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Tired of Chavo losing to Hornswaggle?


Occasional Pre-Show
Is anyone else tired of watching Hornswaggle beat Chavo week after week?

Once ... okay ... that was even much in my opinion ... but Chavo is actually a decent wrestler and he's just looking horrible. They're burying him. No, I lied, he's buried.
Yes I'm getting sick of it.........Sometimes if I were Chavo, i'd rather just quit than job to that f*cko. It's getting stupid with the lil (yes, pun intended) gimmicks. Blindfold, one arm tied behind the back, pants stuck together, what else will they come up with, hornswoggle gets to have a bat and can only use it on chavo's n*ts, while rabid dogs eat at him. I understand its entertainment, but at least be realistic with it.
I kind of like it, provides a bit of happiness and humor to an otherwise bleak, depressing "I hate you, so I'll take your championship." HHH/Cena/Orton story.
It strikes me as payback to the guerrero family for Vickie leaving which in my opinion is just stupid. Chavo is one of the most talented wrestlers on the entire WWE roster and his role is jobber to hornswaggle. The man is a former ECW champion for crying out loud. Eventually this has to end and the way they've buried Chavo i don't see him or hornswaggle lasting in WWE much longer
It's old. I absolutely loathe Hornswoggle. He is, in my mind, the absolute worst of Raw. I change the channel every time he appears because I'm sure what I'm about to see is bad.

I had no problem when he was Finley's aid. He was good at getting Finley heel heat. But now he's just buried people. Jamie Noble hasn't been taken seriously ever since his feud with him and now Chavo is going that same route.

It's the principle of the thing. He's being pushed as an in ring competitor, yet touching him is taboo. Can't do it. It just annoys me I guess. I don't mind stories and fake wrestling. I love them and that's why I'm here. But Hornswoggle winning against Chavo time and time again just crosses the line for me. If WWE wants to lighten the tone, that's fine, but Hornswoggle in my opinion is not the way to go about it.
Holy Hell! I'm glad someone made this thread. Chavo is of the most talented peole in the WWE and hes getting disrespected by losing to a lil' hemroid? WTF?!? He should go to TNA. At least he could compete for a title. And for the love of vagina, FIRE MICHAEL COLE!!!!!! He is completely horrible. Every time he is on, I feel like im getting ear raped!( don't mean to offend anyone)
I didn't realize that there was still a niche for midget wrestling. Vince must be sitting in the back cackling the whole time. It is the only explanation for this disgrace.
its not funny its a wast of time and talent. i hate hornswaggle and i hate verysegment that he has. he's like a little ******ed person.

And for the love of vagina, FIRE MICHAEL COLE!!!!!! He is completely horrible. Every time he is on, I feel like im getting ear raped!( don't mean to offend anyone)

so glad you said this because i hate michaels cole. he said "boom shaqalasha"

wtf is wrong wtih him he is the worst comentator in the history of wrestling. and king said shaq was a 15 time mvp. WHAT!!!!

its a shame that we cant even have good comentator. its not hard. play by play tells us exactly what happening in the match. like what a certain move is called and stuff. the color guy makes comments about the match. y one move was used or how that move would hurt you

un fucking believeable
Guys cmon. Chavo honestly looks happy out there. It's in his blood to wreslte and entertain. He is entertaining the crowd by doing this. WWE always has childish gimmicks like this. Last summer it was Charlie Haas mocking his competitors. This is just to fill in empty time slots and give bathroom/concession breaks. There is nothing else for Chavo to do. The mid-card is pretty much full, as well as the main event. Like you all have said, Chavo is a talented wrestler. We don't need him to be a 47 time WWE champion to prove he's talented. We already know it. So what if he's out there jobbing to a midget.
As far as Chavo goes, I'm so used to him looking dumb that this doesn't bother me at all. He's a talented guy, no doubt, but he's buried so deep he may as well be fossilized. At this point, Chavo scoring a win over Hornswoggle would be considered an upset. Nothing can hurt his career now other than a release so at least he's getting tv time.

As far as Hornswoggle goes, I can't stand him. The only time I've ever been entertained by him was when he was locked in a cage with JBL and got destroyed by him. The day he gets release I will throw a block party in celebration. I hate when he wrestles because 9 times out of 10 he'll win. There is NO ONE on the roster he should be winning against. I know wrestling is fake and we're supposed to check logic at the door, but this midget beating a grown man in a wresting match is too much.
Guys cmon. Chavo honestly looks happy out there. It's in his blood to wreslte and entertain. He is entertaining the crowd by doing this. WWE always has childish gimmicks like this. Last summer it was Charlie Haas mocking his competitors. This is just to fill in empty time slots and give bathroom/concession breaks. There is nothing else for Chavo to do. The mid-card is pretty much full, as well as the main event. Like you all have said, Chavo is a talented wrestler. We don't need him to be a 47 time WWE champion to prove he's talented. We already know it. So what if he's out there jobbing to a midget.

You know, I don't even mind Chavo jobbing, but he should be jobbing to legit wrestlers. He should be putting guys like Evan Bourne or Morrison or some of the new guys over, but not Hornswaggle. What's the point? It doesn't make Hornswoggle legit and it makes Chavo look dumb that he can't take a beating; one frog splash from a 90 pound guy takes him out.
It's old. I absolutely loathe Hornswoggle. He is, in my mind, the absolute worst of Raw. I change the channel every time he appears because I'm sure what I'm about to see is bad.

I had no problem when he was Finley's aid. He was good at getting Finley heel heat. But now he's just buried people. Jamie Noble hasn't been taken seriously ever since his feud with him and now Chavo is going that same route.

It's the principle of the thing. He's being pushed as an in ring competitor, yet touching him is taboo. Can't do it. It just annoys me I guess. I don't mind stories and fake wrestling. I love them and that's why I'm here. But Hornswoggle winning against Chavo time and time again just crosses the line for me. If WWE wants to lighten the tone, that's fine, but Hornswoggle in my opinion is not the way to go about it.

I agree. Why is that when he lands punches or bites someone it's all fine and dandy, but if someone retaliates Lawler or Cole shout "THAT'S ENOUGH! POOR HORNSWAGGLE!"? If he's gonna be a superstar and be put into matches these things are going to happen to him. They should just keep using him for backstage segments, throw Chavo in the US Title picture or anywhere on the mid-card. Hornswaggle works as a manager not a wrestler.
It's old.

Really? pretty sure this started a month ago. That doesn't exactly constitute "old" for me.

I absolutely loathe Hornswoggle. He is, in my mind, the absolute worst of Raw. I change the channel every time he appears because I'm sure what I'm about to see is bad.

Really? Well, kids don't feel the same, and quite frankly, that's who Vince is going after. So, well, tough shit.

I had no problem when he was Finley's aid. He was good at getting Finley heel heat. But now he's just buried people.

Really? He buried people when he was working with Khali? How about JBL? Did he get buried, too? Look, just because some lower card guys are doing jobs, mainly because kids love it, that's no reason to go and fire the dude. Man's only doing his job, and doing it fairly well.

Jamie Noble hasn't been taken seriously ever since his feud with him and now Chavo is going that same route.

Ok, I'm just going to stop you there.... When did people ever take either of those men seriously? At least Chavo's doing matches. Before, he was being Vickie's wheel man. It's kind of a promotion

It's the principle of the thing. He's being pushed as an in ring competitor, yet touching him is taboo. Can't do it.

How's it taboo? People have hit the little guy. But it's more entertaining to, you know, not watch the midget get beat up. No, I'm sorry, that's just really disturbing television when that happens

It just annoys me I guess. I don't mind stories and fake wrestling. I love them and that's why I'm here. But Hornswoggle winning against Chavo time and time again just crosses the line for me. If WWE wants to lighten the tone, that's fine, but Hornswoggle in my opinion is not the way to go about it.

And how's he not the way to go about it? How would you do it? Book him to get stuffed in a paper sack, and have the shit beat out of him?

Sorry... Doesn't strike me as entertaining TV.
I'm not really tired of it. I'm rather indifferent to it. Chavo sucks ass, and hasn't gotten a reaction from that crowd in how long? He was getting mini-boos when he would deal out Vickie's orders. Even then though, those were not even a fourth of what Vickie or Edge would get when they announced the exact same thing. Guerrero isn't over, so he's stuck with Hornswoggle. It's his own damn fault.

The only downside I see is that they seem to be taking time from other matches in order to give The Swoggle 10 minutes out there so that he can mime the current high-score for midget leprechauns going over Mexican wrestlers. I mean, TBK and Kofi got 20 seconds at most. They could have easily cut The Swoggle down to 5 minutes and given TBK and Kofi the same amount of time. A 5 minute win for Kofi is better for everyone involved than a 20 second squash for Kofi. Just sayin'
The program with Chavo is nothing short of pathetic. The guy has talent, and I believe he'd make a good United States/Intercontinental Champion. I'd like to see him bring back the Guerrero gimmick that Eddie made famous: lying, cheating, and stealing. It'd be believable to bring that storyline back with Chavo because he could claim that is was a Guerrero family tradition before, and it will be again.

I'm not saying that Chavo is or should be the next Eddie Guerrero, but following in that same line of storyline and delving into the same actions he did, such as throwing chairs into his opponents' hands as the referee became coherent, would be believable, and entertaining!

I realize this wouldn't sit well with the "kid-friendly" era/message that the WWE is televising right now, but it's fairly obvious that the majority of the fans are tired of this era already anyway.
Well, my opinion seems to be the minority, but I rather enjoy the whole thing, particularly the blindfold match. The reason I say this is the combination of Chavo's straightman vs. Hornswoggle's clown is classic vaudeville slapstick. Do I enjoy Chavo getting taken advantage of by a mischievous little guy who does what so many of us wish we could and get away with it? Yes! It's highly entertaining and besides, it would seem that they're trying to give Horny a singles push and frankly, it's not in any way believable for him to win a match without resorting to some form of trickery. The crowd just wouldn't buy it.

I know a lot of people don't like Hornswoggle, but I personally do, perhaps because of memories of Marx Brothers Movies. The little guy is the Harpo Marx of the WWE. He's completely uninhibited by social niceties, highly unpredictable, often chasing the ladies around (literally) and always pulling pranks on people just because he can. He's one of the most famous midgets in existence and probably the most famous midget wrestler today. WWE's got no "Juniors" division anymore, so he's got to fight the bigger guys. Hence, the trickery and nobody does it better than Hornswoggle.

Besides, yes this whole thing is silly, but given that modern pro wrestling is at least two parts circus anyway, every circus needs its clowns and I think Chavo and Hornswoggle are filling that role very nicely.

And my wife just said she agrees.
Remember when Chavo was a main eventer on ECW? Hey remember when Chavo was the ECW Champion? Good times, hard to believe it now but then he was going over CM Punk and the crowd actually booed Punk and cheered Chavo (NWO 08). Jump forward a year and a couple months and now this shit, when I look back I consider WM24 the death of Chavo just think about it, after he dropped the ECW title to Kane (in 8 seconds) what else did he really ever do? Be in La Familia and get ordered around, that's basically what I remember. Seeing how far he's went since dropping the ECW title and his current state now sadly, I can't see Chavo ever reaching an upper card status ever again.
Yeah I am getting sick of him having to face Hornswaggle. They need to go to the next storyline because it is getting tiring. How many matches can they have? How many ways can they humiliate Chavo?
I'm sickof seeing these Chavo getting buried threads. Do you remember Pepe? This is what Chavo does he is a comedy heel. This shit is funny thats why they do it. If you don't think so I'm sorry but you aren't WWE's only fan.

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