TNA Considering Getting Rid of the TV Title


Pre-Show Stalwart

TNA is considering dropping the television title according to

The current title holder is Devon who it appears is done with the company after not signing a new contract. Reportedly there has been talk of doing away with the title.


As reported on Wrestlezone TNA are considering getting rid of the TV title. I have to be honest I think that this is a bad idea. I thought having the title defended every week on TV was an awseome idea and I have actually missed seeing the title in recent weeks. While watching the BFG series I was actually thinking why don't they put that title on RVD or Jeff Hardy or someone who fans REALLY want to see every week. No offese to Devon since I actually liked him as champion, but one of thoes guys is going to bring in more viewers. I really think getting rid of that title is a bad idea because then we are left with no midcard title. If any title should be removed it's the useles Knockouts Tag Team titles. There just isn't enough interest in women's wrestling to warrant it and TNA only has around four or five female wrestlers right now. In closing if this is true I think that it is REALLY a stupid move by TNA. Two thumbs down!
I agree with everything you just said. I love the TV title and if put on the right person it could really help push them up the card to main event. As for the Knockouts tag titles TNA should not have created them in the first place. The Knockouts division has never been that strong and thinking about it i would not be bothered if they retired the Knockouts title either.
You took the words out of my mouth. Completely agree.

Really think that they should keep it for a mid card championship and they should get rid of those KO tag titles because they have only been defended like 7 times in the 3 yrs they've been in TNA.

They should give it to those guys who don't fit in the heavyweight or X division and those guys not doing anything during the time being for instance Crimson who is doing nothing at the moment. I'm not saying guys like Hardy, RVD or Bully Ray shouldn't have it, it's just when other guys are in the spotlight like AA, Storm, Roode etc. Or sometimes when these heavyweight division guys are not doing anything.

I think it is not being defended ATM because of the BFG series in the way of things.
I have to agree also, it would be a big mistake to get rid of the TV Title. It has so much potential. If you put it on a guy like RVD or Jeff Hardy and let them run with it, people would be excited for TV Title matches. No offense to Devon but do people look forward to seeing him beat Robbie E. every week? I really am surprised that RVD hasn't held it yet. The Knockouts tag titles should be thrown out.
I feel it would be a bad idea to retire the TV Title. without that title there is no midcard title, sure you have the X Division title but that is more of a "specialist" title and should only be open to the high flyers and fast moving wrestlers.

All they need to do is put the title on a few well established main eventers to build up prestigé to the title and then give it to somebody who is relevent and test out new main event prospects.

Personally i dont like the defend every week rule because i feel it may prevent a meaningful fued over the title which is what it need. we need to be convinced that its an important belt and whoever is holding it or is chasing it actually cares a great deal about it, that is currently missing so how can we possibly give a shit about it.

When i read the news title i was hoping it would be the KO tag titles but feared it wouldbe the TV title, the KO tag titles are a joke right now and have been for a long time and the KO division as a whole has lost alot of its important Knockouts as of late.

To sum up i really hope they dont retire the TV title and actually put some effort and thought into making it an important belt like it should be
Bad choice TNA!

You need that TV title, and you need to put it on the right people. Hell, Bully Ray could be carrying that strap. He is just the guy that can get people over. It also doesn't have to be Bully Ray. It's a good mid-card title, it needs exposure. Mid-Card titles help evolve the roster.

But, I do see the quagmire that TNA has. They also have the Knock out division titles that take up TV time. Both Tag and World titles for the females. I would consider dropping the Knock-out Tag Title. Trust me, T and A is nice. But it doesn't sell the pay-per-views.
First off, I agree with getting rid of the KOs Tag Belt - it was created as a prop for the BP when they were a trio. Once they dissolved them as a group, it lost all interest and prestige.

As far as the Legends/ Global/ TV Title, while there is only two hours (80minutes if you remove the ads) of Impact Wrestling on per week - it is hard to justify having five belts and give them all meaning. The World, XDivision, Tag Team and KOs Belt have all had successful periods - Devon's belt... not so much. In the current set-up I would have to concur with this decision, time needs dedicated to reestablishing all titles on IW and, with such a tight schedule, something has to free up time to do this and the TV Belt is the logical fall guy.

I could see one way of keeping it - make it exclusive to Xplosion. It mightn't give it great exposure but it would keep it alive should the opportunity for more television come along.
During Eric Young's stupidly long run with the belt I thought it was worthless but recently it appears to be a good solid mid card belt. I thought the weekly defences were a good idea. In my opinion the stupid knockouts tag belts need to go. A man holding a women's title seriously? Those belts are as worthless as a piece of tin foil.

That's my opinion anyway.
i would not mind if they dropped the TV Title as long as they restored the X-Division Title to it's former glory. I think less championships really does add to the prestige of winning a championship and being a champion.

If they are just going to keep the X-Division Championship as a glorified Cruiserweight Title then the TV Title should indeed stay. It's a great way to put over some of the younger lower/mid card wrestlers and basically give some of the older guys something to do.

I agree with the above statements about getting shot of the KO Tag Titles also. Pointless and Unneeded would be a good way of describing them.
Hmm I guess the X Division title could always be used as the midcard title... drop the weight limit and just integrate the midcarders into the X Division, still keep the emphasis of the fast action and high fliers, but get some heavy guys in too. And anyone left over can fill out the tag division which needs more bodies in it. Would it be all that bad? X Division has few people in right now.

And yeah KO tag titles need to go too.
First off, I agree with getting rid of the KOs Tag Belt - it was created as a prop for the BP when they were a trio. Once they dissolved them as a group, it lost all interest and prestige.

As far as the Legends/ Global/ TV Title, while there is only two hours (80minutes if you remove the ads) of Impact Wrestling on per week - it is hard to justify having five belts and give them all meaning. The World, XDivision, Tag Team and KOs Belt have all had successful periods - Devon's belt... not so much. In the current set-up I would have to concur with this decision, time needs dedicated to reestablishing all titles on IW and, with such a tight schedule, something has to free up time to do this and the TV Belt is the logical fall guy.

I could see one way of keeping it - make it exclusive to Xplosion. It mightn't give it great exposure but it would keep it alive should the opportunity for more television come along.

The last time Kazarian and Daniels had a tag team match was August 9th. The last time Zema Ion had an match on Impact was August 2nd. Obviously they haven't been doing much with those belts.

It's not that hard to give time to all five belts. You don't have to have matches over those belts every week. Devote five minutes or so to building up feuds through promos and such and have a match every other week or two weeks. If the Knockouts title can get so much attention and be feautred every week, the TV title can too.
Television title is an old idea which was used in ECW and WCW years ago. It never had any success in TNA anyways. Also, that this is a title for television shows, it makes no sense to feature it on PPV.

This leaves no midcard title which is fit for all kinds of wrestlers and all kinds of PPV's and shows.

They should introduce a solid midcard title which can be used to groom future main-eventers like Magnus, Williams, Rob Terry or Daniels or other main-eventers who don't get much space left for main-eventing like Jeff Hardy, Anderson or Joe. They should name it something like TNA Star Championship or TNA's own US Championship.
The title they need to get rid of is the useless Knockouts Tag Team Titles, and they should replace that with a Hardcore Title, and they could do something special with the HC belt at Hardcore Justice every year. I wouldn't mind seeing the TV Title go aswell, I've always thought that belt was garbage ever since they changed it from Legends to Global to TV, that ruined the belt for me cause it means the belt has failed 2 times already, and now that they are considering getting rid of it, 3 times. I also thought it looked like a womens belt, with the pink straps, and I have no clue if the belt is even the #2 title in TNA, and if it is, I did not feel like it was cause they haven't treated it as if it's relevant. They should start afresh with a new title, a solid midcard title like the poster above mentioned, like a US Championship or an International Championship.
I'm with the majority on this one. Scrapping the title isn't the answer. Scrapping who you've been putting it on is.

The title itself, despite it's tumultuous history, actually has plenty of value if you market it correctly. There's nothing to be had by having Devon as your champion in that respect. The title belongs on solid mid-card performers looking to move up in the card. Pope, Anderson, Hardy, Styles, RVD, etc. are all guys, some former main-eventers, who could really benefit from a title chase, despite it not being the World title.
This is so stupid. For years a crying lack in TNA was they had no secondary title and they now drop it because they kept it on a guy and he is leaving. The TV belt should be the perfect place to either give it to someone that you would not give the World title to yet give him something to do(ex. RVD, Anderson, Daniels) or to prepare an individual to become champ one day(would have been perfect to give it to Roode or Storm a few years ag). What TNA doesn't get is that this stuff works! Giving someone a secondary title is useful!
Since Devon became champion, they actually started to do something of some relevance with the title. If there's not enough interest in the TV title, then maybe TNA is to blame for that. Devon's just not the guy that I think should've started off the TV title in its new era in my opinion. The fact that his competition generally amounted to defenses against random opponents each week, with the only thing resembling a feud being against Robbie E, certainly didn't help things.

I definitely agree with the idea of getting rid of the Knockouts tag titles. They're easily the most useless title in all of wrestling and it's been that way since their inception. They serve no purpose whatsoever that I can see.

If TNA plans to create another mid-card title to replace the TV title, then it might not be so bad in the long run. If that's not the plan, then they really need to do away with the 220 pound weight limit rule in the X Division. They can't have half a mid-card scene where guys that are 221 pounds or more are just floating around aimlessly with nothing to do. that I think on it, that's kind of what TNA's been doing for a while due to the BFG Series.

To me, the 220 pound limit on the X Division has limited it in my eyes. It's true that the vast majority of X Division wrestlers have been on the lighter side, but there was always the possibility of a bigger guy coming in every so often to add something different. The motto used to be "it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits". Now, the X Division is a glorified cruiserweight division with a flashier name. When you take into account that a lot of the best guys in wrestling right now, and some guys that're on their way up, are generally 220 pounds or less anyhow, it makes the weight limit thing redundant.
The TV title is a great shade to have on a wrestling company's pallet, but since I don't have a strong trust that TNA can book the TV title correctly, it's probably best to just scrap it.

The TV title is the perfect way to organize a clear cut mid-card featuring guys like Gunner, RVD, Magnus, Joe, Anderson, Styles, Robbie E., and Douglas Williams who would otherwise only make appearances once every month or so. Not everybody has to bottom-feed the Heavyweight title picture. It buries people.

Eric Young's reign was boring and demeaning to the belt. Devon's was relevant when he defended it every week, but otherwise very forgettable.

I don't understand why scrapping the TV title made the priority list over scrapping the KO tag titles, but that's neither here nor there.
Whenever a company wants to drop a professional wrestling title, logic would dictate that the most irrelevant and lowest drawing belt should be the one to go. In this case that has to be the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles. I'm all for gender equality, but when there are barely enough women on a roster to fill up a singles division, you end up with angles like...I don't know, Eric Young holding one of the belts?

If they're going to do any sort of Spring cleaning, the TV title most certainly cannot go before the KO Tag titles do. But if they aren't going to defend it on a weekly basis, and have no interest in keeping at a respectable level once Devon is gone, there's also not a lot of point in keeping on the back burner either. I don't like the idea of giving it to RVD or Jeff Hardy; they are main event level talents and need to be in, or around constant contention for the World Championship. There are people to carry it, and legitimize it much further than D-Von could. It will just take desire and effort on the part of TNA creative and management.

Robbie E
Robbie T
Garrett Bischoff
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Sabin
Chris Daniels
Doug Williams
Eric Young
Kid Kash

Look at that! Plenty of talent to build a whole division around. And you can do it without upsetting the X-Division or main event rosters.
I agree that it would be a bad choice by TNA. If the right person got the TV Title, and they actually defended it every week I think it would be a great mid card title. I also agree that the KO Tag belts should be the title to be removed. Not even enough KO's to bother carrying that title on. I used to love the TV title in WCW, and was hoping this TV title would bring us back to those days. i hope they think twice on this one.
I'm actually rather happy to hear the TV title is gone. I was never impressed by it or it's standing in the company, or franky Devon holding it.

With in gone I would love to see a return of the X Division title as the no limits title that builds people into the world heavy weight scene. If they do this right I don't think anyone will miss the TV title, I know I sure haven't in recent weeks.
I hope that they don't get rid of the TV title, it gives the superstars not quite ready for the main event and aren't in the X division a title to fight for.
Hugh G. Rection, On your point of making the X-Division Championship being open to all weight limits ... Samoa Joe is a perfect example of having a Heavyweight wrestler contend for the X-Division championship. I think the need to redesign the TNA Television Championshio instead of getting rid of it.
What the hell...

Just when I was enjoying TNA\Impact actually featuring their champions and bringing prestige to both the World and X-division titles...

I truly cannot remember when Devon was even on television, let alone having a match. At least Kaz and Daniels have been on TV wearing their belts. And Zema Ion was a very poor choice for X-division champion. The only inspired choice was Austin Aries as the TNA World Heavyweight champion. The rest of the belts have been literally wasted in the past month.

Now, maybe with the Bound for Glory series ending this month, maybe we'll see a return to prominence for the titles, but I doubt it. Zema Ion has never impressed me, Kaz and Daniels have no competition, Devon is out, ODB and Eric Young are the STUPIDEST champions since David Arquette and the only other close-to-respectable champion Tessmacher has lost her belt, regained it, and lost to a better wrestler that could easily beat her.

Point is this: dropping the TV belt without even attempting to try another more popular wrestler is asinine and shows the laziness of the creative team. All of the aforementioned wrestlers (Hardy, RVD, Crimson, Samoa Joe, Bully Ray, Magnus and the list goes on and on) would be excellent title holders that could put on excellent and entertaining matches. Instead, because they can't decide on one wrestler to bestow a belt upon, they decide to give up. Guess they've burned out their brain cells trying to figure out who's leading the Aces and Eights.
I see no benefit in getting rid of the TV title at all. TNA need a mid-card belt for the talent not currently in the main event scene, and the X-Division belt isn't suitable for all wrestlers so the TV title definitely has a use.

It should be helping to elevate talent to the top of the card (which was never going to happen with Devon) or just be a good mid-card title defended weekly on iMPACT, and guys like Daniels, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Bully Ray etc who connect with the fans should be competing for it.

TNA need an equivalent to the Intercontinental title in their company, and the TV title is perfect for this. If used right it could become a prestigious title, but the company seem to care so little about it, giving it frequent name changes and now considering dropping it. It really doesn't make sense to me.
I actually think with Devon leaving that this is the prime opportunity to give all those mid-card guys, including those out of the BFG series, an opportunity to shine by establishing a tournament to crown a new television champion. Inject it with talent you want to push, as well as a few already credible, former champions, and give it some real purpose.

I already said it earlier, but bailing on it is the wrong approach, especially when you still have the Knockouts Tag Titles making their once-a-year appearance.

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