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TM House

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Live from the Bar Room Studios in lovely WrestleZone, Welcome to the premier episode of TM House. Now here is your lovely host, TM Canada Bowles!


Welcome everyone in our Bar Room studios to something very special here. This is as you all know the very first episode of TM House.

We have some very special guests here tonight. I’d like to introduce our first one here tonight. Everyone welcome Eternal Dragon!

It is a pleasure to have you as my first guest on the TM House Eternal Dragon. I hope that your time here will be very special to you, as it will be to me, and all of our audience.

Thank you TM!, it is great to be here!

It sure has been an exciting time on WrestleZone lately. We have lost our senior admin in Jake, have started a Legend tournament, wrap up at Slasher Tournament, well into a Movie, and a Tag Team tournament. We are also in the midst of a campaign to get WWE Universe forum members to our forum, how have you been taking all the dramatic changes? And do you think that the members are being outshined because of all of this?

Yeah, there has been a lot of changes-WAIT…wait a minute, Jake’s not admin anymore?!?!?!?!?!?! I guess that’s life.

Not that I know of, I heard he left. So this is news to you isn’t it?

Yeah, how sad. 

What are your opinions on all of the tournaments in the forums lately?

They’re nice I guess, don’t interest me one bit to be honest. It’s cool that people will put effort to make them.

Yeah it is nice that they put these efforts in, is that a tournament that would interest you?

An all divas one lol? I don’t think the participation would be high.

Haha, well maybe get on that. Im sure Echelon could help you there. Back to the hard hitting issues, you have not participated in the WrestleZone war against WWE Universe. Are you against the war, or remaining a pacifist?

It’s because the whole thing is stupid. No offense. I take that back. Offense meant.

You are really against this aren’t you? What really disturbs you about it all?

I just don’t get the point. I’m pretty sure the whole “don’t advertise” rule was made because of another “war” WZ had in like 06, so what’s the point of advertising another forum in an effort to get new members or whatever? WZ’s a big forum, I don’t think member activity is a problem.

Do you think any good new members will be made from all of this?


Why not?

Have you seen the WWE Universe forum? Not the brightest bunch.

There has been a few people come over. Do they not look promising to you yet?

No, but who am I to judge? It’s not like I contribute heaps to the forum.

Jake leaving his Administration spot is a big change that WrestleZone faces, what do you think of his leaving? Why do you think he left? Who will be hired to replace him?

Can’t he just come back? :(

I think he thought it was his time to step down.

Still sucks, it’s been a long time since I’ve been at WZ without both him and Jonny being admins.

Are you ever going to take a Moderator spot? I think that most people on here would love to see you be a mod, are there issues stopping you from being a moderator?

I don’t deserve a mod spot, like ever. I think being interested in wrestling is like a criteria for that. :p

You aren’t interested in it wrestling? How did you get started here if you aren’t a wrestling fan?

I used to be, lost interest recently. Divas still rule.

Any current story lines interest you? You know I have a big heart for Santino.

Nothing at all. Santino’s holding Beth back. Maybe I’ll be interested the day she destroys him.

I don’t know if that is possible. Anyways, you are part of the New Jersey Connection on Wrestlezone, along with IrishCanadian25, NorCal, Murfish and countless others. How does it feel to have a lot of high members living in close quarters?

Pretty kickass. Going to a show together would be so much win!

Well if you are ever in Canada, maybe we can hit up a show together.

Canada rules!!!

You are one of the few female posters on the WrestleZone Forums. Is this to your advantage or not? Do you miss the female presence in the testosterone filled forum? Do you feel welcome by the male populous here?

I certainly hope it’s not to my advantage. And I think the whole feeling welcome thing is a given when you’re really familiar with a forum and the people there.

I think some female members come in here believing because they are female they will succeed. I have actually seen one female member sign up with the intent of getting over because of her sex. What do you think of this?

Either she’s really hot or really stupid. It’s worked in the past.

WrestleZone is having their new competition for Female of the month. Will you be competing in this?

No. Too young.

Is there an age limit? I guess so. Do you think many people would be interested? It is $250 after all. Nice money.

18, and I’m not sure how many people will apply, but you never know.

So you are saying that in two years, we here at WrestleZone will not be seeing you vying for the $250?

Probably not. Unless I’m flat broke.

One last question about WrestleZone life. Bring back one member, who would it be?

No one. Okay honestly, there is this one person, but no one remembers him, and he’s been banned for a while, so it’s not like it would matter. He was the first person I talked to on here and was always nice. Oh well. Not like it would help the forum out.

Let’s move on to another set of topics. Tomorrow is the presidential Election. If you were of age, who would you vote for and why?

I wouldn’t vote. No point when I don’t like either candidate, and don’t know enough about the election for my opinion to matter.

Did you have fun on Halloween?

No. They gave homework. 

What are your plans during this Christmas?


Haha, well one last question, what do you think of the name of the show? What would you rename it?

TMI House! “Too Much Information!”

Well thank you for your time on the debut edition of TM House. I wish you the best in your time.

Our next guest is a very popular man on WrestleZone these days. He is in charge of the OCW, or as WrestleZone Championship Wrestling Calls it, the competition. He is also partnered with Papa Shango in making the WZ Movie Tournament, which is currently in the third round. Here he is fresh from the flight from Australia, welcome to the show KB, It is an honour to have you.

Damn I thought this was the Dragon’s dressing room. I must have made a wrong turn somewhere…..Do you have doughnuts at least?


Just poutine here. As I was talking to our last guest, Eternal Dragon, you must know that WrestleZone is going through a time of change right now, what are your comments on that?

Yeah it is. I don’t think I ever remember this many changes to the staff in my nearly two years here. With Jake stepping down it really is a new era here, but with guys like Shocky and IC running things, there’s really no way to go wrong.

With that, Id like to give a shout out to the new Admin Shocky! Back to you KB, you are participating in the current War on Spamism on WWE Universe, what is your opinion of the war so far?

I’m just the financial backing really along with Count Shockula. We sit back and just kind of cheer the soldiers on. The Baron name wasn’t for the war effort, I just liked how it sounded.

Baron’s are pretty great. You were recently promoted to the position of Moderator of the Non-Wrestling forums, how has this affected you?

Not a lot really. Just means I get to go to the Board Room where there’s peanuts, porn and pool. It’s a fun job though: getting to infract people for stuff I’ve done before and laughing at them all about it.

Do you like your time spent so far as Mod, and do you think you are doing a good job?

It’s been great but really not all that different than my old position. I do my thing and mind my own business. Rarely get in people’s way and just have fun with the job.

As for how am I doing, never do enough.

Do you see a G added to that mod title anytime soon?

I see it on the day that WOWGold0812 gets my mod spot.

What are you looking for in the Presidential Elections on Tuesday?

I’m a political junkie, but the one thing that I’ve learned is that there’s a few things to not argue around here, and that’s one of them. The main thing I guess would be just something that works for everyone and gets us all what we want.

Oh and Luther for Admin!

Lets get to the topic that everyone loves, OCW. Tell us about your experience starting OCW, and keeping it running.

Well more or less that started with Sparky and Rusty arguing about something or other, and then I opened my big mouth and said they should settle it in the ring. I was named referee and said it should be for the Aussie Heavyweight Title which has since evolved into the OCW Title. It really was a joke that has gone on since.

Is it a challenge to keep it going?

Not really. At first it really was difficult to come up with angles that lasted longer than a week or two, but now I can see them playing out and where I want to go with them over time. It’s a lot different than I intended it to be.

Any big plans for OCW?

Biggest thread on WZ by the beginning on 09.

I know all the readers want to know about the Trademark, is there a return date set for him?

The who?

That…guy… Nevermind. Thank you for your time, I hope you can stay to listen to our special musical guest, after the break.

Our musical guest for tonight is WrestleZone’s very own Monkey Mania. Welcome to the show Monkey!

Thanks TM, I'm really glad to be here.

How long have you bee performing for?

I've been performing for about 5 years now it all started out as a little hobby, then it progressed into a passion of mine.

Is there any reason you have decided to start playing?

Honestly, I was just trying to stay out of trouble. I loved music, so picking up a guitar just seemed like something I could do to pass time. It eventually led to me writing some songs and covering some. Its actually been a whirlwind for me. Country Music has been a huge influence in my life, so naturally thats the way I am. I looked up to guys such as Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Kris Kristofferson, Elvis, Waylon Jennings, even Toby Keith. So this has just been overwhelming that this is actually happening to me

Any goals you are looking to accomplish?

Making some money, getting some exposure. Making it out of this small town I live in where I made my start, then eventually make it to the big stage in Nashville. Maybe do a duet with Toby Keith or Merle Haggard. That would be sweet. Then of course settle down and have a family.

Can you tell me about the song you are going to play for us?

I'm going to be singing The Ride which was originally written by David Allan Coe. I chose this song because its definitely going to be a long hard ride for me to achieve my dreams, but I am willing to do it.

Well thank you for honouring us tonight, here it is WrestleZone, Monkey Mania playing “The Ride”

Thank you all for coming into the first episode of TM House. I hope you come back for the next show in two weeks after Monday Night Raw, in the F’N Bar Room!

TM House would like to thank out host
TM Canada Bowles

And our special guests:
Eternal Dragon
Monkey Mania​

Absolutely out of nowhere, you made (potentially) one of the best threads in the forums.

I take my hat off for you, sir. Great effort and specially, GREAT idea. I loved it!
Cant wait to see Jake on your show, or Sly!! that would be like a special edition or something, lol!

Oh, and repped too.
Corporal Æ;656078 said:

Absolutely out of nowhere, you made (potentially) one of the best threads in the forums.

I take my hat off for you, sir. Great effort and specially, GREAT idea. I loved it!
Cant wait to see Jake on your show, or Sly!! that would be like a special edition or something, lol!

Oh, and repped too.

Thank you, I worked for a week getting it all together. Really have to thank KB, ED, and MM for helpig with my first show. It is going to be a great surprise week in and week out for new guests.
Great thread i actually enjoyed reading that. Look forward to more episodes lets us get to know our top tier posters better. I would rep but i need to spread rep around = /.
Great thread i actually enjoyed reading that. Look forward to more episodes lets us get to know our top tier posters better. I would rep but i need to spread rep around = /.

Thanks, I hope to get a wide range of guests on the show. From IC to Santino44. From you to dare I say Holy Hidden Dragon?
I have an epic idea. Controversy creates ratings(or in this case thread count)so why don't you try to interview Wes(on msn)or other banned members. Or interview me, because we all know I am a draw.
I have an epic idea. Controversy creates ratings(or in this case thread count)so why don't you try to interview Wes(on msn)or other banned members. Or interview me, because we all know I am a draw.

Money From the Bank, yo?
Wait no, That is the Trademark...

Like an Angel?
No, that is Leonardo

Like Lance Cade?
Yep that sounds about right.


I do hope to bring on some guests that will create discussion, controversy, and of course entertainment.
I'm not sure what to think of this thread. If you actually interviewed these guys and then posted it, then awesome. But if you were just bored and posted pretend conversations, then it's creepy and I want nothing to do with it.
This is what you meant about singing Monkey. You remind me of someone that I ca't put my finger on. :lmao: You're pretty good though.

Tm, I love the show. And if you're looking for more guests, i'll be one. Not sure what I can talk about, but yeah. Best thread I have ever seen. Apart from OCW.

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