong, smarter, and about 100 times more accomplished. AJ's only advantage, is entirely negated. Also, Triple H BEAT someone who is 100 times more accomplished in a match that is almost exactly like this. Exact same premise anyway.

You have zero argument.
It was a tough choice, but I'm going AJ. AJ Styles beat Rhino in a similar match, and if there is anyone on the TNA roster similar to HHH, it's him. HHH may have won this sort of match before, but never against anyone significantly quicker than he is. I think AJ would get absolutely whooped here, but somehow he'd pull it off. These matches don't favour power wrestlers any more than they do guys like AJ, because you can't really throw people off the ropes, which is a key part of The Game's arsenal. I think AJ wins a brutally close one here.

I hate to disagree with you here, as you're probably my favorite poster.

First, the comparison between Rhino and Triple H is unfair. Sure, Rhino may be nearly as strong as The Game, but he doesn't have half the resume. Triple H has had an infinitely better career. Triple H is smarter than Rhino, more experienced, and simply better.

Second, you're right. Triple H has not won this match or a strap match against anyone much quicker than him, but he has won the match against someone stronger than AJ. Adding to Triple H's strength advantage is a dangerous thing. In this match, the ability to pull your opponent around is huge.

Third, AJ would get whooped for a majority of the match, but he wouldn't pull out the victory.

Fourth, this match does favor the power wrestler. A wrestler such as AJ can't go up top without risking being yanked off. He can't use the six-sided ring to his advantage and bounce off the ropes. So, Triple H can't throw him into the ropes and AJ can't use them. It's a wash.

This match comes down to a brawl, really. It's going to be physical, grueling, and probably not pretty. I say that in close combat, Triple H has the edge. When you're attached to your opponent, speed and agility really don't mean anything. It comes down to strength, smarts, and toughness.
I haven't seen a lot of AJ, but what I have seen I enjoyed a lot. I love his style (no pun intended) and am thoroughly entertained. As for Triple H, I find him boring in the ring. His matches run on a formula just as, if not more predictable than the man who always gets crap for the same match over and over, John Cena. With that said, however, I have to go with Hunter. AJ can't create the separation he needs to win this match. Anytime he tries to, Trips can just yank him right back over, ruining AJ's efforts. Styles will have a couple nice spots, but Triple H moves on.
AJ wins here and here's why.

1)It's in the tna ring,in the tna arena.You might say "Who gives a shit".Well,according to shocky in a different thread..
Also, I know TNA uses Cables instead of Ropes. Cables tend to be advantageous for cruiserweights if I remember correctly.
So the tna ring is an even more of an advantage to AJ.

2)AJ has beaten some great,maybe even better wrestlers than HHH.Kurt angle has fallen to the phenomenal one.Christian cage.Samoa Joe.Abyss.Someone said Trips is tougher than Rhyno.Laughable.Rhyno is from ECW.Where toughness is required.Trips has a fucked up quadracept.AJ can take advantage of this.He will innovate into using the rope to his advantage.He can slide under HHHs legs,tie him up and make him tap like a little bitch.

They'd both be puffed out. BUT I can only remember AJ styles going up against Christopher Daniels in a 30 minute Iron Man match.

HHH wrestled The Rock in a 60 minute one. DO the maths.
That means HHH beats AJ Styles TWICE AS MUCH!
That makes sense.Judge who wins by how long they once wrestled an iron man match in.Too bad this isn't an iron man match.What bullshit.

Voting AJ because he has been in a dog collar match before is also stupid. Triple H has beaten Mick Foley in a hell in a cell and he has beaten Shawn Michaels in a ladder match. He has adapted to many different environments and he has beaten guys in matches that they made famous.
WOW!Too bad he's in a dog collar match.If we were in a ladder match we'd vote HHH then.Wait...:headscratch:
Voiting triple H because he won a completely different gimmick match is stupid.You might say he will adapt to the dog collar.But he has to adapt to the ring.How much adaption can one man have.

5)AJ is more than a high flyer.Sure,he is amazing at flying and jumping around,but he is no weakling.He can brawl with the best of them,he can lift heavy wrestlers.He once gave JOE,a 280 pounder,a torture rack

So please,be sensible,vote AJ.
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AJ wins here and here's why.

No, he doesn't. And I'll tell you why.

1)It's in the tna ring,in the tna arena.You might say "Who gives a shit".Well,according to shocky in a different thread..

So the tna ring is an even more of an advantage to AJ.

First of all, cables are not that much of an advantage. AJ has lost to an over the hill sting in a TNA ring, so the ring doesn't automatically give the cruiserweight a win.

Secondly, AJ is tied to a dog chain, which is tied to HHH. HHH can pull on the rope, and negate AJ's high flying ability.

2)AJ has beaten some great,maybe even better wrestlers than HHH

No, he hasn't

Kurt angle has fallen to the phenomenal one

HHH has beaten Shawn Michaels.

Christian cage.

HHH beat Edge, the far superior brother.

Samoa Joe.


Umm, Abyss is a great wreslter? Well HHH was betaen Mankind, The Great Khali, hell, even Vlad Koslov is better than Abyss.

Someone said Trips is tougher than Rhyno.Laughable.Rhyno is from ECW.Where toughness is required.

Rey Mysterio is from ECW, so would you say he is tougher than HHH as well. This arugment doesn't work. HHH is just MUCH better than Rhyno

Trips has a fucked up quadracept.AJ can take advantage of this.

In his prime, HHH was completely healthy, so the quadriceps injury isn't an issue.

He will innovate into using the rope to his advantage.He can slide under HHHs legs,tie him up and make him tap like a little bitch.

Because it's he can tie HHH up that easily? I think not.

That makes sense.Judge who wins by how long they once wrestled an iron man match in.Too bad this isn't an iron man match.What bullshit.

I believe this was too show that the longer the match goes, the more it favors HHH, who has been in longer matches.

WOW!Too bad he's in a dog collar match.If we were in a ladder match we'd vote HHH then.Wait...:headscratch:
Voiting triple H because he won a completely different gimmick match is stupid.You might say he will adapt to the dog collar.But he has to adapt to the ring.How much adaption can one man have.

Adapting to the ring will be no problem, HHH has already wrestled and won 3 matches in a TNA ring.

He doesn't have to adapt to the dog collar match. He has faced and beaten the Rock in a strap match. Easy stuff for someone as smart as HHH.

5)AJ is more than a high flyer.Sure,he is amazing at flying and jumping around,but he is no weakling.He can brawl with the best of them,he can lift heavy wrestlers.He once gave JOE,a 280 pounder,a torture rack

AJ is known for being a high flyer. He can brawl, but certainly doesn't want to. HHH has the advantage here for sure, as brawling is his speciality.

So please,be sensible,vote AJ.

Obviously, you should vote HHH.
Again with this crap argument that everyone says that, Oh Triple H will just pull the chain. Again, I have failed to see this over whelming power that triple H supposedly has in his arsenal. Triple H is a glorified body builder, nothing more, nothing less. Do you really think a guy like Styles isn't going to realize that Triple H will attempt to pull the chain. Again, Styles has been in this match with someone more powerful then him in Rhyno, and it came out alright.

Seriously, the best argument for Triple H thus far has been, he can pull the chain... Bravo.
If AJ realized that HHH will pull the chain, that means that he won't go for his top rope moves, if he's smart. That takes away a large part of his offense, while HHH pretty much has his whole moveset to work with. Triple H's strength is not being exaggerated either, he's actually a very strong man, stronger then AJ for sure.

As for the Rhino argument, it's clear the HHH is a much better wrestler than Rhino, you can't argue that. He is much smarter than Rhino and would make sure to keep AJ close and use his strikes.

Triple H was also in a match like this before, against the Rock, who is far superior to AJ. Triple H won that match. Add to all of this that Triple H is more accomplished, and it's a slam dunk.

You should vote for Triple H because he has just as much experience in these matches as AJ, he is bigger, stronger, more of a brawler, AJ's moveset it limited, and HHH is an all around better wrestler.

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