TNA Charlotte: Round 1, Match 8: #23 The Big Bossman vs. #42 Animal

Bossman vs. Animal

  • Bossman

  • Animal

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takesp lace in the TNA Region in the six sided ring from Charlotte, NC.

#23. The Big Bossman


#42. Road Warrior Animal
I had Animal on my list, and was hoping he'd get a good draw here, but he definitely did not. I originally planned on voting for him, but I've been watching the SNME DVD, and have been following KB's reviews of past WrestleManias, and can't help but vote for Bossman. He was an agile big man (there goes that phrase again), and was strong enough to combat Animal's power here. He's much more likely to hit the Bossman Slam than Animal is of getting him up for just about anything.

Once Bossman gets his deserved victory, he has a big fight ahead of him with Jake Roberts. The DDT is a great equalizer, and Jake doesn't even need to pick him up to hit his.
Bossman was simply awesome. He carried the Twin Towers, a mean feat when you take into account how truly awesome Akeem was. He carried Hogan to some quality matches. Not the usual Hogan matches that are mostly poor, no, these were actual good matches. Ones worth watching for the action and not just the historical significance.

Big, bad and agile. He's one of the best big men the business has ever seen. Animal was part of a power move based tag team. I'd like to see him perform a Doomsday Device with A) No Hawk and B) Somebody a lot bigger than him.
Holy shit this would be one hell of a brawl, these two would beat the shit out of eachother, but Bossman would come out with the win, Animal sucks as a singles competitor, adn never accomplished shit outside of the tag ranks, for fuck sake the jobbed to Matt Hardy for how long on Velocity?, there is no doubt in my mind Boss Man would win, hell for all we know Bossman would be playing mind games with Animal leading up to this match, first he dig up Hawks corpse and drag it around the cometary, as Animal jumps on the coffin and rides it around, and then later on he'd serve cook up Hawks remains and then feed them to Animal, Animal would be so fucked in the head before the match started he wouldn't even be able to think straight
Bossman is one of the most underrated big men in wrestling history. He was surprisingly quick and agile for someone his size. Animal didn't have much success outside of the Legion of Doom and I believe his singles run on Smackdown proves that. Bossman picks up the win.
Bossman also. Animal isn't much good without a wing man. When he was revealed to be the mystery man at the end of WCW, it sucked. Why did it suck? Because no one cared about Animal, the same way no one would care about Hawk. People cared about the Road Warriors as a team. This isn't much of a contest here as Animal has very little singles experiecne. Bossman in his prime could go with anybody and he wins here.
Bossman was very good, and I don't think he'd have much trouble here with Animal who would be a fish out of water in singles competition. Bossman was there for Hulkamania, and had some good fights against him. There was a Royal Rumble, I think 1989, where Hogan cheated to take Bossman out. He was so strong that he could only be eliminated by the number one face cheating.

As the head of security he was potrayed as a mean and ruthless individual, and I think he'd prove this to be the case here.

Bossman was relevant in the Hulkamania years, when WCW was good, and in the Attitude era, and that shows how much of a consistent performer he was. Bossman takes this, and hopefully goes far in the tournament.
Bossman easily in this one. The Road Warriors were an over rated flash in the pan tag team and sucked worse when they were separated. The Bossman was a tremendous SHW. He had huge size, but the agility and speed of a guy that was a few hundred pounds lighter then him. Would the Bossman fly, no, he didn't need to. Animal fights purely with power, and Bossman has enough power to negate anything that Animal could throw at him. The Bossman Slam is all it will take to end this thing.
Big Bossman. I have been a long time fan of this man. His power stylings in the ring have made him a force to be reckoned with. He has proved that he's good in any type of environment, being a four-time Hardcore champion. The inventor of the original Black Hole Slam was a tough man to beat.

Road Warrior Animal was done, pretty much, absolutely nothing in singles competition. Every single one of his accomplishments have been in tag teams, mostly with Road Warrior Hawk. So, although he is tough, his place is in a tag team match.

Big Bossman takes this match, fairly easily.
Blood good draw this one is, but the Bossman would be too much for Animal. Plus, in a 6 sided ring, there are more ropes to bounce off for the Bossman Slam!
Now this would be a powerhouse showdown. Big Bossman is my guy though. Animal thrived on tag team competition and like Jake said, I'd like to see Animal do the doomsday device without a partner. Bossman could move around for a dude his size and I think he'd take Animal rather easily here. It will be a powerhouse showdown that would be a blast to watch. And I think BBM could pull the upset against Jake Roberts next round.
I went with Animal here, and was quite disappointed to see how badly he was losing. The Big Bossman was never anything great, which is a shame because he had very good potential early in his career. But, he never could fully realize that potential.

Animal, on the other hand, experienced incredible success in his career, even if it was as a tag wrestler. But, while he was probably the poorer of the two workers of the Legion of Doom, he still was no slouch, and was a beast of a man.

I voted Animal, and am disappointed more of you didn't.
Bossman's prime was from 1989 to about 1991. During these years, Animal couldn't touch him, even if he was part of what is arguably the greatest tag team of all time. So, I'm going with The Big Bossman FTW.
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