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Titan Championship Wrestling


Dark Match Winner
Quick backstory...

I started this fed on another website and I wasn't able to continue doing this. But I have started back up with new ideas and such and I will work here.

Anyway, the original TCW was owned by Terry Funk and in part by Steve Corino. Corino had Batista, Sable (kayfabe wife), Zack Gowan, Robert Roode, and The Tolands aligned with him. The 1st world class champion was Robert Roode, he bought the title rather than compete in the tournament. So the whole company is in a redo, someone bought the company. Anyway... Here is the roster...

I don't do hel/face because that is up to you to decide if I am putting them across one way or another. As well as card position, people "earn" their spot and it is up to the read who they think is main event and who is not quite.

Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Bull Buchanan
Byron Saxton
Chris Hero
Chris Masters
Consequences Creed
Desmond Wolfe
Dolph Ziggler
Eddie Kingston
El Generico
El Mesias
Gran Hamada
Jackson Andrews
James Mitchell
Jay Briscoe
Jay Lethal
Jeremy Buck
Jerry Lynn
Jimmy Snuka jr.
Joey Styles
John Jeter
Johnny Devine
Jon Moxley
Ken Doane
Kevin Steen
Kid Kash
Kota Ibushi
La Parka
Lance Storm
Lucky Cannon
Mark Briscoe
Max Buck
Necro Butcher
Orlando Jordan
Rene Dupree
Rob Conway
Sean Morley
Shark Boy
Sonjay Dutt
Steve Corino
Steven Richards
Sylvain Grenier
Taka Michinoku
Takeshi Morishima
Terry Funk
Tyler Black

Women Elite:
Alyssa Flash
Kelly Kelly
Shelly Martinez
SoCal Val
Taylor Wilde
Traci Brooks
*Quick side note... I changed my writing format half way through the show. Sorry about that, but I took some time off from writing this, came back to it and had a better way of match writing, but the 2nd half is how all shows will be written from here out.*

TCW PPV, New Beginnings.


The music plays as a large C appears, followed by a smaller T and W to the left and right respectively.

"New Beginnings" Starting over, starting new, moving on from the past and onto a better place. TCW, a new breed of competitive wrestling. Wrestling matters here.

The scene goes black and we hear a boisterous crowd. Te picture comes on and we see a ruckus crowd...

Terry Funk's music hits. The crowd goes wild as he makes his way down the ramp and to the ring.

Funk, "Hey everyone. Welcome to the relaunch of Titan Championship Wrestling! Due to lack of funding and overall poor decision's on the part of certain decision makers, I have sold my shares and there is now a new majority owner. I have been allowed to stick around and help out backstage, but TCW isn't my baby anymore."

Steve Corino's music hits and he looks furious. Corino almost falls over himself trying to get to the ring.

Corino, "Hold it just one god damn minute! Who do you think you are? This is still my company! I was running things fine! Keep your nose out of my business. I demand to know who this new majority owner is right now, I want to know so I can school him in on what is going on and who really runs things. If not my pal Batista will have to play him a visit."

The Titantron turns on and we hear a voice.

"Steve Relax!"

The chair turns around and it is The Godfather!

Godfather, "Steve, I appreciate your sentiments, but I have news for you you do not run anything any more, I don't plan on trusting you with any power. As a matter of fact the first thing I did when I bought in was fire Dave Batista, that Jezebel Sable, your sister Allison, and your worker money Zack Gowan. You have no one Steve! You are all alone!"

Corino, "Who do you think you are? I am the King of Old School, Steve Corino, I am a former ECW World Champion! who the hell are you!?! And what have you ever done?"

Godfather, "I just happen to be the new majority owner of TCW. And I plan to make your life hell as you made life in TCW hell for so many others."

Funk, "I will just leave you two, to it..."

Godfather, "Hold a minute Terry. I meant to ask you, what do you think about Steve Corino, active wrestler?"

Corino, "No... No, I refuse!"

Godfather, "Go ahead refuse, but if you don't wrestle tonight, I will fire you."

Funk, "Steve..."


Steve Corino popped Funk a good one just before he hopped out of the ring. Corino makes his way back up the ramp. Funk follows behind shamed and pissed off.

Godfather, "Before I go, tonight is the beginning of the TCW World Class Heavyweight title. Yes, I real tournament that will be gone through with. No greased palms tonight or any other night. Every title has been vacated. This is a new start. Tonight every title except the World Class title will be on the line. At All or Nothing a World Class champion will be crowned."

Styles: Welcome everyone to the redo of TCW, the New Beginnings! I am Joey Styles here always with Dave Finlay. Fin?

Finlay: Don't start that crap with me on my last night.

Styles: Last night?

Finlay: Yea, I am stepping back into the ring after tonight.

Styles: Well, OK best of luck to you then.

Cut backstage to SoCal Val standing by with Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed.

Val: You two have a big opportunity tonight as new TCW owner The Godfather booked both of you in a fatal four way for the TCW Rising Star Championship. Also in that match, Lucky Cannon and Taka Michinoku... I have to ask, how do you two feel about facing off tonight?

Creed: Well Val, it won't be a problem because Jay and I are like brothers and nothing would come between us. Regardless of if he wins or I win, I will just be happy that Lethal Consequences has gold by the end of the night.

Lethal: Ya, I echo those comments and all I have to add is that when I win that title I will be sure to let you carry it for me from time to time.

Lethal chuckles as Creed playfully shoves him.

Lethal: But in seriousness Val, I am going into this match to win. And I can count on Creed to do the same. I look forward to the match.

Val: Speaking of, that match is next so you two better get going!

*DING DING* Goes the bell.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, from New Port Richey, Florida, Lucky Cannon!

Lucky is already in the ring when Taka's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Announcer: And from Morioka, Iwate, Japan, Taka Michinoku!

Taka gets in the ring and waits by Lucky giving Lucky dirty looks. Lethal Consequences music starts to play as both men come out together.

Announcer: From Marietta, Georgia, Consequences Creed! And.. from Elizabeth, New Jersey... Jay lethal!

TCW Rising Star Championship Match
Taka Michinoku vs Lucky Cannon vs Consequences Creed vs Jay Lethal
The match starts with Lucky and Taka on the west side and Jay and Creed on the east side of the ring. Jay and Creed work together as they both go after Lucky and Taka. Creed takes Taka as Creed lays down lefts and right. Lethal is on Lucky doing the same as he pushes Lucky over the top rope, and follows him out to inflict more punishment.

Creed backs Taka into the north west corner as he continues to pound down with shot after shot. Taka pushes Creed off and lets loose with a chop. Taka pops out of the corner with a super kick! It catches Creed flush as Taka drops down to pin.



Lethal slides in and saves!

Creed rolls over to the corner as Lethal starts to kick Taka in the shoulder. lethal lifts Taka up and hits a snap suplex!



Taka gets the shoulder up. Creed comes to and comes over to help Lethal. Both Creed and lethal lift Taka up for a double suplex. But Lucky slide in and kicks Creed in the gut! Taka falls back to his feet and pops off a suplex of his own onto Lethal! Lucky grabs Creed by the hair and toss him to the outside.

Lethal is on his own now as Taka and Lucky turn their attention to Lethal. Taka lifts Lethal up and chops him back into the north east corner of the ring. Lucky yells out to Taka and Taka whips Lethal from the corner towards Lucky, Lucky hits a flap jack!

Lucky covers...



Taka grabs Lucky's leg and pulls him back. Lucky looks frustrated but shrugs Taka off as Taka turns his attention to Lethal. Meanwhile Lucky climbs the top turnbuckle and calls out to Taka. Taka turns around and Lucky jumps off with a crossbody! Its a cover!



Taka gets an arm up as Creed slides into the ring and rolls up, pops up and hits a rolling thunder clothesline on Lucky! Creed pops up and does a jig and points to the crowd. Lethal stands up and Creed turns around, the two men grin.

Creed reaches his hand for a shake and Lethal accepts. But Creed pulls Lethal in and hits a deep arm drag! Lethal pops up and the two men trade several deep arm drags before Taka gets up and hits a bicycle kick to the jaw of Creed! Lethal turns his attention to Taka, but gets clubbed from behind by Lucky!

Lucky goes at Taka, but Taka reverses, Michinoku Driver!!! Taka pops up and turns around! Lethal is there! Lethal Combination! Lethal covers!




Its over the ref calls for the bell!

Announcer: Here is your winner and NEW TCW Rising Star Champion, Jay Lethal!

Lethal celebrates the win as Creed gets up and looks disappointed... Lethal doesn't pay much attention as he is just elated to be the new champion. Creed drops down and rolls out of the ring. Lethal looks confused as Creed walks up the ramp.

Styles: Huh... Do I sense some jealousy?

Finlay: No, but they both wanted to win, Creed is upset now and probably will be for a while. I suspect he will forgive and forget once Lethal loses the title. *chuckles*

Backstage with SoCal Val...

Val: I am here right now with former TCW World Class Heavyweight Champion, Desmond Wolfe!

Wolfe: Wait just a minute sweet heart, get it correct, because you know it, I know it, and all my fans know it, I am the future TCW World Class Champ.

Val: I am sorry. I wanted to get you're thoughts on being stripped of the title in the relaunch and I wanted to get you're thoughts on the tournament to be had, as well as your opponent and the new ownership.

Wolfe: Well for one sweet heart, I don't care who owns TCW, all I care is that the person who bought this place stripped me of my title. To say the least I am upset. But that doesn't matter because I will win the title back fair and square. No buying titles this time. I really hope Godfather is smarter than that. And as for Kota Ibushi. I can't wait to dance with him in that ring. I have heard great things about that guy and I can't wait to make him tap.

Wolfe walks off just as Val is about to speak.

*DING DING* Goes the bell

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following is apart of the World Class Championship tournament...

El Mesias' music hit as he makes his way to the ring with a stern look.

Announcer: From The Darkest Shadows of Your Nightmares... EL MESIAS!

Mesias rolls into the ring and pops up darting toward the turnbuckle, he raises his hands and flicks off the crowd.

The music stops, Dolph's music hits.

Announcer: And from Hollywood, Florida.... DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Ziggler comes down the ramp with a grin, pushing his hair back and flicking the water everywhere. Ziggler hops up on the apron and goes in between the ropes.

TCW World Class Heavyweight Championship Tornament
El Mesias vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler sizes up the intimidating looking Mesias as Ziggler offers up the test of strength. Mesias accepts and the men clasp hands. Mesias gets the advantage as he starts to take Ziggler down and to his knees. Ziggler slides his hands out of Mesias' grip and backs away. Mesias quickly follows and goes on the prowl. Mesias raises his arms up like a bear as if to maul Ziggler, but Ziggler punches Mesias in the stomach, although not much damage is done, it is enough for Ziggler to back away and out of the ring.

Mesias stands waiting as Ziggler comes around the other side of the ring and slides in. Ziggler charges and locks in the collar and elbow tie up. Mesias gets the upper hand and slaps his hand around Ziggler's neck. Looks like a chokeslam is coming!

Ziggler kicks Mesias in the midsection thus breaking the grip. Ziggler leans back and comes off the ropes jumping up and hitting a forearm to the side of the face. Mesias is rocked a bit but doesn't fall. Ziggler comes back off the ropes again and hits a drop kick! This drops Mesias and Ziggler quickly covers!



Mesias gets up from the pin quickly as he pushes Ziggler off.

Mesias gets to a knee and stands, Ziggler is up. Mesias goes to maul Ziggler, Ziggler side steps, German suplex!, Ziggler bridges!



Mesias pops out.

Ziggler drops down and puts Mesias in the headlock and wrenches it. Mesias is in obvious pain now, but starts to fight it, standing up and dropping down in a sorta of Stunner position! Mesias starts to stand as Ziggler rolls around holding his jaw. Mesias is up and goes to the top! Mesias jumps off and hits the Frog Splash!

Mesias rolls around holding his gut. Mesias crawls for the cover...



Ziggler gets a foot on the rope!

Mesias looks pretty frustrated as he stands and lifts Ziggler up. Mesias puts Ziggler on his shoulders Straight to Hell! No, Ziggler slides off! The sleeper hold is locked in! Ziggler is on Mesias' back with the Sleeper in tight! Mesias steps back and into the corner trying to shake Ziggler off! No go! Mesias does it again and this time the grip seems to slip! Mesias walks to the center of the ring, looking like he may pass out! Ziggler grip has weakened, Mesias pops Ziggler up onto his shoulders! STRAIGHT TO HELL!




The ref calls for the bell as Mesias rolls off Ziggler and gets to a knee. The ref lifts Mesias' arm but Mesias jerks it away.

Announcer: Here is your winner.... EL MESIAS!!!

Mesias stands and goes through the ropes and out of the ring and calmly walks out up the ramp. Ziggler starts to roll around. The crowd applauds Ziggler's fight as he is helped out by the ref.

Styles: Wow what a great match.

Finlay: I agree

Styles: Mesias is moving on. I wonder who could possibly beat this guy?

Finlay: Well unfortunately for me, I didn't get back into wrestling in time, because I could beat this guy. And on that note, I will be right back.

Styles: Where are you going?

Finlay puts his headset down and makes his way down the ramp and towards the ring.

Finlay is in the ring and he has a microphone in his hand.

Finlay: Hello everyone, I don't want to take up much time talking, talking isn't really my thing. That's why I am announcing I am getting back into the ring. I am leaving the commentary table to pursue the Wold Class Title! Now, I guess Styles you're back on your own again.

Godfather appears on the screen.

Godfather: hey, I had a hunch you might get the itch again, which is why i went ahead and signed a new color commentary man. Meet your replacement...

Godfather disappears from the screen and music hits. Byron Saxton appears at the tunnel! Finlay throws the mic down in frustration. Saxton smiles and walks towards the table.

Styles: Hello.

Saxton picks up the headset and greets Styles...

Saxton: Hello Joey. I am your new partner on commentary.

Styles: You're sitting in Finlay's seat with his headset on, I don't believe he will like that much.

Saxton: I wouldn't worry about Finlay, he is a hack, all bark and no bite.

Finlay walks up the ramp and towards the table.

Finlay: Get your ass out of my seat!

Saxton doesn't even look up when he says,

Saxton: You quit, now go put your tights on and wrestle...

Finlay pops Saxton in the jaw and he falls over into Styles lap. Finlay picks up his headset and sits down in his chair.

Finlay: OK now we can continue on with the show.

Saxton stands up holding his face, gets handed a tiny head set and steel chair as he reluctantly sits down next to Finlay off to the side.

*DING DING* goes the bell.

Announcer: The following is for the TCW Womens Elite Championship!

Alyssa Flash's music hits as she comes out of the tunnel and walks down the ramp giving dirty looks to the fans.

Announcer: From Los Angeles, California, ALYSSA FLASH!

Flash stands waiting as Hamada's music hits.

Announcer: From Tokyo, Japan, being accompanied to the ring by her father and manager, Gran Hamada... HAMADA!

Hamada rolls into the ring and Flash goes straight for the attack, the ref starts the match.

TCW Womens Elite Championship Match
Alyssa Flash vs Hamada w/Gran Hamada
Flash beings to pound on Hamada with lefts and rights going wild. Flash stands up and kicks the back of Hamada and pulls her by the hair to the center of the ring and covers.


Kick out!

Flash punches Hamada a few times in the face and rolls her over, grabbing her arms and lifting them back. Curb stomp coming! Hamada jerks away and rolls out of the ring. Gran Hamada checks on his daughter and whispers something in her ear as she slides back into the ring, being met by more kicks to the back. gran Hamada pulls Hamada out of the ring.

The ref starts counting...


Hamada tries getting in the ring but Flash wont let her.


By now the ref has had enough and pushes Flash back. Hamada takes this opportunity to slide into the ring. Flash pushes the ref away and is met with a standing drop kick! Flash and Hamada pop back up, Hamada pops off 3 consecutive headbutts! The last drops Flash and Hamada covers.



Hamada picks up Flash and goes for a DDT, but Flash spins out and puts Hamada in a sleeper hold, Flash pushes Hamada away and into the ropes, she comes back and Flash pops off a sick forearm shot to the cheek. cover!




Flash grabs the head of Hamada and locks in a head lock! Hamada starts to fight out as her father Gran Hamada is encouraging her. Hamada fights up, to a knee! elbow shots to the mid section get Flash off, Hamada is up! Hamada comes off the ropes, but Flash gets her up in an Air Raid Crash! Hamada drops down and turns it into a sitout pin!



Flash kickouts!

Hamada and Flash pop up, Flash goes for a short arm clothesline, but Hamada ducks it and grabs the head of Flash! Hamma-Chan cutter!




The ref calls for the bell as Gran Hamada slides in the ring with the Womens Elite Championship. Gran Hamada drapes the title over Hamada's shoulder as she prays to the heavens.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner and new Womens Elite champion... HAMADA!!!

Styles: Good on Hamada with a hard fought win and becoming the 1st ever Womens Elite champion in the NEW TCW.

Finlay: I don't expect Flash will be too happy...

Saxton: *cutting off Finlay* Of course she won't.

Finlay: If you interrupt me again your jaw will be wired shut and Joseph will do commentary on his own.

Styles: I have word that Val is backstage with Minority Owner Steve Corino.

Val: Mr. Corino... Up next you have a massive test in the World Class Title tournament. You will be facing Takeshi Morishima... Can I get your thoughts on that match?

Corino: *With a stern and upset look* I think it's crap. This is my company. Who does Terry think he is selling his majority share out from under me? Who does Godfather think he is firing my now ex wife Rena, my sister, and my right hand man Dave? Well I got news... I will not go down with out a fight. TCW wants to turn on me? I have something for them. How does, Steve Corino "World Class heavyweight Champion" sound?

Val: Sounds like a possibility, but first you have to defeat Morishima...

*DING DING* goes the bell.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is match 2 of 3 tonight in the TCW World Class Heavyweight Championship tournament! Introducing first...

Morishima's music hits.

Announcer: From Tokyo, Japan... TAKESHI MORISHIMA!!!

Morishima calmly walks to the ring and walks up the stairs into the ring. The lights dim as the music stops. The lights go out...


Corino comes out of the tunnel with a Flair-esk robe and is ready for action. Corino calmly walks to the ring skinning his fingers off his chin at the fans as he goes. Corino gets to the steps, hesitates, then walks up and onto the apron. Corino stares at the ref before long the ref realizes he should open the ropes. The ref sits on the second rope and Corino hops through. Corino takes his robe off and hands it to someone at ring side then turns his attention to Morishima who doesn't look the slightest impressed.

TCW World Class Heavyweight Championship Tornament
Takeshi Morishima vs "The King of Old School" Steve Corino
Corino stretches off the ropes and Morishima doesn't move. Corino steps up to Morishima and they lock it up in a collar and elbow tie up. The struggle back and forth a bitch but Morishima gets the advantage and Corino quickly slips out and gets between the ropes demanding the ref get him back.

Morishima steps back and Corino gets out from between the ropes going for another collar and elbow tie up. They struggle but Corino whips around and locks in a chin lock. Morishima fights it and grabs at the hair, the ref slaps his hands every time.

Morishima grabs Corino's lowest hand, rips down and spins around into a wrist lock. Corino yelps in pain as Morishima drops down an elbow onto Corino's elbow forcing it the wrong way. Another elbow! Another! Corino slaps his shoulder as Morishima turns it into a keylock and wrenches hard! Back suplex! Morishima pins...



Corino gets a shoulder up. and rolls out of the ring.

Morishima is stopped by the ref, the ref commands Corino to get back in the ring. Corino rests on the guard rails as Morishima dives through the ropes! Oh! It misses as Corino moves in time. Morishima crashes his head into the guard rails! Corino takes advantage and kicks Morishima a couple times in the ribs before rolling him into the ring. Cover!



Morishima kicks out!

Corino looks frustrated as he stands and lifts Morishima, DDT!




Corino stands up and goes to the middle turnbuckle, leg drop misses! Corino grabs at his ass as Morishima lays there. Both men down, Morishima comes to, Corino is up. Corino pops off with a punch that doesn't faze Morishima. Morishima lays out Corino with a few chops, running senton! Pin!




Corino tries rolling out of the ring, but Morishima catches him. Morishima drops a knee onto Corino's chest and then proceeds to go to the top rope. Looks like moonsault time! But no, Corino rolls out of the way and to the outside of the ring, Morishima looks back and sees, getting down. Corino waves off the match and goes under the ring and finds a chair. The ref instructs Corino to put it away but Corino refuses. The ref counts Corino out.


Corino just stands there with the chair in his hands.


the ref calls for the bell as Corino shouts, "Good job" at the ref. Morishima looks confused as the ref raises his hand.

Announcer: Here is your winner... Takeshi Morishima!

Styles: What happened there? Corino just quit.

Saxton: Corino did the intelligent thing and decided to fight another day. That fat pig was going to squash him and break his ribs even. I applaud Corino for having the guts to exit the match while he still had his health.

Finlay: Saxton have you ever wrestled? Exactly, keep your mouth shut.

Saxton: Pshh...

Finlay: What is that?

Saxton: Nothin...

Takeshi Morishima exits the ring as Corino feints as if he will hit Morishima with the chair. Morishima carefully walks up the ramp looking over his shoulder. Corino sets the chair down, folds it out and takes a seat ring side pointing at the ring.

Corino: Someone bring me a water!


*DING DING* goes the bell.

Announcer: The following is a Titan Tag Team Captain War! The rules are as follows... Four men start the match, One captain from each tag team. After 10 minutes, the 5th Captain from the 5th team enters. The 5th team was decided randomly backstage. If a captain is eliminated, so goes the team. When 2 men are left standing, the other member of the tag team enters the match, and a standard tag team match will be had, where it will be sudden death. First fall wins!

La Resistance music starts to play as Grenier and Depree make their way to the ring, lead by their French sympathizing manager, Rob Conway as he waves the French flag high in the air with cocky pride look on his face. The three men enter the ring and wait.

The lights go dim, smoke fills the entrance way, over the sound system horse steps grow louder and louder. They stop... The horse whinnies as a six shooter is heard being fired. Some southern country rock is blasted as Jay and Mark Briscoe, the Midnight Outlaws make their way out of the tunnel and into the smoke. Mark raises a confederate flag bandanna high in the air as Jay is already mid way down the ramp. Jay makes it in the ring 1st, as Mark makes his way down tossing the bandanna into the crowd, then slides into the ring. Midnight Outlaws stare something fierce at La Resistance.

Generation Me's music plays as the two shoot out of the tunnel, strike a pose and run down the ramp sliding in and posing again in the middle of the ring. Rene Dupree acts as if he will attack, but both Max and Jeremy defend quickly, backing Dupree off.

Techno music pumps through the sound system as ken Doane and John Jeter make their way out the tunnel and down the ramp. The crowd boos as the two flip the bird and yell taunts. Doane and Jeter don't get in the ring however, they walk around to the opposite end of the ring where Steve Corino has sat and both men nod at Corino, Corino nods back.

*BANG BANG BANG* Gun shots go off as Homicide, Hernandez, and manager Shelly Martinez make their way out of the tunnel. Homicide flamboyantly bopping around, throwing up gang signs and leading the way. Shelly is close to Hernandez as hernandez calmly walks down the ramp high fiving a few fans. Homicide slides into the ring and makes his usual "Blllat!" noise. Hernandez follows behind as Shelly stays on the outside.

The ref instructs The Future of Wrestling to get in the ring and they do so. The ref then asks LAX to get out of the ring.

Styles: I assume that Homicide and Hernandez won the lotto and get the wild card spot.

The ref tells the 4 remaining teams that they must choose a captain for their teams. La Resistance huddles with Conway and agree as Dupree leaves the ring and heads up the ramp. As does Jay Briscoe, as does Max Buck, as does John Jeter. The ref then turns his attention to the outside and instructs one of LAX has to leave until the final. Homicide slaps Hernandez on the chest and nods his head, as Homicide leaves up the ramp.

Styles: It looks like Mark Briscoe, Ken Doane, Jeremy Buck, and Sylvain Grenier will start this one out, with Hernandez of LAX getting the 10 minute advantage.

Saxton: And still, Corino sits over there in there chair, what is he doing out here?

TCW Tag Team Title match
LAX vs GenMe vs Future of Wrestling vs La Resistance vs Midnight Outlaws
The ref rings the bell as Sylvain and Doane look at eachother and nod, both men go after Mark Briscoe and Jeremy Buck respectively. Doane and Buck tussle and fall through the ropes at Hernandez feet as Sylvain and Mark are in a collar and elbow tie up.

Sylvain and Mark bull back and forth for an advantage, as Sylvain gets it and bulls Mark into the corner. The ref calls for a stop as Sylvain does and backs away. Mark goes to come out of the corner, but as the refs back is turned, Conway grabs Mark by the ankle. Mark turns around and as he does, Sylvain quickly gets a jump on Mark and clubs him in the back. Sylvain reigns down with a few shots knocking Mark to a knee.

Sylvain goes to grab Mark by the head, but Mark spits off with 2 elbows to the midsection making Sylvain take a step back. mark stands and pops off with a quick standing drop kick and Sylvain rolls to the outside by his manager Conway. Conway tends to Sylvain as on the outside of the ring, to the other end, Buck and Doane are still battling it out. As the ref cant see, Doane low blows Buck.

Ken Doane rolls in the ring and it is just Mark and Doane. Doane runs at mark and Mark drops down and whips off a deep arm drag. Doane pops up himself and peels off his own deep arm drag, following up with a clothes line! Another clothes line! Another! but Mark keeps popping back up!

Doane goes for another clothesline, but Mark gets wise and ducks it. Doane turns around and is met with 4 throat thrust shot, which is then followed by a leg lariat! Mark covers, 1... 2... Kickout! Doane rolls towards the ropes as Sylvain rolls back in to take on Mark Briscoe.

Sylvain pops to his feet and punches Mark in the jaw, Mark comes back with a punch of his own, the two men begin trading shots, the crowd follows along, *yea!* for Mark, *boo!* for Sylvain. Mark peels off with two straight jaw jackers, the 2nd of which spins Sylvain around in a 360, Sylcain though, pops off with a complete shot! Sylvain pins... 1... 2... Kick out!

Sylvain gets up and kicks Mark as he is down, but wait! Jeremy Buck is on the apron and springboards into the ring with a crossbody! 1... 2... TH... Kickout! Sylvain and Buck gets up to their feet quick as the two men lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, which Buck slips out of fairly quick and clean. Mark gets up and helps Jeremy! Both men perform a hip toss on Sylvain, the force, forces Sylvain out of the ring.

Sylvain flops under the bottom rope and to the floor close to Corino's feet. Corino just blankly stares at the man as scratches his chin. Back in the ring, Mark and Jeremy look at eachother and the crowd cheers. Jeremy kicks Mark in the leg and comes off the ropes with a short drop kick to the knee cap! 1... 2... Kickout. Mark gets the shoulder up and Jeremy lifts Mark's head, helping him up. Mark grabs at the knee as he stands, Jeremy comes off the ropes with something in mind, but Ken Doane wraps up Jeremy and slides in.

Doane stomps Jeremy and goes after Mark, he must sense Ken though as he pops off a super kick out of nowhere. Doane falls flat on his back, "timbbeeerrr!!!" style as Mark grabs at his knee and winces in pain. Sylvain rolls in the ring and pins mark. 1... Kick out! Sylvain quickly hops on Doane! 1... 2. Kickout! Sylvain pins Jeremy Buck! 1... Kickout.

Sylvain slams his fist down on the mat in anger as he picks up Jeremy Buck. He puts Jeremy onto his shoulder, facing the ropes. Oh! Sort of modified snake eyes on the ropes. Sylvain tosses Jeremy Buck off for a snake eyes, but rather having Buck's neck get caught on the top rope, choking Jeremy Buck. Jeremy grabs at his neck and rolls around in pain as Sylvain taunts the crowd.

Buck rolls out of the ring to catch his breath and just as Sylvain turns around he is met with Mark Briscoe and a superkick! But no, Sylvain grabs the foot and spins Mark around, clothesline! Sylvain sees Doane getting up and goes for a clothesline, but Doane ducks and hits a neckbreaker slam! Doane pins... 1... 2... No! Kickout! Doane calls for the end as he goes up top for a Sky High Leg Drop! Doane peels off, but no! mark Briscoe out of nowhere with a superkick to Doane in midair! Mark pins... 1... 2... THRE!!! No! Doane kicks out just barely in time.

Mark is frustrated as he gets up to attack Doane but is met with a clubbing blow to the back from Sylvain. Sylvain props Mark on his shoulders, TKO! Sylvain goes for the pin!!! 1... 2... TH!!! No! Jeremy Buck springboards off the ropes and splashes down onto Sylvain. All four men are down in the ring.

Jeremy gets up first, followed by Sylvain, followed by Doane, lastly Mark Briscoe. All four men stand and stare off. Doane goes for Mark and kicks him in the leg, Jeremy gets the upper hand on Sylvain as he ducks a clothesline. Buck grabs Sylvain by the head and hits a neck breaker! He then runs at Doane and hits a drop kick sending him to the outside. Jeremy Buck looks out at the crowd, runs off the opposite ropes for a dive! No! Mark Briscoe is up and hits a chop on Jeremy, flipping him inside out. Mark limps as he comes off the ropes himself for something, but Sylvain grabs his legs and Mark drops face down on the mat. Sylvain rolls in for the pin! 1... 2... NO! Kick out.

We see the clock is down to 30 seconds now. Hernandez starts to get pumped as he jumps up and down, Shelly giving him some words of confidence. Steve Corino looks up at the screen and watches as the clock winds down. the crowd is giddy with anticipation of this beast being in the contest...

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!!!

Hernandez slides into the ring as Sylvain is the 1st person met with a thunderous shot! Hernandez forearms 1st, just plows into Sylvains chest. Jeremy Buck is up! Jeremy Buck is put back down, as Hernandez hits him with a chop to the chest and a punch to the jaw. Ken Doane slides in and bravely stands up to the monster powerhouse as he punches Hernandez, but Hernandez does not feel the effect and comes off the ropes for a shoulder block sending Doane flying out of the ring!

Mark Briscoe is picked up by Hernandez and put up for a border toss! Hernandez looks around and goes to the ropes where Sylvain and Conway are, as Conway is trying to get Sylvain back into the game. OH! Hernandez tosses Mark Briscoes out and onto La Resistance like a rag doll! Ken Doane is back up and clubs Hernandez in the back. Hernandez almost drops to a knee as it catches him off guard. Doane kicks Hernandez in the back of the knee and Hernandez drops to the other knee in pain. Shelly is on the outside jumping up and down screaming. Hernandez pushes Doane off and slingshots off the ropes with a thunderous shoulder block!

Jeremy Buck is on the top rope! Moonsault! Hernandez catches him! Hernandez has Jeremy up and slams down with a Inverted sitout sideslam! Hernandez pops up and tears his shirt off and throws it into the crowd! Sylvain slides into the ring to try and catch Hernandez off guard, but Hernandez turns around, kicks Sylvain in the gut, lifts him up! Sitout powerbomb! 1... 2... THR!!! No! Sylvain kicks out, Hernandez signals the end and goes up top! Hernandez stands straight up, big splash from the top rope! 1... 2... 3!!!

Announcer: Sylvain Grenier has been eliminated, therefor, La Resistance has been ELIMINATED! 4 teams remain!

Ken Doane slides in the ring and chops blocks Hernandez, hernandez drops to a knee, as Doane pops off with a drops kick. Mark Briscoe gets back in the ring and goes to attack Doane, but Doane jumps up and hits a sick RK-Doane! Ken Doane pins... 1... 2... 3!!!

Announcer: Mark Briscoe has been eliminated, therefor, The Midnight Outlaws have been eliminated! 3 teams remain!

Doane poses for the crowd, Jeremy Buck goes to the top rope. Doane doesn't see! Doane turns around, Jeremy Buck peels off with a shooting star press! Doane turns and jumps up! RK-Doane! Hernandez slides in however and shoulder blocks Doane. Buck rolls out of the ring.

Hernandez picks up Doane, Doane punches Hernandez in the midsection, Doane gets up and drop kick! Doane goes fr a pin... 1... 2... Kickout! But Doane waste no time putting Hernandez in a hold, as Doane grabs the arm and wrenches away on a bended knee. Doane has his arm over Hernandez' forearm and his other hand placed on the pit of the arm as he locks in deep and yanks back. Hernandez taps the arm in pain, the ref asks and Hernandez says no.

Hernandez grabs at Doane's hair, but he shakes it off and yanks back harder. Doane then transitions into an armbar! Hernandez feet stomp on the ground as Hernandez yells out in pain. Hernandez is trying to fight out, Hernandez gets to a knee, but Doane still has the arm, Hernandez is standing! But Doane grabs the hand and spins around with a wrist lock. Doane spins around into a rolling armbar!

They are back on the ground in the arm bar, Hernandez in obvious pain. Doane yanks back, and uses his other hand to push the wrist forward. On the outside, Jeremy is starting to come to, as he makes his way on the apron. Doane doesn't notice and just keeps applying the pressure. Shelly is on the outside screaming at Hernandez to fight the pain. Jeremy Buck is on the top turnbuckle! Doane doesn't notice in time! Buck comes off the top with a 450 splash on Doane! Pin! 1... 2... 3!!! The crowd goes nuts as Jeremy Buck grabs his stomach and the ref helps Doane out of the ring. Jeremy backs into the corner as hernandez rolls over grabbing his arm. Shelly half slides in and checks on Hernandez.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Ken Doane has been eliminated, therefore, The Future of Wrestling has been eliminated. it is now time, for the other half of each tag team to make their way down to the ring, for the finale of this match.

Max Buck runs down the ramp 1st and slides in the ring and checks on his brother. Homicide makes his way out and stands by Shelly and talks with Hernandez. Homicide gets up on the apron as Max goes at Hernandez. the ref turns around and see and the tag match begins. Homicide goes to get in the ring as he wants to start the match, but the ref stops him.

Max pulls Hernandez in the middle of the ring, as Jeremy rolls out onto the apron and stands. Max pins Hernandez. 1... 2. Kickout. Max, the much fresher man springs right up and drops down with an elbow onto the shoulder of Hernandez. Springing back up, Max drops a leg down onto the shoulder, Springing up again, Max takes a step back and hits a standing shooting star press! 1... 2... TH! No, Homicide comes in and breaks up the count. The ref pushes Homicide back as Max gets up and drags Hernandez by the leg into his corner.

Max tags Jeremy and Jeremy gets in gently still feeling the effects of the last 20 minutes prior to the final tag match. Max drops a knee onto Hernandez shoulder before he gets out, Jeremy pins... 1... 2... Kickout! Jeremy stands up and kicks the shoulder and arm of hernandez, then locks the arm up in an almost key lock with his leg, before dropping down backwards jerking on the arm and shoulder. Jeremy still has his foot in there as he reaches up for a tag, Max tags in and goes to the top rope! Moonsault off the top rope!

1... 2... Homicide hits a baseball slide on Max! Jeremy pops up and fights Homicide off as the two get broken up by the ref, each man being sent to their corners. Max is on the apron, but stands with the help of the ropes and climbs to the top. Max comes off the top, but with Hernandez good arm, catches him and slams down with a quick one arm powerbomb! Hernandez falls down.

The crowd is split, some for GenMe, some for LAX! Hernandez and Max both crawl to their corners. Shelly is bouncing up and down slamming her hands on the Corino gazes on with a stern look. Each man gets the tag! Jeremy gets in, Homicide gets in, but wait... The ref stops Homicide... The ref is saying that Hernandez did not make the tag, that he was just short. Homicide goes nuts, but he still attack Jeremy anyway with a clothesline. Homicide pops up and is clubbing in the back by Max. Homicide is flung onto the outside by the force and Max then springboards over the top with a crossbody taking Homicide out!

Jeremy gets up from the clubbing blow, Hernandez is up. Hernandez kicks Jeremy in the guy, goes up for a border toss...!!! No, Jeremy slides down and Hernandez turns around only to be met with a drop kick, sending Hernandez back into the corner and into the ref! The ref is out of it!

Shelly runs around to the other side to check on Homicide as both Homicide and Max are pretty out of it on the outside. Corino looks on at Max and Homicide, and into the ring. Max gets up and rolls into the ring as Shelly is trying to get Homicide up. Jeremy lifts Hernandez up, as Max is in and helps. GenMe set Hernandez on on the ropes for a double rope hung DDT! Homicide is up and rolls in the ring! Homicide spins Jeremy around! 187 Cutter! Max lets go of Hernandez and Homicide hits Max with two hard shots to the jaw sending him to the outside. Homicide runs out and topeconhilo!

Hernandez rolls over in the ring and pins Jeremy! 1... 2... 3!!! But no! The ref is still out! Hernandez grabs his arm and gets to a knee. Hernandez grabs at the ref trying to get him to make the count. Corino looks on and stands up. Shelly turns around and looks confused. Corino folds up the chair he has been sitting in and heads to the ring, Shelly tries to stop Corino but Corino pushes her off and Shelly lands on her ass. Steve Corino slides the chair in and Hernandez is still trying to bring the ref back to reality! Corino is right behind Hernandez! Hernandez turns around! *CRASH!* chair shot to the skull! Homicide sees this in horror and runs into the ring. Corino smacks Homicide on the head as he rolls into the ring, causing Homicide to go limp and fall back onto the floor. Corino helps Jeremy Buck onto Hernandez! Corino throws the chair to the outside! He lifts the ref up and over to Hernandez and Jeremy Buck! The ref counts! 1... 2... 3!!!

The bell rings as the crowd is stunned.

Styles: What the hell just happened!?!

Saxton: Isn't it obvious? Godfather fired all of Corino's back up so he just got new back up, I scratch your back, you scratch mine type deal.

Finlay: Steve Corino is a master mind, but here I think he picked the wrong team. I would take Hernandez as an ally over anyone on the roster.

Shelly slides in the ring and tends to Hernandez as Corino gets back into the ring and holds up Jeremy Buck's hand. But Jeremy rips his hand down in confusing.

Styles: I don't know if Jeremy Buck or Max for that matter know what is going on...

Saxton: Of course they do! They are just playing coy, they planned this months ago!

Jeremy shakes his head in shame as he looks down at Hernandez and Shelly, and on the outside Homicide. Jeremy rolls out of the ring and helps Max up. Max doesn't know what happened but realizes they won and raises his hand.

Announcer: Here are your winners and new TCW Tag Team Champions... Generation Me!

Someone hands GenMe the titles as they hobble up the ramp with titles over their shoulders. Corino puts his hands on his hips and rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp his own. Homicide slides in the ring just barely as Shelly tends to him aswell. Shelly helps up Homicide and Homicide and Shelly help up Hernandez. The crowd gives the team a standing "O" as they leave the ring and head up the ramp.

Backstage we see Kevin Steen in jeans and a Steen shirt, Generico is in his trunks and a OLE! shirt. We see them sitting at a round poker table with poker chips, pretzels, beer, ash trays, and playing cards scattered on the table, both men sitting pretty close to eachother. Steen has a cigar in his mouth. The camera turns and we see Traci Brooks, she is semi naked with nothing on but black bra and panties, and a cigar in her mouth. Steen shakes his head and folds.

Traci: OK, Generico?

generico looks at his cards, looks at Traci, looks at the card, Traci, cards, Traci, cards... Steen shakes his head and groans. Generico calls and Traci sits up.

Traci: OK show me what you got hun.

Generico lays out his cards and shows a 2 pair, 2's and 9's. Genrico gets excited as Traci lays out her cards and shows a Spade flush. Generico flips out and stands out of his seat with his hands raised in the air pointing at Traci's bra and pumping his fist. Steen puts his head down and shakes his head, groaning again.

Steen: Dude, you lost....

Generico sits down and shakes his head and points at the cards.

Traci: Flush beats 2 pair sweety. You have to strip. You can take off your pants.

Traci grins and Generico shakes his head.

Generico: Nothing under...

Traci: *laughs* Thats fine!

Generico shakes his head no.

Traci: Well take off the mask.

Generico: No... No... Can't.

Traci: Well someone has to strip.

Steen: Dude, just take off the mask...

generico: No...

The camera comes around and behind Traci looking over her shoulder at Steen and Generico.

Traci: Ahh... Fine.

Traci unclips her bra and tosses it to the side. Steen looks stunned as his jaw drops and his Cigar falls out of his mouth. generico is frozen as he twitches and falls out of his chair. The camera backs out of the room and we cut back to the arena.

Saxton: I want in that poker game! What the hell am I doing here with you two clown!?

Styles: I must admit, I do envy Steen and Generico right now at the moment. However I don't envy Desmond Wolfe. He was the last TCW World Class Champion before being stripped of the title due to the buy out and redo, now he has to climb his way back to the title.

Finlay: I cannot say I agree with the decision to strip him of the title, but we will find out over the next month just how good Desmond Wolfe is.

Backstage SoCal Val is with Tyler Black

Val: I am here with potential TCW North American Champion... Tyler Black. Tonight Tyler, you go one on one with Jerry Lynn to crown a champion. The Pure title has been retired and the North American Championship has taken its place. Now, you did not get much of a shot in the original TCW, is that fair to say? And, what do you think about getting a title shot in your 1st night in the redo?

Black: First of all, I must say you look gorgeous tonight.

Val blushes

Black: I think it is fair to say I did not get the fairest of shots in the original TCW, but what can you do? It was corrupt and run by Steve Corino and his Clan of Batista, Roode, Sable, Allison, The Tolands... And now everyone of the people he had close to him are gone. Fired or turned their back and retired. I can say, that I am greatful of this shot I am getting tonight, and I promise I will do everything I can to win and take advantage of my shot.

The camera fades out as we go back to the arena.

Announcer: The following contest is for 1 fall and is a TCW World Class Tournament match!!!

Kota Ibushi's music hits as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring...

Announcer: From Kagoshima Prefecture, Kota... IBUSHI!!!

Ibushi rolls into the ring and raises his hands high in the air.

The music stops and the arena goes black. The crowd goes wild as a wolf howl booms through the arena and a single flash of lightning shows on the big screen. Wolfe's music starts to play as the light slightly brighten and a single spotlight follows Wolfe down to the ring. Wolfe gets in the ring and holds up two fingers to the camera, takes his blue jacket off and hands his shades to the ref. The spot light turns off and the lights brighten back to normal.

Announcer: And in the ring... From London, England... DESMOND WOLFE!

TCW World Class Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Kota Ibushi vs Desmond Wolfe
The crowd is still on their feet chanting, *Desmond! Desmond!* as Desmond turns his attention to the crowd and holds up two fingers. He looks back at Ibushi and holds up two fingers as Ibushi grins and holds his hand up, Wolfe nods his head and the two men step to the middle of the ring as the ref starts the match by signaling the bell.

Wolfe and Ibushi bump fist in the air, then back up a bit and circle the center of the ring. Ibushi initiates the collar and elbow tie up, shooting in. Wolfe is bigger and taller and gets the advantage pushing Ibushi back a couple steps then down to his knee. Ibushi ever agile slips out and crawls under Wolfe's legs and grabs a leg, Wolfe flops down onto his stomach and Ibushi has an ankle lock in! However Wolfe yanks the foot out of the hold and rolls a little bit away from Ibushi before standing up.

The two men on their feet in opposite corners of the ring now look at eachother, Wolfe nods his head in respect for one upping him. Wolfe shakes his leg and calmly steps to Ibushi before violently locking in a collar and elbow tie up. This time Wolfe wastes no time hitting a knee to Ibushi's gut waffling him over. Wolfe brings Ibushi back up to a standing position just as fast with a quick European Uppercut to the jaw.

This sends Ibushi reeling and into the corner. Wolfe lets loose with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! European Uppercuts, the 5th dropping Ibushi on his ass. Wolfe puts two fingers up and rakes ibushi's face with the boot, then takes a few steps back and runs booting Ibushi right in the face. Wolfe stays there for a moment looking out pleased with himself to this point. Wolfe drops to a knee and nonchalantly covers Ibushi. 1... 2... Kickout!

Ibushi gets the shoulder up and Wolfe goes on the attack by grabbing the arm and putting it in a hammerlock. The ref drops down and asks Ibushi if he feels ready to quit, but Ibushi just shakes his head no. Wolfe yanks on the arm and stands up, only to crash down with his knee into the shoulder blade. Ibushi cries out and the ref asks again, but again ibushi just nods no.

Wolfe keeping the hammerlock in lifts Ibushi up by the hair, taking the arm and then crashing down with a single arm DDT. Cover! 1... 2... Ibushi kicks out and grabs at his wrist and arm. Wolfe grabs the arm, but Ibushi rolls forward and pops up to his feet, but holding onto Wolfe's hand! Ibushi twist as he has Wolfe in a wrist lock. Wolfe grabs at his shoulder and yelps out in pain. But ever the technical genius, Wolfe finds a quick counter and stomps Ibushi's foot forcing Ibushi to let got.

Wolfe quickly comes off the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Ibushi falls but is quick to his feet as Wolfe comes off the next end of ropes and does the same, another Shoulder block taking Ibushi down, only for Ibushi to bounce back up. Once again Wolfe goes to the ropes, this time Ibushi lays down flat, Wolfe hopes over the top of Ibushi and goes off the other end of the ring. Wolfe comes back, Ibushi stands and hops over Wolfe! Back comes Wolfe, Ibushi jumps and crossbody! 1... 2... Kickout!

Ibushi pops up and shakes his arm. Wolfe spins up and onto a knee and Ibushi kicks Wolfe square in the back. Wolfe's shoulder blades pop out and his hands go up as Wolfe moans in pain. With the other leg, Ibushi kicks Wolfe in the chest, sending Wolfe onto his back. Ibushi quickly hops to the top rope and comes off with a moonsault! But Wolfe gets his knees up! Wait! Ibushi lands on his feet and Wolfe lets his guard down, only for Ibushi to hit a standing moonsault! 1... 2... TH! Kickout!

Ibushi shakes his head upset and gets to a knee. Ibushi smacks the chest of Wolfe thunderously once before standing up and turning around, heading for the top rope again. Wolfe however quickly realizes he is in trouble and grabs Ibushi's tights, pulling him down and rolling him up! 1... 2... Kick out! Ibushi hops up upset he was almost caught!

Wolfe goes to stand by getting to a knee, but Ibushi lets loose with a forearm to the chin that rocks Wolfe. Wolfe is in a sitting position as Ibushi stares at Wolfe for a moment, looking back at the ropes. The crowd anticipates as Ibushi comes off the ropes and hits a quick drop kick to a seated Wolfe! Ibushi quickly pins! 1... 2... Kickout!

Wolfe gets his arm up and Ibushi wastes no time in hopping on the back of Wolfe and locking in a Camel Clutch. Wolfe squints his face in pain and reaches for the rope. Ibushi is basically sitting on Wolfe's back as he tries to crawl to the ropes. Wolfe reaches his hand out as his eyes are closed in pain, he is feeling for the ropes! Ibushi just cranks back harder and harder! Wolfe has a hold of the rope. The ref counts he 5 count and Ibushi lets go on 3.

Ibushi still standing over Wolfe sits down swiftly on his back, spreading Wolfe out on the canvas. Ibushi gets up and out of the ring as Wolfe is still under the ropes. The ref demands Ibushi get in the ring as he begins the ten count. Ibushi grabs one of Wolfe's arms and yanks him under the ropes a tad more. Ibushi raises his arm to flex, kisses his muscle and drops and elbow down on the open Wolfe.

The elbow cracks down on the chest and throat area of Wolfe as the ref doesn't agree with what Ibushi is doing. The ref informs him he is in danger of being thrown out. Ibushi just looks up calmly and nods his head in compliance. Ibushi slides into the ring and pulls Wolfe by the leg into the center of the ring and covers. 1... 2.. Kickout.

Ibushi quickly backs up and grabs the ankle again and goes for a ankle lock. He has it in, but Wolfe spins himself on his back and kicks Ibushi off. Ibushi is thrown back and into the corner as Wolfe spins up and to a knee, looks at Ibushi and then to the opposite corner. Wolfe runs to the opposite corner and springs off with a foot, coming back at Ibushi for a sick European uppercut! Ibushi falls in a seated position in the corner as Wolfe measures up and takes a step back, doing a handstand on the top tunbuckle, coming down and placing two boots to Ibushi's chest!

Wolfe grabs Ibushi by the leg and pulls him to the center of the ring and covers with a forearm to the cheek! 1... 2... THR!!! No! Ibushi kicks out and Wolfe frustrated grinds the forearm in Ibushi's eyes. Wolfe pins again. 1... 2... Kickout! Wolfe gets to a knee and adjusts his tights putting the string back in, then picks up Ibushi by the hair. Wolfe yells something in Ibushi's face as he looks pretty out of it. But no! Out of left field Ibushi locks in an T-Bone and explodes for a T-Bone suplex! Ibushi slowly makes it over for a cover... 1... 2... Kickout!

Wolfe gets the shoulder up in time and both men lay there in the middle of the ring. The ref counts them. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... The crowd is rallying Wolfe, some for Ibushi as well. 7... Ibushi is to a knee. 8... Wolfe is to a knee and Ibushi is up. The ref pauses for a moment as Wolfe is up too and the ref stops the count. Ibushi stumbles over and lets lose with a forearm to the cheek! Wolfe is rocked but comes back with a European uppercut! Ibushi is taken aback but comes back with a forearm. Back and forth they trade forearms and uppercuts!

Ibushi really cocks back this time and lets go with a jaw breaking forearm to the cheek. Wolfe is knocked back and into the ropes, Wolfe comes off the ropes quickly. Jaw Breaker Lariat! Out of nowhere! Ibushi gets hit and Wolfe is pretty dazed. The ref is forced to make another 10 count. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Wolfe rolls over and onto Ibushi and the ref quickly drops down to count. 1... 2... THRE!! Ibushi gets the arm up!

Wolfe looks astonished and upset feeling that the count was slow, he makes it clear by looking up at the ref and holding up three fingers. But the ref stands by his decision and shakes his head no, explaining it was only two. Wolfe rolls over and onto a knee, grabbing Ibushi by the hair and lifting him up. Ibushi looks limp.

Wolfe rocks Ibushi with a European uppercut that sends Ibushi to stand at attention. Wolfe comes off the ropes with intentions of ending the match! Jaw Breaker Lariat misses! Ibushi goes Matrix and ducks the blow! Wolfe turns around stunned as Ibushi pops back up and hits a roundhouse kick to the skull! Wolfe drops to the side and Ibushi drops to a knee panting and holding his neck. Ibushi slowly crawls to Wolfe... 1... 2... THR!!! Wolfe kicks out!

Ibushi rolls off of Wolfe and both men are laid out again. Ibushi uses the ropes to get himself up, then goes to the apron and climbs the turnbuckle. Ibushi cuts his throat with his thumb! Firebird 450 Splash! It connects! The ref drops down for a count. 1... 2... THRE!!! No!!! Wolfe gets his foot on the bottom rope. Ibushi thinks he won and gets to his knees and raises his hands.

Ibushi stands up using the ropes and jerks his arm as if it is sore. Ibushi raises his hands and the ref pushes them down explaining to Ibushi that it is not over. Ibushi looks confused as the ref kicks the ropes and tells him Wolfe got his foot on the rope. Wolfe is coming to as he uses the ropes to slowly get up. Wolfe leans back in the corner as the crowd goes wild.

Ibushi shakes his head and scoffs at the ref. Wolfe slides across the ring ropes to the center of the ring, the ref notices and gets out of dodge. Ibushi turns around! Wolfe runs at him for a Jaw Breaker lariat! It misses as Ibushi does the Matrix and ducks it. Wolfe comes off the opposite end ropes after the miss and rebounds off the ropes. Ibushi turns around! Jaw Breaker lariat connects! Wolfe covers! 1... 2... THREE!!!

The ref calls for the bell this one is over as a wolf howl booms through the arena, Wolfe's music plays.

Announcer: Here is your winner and moving on in the tournament to crown a NEW TCW World Class Heavyweight Champion... Desmond WOLFE!!!

Wolfe raises his hands high in the air, but quickly puts them down and grabs at his midsection. The ref grabs his hand and raises it in victory. Ibushi still on the mat holding his neck, the ref checks on him as Wolfe rolls out of the ring, heads up the ramp and leaves all the while he is cheered.

Meanwhile in the ring, the ref helps Ibushi up and out of the ring. Ibushi refuses the refs help any further and walks up the ramp by himself. the crowd gives Ibushi a standing ovation as he leaves into the tunnel.

Styles: Wow, what a spectacular match! I think Ibushi has a bright future in the NEW TCW.

Finlay: But Wolfe's future is even brighter.

Styles: Well, unfortunately for Jerry Lynn and Tyler Black, their job is to follow that act.

Saxton: I used to like Jerry Lynn, he was crazy and ruthless, but now he is a humble old fart. I fully expect him to lose tonight.

Finlay: Watch what you say about us veterans. We paved the way for guys like... Well not you, you're not a wrestler... But guys like Tyler Black.

Saxton: You might have laid down the ground work, but the new guys are the ones who improved on the road.

Styles: Anyway, with that said, lets head to the back with SoCal Val who has Jerry Lynn with her, Val?

Val: Thank you Joey! I am here with the other competitor in tonights main event... Jerry lynn. Jerry how are you?

Lynn: Good Val, you?

Val: I am great! Thank you for asking. I have to ask... You recently had a change of heart since TCW was sold... What happened?

Lynn: Well, I was a bit crazy and I realize that. I needed to work out some demons and I did just that. I apologized to Dolph and we are all squared away. And he knows that new TCW or not, I do plan on getting a rematch with him sometime in the future.

Val: I think I speak for everyone when I say that sounds great. However, tonight your task is no small one when you take on Tyler Black.

Lynn: Tyler is a hell of a talent, but I have beaten great talent before in the past. I may be pushing 50, but I am better than I ever was. All I can say is, I am about to give Tyler hell and I hope for his sake he returns the favor.

Lynn signals to the camera with his pinky, index, and thumb extended as he walks away from camera view leaving Val the only one on camera. Val goes to speak but she is interrupted. A man in torn jeans a self made muscle shirt, and long black, grungy hair walks into frame with his back turned to the camera. Val goes to say his name, but he shushes her. The man then extends his arms as the crowd pops and the camera fades out.

Styles: *sarcastically* Gee... I wonder who that could be.

Saxton: Could be someone who will save this company before it flops again...
*CONTINUED... (sorry didnt realize theres a word count here)*

*DING DING* goes the bell.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your main event, of the evening! The contest will be 1 fall and it is for the TCW North American Heavyweight Championship!

The lights go dim as the beat slowly builds, thumping through the arena. The music goes full speed as some hard rock blasts and Tyler Black comes out of the tunnel pumping his fist.

Announcer: Introducing first... From Buffalo, Iowa... TYLER BLACK!!!

Black walks down the ramp, walks up the steps and gets in the ring patiently awaiting his opponent.

A guitar rift pumps through the arena as the crowd claps to the beat of the drum as it chimes in. An old school 70s rock song pumps through the arena as Jerry Lynn steps out of the tunnel and holds his hand up with his pinky and index finger in the air and the thumb cocked out to the side. Lynn makes his way down the ramp giving a high five or 2 along the way. Lynn slides in the ring and drops to a knee doing the hand taunt.

Announcer: And... The opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota... "The Ronnie James Dio of Professional Wrestling" JERRY LYNN!

Lynn kisses his hand and points to the sky as he stands up and shakes Tyler Blacks hand before being ushered to his corner by the ref.

TCW North America Heavyweight Championship Match
Tyler Black vs Jerry Lynn
Black and Lynn do some last minute stretching as the ref holds up the title for all to see. The bell rings and Black waists no time as he shoots in and spears Lynn! Black holds onto the midsection and transitions to the side headlock and reigns down with a few shots to the side of Lynn's head. The ref warns Black about closed fists, but Black isn't hearing it and just keeps hitting shot after shot.

The ref starts to count the 5, but Black stops the closed fists and keeps the side headlock cinched in. Black grips tighter and Lynn tries to fight, but it is like a snake squeezing tighter and tighter the more the prey fights it. However Black seems to loose a bit of balance and Lynn somehow uses that momentum to be on top for a pin! 1... Black sits back up and is back in the dominant position.

Lynn smacks the back of Black a couple times and already there is a red mark from it. Lynn once again gets some momentum and puts Black on his back for the pin! 1... Black kicks out and goes to sit back up, but Lynn is wise to that and grabs Black by the head with his top leg and puts Black in a head scissors! Black however is quite close to the ropes and easily gets his legs crossed between the bottom rope.

Lynn lets go and stands as he shakes the cobwebs out. Black uses the ropes to stand and is now on the apron of the ring. Lynn grabs ahold of Black with a collar and elbow tie up from this position, but quickly Black yanks back and drops down to the outside forcing Lynn's neck down onto the top rope, sending Lynn back flying.

Lynn grabs his neck as he chokes a bit, starting to stand up and turn around, Black gets on the apron. Lynn is now to his feet and facing Black, Black comes off the ropes with a springboard flying forearm and it connects! Black scrambles to make a cover! 1... 2... Kickout by Jerry Lynn!

Black stands up and looks out at the crowd and tries to fire them up as he runs off the ropes and back towards Lynn! Running shooting star press! It misses, Lynn rolls out of the way and rolls Black up! 1... 2. Kickout! Lynn and Black get to their feet quick. Deep arm drag by Lynn, but Black pops up and hits his own arm drag. They exchange deep arm drags 3 times a piece! The final time, Black arm drags Lynn, Lynn pops up but is met with a standing drop kick that sends him through the ropes and onto the floor.

Black pops up and goes to the ropes looking out at Lynn. The crowd cheers as Black flings himself over the top rope and crossbody planchas onto Lynn! Both men are hurt by the move as it takes a moment for Black to get his barrings and stand up. But Black is up and raises his hands to the crowd. Lynn is moving a bit and holding his head.

Black lifts Lynn by the hair and locks in a belly to back suplex! Black pops the hips, but Lynn locks his foot behind the leg and then counters! Lynn spins around and is behind Black, clubbing him in the back. Black lunges forward as Lynn hits Black with a short arm clothes line to the back of the head. Quickly Lynn rolls in the ring and back out to break the count which was at 7.

Lynn picks Black up by the hair and sets him up, putting Black between his legs. Lynn calls for a cradle piledriver! The crowd goes nuts! But Black lifts up and flips Lynn over. Black drops to a knee to gather himself as Lynn grabs at the small of his back. Tyler Black stands up and rolls into the ring, but back out again to break the count that was t 6. Black kicks Lynn a couple times while he is down, then lifts Lynn up by the hair. Black lets loose with a chop to the chest, and another and another! Sending Lynn back and crashing into the steel steps.

Black lifts Lynn up by the hair and goes to slam Lynn's face into the top steel step! But Lynn counters and grabs Black by the hair, pulling back then rocketing forward with a sort of forward Russian legsweep! Lynn drops to his knees as the force from the blow knocks Black back a bit.

Black lays rolling on the floor as Lynn quickly slides in the ring and back out to break the count at 8. Lynn slowly makes his way to Black on the ground and lifts his hair slowly, the camera gets a great close up shot of Black, hes been buster open and there is blood running down his right eyebrow into his eye and down his cheek. The crowd gasps and some of the sicker fans pop for it.

Lynn rolls Black into the ring and slides in behind quickly making a cover... 1... 2... TH... No! Just a 2 count. The crowd applauds Black's resilience. Lynn gets to a knee and brings Black up with him. Lynn folds Black up and under and puts him up into a crucifix, looks like Gory Special! Wait, Black slides down Lynn's back! Black pushes Lynn and Lynn shoots forward, but not stopping and running through the ropes. Lynn comes back and Black quickly gets a boot up in time! Lynn flips almost out of his shoes and Black falls down after it. Black crawls over and covers... 1... 2... Kickout!

Black sits up and brushes his straight black hair out of his crimson, blood red face. Black stands up and wipes some blood that has accumulated in his eye out and goes to the top rope. Black looks down at Lynn as he stands on the top turnbuckle straight as a board. Corkscrew 450 Splash! Lynn gets his knees up! Black flops around gasping for air, Lynn covers. 1... 2... TH!!! Kickout!

Lynn and Black both lay on the ground as Black is moving more, rolling around a bit holding his stomach. Lynn gets to a knee first and Black follows too. Lynn punches Black in the face, Black punches back. Lynn, Black, Lynn, Black, Lynn, Black, Lynn, Lynn, Lynn. Jerry Lynn lets loose with 3 straight rights to the dome sending Tyler Black off his knee and face first on the mat.

Jerry Lynn stands up and motions for the end, Lynn lifts Black up and puts him between his legs, Cradle Piledriver! No! Black slips away and under Lynn's legs! Lynn turns around! Superkick! Cover! 1... 2... THRE!!! No! Jerry Lynn somehow gets his shoulder up and Black can't believe it, he thought for sure that would do it. Black rubs his bloody eye and looks at his hand inspecting the blood. The site seems to anger him as Black pounds the mat and goes to the top turnbuckle. Black looks for another corkscrew 450 Splash! No! Lynn rolls out of the way again!

Black bows up on his knees and forehead as he grabs his gut shouting in anger and pain. Lynn stumbles to get up as he uses the ropes to do so, Lynn waits a moment and taunts Black to get up. Black slowly but surely makes his way to his feet, Lynn kicks him in the gut! Lynn goes for a spike DDT! Black counters and grabs Lynn's far arm and spins out of the impending doom! Black pulls Lynn in for a reverse DDT! Black lifts up and its a Paroxysm spinning, lifting DDT! Black drapes the arm over and the ref drops down fr a cover! 1... 2... THREE!!!

The ref calls for the bell.

Styles: Wow what a match and what a picture!

Black raises his hands in the air as he lays on his back with a bloody face from the cut above his eye.

Finlay: I have to admit that overcoming a nasty cut like that isn't an easy feat and hats off to that kid for accomplishing something. Jerry Lynn is no walk in the park.

Saxton: Black overcame a lot. Especially when Jerry Lynn cheated and used an illegal weapon to bust Black open.

Finlay: This is my last night and you made it a living hell. I do appreciated that so much Bryan. *Finlay says sarcastically*

Saxton: The name is BYRON!

Styles: Byron shut up and let tyler have his moment!

Kelly Kelly enters the ring all dolled up and in a dress with the North American Title in hand. Jerry Lynn rolls out of the ring and Tyler Black uses the ropes to help himself stand up. Kelly hands Black the title and gives him a peck on the cheek. Black holds the title close to his heart, then raises the title high in the air as Kelly leaves the ring and Tyler Black celebrates.

Styles: Thank you everyone for joining us in the Redo of TCW! Thank you so much and we will see you next week as Adrenaline returns Fridays at 9PM! Finlay, on behalf of myself and everyone here and watching at home, wish you well in the journey ahead of you...

Saxton: I don't...

Styles: Goodnight everyone!

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