Title Unification (choose your own)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So, if WWE went back to the way things used to be, and we unified all the belts, which champions would you pick, AND which unification matches would you want to see? Also, throw in the Cruiserweight Title and keep the ECW title, as four titles is just not enough for 3 shows...

Here are my picks:

Women's Title/Diva's Title Unification: Fatal-4-Way
Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool vs. Maryse
*Mickie James is the NEW Undisputed Women's Champion

United States/Intercontinental Title Unification: Submission Match
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin
*Shelton Benjamin is the NEW Undisputed Intercontinental Champion

WWE/World Tag Team Title Unification: Fatal-4-Way Tornado Tag
Kane/Mike Knox vs. Miz/Morrison vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Primo/Carlito
*Kane/Mike Knox are the NEW Undisputed Tag Team Champions

Cruiserweight Championship: Elimination Battle Royal
Chavo Guerrero Evan Bourne Jamie Noble
Brian Kendrick Kung Fu Naki Hurricane Helms
Jimmy Wang Yang Tyson Kidd
*Evan Bourne is the NEW Cruiserweight Champion

ECW Championship: Triple Threat Extreme Rules Match
Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Finlay
*Finlay is the NEW ECW Champion

WWE/World Heavyweight Title Unification: Armageddon Hell in a Cell
HHH vs. HBK vs. Cena vs. Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton
*Shawn Michaels is the NEW Undisputed WWE Champion

So, there you have it. Let me know what your pics would be, as well as what you think of mine!
Women's Title/Diva's Title Unification: Fatal 4 Way
Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs Maryse
*Gail Kim New Champion

United States/Intercontinental Title Unification: Submission Match
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison
*John Morrison New Champion

WWE/World Tag Team Title Unification: Fatal-4-Way Tornado Tag
Miz/Morrison vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Primo/Carlito vs Priceless
*Miz n Morrison New Champions

Cruiserweight Championship: Elimination Battle Royal
Chavo Guerrero Evan Bourne Jamie Noble
Brian Kendrick Kung Fu Naki Hurricane Helms
Jimmy Wang Yang Tyson Kidd
*Evan Bourne is the NEW Cruiserweight Champion

ECW Championship: Triple Threat Extreme Rules Match
Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne
*Christian New Champion

WWE/World Heavyweight Title Unification: Armageddon Hell in a Cell
HHH vs. HBK vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy
*Edge is the NEW Undisputed WWE Champion
i agree with most of your list so im going to just on the ones i digree with.
ECW title
Tommy dreamer vs Jack Swagger extreme rules match
wwe title world heavy wieght
Randy orton vs John cena Hell in cell
Even though HBK is my fav of all time i think you need a young guy as champion and i like one on one better
I like the concept you've come up with here and I like a few of the matches, but I would change some things. First off, I would'nt have so many fatal fourways and/or multiple superstar match ups . Now titles like the crusierweight it works, because your reintroducing a title and I think a battel royal is a great way to do that. The other titles are more established now and IMO one on one unififcation matches would be better to decide them.

Anyway here is what I would keep the same:

Cruiserweight title Battle Royal:
All the same participants you said, but I would also add Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio
Winner: Rey Mysterio, to give this belt a legit chance back, IMO, I would put the belt on a solid veteran like Rey.

US/I.C.title unification match:
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin
Winner: Shelton Benjamin, this one, IMO, you got 100% right.

Here is what I would change:

Womens/Divas title unification:
Womens champion Beth Phionex( wins it back form Melina before hand) vs. Divas champion Natalya ( wins it from Maryse before hand).
I think this would be a very interesting match and I would really like to see it. I can't remeber when the WWE ever had a match with two divas of there look and relativley same size. Anyway I think people would be interested in this one.
Winner: Bet Phoniex, hey she is the best diva going today IMO.

WWE/ World tag title unification match:
World Tag champions Miz/ Morrison vs. WWE Tag champions Dibiasie/ Rhodes ( win them from Primo/carlito before hand).
Now i know they are both heels right now, but i don't think a Miz/ Morrison face turn is out of the question here. I think people would start to like them quickly, especially if they feuded with legacy. It could also help propel Morrison to singles competion again, as you could throw Orton in the mix of the build up and end result.
Winners: Dibiasie/ Rhodes, if WWE wants Legacy to be legit then give them the tag belts

I would'nt have an ECW title match. I would just keep the belt on Swagger because even though I didn't like this guy at first he is starting to remind me of an early Kurt Angle. What I mean is , yeah he's corny , and annoying, but I like watching , hoping someone will beat him, but they never do.

World/ WWE title Unification Match
WWE Champion Randy Orton ( beats Hunter for the belt before hand) vs. World Champion The Undertaker ( beats Edge or Cena or Show for the belt before hand)
I loved this feud a few years back and I would love to see WWE rekindle it. IMO, what better way than having them face to unify the two biggest titles in the WWE today. It also would be a bridge crossing match. What i mean by this is on one side you have Randy Orton, the head of the class in this next generation of WWE superstars. His opponenet, The Undertaker, The WWE main stay, a superstar who has crossed generations.
Winner: Randy Orton, it makes legacy the most powerful faction in WWE, and sets Orton up as the new face of the company.
ECW Championship: 4-Way Extreme Rules
Christian vs Finlay vs Jack Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer
*Dreamer wins via pinfall over Finlay
Immediately after victory, John Morrison confronts Dreamer in ring and challenges him. Finlay exacts revenge on Dreamer with Shileleigh (spelling?) Morrison pins Dreamer.
*John Morrison is new ECW Champion.

Cruiserweight Title: Triple Threat
Tyson Kidd vs Evan Bourne vs Jamie Noble
*Tyson Kidd is new Champion, pinning Evan Bourne.

I.C./U.S. Unification: Steel Cage
CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin
*CM Punk is new Champion (retiring U.S.) barrowly escaping the cage before Benjamin.

Women's Championship: Battle Royal
Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Maryse, Melina, Candice Michelle, Kelly Kelly & Mae Young.
(Mae Young is attacked by a masked woman from the back before Mae can even enter the ring.)
*Winner and undisputed Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix (with assist from Santino Marella. Beth is furious at Santino and begins her face turn.)

Tag Title Unification: 4-Corners Elimination Match
Miz & Morrison (Morrison does a no-show on Miz due to his earlier victory, setting up feud between them), Carlito/Primo, Priceless, Kane/Mike Knox.
*Winners and new Champs: Priceless

WWE/World Title Unification Match: Elimination Chamber
Cena vs Undertaker vs HHH vs Jericho vs Orton vs Edge
*Chris Jericho is the new Undisputed Champion! (History repeats itself.)
Women's Title/Diva's Title Unification:
Melina vs. Maryse
WINNER: Maryse

United States/Intercontinental Title Unification: Ladder Match
CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin
WINNER: Shelton Benjamin

WWE/World Tag Team Title Unification: Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Miz & Morrison vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Carlito & Primo
WINNER: Miz & Morrison

Cruiserweight Championship: Elimination Battle Royal
Chavo Guerrero Vs. Evan Bourne Vs. Jamie Noble
Brian Kendrick Vs. Hurricane Helms Vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
WINNER: Hurricane Helms

ECW Championship: Triple Threat Extreme Rules Match
Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Finlay
WINNER: Christian

WWE/World Heavyweight Title Unification: 6-Man Battle Royal
HHH Vs. John Cena Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Edge Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. HBK
my option would be to have ic title and us title u nification match and turn it into the tv title what fan wouldnt like a good title match every week that was one of my favorite parts of wcw and nitro have cm punk vs shelton vs y2j after his legends beat down gimmick and evan bourne in a four way elimanation match for the tv title
WWE/WHC - Cena vs Orton (providing both win at Mania) Two of the top four in the business, best face, and best all round performer (not best heel due to cheers) WInner Orton, leading to him beating HHH, Jeff, Taker, then losing eventually to Cena.

IC/US - CM Punk vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin vs Umaga
Best four midcarders, and Umaga winning.

Tag Titles - Miz and Morrison vs Priceless/Legacy - Legacy, to show their dominance over the whole product.

Womens - Beth Phoenix vs Maryse - Beth, seeing as she is stand out, by far, best women wrestler in the company.

ECW can stay the same since it is not being unified.

Cruiserweight - Helms vs Mysterio vs Bourne vs Chavo vs Noble in a scramble for the fun of it. Helms to win, for the pure fun of it.

That was fun. But it will never ever ever happen.

This is a great question which makes us decide who is the best in each of the wwe's catagories.

This would be a match between THe Undertaker, John Cenna, Triple H and Randy Orton.It would be a fatal fourway and the final 2 would be taker and randy. BAM, he hits the rko and gets the 1 ..2 ..3 on taker

winner: Randy Orton

INTER-NATIONAL TITLE (us and ic combined)-name makes it sound respectable

This would need to be between MVP, Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy. It would be a triple threat where the first pinfall wins.

Winner: via swantom bomb, Jeff Hardy


It would be between priceless and The Miz and Morrison. THese are 2 legitamit tag teams! THis could be a great match.

WINNER: The miz and john morrison


This would be between mickie james and beth pheniox. Has great potential as a match.

Winner:....Mickie James


This match would be a tlc match that is wrestlemania worthy. It would be the 619 Rey Mysterio vs Evan "air" Bourne. I wish i could see a match like this on tv. It would be amazing. New cruiserweight vs old cruiserweight.

WINNER: The amazing Evan Bourne via SSP

ECW Championship

It would be Tommy Dreamer vs Jack Swagger in a extreme rules match.

WINNER: THe ecw original, tommy dreamer
There can only be one Champion, cross branding fueds are always good because its something new. If that happened then the belt should go around Orton... he the top heal right now and you could have so many angles, it would be very unpredictable which is what draws an audience. The IC title should be unified with the US title and it should go to Punk. He can have a good match with anybody and there are plenty of good matches he could have. The tag titles should go to Crime Tyme. They are actually pretty good and need a bigger push.
Beth Phoenix v Mickie James
WINNER: Mickie James

Rey Mysterio v Evan Bourne v Helms v Chavo v Noble v TBK
WINNER: Rey Mysterio (As it would be a returning title, best to put it on someone like Rey who will bring credit to the title)

WWE/World Tag
Miz & Morrison v The Colons
WINNER: The Colons (Only because i'd like to see Morrison go on his own and the Colons are good as a tag team at the moment)

CM Punk v Shelton Benjamin
WINNER: CM Punk (He could use something like this to build back to another crack at the ME)

Triple H v Edge v Jeff Hardy v John Cena
WINNER: Edge (As much as i love Jeff, Edge would be a shoe in for this, sort of like when Jericho first did it. It was good seeing a heel overcome the odds and snake a win, especially with the WHC and WWE titles on the line)

Well, they're my choices.

Christian v. Jack Swagger v. Finlay v. Tommy Dreamer

Could be fun. I'd like to see this match. Let's just say Christian gets away with this one.


Beth Phoenix & Melina v. Michelle McCool & Maryse

Concept I'd like to consider. We start with a Elim. Tag match. When it gets down to two ladies, it becomes a single match. The winner is the Undisputed Women's champ. I'm gonna go with Melina and Michelle are the last two and Melina will get the win.


C.M. Punk v. Kofi Kingston v. William Regal v. Mr. Kennedy v. MVP v. Shelton Benjamin

I'm gonna go with Mr. Kennedy. I've wanted to see him with some sort of success and honestly it's been so long that I can't remember if he's held either of these belts before.


Miz & Morrison v. Carlito & Primo v. Priceless

Priceless will pick this one up just because I'd put the belts on them if I ran the company.


Jamie Noble v. Evan Bourne v. Hurricane Helms v. Chavo Guerrero v. The Brian Kendrick v. Kung Fu Naki

Hell of a fun match, if I do say so myself. I'll give it to The Brian Kendrick. He'd do a nice job.


Jeff Hardy v. Edge v. Randy Orton v. Triple H v. John Cena v. Chris Jericho v. Shawn Michaels v. Matt Hardy

Sorry, Taker, not this time. Personally, I've really wanted to see Jeff Hardy ACTUALLY reach Main Event status. Agreed with me or not, I feel that realistically he's technically an Upper-Upper-Midcarder, or to avoid the second Upper, you could say Lower Main Event. Either way, he isn't there and this much star power would give anyone a lot of room to get that extra credibility. And I feel Matt could use this to sky rocket to almost meet his brother. Regardless, I can't really decide my Undisputed Champion right now but I'd toss out Jericho, Jeff or Edge. You're more than welcome to interpret otherwise. :D
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