TMZ: Kharma Did NOT Have Her Baby

I can't believe this thread even made it past the first page.
I've read these forums for ages now, but this childbirth is a very sensitive topic for me, so I decided to throw in the towel and actually sign up.

It's disrespectful of anyone to think for one second that this should be woven into a storyline, and it's just as disrespectful to speak of a woman that lost her child.

I, myself, came close to losing both mother AND child last year, so I can only come close to imagining what Ms. Kia Stevens (aka Kharma, Amazing/Awesome Kong) is going through. For (some, not all of) you people on this forum to discuss the death of one's child in such a trivial fashion is downright shameful.
i saw this yesterday and my deepest condolences and sympathies go out to her and her family!! I have also seen first hand as my dearest friends lost a child!! It is tragic and one of lifes worst situations that can happen to anyone!!

I know WWE wont use this as a storyline as they respect thsi kind of tragic situation!! Maybe attitude era would have done soemthing tasteless but not nowadays!! And thank god for that we dont need that kind of tragic news to plug a storyline!! There are somethings in life that should just be private and this is one of em.

God bless the stevens family come back when ur ready Kharma my prayers are with you and ur family
Wow, that's terrible. I hope Kia Stevens is getting all the support she needs...a mother losing a baby is one of the worst things that can happen to a human being.

Anybody that's even discussing whether or not this will be written into a storyline is crazy. There's no way in hell that will happen. Yes, they've done a lot of bad stuff, but nothing like a stillborn child.

That said, if for any reason it ever does come up - if Cole or one of the divas or anybody else makes a heel-ish remark about it, I'm done with the WWE. I will change the channel and never look back, without hesitation.
Thats kharma for you! She shouldve treated the divas better. If she did, she might have a baby right now. Lets hope she learns from her mistake and treats people with respect. :disappointed:

And next time she needs to practice safe sex. What a horrible message she is sending. She better smarten up. Wrestling while your pregnant. What did she think was going to happen? Idiot.:banghead:

What the fuck? Somebody please shoot this idiot right between the eyes for me.
What the fuck? Somebody please shoot this idiot right between the eyes for me.

Well the part that he has rights is that she was wrestling at the time of her pregnancy. Seeing as she was slamming divas down and falling down. Even in the forming stages that hurts the child. Seeing as she lost one before that was a totally bad move(no pun intended) on her part.
A few years back I found out that my mother had a miscarriage before she had me. She's always had an emptiness inside of her to this day, and I as a potential brother still wonder every now and then what my life could of been like had of this sibling of mine been born.

After talking to my mother about it, there is only one thing that is certain - You can never forget, you can only hope that the pain subsides over time. It will, of course, but it never really goes away.

I remember that she was wrestling right up to when she announced her pregnancy, so she was probably one of those cases of which mothers don't know that they're pregnant right up until they're a faction of the way there. My guess is that this factor and her weight may of had something to do with it. I'm no doctor of course, but I do wish her the very best, and that over time I hope that her wounds will heal. She was very brave to make a return to the ring for the Rumble, let just hope that if/when she comes back, none of this will be put into a storyline.
Wow did not know that. I hope she is doing okay, my mom had something happen like this in 1998, and we all feel the pain to this day. can almost imagine how an expectant mother like Kharma must feel. But to be honest I don't think the WWE would go there, thats something that you dont play with on Tv for nothing.
First, I am going to say that this is unfortunate, bottom line, I am not going to elaborate obviously this is a major tragedy for Kia Stevens (Kharma), however this post makes me really wonder exactly how much the following poster really knows, please see quote below:

Lol we all know how Vince is or should I say Vince Russo. If this were ten years ago there would already be a storyline written out and ready to run, but Vince has calmed down with that since the whole Benoit situation. He doesn't need anything like this to get out to the public.

That's too rich, yes we know Vince Russo pulled some petty and cheap storytelling with the Oklahoma character, after all exploiting the Bell's Palsy issue was a rather sad and cheap way to make a comedic storyline. I mean, personally I wasn't offended, well I was but not in the sense of "this is so mean spirited", I was offended more by the lack of creativity on Russo's part there (along with Ed Ferrara), but let's not forget the other and obviously more famous Vince isn't one to back up from distaste despite what you may seem to have fooled yourself into thinking.

Granted what I am about to say predates the Benoit Murder-Suicide but that's irrelevant, give Vince McMahon the right opportunity, and if he can get away with it, don't ever rule out Kharma's personal tragedy get exploited.

Some examples as to why, I have to COMPLETELY disagree with you...

- Eddie-spolitation, Randy Orton talking about Eddie Guerrero burning in hell and JBL mocking his mannerisms at WrestleMania 22. Eddie's death was pretty fresh at that moment.

- Then of course this fresh little nugget of information, the real life death of "Sensational" Sherri Martel. This one takes the cake and calls bullshit on your statement. When Sherri died, it just so happened to overlap with Vince's ridiculous and unnecessary kayfabe death, which came to an end but sadly only because of the real life Benoit Murder-Suicide fiasco. And even worse, even after the Benoit controversy, instead of just dropping this storyline and acting like it never happened, Vince didn't forget to make mention of it. You see the more amusing thing was this; Vince was given actual on-air tributes with his "death" that only wrestlers like Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero received (last I heard they REALLY are dead, and Vince gets that same treatment) and granted Sherri was far removed from WWE, save a couple of appearances in the few years prior to her death, one appearance being a Hall Of Fame Induction, but for the most part her death was treated as an after thought and a mere "day at the office", just look at this image below:


Funny how Sherri is reduced to a minor blip, while Vince's "death" chews up the scenery and was portrayed as "real". Bottom line, I am not a fan of Vince Russo at all, but you're delusional if you don't think that Vince McMahon wouldn't chomp at the bit if he could get away with doing something to exploit Kharma's tragedy. And even if he does get flack for it, considering what I've seen WWE do in the past, I still would never rule it out, considering his "illustrious" history for such a thing on his part.
First, I am going to say that this is unfortunate, bottom line, I am not going to elaborate obviously this is a major tragedy for Kia Stevens (Kharma), however this post makes me really wonder exactly how much the following poster really knows, please see quote below:

That's too rich, yes we know Vince Russo pulled some petty and cheap storytelling with the Oklahoma character, after all exploiting the Bell's Palsy issue was a rather sad and cheap way to make a comedic storyline. I mean, personally I wasn't offended, well I was but not in the sense of "this is so mean spirited", I was offended more by the lack of creativity on Russo's part there (along with Ed Ferrara), but let's not forget the other and obviously more famous Vince isn't one to back up from distaste despite what you may seem to have fooled yourself into thinking.

Granted what I am about to say predates the Benoit Murder-Suicide but that's irrelevant, give Vince McMahon the right opportunity, and if he can get away with it, don't ever rule out Kharma's personal tragedy get exploited.

Some examples as to why, I have to COMPLETELY disagree with you...

- Eddie-spolitation, Randy Orton talking about Eddie Guerrero burning in hell and JBL mocking his mannerisms at WrestleMania 22. Eddie's death was pretty fresh at that moment.

- Then of course this fresh little nugget of information, the real life death of "Sensational" Sherri Martel. This one takes the cake and calls bullshit on your statement. When Sherri died, it just so happened to overlap with Vince's ridiculous and unnecessary kayfabe death, which came to an end but sadly only because of the real life Benoit Murder-Suicide fiasco. And even worse, even after the Benoit controversy, instead of just dropping this storyline and acting like it never happened, Vince didn't forget to make mention of it. You see the more amusing thing was this; Vince was given actual on-air tributes with his "death" that only wrestlers like Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero received (last I heard they REALLY are dead, and Vince gets that same treatment) and granted Sherri was far removed from WWE, save a couple of appearances in the few years prior to her death, one appearance being a Hall Of Fame Induction, but for the most part her death was treated as an after thought and a mere "day at the office", just look at this image below:


Funny how Sherri is reduced to a minor blip, while Vince's "death" chews up the scenery and was portrayed as "real". Bottom line, I am not a fan of Vince Russo at all, but you're delusional if you don't think that Vince McMahon wouldn't chomp at the bit if he could get away with doing something to exploit Kharma's tragedy. And even if he does get flack for it, considering what I've seen WWE do in the past, I still would never rule it out, considering his "illustrious" history for such a thing on his part.

I enjoyed reading your post and I always enjoyed laughing at it because I found myself agreeing with you to an extent.

If anything he may ask Kia permission to put something on the website for awareness of mothers who lose their children while being pregnant.

But I don't think he will do anything drastic to shove it in her face like having a heel diva say,

"While you were out having your baby or should I say while you were out watching your baby die......"

Something along those lines.

Now after thinking of that line I have a lot of ideas of what Vince would do if he were to exploit this.

Please post more, I enjoyed reading your post :)
I just contacted a doctor and he said hes never seen such a severe level of mental ******ation as the crap you just posted.

Anyway, I hope she's getting the counseling she needs. Cant blame her for lying about the baby, extreme grief makes you lose a grip on reality. Also it doesnt help to have your personal business all over the internet. I hope someone from WWE has already contacted her and expressed some sort of respect for her situation. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family at this time. As someone who knows woman who have had miscarriages I've had a little glimpse of how horrible this situation can be and again I hope she has someone to take care of her until she gets back to 100%, which might never happen with such a traumatic situation occurring.

I THINK that he was being incredibly sarcastic with his post. I think.

I agree that I can't blame her for lying about the baby. This is an extreme situation that not many at all have ever been in (meaning, announcing your pregnancy on national TV and then unfortunately miscarrying). I hope she can get back to as close to a positive mental state as humanly possible. If her body can't support a pregnancy (which I would not doubt due to her size), I would hope she wouldn't be too affected by this tragedy to perhaps go the surrogate route.
Firstly my thoughts obviously go out to her family and it's a horrible thing to happen.

Secondly as much as I know Vince has done things to exploit the deaths of people before for example the whole Orton Eddie thing but I think that is very different from this, although in no way am I saying that was right, it involved close friends of Eddie who had, I assume, agreed to do it. Yes it was horribly tasteless and should never have been done but I think it would be even more tasteless to try and profit off the death of an unborn child. I don't trust Vince with much but I trust him not to do that.
I honestly don't think in this day and age with the pg stuff going on that Vince will exploit this. Basically what your hearing now is as far as it will go. No diva or superstar I doubt will ever mention this.

If this was 10 years ago and we were still in the attitude era to an extent, this would be a storyline. But with all the rise above hate and anti bullying stuff occuring this won't be on tv. Most likely Kia will come back when shes ready which I honestly think will be sometime after Wrestlemania (May-June). Promo's will be shown advertising her return and when it happens, it will be a surprise and be interesting.
For the guys who had to go through this, I hope it got better for you and your loved ones.

I feel bad for Kharma. Hope she has full support of the people around her because tough times are even harder alone.

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