TLC PPV- Christian vs. Shelton Benjmain - Ladder Match - ECW Title

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
On ECW tonight after Shelton won a number one contendership match, Christian came out and challenged Shelton to a ladder match at the TLC PPV for the ECW title.

To say that I'm excited about this match would be an understatement. Here we have two men who have excelled in ladder matches over the years, going one on one at a PPV dedicated to these type of matches, for the ECW title? Yeah, this has the potential to be a Match of the Year candidate. The fact that Christian mentioned he wanted to "steal the show" with Shelton at TLC really gives me hope that they'll give those two a good amount of time to work as well, which will only help matters.

So, who else is excited about this match? I know I am.
I would have to agree with you. It will be an excellent match, better then the other crap ECW has produced.

ECW has gone down the drain, its only holding up because of Tommy Dreamer, Christian, and Shelton. This could be the start to a better product with ECW.
This is fantastic. Shelton is finally geting an ECW title shot, and him and Christian can definitely have a decent if not excellent match. I agree with both of you that this match has the potential to be great. Shelton finally getting some glory, he deserves it in my opinion.
I'm cautiously excited for the match. I really don't know if it will be a great match or not. Shelton is hit and miss for me. He botches some moves while usually getting an "OH MY GOD!" out of you in every high-profile match like this.

My question is how much time the match will be given. I know it's a ladder match, so it should get a decent amount of minutes. But ECW has a history of having short matches on PPV to make room for matches from the other two brands. So, if the match has time to truly tell a story and feature the same death-defying moments that we've seen from both of these men, it will be a good match and will be a reason I pick up the DVD in January.

Unfortunately, I think it really has the possibility to be a short, uneventful botchfest. The ECW brand provides a pretty good TV show, but to be honest, it is the third brand and will continue to be so. Just seems like the brand is cursed to be mediocre... or booked to be mediocre.... for most PPVs..... that Vince gratiously lets them appear on.
Benjamin vs Christian. That match is going to be insane. Two awesome under-utilized athletes. Christians sick moveset vs a high flying athletic shelton benjamin. I can't wait. They should have saved the match for wrestlemania though. But it will be awesome.
6 months ago I would have posted an entire rant about how much I hate Benjamin. However he's been impressing me shed loads on ECW. A match between him and Christian gives us a different ME for ECW and makes it rather exciting. Christian one of the pioneers of TLC with Benjamin the man who stole the show at MITB. Who wouldn't want to see that?
I'm excited for this match. I hope this match gets a good 20 to 25 minutes. Shelton and Christian will probably steal the show since both are so great at ladder matches. I see Christian retaining here though and maybe Shelton gets a rematch at the rumble. So we will see.
This match could own, but I just can't see it. Yes Christian is a good worker and yes Benjamin is a glrofied spot monkey, but come on, this is an ECW match. They wont get anytime to perform, and this will just become one big clusterfuck. But who knows? They might get time and if they do this could be a very good match. No matter what I expect some big spots from both competitors because they are both very good at gimmick matches. I believe Christian will retain because I don't believe Benjamin is ready and I can't see Christian moving on. Hopefully this is a good match... This could either be match of the night, or worst match, depending on which Benjamin and Christian show up...
Shelton! Shelton!

Finally Shelton gets a main event match. I've been looking forward to this for close to 8 years. This will be a phenomenal match between two ladder match extraordanaries. No doubt this match will steal the damn show.
Yea, I marked when this happened. This easily has the potential to steal the show. Christian and Benjamin have a history of doing great in ladder matches, and it should just be awesome. My only worry is that it won't get enough time, but you never know; maybe we'll be surprised.

I don't mind who wins here.

TLC looks to be a good show, especially with the addition of this match.
If this match is given decent time to flow, it'll definitely be the best one on the card

Like others have said though, ECW gets crapped on by Vince when it comes to PPVs. But if they're willing to put Sheamus in a title match against Supercena, then I see no reason why he can't let the two lone shining stars of ECW get time to show us their best

Benjamin is always money in ladder matches and Christian is no worse. If Benjamin wins, I foresee him carrying the title through Mania and a possible switch to Smackdown for Christian after WM. If Christian retains, i'd love to see these two carry on a friendly feud up through the Rumble and to No Way Out (I refuse to call that PPV by its new name)
I'm excited for this match. I hope this match gets a good 20 to 25 minutes. Shelton and Christian will probably steal the show since both are so great at ladder matches. I see Christian retaining here though and maybe Shelton gets a rematch at the rumble. So we will see.

its time for a new champ... so shelton will win, and christian will go to where ever edge is because he will be back soon and they are supposed to reunite ..its going to be a great match though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!!!!!! and who thinks they need a slammy for the greatest ppv of the year cause i would vote for bragging rights!!
I don't really understand how people can be questioning this match getting enough time. This is one of the 4 Main Events of the show. They would not have even given ECW the Ladder match if it wasn't going to be done correctly. They easily could have done what they have been doing and given this match to the IC or US title. Giving this match to Christian and Shelton says a lot. Creative/Vince..whomever..knows these two can steal the show and will give it proper time.
saweeeet! shelton benjamin gets his first ecw title shot on ppv! ppv people! i am really excited for this match because lets face it, you have two glorified superstars in a high profile match. shelton deserves it and i know we are gonna have some high spots/moves in the match. i doubt the match will be quick and boring even if it is ecw. it should be something everyone looks forward to. Lets go christian: Benjamin!
Now i'm looking forward to every match on this PPV except for the DX vs Jerishow. I doubt i'll order it, maybe but when on DVD when it's out. These two should be able to put on a phenomenal match, with Christian always being good and being able to pull out a win. Shelton will do some crazy ass shit which will be very, very entertaining, if this was a TLC I believe it could me match of the year, still expecting a very good match between two great athletes, glad to see ECW put on a PPV.
ECW has done an above-average job of building Shelton up over the last few months. He now has the feel of a real contender, which is based strictly on his in-ring performance (certainly not his mic skills, which are still dreadful). Christian and he definitely match up well in performance skills, also, so this will unquestionably be a fantastic match.

Both are tremendously athletic, and excel in the ladder environment, so they can really put on a show. I think WWE realizes this, which is how the title match merited one of the "main event" labels. It's a real testament to both that the creative department is giving them that much focus.

Still, I don't see Benjamin taking the title. As great as he performs, I can't imagine WWE trying to build the brand around Shelton since he can't speak. With Christian, he has both the in-ring skills and the mic skills, making it significantly easier to focus the program on his shoulders. Benjamin is death on the microphone, so I just hate the idea of him getting the title and killing the fairly decent over-all momentum of the brand's TV product.

P.S. In case anyone's wondering, I've been absent from here for several weeks because the site wouldn't let me log in. Not sure why that is, or what changed, but when I tried tonight I got on no problem. I've missed posting here!
This match has gold written all over it!! I hope its not too much for me to say that WWE creative is actually being creative, giving more bold moments for this newly revised ECW championship. Christian has had an amazing run with the title, giving some great meaning back to the title. Yet I was waiting for someone like Shelton to step up to compete for it. This can turn into an incredible feud, and a perfect opportunity to give somewhat of a rub to Shelton, well possibly getting Christian to SD! finally haha
This match really does feel like a WM match doesnt it? haha Two people built on ladder matches. I'm crossing my fingers that Vince lets these two do their thing! :0
Figgsy, I think the reason the match was added is because both Benjamin and Christian are capable of an extended match filled with high-spots, near misses and actual excitement. My hope is that WWE uses the next few weeks to genuinely build this match up to PPV-worthy proportions in terms of story value rather than just potential in-ring work and draws fans into wanting to see these two face off for the ECW title.

During his reign, Christian has done a tremendous amount to re-establish the ECW belt as a credible championship worth a fight. While I love the idea of Shelton finally getting a run with a "World title," even though the ECW title is no longer termed such by WWE, I don't believe this is the time. His inability to continue to build the belt through promos and storyline enhancement would only allow the belt to backslide from the increasingly lofty heights it's been taken to on Christian's shoulders.

However, I do believe several tremendous matches beteen Benjamin and Christian can push it even farther in the direction WWE might like it to go. This match will be a great step in that direction, allowing two of the brand's top talents to showcase the best of what ECW has to offer and make the belt seem like a championship worthy of PPV time and television viewers.
It should be a perfectly entertaining match, nothing more. Previous matches between Christian & Shelton have been good, but nothing special. But most of them were 5 years ago. Christian has improved slightly, but he was a good performer then just as he is now. Benjamin on the other hand has taken several steps back since 2004. The only way they could improve on their Survivor Series match from 2004 is with a gimmick, it should make up for Shelton's deficiencies.

The only problem I see is that there's another ladder match with bigger stars that'll happen later in the show. Are Shelton & Christian going to be allowed to do all the things they want in their match? If they have a significantly better match, which they could easily, they could show up D-X, which must be considered a big no-no. Then again one is tag the other is one-on-one, so Jeri-Show & D-X should be able to come up with enough ideas that an opening match like the ECW title match shouldn't be a worry to them.
The JeriShow/D-X match is a TLC -- allowing for all three elements to come into play -- whereas the Benjamin/Christian match is exclusively Ladders. WWE creative should have no problem providing both with sufficient spots to make both stand out. Besides, I see Benjamin/Christian giving this PPV opportunity their all. Both recognize that future WWE title opportunities/PPV spots rest on this match. I have every expectation they'll make the most of their chance to shine.
The JeriShow/D-X match is a TLC -- allowing for all three elements to come into play -- whereas the Benjamin/Christian match is exclusively Ladders. WWE creative should have no problem providing both with sufficient spots to make both stand out. Besides, I see Benjamin/Christian giving this PPV opportunity their all. Both recognize that future WWE title opportunities/PPV spots rest on this match. I have every expectation they'll make the most of their chance to shine.

A TLC match is just a ladder match with extras. It still revolves around ladders, just the same as Christian vs. Shelton will. You could probably eliminate the chair element, who cares about a chair shot when somebody is being hit by a ladder? And with Cena working with somebody as limited as Sheamus, the best table spots will be saved for that match.

I think Benjamin & Shelton will but on a good match, just not the best ladder match of the night.
Of the 3 "Big" Title defense's at this PPV i'd say this one has the best potential for stealing the show. I've seen enough Batista/Taker, and while i think it's great there doing Cena/Sheamus as opposed to Cena/Orton 23, or Cena/HHH, Cena/HBK for the umptenth time neither of those matches have as MUCH potential to be a MOTY as Benjamin vs Christian in a Ladder Match. I'll get the PPV on this match alone!
This match will no doubt steal the show, if time is permitted. I just hope they give them the chance to go. These two could go a half hour and probably show us some of the most insanse moves possible. Shelton can jump on a ladder half way across the ring, and Christian is golden in ladder matches. These two should have MOTY, if Vnce doens't make it a dark match to put some DX comedy sketches on the PPV.
This match not only has the power to steal the show but it should steal the show and I'll tell you why IWC !!

First of all These two guys have a much better match stipulation then John Cena and Sheamful oh I mean Sheamus . A Tables match big f***in deal that's easier then a Ladder match . all you have to do to win the tables match is put your opponent through a table which is much easier then the way to win a ladder match by climbing the ladder and getting the title belt . They are much better suited to work a ladder match more so then anyone else ina high profile match on the TLC PPV .

Taker and Batista I'm sure will have some sort of stipulation ( probibly the Chairs match) again that's way easier then a ladder match or a TLC match . DX and Jerishow are doing the TLC Match but to me that's a mistake it's gonna come off very bad does anyone think BigSlow can climb one of those ladders and get the belts Jerishow shouldn't do a Ladder match / TLC Match with anyone .

I think Shelton Benjamin and Christian in a Ladder Match for the ECW Championship not only could / should steal the show at the TLC PPV I think they could very easily have the MATCH OF THE YEAR !!
Christian one of the pioneers of TLC with Benjamin the man who stole the show at MITB. Who wouldn't want to see that?
Amen! This match has the potential to match of the year, easily the night if givin the appropriate time schedule. I for one am completely stoked for this match.
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