TNA Concedes to Fan Demand...Again; King of the Mountain Returns at Slammiversary

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
For the first time in six years, the King of the Mountain Match returns to Slammiversary on June 28 live on Pay Per View at 8pm ET.

A TNA original, and one of the most innovative matches in all professional wrestling, the King of the Mountain was a staple of the annual Slammiversary event through 2009. Some of the greatest wrestlers in TNA history have entered the King of the Mountain match in hopes to stake a claim to TNA Gold.

King of the Mountain Rules:

• The match consists of 5 competitors who begin ineligible to win. In order to become eligible one must score a submission or pinfall where falls count anywhere.

• Once eligible the competitor must retrieve the belt from the official while the person who was pinned or submitted must spend 2 minutes in the “penalty box” cage.

• Multiple competitors can be locked in the penalty box resulting in alliances or the fight continuing.

• Once the belt is in play any other wrestler who is eligible may steal the belt, if at any point the belt is dropped it goes back to the official.

• An eligible competitor hangs the belt on a hook suspended 15 feet above the ring via a ladder to win the match.


That's right, wrestling's most convoluted, backwards gimmick match (second only perhaps to the reverse battle royal) is back. Yipee!

Why the fans wanted to see this shit show return is beyond me, but I guess good on the company for giving them what they want. Just like the six-sided ring, I feel it's a poor concession based on a gimmick that exists only for the sake of being a gimmick, but I'm in favor of anything that gets more eyes on the product.

So here's to hope.

Well they've already screwed up the pay per view and the TV match so why not have an overly complicated pay per view match that doesn't seem to be for the World Title as well? This line about "fans' demands" makes me flash back to Impact moving from Monday to Thursdays because they claimed it was what the fans wanted. In other words, it comes off as "let's say the fans want this because it's all we can come up with."

Above all else though, I'm no longer astounded by the fact that TNA didn't see this coming and now has eleven days to fix it.
Throughout my teenage years, I worked with my stepfather. Nominally, he was a 'restaurant consultant', with the idea that he would come into a failing restaurant and turn it around into a profitable enterprise. The real reality of it was this- television intervention specials aside, when a restaurant starts going under, the only thing it can do from then on out is lose money. It doesn't matter what you sell, what promotions you run, what you serve; your old customers say "eh, why go there, I went there a while back and it sucked", and you never get back the crowd you need to stay in business.

Now the restaurant consultant con is an old one (hence my healthy professional respect for how talented of a con artist Eric Bischoff is), but the parable is pretty obvious by now- I don't think it matters what TNA puts on the air. I always thought the KotM match was convoluted and weird, but I was interested in it because TNA, at that time, was able to sell it. How many people can TNA talk out of ($29.99? $39.99?) on two weeks notice these days?

Which is all kind of sad, and in a sad-sad way, not a sad-pathetic way. TNA's pretty much done everything that could be expected of them since getting dropped from Spike last year, they just haven't pulled off any miracles. They could certainly use one right now, and the KotM match is the Two Drinks for One Tuesday special of the professional wrestling world.
Throughout my teenage years, I worked with my stepfather. Nominally, he was a 'restaurant consultant', with the idea that he would come into a failing restaurant and turn it around into a profitable enterprise. The real reality of it was this- television intervention specials aside, when a restaurant starts going under, the only thing it can do from then on out is lose money. It doesn't matter what you sell, what promotions you run, what you serve; your old customers say "eh, why go there, I went there a while back and it sucked", and you never get back the crowd you need to stay in business.

Now the restaurant consultant con is an old one (hence my healthy professional respect for how talented of a con artist Eric Bischoff is), but the parable is pretty obvious by now- I don't think it matters what TNA puts on the air. I always thought the KotM match was convoluted and weird, but I was interested in it because TNA, at that time, was able to sell it. How many people can TNA talk out of ($29.99? $39.99?) on two weeks notice these days?

Which is all kind of sad, and in a sad-sad way, not a sad-pathetic way. TNA's pretty much done everything that could be expected of them since getting dropped from Spike last year, they just haven't pulled off any miracles. They could certainly use one right now, and the KotM match is the Two Drinks for One Tuesday special of the professional wrestling world.

You're very right. I've been saying for a long time that most of the problems TNA is having right now are fallout from several years ago. If TNA goes under soon, it's not because of Eric Young and Kurt Angle feuding for the title or because the Revolution sucks. It's because of all those years of mistake after mistake and doing one stupid thing after another that made TNA look like they were stumbling around in the dark trying to find a way out. TNA has actually been good lately, but it's far too late.
I can't believe the amount of support this move is getting around the IWC. I always found KotM to be boring and due to the rules way off overbooked. Any word yet on what the reward will be for the winner?
I can't believe the amount of support this move is getting around the IWC. I always found KotM to be boring and due to the rules way off overbooked. Any word yet on what the reward will be for the winner?

The WHC, clearly. Considering it's built into the rules. Or, well, whatever championship is being fought in the format.

You have to hang up the title up for grabs in the match in order to win it, after you pin an opponent or submit them in order to become eligible.

Still with me? If not, I can understand why. :lmao:
The WHC, clearly. Considering it's built into the rules. Or, well, whatever championship is being fought in the format.

You have to hang up the title up for grabs in the match in order to win it, after you pin an opponent or submit them in order to become eligible.

Still with me? If not, I can understand why. :lmao:

After which of course you take it right back down because you gain it by getting rid of it.

I know this match is a huge mess, but at least it's TNA's big mess. That being said, it's still a huge disaster as they're throwing this together to appease some fans (possibly the offspring of those WCW fans cursed to walk the airport for all eternity asking Bobby Heenan and Kevin Nash about the NWO and the WCW World Title) with 11 days because they couldn't figure out that they would spoil a World Title match.
They pulled the WHC from event b/c of their filming scedule. They've already announced the KO, Tag and X Division matches. Unless they reintroduced the TV title the other option would be some type of contract. Asking what the award will be isn't so crazy.
Ah, my mistake. Didn't realize this.

Then yes, my money is either on a #1 contender's contract/briefcase or the introduction of a new mid-card title (just please don't resurrect the fucking Globalegendstelevision title).
Ah, my mistake. Didn't realize this.

Then yes, my money is either on a #1 contender's contract/briefcase or the introduction of a new mid-card title (just please don't resurrect the fucking Globalegendstelevision title).

I'm fine if they bring it back if they actually use the thing. THat title died for me when Robbie E. issued an open challenge and stood there for several minutes as no one came out. I'm fine with D-Von coming out to get it (well not really but that's another argument for later) but he should have been punching people out to get to the ring first. It made the title seem worthless. Have people act like they want it and the title will be fine.
It will be interesting to see how they handle filming a month or so of post Slammiverrsay episodes before the actual event.
While the rules are convoluted to the extreme, I have usually enjoyed the matches themselves due to the high level of talent involved. So who do you think the five combatants will be? Better still (if different) who would you want the five combatants to be?
They need to talk to real people that watch wrestling. Who are these fans that love this match? Who the hell had time to contact someone via social media or whatever that this goofy match is something we need to see?

It's fucking stupid and what's worse is there's not a belt to put on the line, so it's gotta be a contract or "cash prize" or some storyline related thing. Taping anything will spoil that. Unless the outcome of the match really doesn't matter and will never be mentioned again like what's in their throwaway gimmick payperviews.

This is just ridiculous. This company has to go.

At least Aries is free after Slammiversary. There's an ROH in Chicago around september so I hope to see him there.
I personally like the match my favourite was Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett Vs Mick Foley Vs Aj Styles Vs Samoa Joe when Samoa Joe turned heel and joined the Main event Mafia gifting Angle the title

The concept of the match is not difficult to understand it is literrally 1+1-1+climb a ladder=Winner.....Simple

Yeah TNA have made some pretty catstrophic mistakes and taping shows in advance doesnt help the situation and yep this is a ploy to get some of their old audience back with this match type and yeah it probably won't work but sometimes i wonder do people really hate TNA as much as they type on the screen or is it simply to seem "Cool"

Granted I dont watch anymore I lost total interest after AJ Styles left because I knew if they are willing to let him go they are willing to let ANYONE go and if they didnt have the money to pay him what he deserved for being a somewhat draw for that company then they dont have enough money at all and that means the ship is going to sink eventually

But yeah the match isnt that hard to understand, it comes off well depending on the participants and the storyline and it is simply a ploy to get some of their core audience back from 2005-2009 when they really started to grow as a company
TNA really need to sort their taping schedule out, I don't like sticking the boot into TNA and I really want wrestling to have one or two alternatives to WWE, but they keep making silly mistakes.
Anyone seeing my posts knows I'm a TNA fan, but unlike a lot; I don't bash any other promotion. I just enjoy TNA most of any of them. I'm excited to see King of the Mountain return. I know in this age of Spoilers, it seems crazy for them to tape shows for after the ppv BEFORE the ppv, but I refuse to read spoilers. So for me, when I watch the PPV, as long as the episode of Impact before it, and the episode of Impact after it make sense, I won't care they are taped.

I just want a really solid ppv from top to bottom. I wish TNA charged $25 for the PPVs. At that price, I would definitely be happier buying them. I also wish they would go back to their "TnaOnDemand" website. I had a subscription there and really enjoyed that a lot.

Double J, Matt Hardy, EY, Drew Galloway & Bobby Roode - love the concept or not, that's a talented group.

But why? Why are these guys competing? What is the prize they are fighting for? How did they get chosen to compete in this match? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

If they are gonna have this kind of a gimmick match there should be some kind of reward or something more than just a "hey, look what we can do!"

At the very least I look at this as a group of guys that Jeff Jarrett can beat to start some kind of an angle. People that can put on a decent enough match but it not really matter if they lose. I have a feeling this match is gonna start something. Maybe some GFW guys come out and help Jarrett win because he is upset at being pushed out of the company that he created.
I'm not one of those people who'll dogpile on everything that TNA do nowadays but the fact they expect people to pay for this show is staggering. The entire sell for the PPV is based off 100% speculation.
We get it, you can get the internet buzzing with your vague hints - if there's no payout from this one though there's gonna be backlash
King of the Mountain Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Hardy vs. Drew Galloway vs. Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode

Handicap Match
Awesome Kong & Brooke vs. The Dollhouse

Unsanctioned Fight
James Storm vs. Magnus

Winner Decides Best-of-Five Finals Stipulation
-Austin Aries vs. Eddie Edwards

-Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley & Mr. Anderson

-Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz

-Matt Morgan vs. Bram

There have been much worse cards. In fact, the least appetizing bout on the card is the one with the guy most consider the hottest property in the company at the moment.

As far as the reward for winning KotM, I think they're going for a KotR type accolade - hence the original King of the Mountain returning to give it that rub. Any GFW involvement is an added bonus.
King of the Mountain Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Hardy vs. Drew Galloway vs. Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode

Handicap Match
Awesome Kong & Brooke vs. The Dollhouse

Unsanctioned Fight
James Storm vs. Magnus

Winner Decides Best-of-Five Finals Stipulation
-Austin Aries vs. Eddie Edwards

-Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley & Mr. Anderson

-Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz

-Matt Morgan vs. Bram

There have been much worse cards. In fact, the least appetizing bout on the card is the one with the guy most consider the hottest property in the company at the moment.

As far as the reward for winning KotM, I think they're going for a KotR type accolade - hence the original King of the Mountain returning to give it that rub. Any GFW involvement is an added bonus.

No X Division match, no Kurt Angle even tho he's on the poster. Contract doubts about Aries, Storm, Magnus.
if they dont pull something gamechanging at KotM, the show is a farce
Just watched slamiversary, I think TNA is making a step back-mark Morgan, Vader and Jarret returning in the past week. Ec3 vs angle would have been the ideal main event and the passing of the torch would have made this a good ppv. The kotm main event was terrible, but drew made a great account of himself and I was surprised he didn't win. TNA must make stars- angle and Jarret champions is not healthy. Ec3 and drew should have been pushed on this ppv.
Just watched slamiversary, I think TNA is making a step back-mark Morgan, Vader and Jarret returning in the past week. Ec3 vs angle would have been the ideal main event and the passing of the torch would have made this a good ppv. The kotm main event was terrible, but drew made a great account of himself and I was surprised he didn't win. TNA must make stars- angle and Jarret champions is not healthy. Ec3 and drew should have been pushed on this ppv.

They couldn't do EC3 vs Angle cause Destination America changed the Impact tappings to Wednesday. So Angle vs EC3 has to happen on Impact.
The annoying thing is hat the gimmick itself is not far from being a good one. The idea of a ladder match where you need to gain a pin to be able to go for the belt isn't a bad one. But the Russofication of it with the hanging and penalty box holds it back awfully.

I get the desire to have a penalty for being pinned, well how about elimination? Start with 6 guys and each one who is pinned is out. That gives real jeopardy to the situation rather than just getting a 2 minute rest.

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