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TNA Bringing Back Prestige to Their Titles


Championship Contender
At the end of last year/begining of this year, it was fair to say that only the TNA World Title had any prestige left. The Knockouts title was being hot potatoed around while TNA waited for Angelina Love's return. The X-division title was won by Amazing Red courtesy of Bobby Lashley and the Legends title had just become the Global title which would go on to become a meaningless red strap held by non-US wrestlers.

Fast forward to this week and it's interesting to see how much the titles in TNA have risen in terms of overrally prestige. AJ styles gave the TNA world title it's longest recorded reign before dropping it to RVD who, despite having a somewhat lacklustre reign, has defended it every month and kept the title alive. Douglas Williams took the X-division title and has given it more focus than it had for the entire year of 2009, re-legitimizing the title by condeming high-fliers as "clowns and acrobats" reintroducing technical mat wrestling to the X-division which had been somewhat absent since the loss of Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Low-Ki and AJ Styles.

The TNA tag titles which suffered through a reign of Matt Morgan and Hernandez, later to become Matt Morgan and Matt Morgan, then followed that with a reign from Kevin Nash, Eric Young and Scott Hall in which they were defended once or twice total, have been turned over to the most popular team in TNA today, the Motor City Machine Guns who are currently feuding with the second most popular team Beer Money in a best of 5 series.

And finally the TNA Global Title has been claimed by AJ Styles, who in his first act as champion renamed it the TNA Television Title and announced that it would be defended every week on iMPACT and PPV, which means for the next few months every defense will feature AJ which means it'll be a fantastic set of matches. Needless to say TNA has done a fine job making their titles mean something again. And with the added focus on the Knockouts division these past few weeks it's fair to say that the Knockout Title will regain some prestige as well (especially after that lockbox debacle earlier in the year).

So my questions are;

Do you feel TNA has done/is doing an adequate job of returning value and prestige to their title belts?

Is there something you would do/would've done differently?

Do you think there are possible ways to increase the prestige of each belt?

Do you see these recent developments having a lasting impact on how each belt is viewed within TNA?
I think they are indeed doing a good job... It's just that I noticed two odd things... Right before AJ lost the title, they announced that AJ was the longest reigning champion, then he lost it the next week... They did the same with Rob Terry... It's like them announcing that you are the longest reigning champion is the mark that they will be dropping the belt...

I'm not too big on Doug as the X Division champ... He is a good wrestler, but I would like too see more of the old school X Division style matches... I mean, that Ultimate X match he had with Kendrick was a joke... I understand the storyline of it all... It's just not working for me.. My favorite thing about him was his rolling german suplex finisher and now he doesn't even do that on TV anymore...

I'm curious to see how the TV Title situation works out... AJ said he would defend the title every week, in every match... On the 12th, he faces Angle... I'm sure Angle won't retire and he doesn't need the belt... Angle will probably win by DQ or something...

I'd bring back Daniels for the X Division title or maybe someone like Suicide or Jay Lethal...

The Tag Titles are in good hands, I just hope they let MCMGs have a good run with the titles...
I think TNA isnot bringing back prestige to their titles.

The TNA Global title has yet to establish a name for not being defended by the freak rob terry, then being passed to AJ Styles who has recristened the title the TNA TV championship.

How can TNA establish a midcard belt if they can't tell us what the name of the championship is?, without a name to establish the championship it will never gain prestige and without prestige those who hold it wont matter.

The Knockouts championship has been given to wrestlers and thrown round in storylines to help elevate the beutiful people, the tag team titles have no credible contenders because there aren't enough women teams to make it work, I have yet to see a team that can actually challenge and hold onto those belts in a division that is dwindling in numbers, a division that was once one of the highest rated segments in tna.

now look at the X division, this is the only division that is gaining momentum and that is because of wrestlers like Doug Williams elevating the belt with the whole wrestling vs High flying feud, the great thing about this is its interchangeable and works with the various wrestlers in this division, but again only time will tell if they can keep this up.

The TNA tag team division had no momentum going in changing hands from Morgan defending the belts himself (I have no idea why they did this), to the band taking the belts and sparingly defending them.

The only great thing that has come out of this situation is the reign of the Motor city machine guns and their credible feud with Beer Money which is helping bringing the tag division back into prominance, with teams like Inc Ink and the Dudleys lets hope that the division stays strong, but again its too early to say.

Now look at the World title picture, the fact that TNA is bringing in big money players to elevate the division is fine, but the only the title has yet to be prosonified by any known name, Van Damn is doing some good for the belt but has yet to actually look like a credible world champion.

And the number one contender rankings has done nothing to make the title seem prestigious, no one even understands how the rankings work in the first place so how can it make the belt look any better?

Tna at this point needs some serious work and by putting on ppvs with guys from the 90's instead of your loyal talent is not helping things at all.

They need better booking, talent who are willing to step up and without this i doubt the company will do any better and the numerous belts that they have will lose more and more prestige until they are remembered as a passing memory.
I disagree. It seems like every week TNA is having another tag team match, usually involving several teams, to determine the no.1 contenders. Same deal with the X Division. It really comes off like a contrived way to use all the guys they have on the roster and it puts everyone on the same level. It's as if it doesn't matter if you ever win or lose any one on one matches, because eventually you'll get put into some cluster fuck for a title match anyways.

And how is a title prestigious when the guy who just won it can come out on TV the next week and change the title of it? "Oh, um, btw this is not a Global Title this is a TV Title!"

Uh...yeah. :wtf:

I also have a hard time calling the TNA Title important when the guy who won it hadn't even won 1 singles match in the fed before he got put into a no.1 contenders match.

It also doesn't help that the top 10 is somehow determined by fan voting. However the hell that makes any sense.
I disagree. It seems like every week TNA is having another tag team match, usually involving several teams, to determine the no.1 contenders.
Thank you for proving that you don't watch TNA. The past 3 weeks the only tag matches on iMPACT have been Beer Money vs. MCMG in a best of 5 series. Good job.

Same deal with the X Division.
Once again, thanks for proving you don't watch TNA. There hasn't been a #1 contenders match for the X-division title in nearly a month. Brian Kendrick has been chasing the title for 2 months. Well done, proving you have no idea what you're talking about.

It really comes off like a contrived way to use all the guys they have on the roster and it puts everyone on the same level. It's as if it doesn't matter if you ever win or lose any one on one matches, because eventually you'll get put into some cluster fuck for a title match anyways.
You really love admitting you don't watch it don't you. Not only have the things you've claimed, not been happening but you're even drawing conclusions from things that haven't happened.

And how is a title prestigious when the guy who just won it can come out on TV the next week and change the title of it? "Oh, um, btw this is not a Global Title this is a TV Title!"
Seriously learn to read, I said that AJ has started the process of re-legitimizing the title by deciding that he'll defend it each week. Which means every week we'll get to see the title being showcased, which builds its prestige.

I also have a hard time calling the TNA Title important when the guy who won it hadn't even won 1 singles match in the fed before he got put into a no.1 contenders match.
Actually Van Dam defeated James Storm in a singles match at Lockdown. Derp. He and Jeff Hardy had won every match they'd been in for the entire month of March, so it made sense for those two to fight for contendership.

It also doesn't help that the top 10 is somehow determined by fan voting. However the hell that makes any sense.
It's determined by fan voting and the championship commitee. It's really simple to understand, you see fans vote for who they like, the commitee reviews that and then based on their win-loss record they calculate the rankings. If that's to difficult for you, I have a colouring book for you, instead..
Thank you for proving that you don't watch TNA. The past 3 weeks the only tag matches on iMPACT have been Beer Money vs. MCMG in a best of 5 series. Good job.

Hooray for TNA for getting something right for 3 weeks in 8 years.

Actually Van Dam defeated James Storm in a singles match at Lockdown. Derp. He and Jeff Hardy had won every match they'd been in for the entire month of March, so it made sense for those two to fight for contendership.

Really...? Really.........? It makes sense that a TAG TEAM would become no.1 contenders to the TNA Title because they won TAG TEAM matches?



It's determined by fan voting and the championship commitee. It's really simple to understand, you see fans vote for who they like...

Really...? Really......? It makes sense that the top 10 is determined by WHO THE FANS LIKE?



the commitee reviews that and then based on their win-loss record they calculate the rankings. If that's to difficult for you, I have a colouring book for you, instead..

And they apparently count tag team matches too...


Seriously Alvin, just stop. You're ridiculous.
Hooray for TNA for getting something right for 3 weeks in 8 years.
Well done, you still have no idea what you're talking about.

Really...? Really.........? It makes sense that a TAG TEAM would become no.1 contenders to the TNA Title because they won TAG TEAM matches?
It makes sense that a tag team made of two singles stars who've beaten everyone else would face off against one another to determine which of them should be #1 contender. Yes.

Really...? Really......? It makes sense that the top 10 is determined by WHO THE FANS LIKE?
Part of it is determined by the fans. Also I'm not sure if you realise this but an ellipse is three fullstops. Not six. Dumbass.

And they apparently count tag team matches too...
They count any match, why does competing in a tag match stop you from being a singles competitor? Especially when it isn't a proper tag team, but two singles guys teaming together. Explain your point?
It's hard to bring prestige back to any of the TNA titles when the titles really haven't earned any prestige in the first place.

The Knockouts title has about as much prestige as the WWE Women's title or the Divas title, and trust me, that's not a compliment. And there's a Knockout tag team title when there isn't enough talent to really carry a singles title.

The X-Division is over. And I don't mean over in terms of popular with the fans, I mean over as in finished. It's going to be a while before there's any prestige associated with this shell of a division.

When we talk about prestige of a title, is it called the Legends title, or the Global title, or the TV Title? How can it have any prestige when it's being renamed on an ongoing basis. When people rarely wrestle to defend it regardless of what it's called. Or when it's given to Styles, who should be a face champion with their main belt, by default.

The main title on TNA had some prestige when it was still affiliated with the NWA. But since breaking free from this, I see it as having little prestige. It's the pinnacle of a company which doesn't exactly scream prestige.
It makes sense that a tag team made of two singles stars who've beaten everyone else would face off against one another to determine which of them should be #1 contender. Yes.

Everyone else...? Care to remind everyone who "everyone else" is...? Cause last time I checked, Beer Money hardly makes up the TNA roster.

Part of it is determined by the fans.

Having the fans determine even part of the top 10 based on "who they like" is totally and completely fucking stupid. It's last ditch effort, straw grasping like this that has put TNA in the uncomfortable position of handing booking duties over to Tommy Fucking Dreamer in hopes of actually getting someone to pay to see their product.

I'm a huge Bears fan. Maybe if I write the NFL and tell him how much I "like" them, they'll actually have a shot at the playoffs this year. lol

They count any match, why does competing in a tag match stop you from being a singles competitor? Especially when it isn't a proper tag team, but two singles guys teaming together. Explain your point?

Really? It's pretty self explanatory. How the fuck does winning tag team matches make anyone a top contender for a singles title...?

It doesn't. Never has. Never will. Sorry Alvin. TNA is not doing anything to make their titles more prestigious. The belts in TNA have never been worth a damn anyways. All it pretty much has ever taken to get a TNA title is to have formerly worked in the WWE or be Sting anyways. Hard to make a title important when you are happily handing to guys from the fed who whoops your ass every week.
LOL TNA Prestige? I don't think TNA has much prestige at this point... Even The World Title! Their titles will start to gain Prestige when the product gets better... I am a fan of TNA's talent...

But they are misusing it at this point... Hopefully after time, their titles gain some sort of credibility! That way, guys like Christian and Kurt Angle's title reigns can count for something! Do you think WWE or anyone outside of TNA, consider R-Truth a former World Champion!!??? NO way!!!

They are on the right track as far as the world title goes by letting the last few champions actually have lengthy reigns!! Also, a nice step changing The Global Title to The TV Title!

But anyway... They still have some work to do for sure!!
TNA is doing a hell of a job returning prestige to their titles. AJ Styles, the greatest TNA wrestler of all time, is holding the TV Title and e will be defending it every week. The tag titles are in the hands of MCMG and they're putting on great matches with Beer Money on a weekly basis. The X Division Championship is being defended in great matches as well, Douglas Williams is great in the ring and he dies a great job. I don't usually pay attention to the KO's Belt, but the matches have been good. The only title I'm disappointed in is the World Title, RVD isn't a great champ but at least he defends it. TNA is on the right track.
I'm the first to say I don't watch a bunch of their shows, most of what I know about TNA comes from sites like WZ and various forums. Based on reports of matches, results, play by plays, it sounds like they're finally starting to fine tune their plans. The titles, I mean, how much prestige does any wrestling title really have? Sure, some are more important than others, but that's not saying much.

The champions carrying those titles, however, can make or break it. And it seems to me from what I've been reading, that TNA is starting to treat their titles like more than a prop to get someone over real quick. This is a good thing.

I'm not a fan of the "attitude" style of entertainment they employ at TNA, I can't let my kids watch it, because I don't need a call from the school telling me what they're repeating at inappropriate times. But, I like that they're starting to figure some things out. If they'd just stop trying to go "all or nothing" with their decision making, I think they'd climb out of the hole they've been in for so long and become a major contender in the pro-wrestling game. You're not going to bat 1.000 all the time, but you can certainly aim for above .500 with your product. That's really all WWE does most of the time. Every now and then they try for the big one, but mostly, they just want to maintain a certain level of entertainment. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

Either way, it's good to see that TNA is doing something right.
I think that TNA has taken some steps forward and maybe even a few steps backward along the way.

The TNA World Heavyweight Championship has lost some steam since RVD won the title. I'm not really sure why TNA took the title off AJ Styles in the first place to be perfectly honest. He seemed to be doing just great. Since RVD has been champ, I don't believe that he's really done much to make me care that he's champ. Or, I guess to be fair, TNA hasn't booked him in a way to make me care. I think the TNA Ranking System is a mistake since it doesn't give time for RVD to establish a signifigant feud with anyone. For instance, Abyss is the new #1 contender but the interaction between himself and RVD has amounted to nothing more than a few run in attacks and if Abyss doesn't win his match on iMPACT!, then it'll be somebody else. Single match feuds makes the title picture seem kinda flimsy.

Douglas Williams has been the best guy to hold the X-Division title for nearly 2 years now. One thing that's helped is that Williams has some personality and has been featured on iMPACT! on a regular basis, except for the past few weeks. I do think that the X-Division took another hit a few weeks ago when Kevin Nash came out and swatted Brian Kendrick away with the casual ease of swatting a fly. Kendrick had just beaten Williams and Nash knocks Kendrick out cold with the chokeslam. It made Kendrick, Williams and the X-Division in and of itself look weak really.

The TNA Television Championship has definitely got some work to do if TNA wants it to be prestigious. Altering the title's name yet again and putting it on AJ Styles isn't going to be quite enough. I know what Styles said was going to happen with the title in his promo on iMPACT! this past Thursday, but I'm kinda tired of hearing all the various TNA promises. If Styles is booked to actually look credible and not some weak little sissy man as he was against Rob Terry, then I think it's possible. But Styles does have some work ahead of him.

TNA has definitely made real progress with the tag titles. I like the idea of a best of 5 series between the Guns & Beer Money. I've enjoyed 2 of the 3 matches thus far, though I do wish they'd maybe spread them out a little. A lot of viewers have wanted to see the Guns win the titles for a long time, now they've got them and they're featured in high profile matches. The Guns & Beer Money for me are about the only ones really watchable on iMPACT! right now.

The Knockout singles and tag title scenes are just kinda gone I think. There are no other tag teams in TNA in the Knockout Division and the Knockout tag titles themselves have been little more than props for a very long time now. The Knockout Championship is pretty much meaningless and gets passed around like the mashed potatos on Thanksgiving. I think that TNA has all but abandoned its plans for a serious women's division, so these titles are pretty much non-factors at this point.
I think they're both hit and miss with their titles and I'll explain why....

The TNA world title is doing well. Considering RVD is showing the personality of a brick, the title is coming off with respect and as something that is the pinnacle of where a TNA wrestler wants to head. Even if the champ's not pulling his full weight (although I think, for RVD, he is, but he just doesn't cut it in 2010) the belt looks good.

The TV title is doing well. Rob Terry was shit but, at least he was defending the title every week (on Xplosion at least) and now, with AJ holding it, I do believe they're taking the title seriously and it could very well be the TNA version of the IC title soon (about bloody time)

The tag titles are on the right team, and the feud makes sense, but I just don't get the booking. To have the Guns finally win the titles, then get beaten in their next 2 matches over 2 weeks, seems strange to me. I know Beer Money cheated, but it seems a strange way to show value for your champs after a FAR TOO LONG chase for the belts. In all fairness though, it's a good tag team feud and puts the TNA tag titles above the WWE Tag Titles (now Ink Inc are out of the way).

Knockouts title....mer, not the biggest fan of womens wrestling (American version) but they're doing alright with it. As with the KO tag titles, it's all about the beautiful people, which is a very good thing, but is sure as hell a step down from the lofty days of Kong Vs Kim (who's fucked in WWE, bless her heart)

X Div title....I'm not sure. Williams brings a consistency to the title but, as I've said in previous threads, the booking of it makes no sense. He beats someone clean so, because they attack him from behind, they get a title shot. How does that show the worth of a title? That you cheat gets you a reward, then you get beaten far too easily again. I'll admit the X roster isn't what it was from a few years ago, but it's quite clear that X loving bookers don't work in TNA anymore.

So, for the most important two titles, I give TNA a thumbs up. As long as the World Title is being booked well, that's good. As for the lesser titles, hit and miss, but no more so then WWE.

Although I do feel it's an insult to the TNA titles that, in the last few weeks, they've been secondary to the ECW lads. The fact that RVD has talked more about ECW then being TNA champ is insulting to a title that has done well
This first bit is a bit off topic but i feel the need to ask what the point is quoting individual lines of their posts. Opinions are nothing more then a thought one makes them self, facts are where the real value is. And this really isn't a situation where someone needs to be right or wrong.

Anyway sorry about the side thought, on to the topic. I will say they have brought some value back to most of their titles as of late. The world and and global titles i would say could use some work still. Having a title change names 3 times in a little under two years its been active is not the best idea. Also i don't know how picking a title contender the same way an american idol contest is won is good for a championship. And before someone goes and breaks this apart and compares it to WWE i haven't said anywhere in this post WWE is good or their better. WWE does plenty bad to, my intention is to speek with minds and not mouths.

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