Time to say goodbye.

Theo "Hitman" Mays;1875622 said:
Armbar, you have any of the new stuff from Mattel?

I bought the first set of each series, but honestly they're so bad. They're tiny and half of them look nothing like their real life counterpart. Their attire has really good attention to detail but other than that they fucking suck. Triple h is randomly fucking HUGE, like bigger than the Kane figure.
Yeah from what I've seen the detail is crazy good. I bought the Edge and Big Show set just to check them out and they really went all out on Edge's attire. However wasn't impressed with how small Edge looked. I do like the difference in heights between the figures though. Still prefer Jakks however.
Apparently Jakks was supposed to continue with the classic series but they didn't happen. They're still doing the UFC figures which I'm collecting as well. Mattel has their own classic series coming out but it doesn't look too promising.
Didn't Jakks take over a TNA line? And I believe they are still going through with an NWA classic lines of sorts. I could be mistaken as I really haven't checked anything out, just going from what I've heard.
the REAL question is do you have all the fuckin Old Skizool ones, byyyy...fuck, I cant remember now, I used to know the company by hart. I used to have like 40 of those bitches, AND the ring and championship belt. that was like the only toys I had when i was litte, we found them at various yard sales for like a nickel and ten cents and shit. ownage
If you have any Pillman figures, I'll gladly take those off your hands.

I have one Pillman, he is in the tiger print trunks and white boots and a black vest. The only Pillman they made I believe.

I haven't heard anything about an NWA line Theo, I would totally welcome it though. Your right about Jakks doing the TNA line, it's only in the deluxe style though with the terrible articulation so I haven't pre-ordered any.
the REAL question is do you have all the fuckin Old Skizool ones, byyyy...fuck, I cant remember now, I used to know the company by hart. I used to have like 40 of those bitches, AND the ring and championship belt. that was like the only toys I had when i was litte, we found them at various yard sales for like a nickel and ten cents and shit. ownage

The LJN ones are probably what you are thinking of. They are hard rubber and barely move. I have a lot of those as they were the ones by dad bought me when I was a wee lad. Only about half of those are in boxes though, I got a large quantity of them at yard sales as well.
My brother seriously has every figure made from 2003-2006. I used to have the LJN Hogan, Piper, Savage, Andre, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, and Junkyard Dog. That may be the whole collection. Also liked the smaller ones from LJN and the WCW ones from Galoob. I need a Stan Hansen one. Or Terry Funk.
The LJN ones are probably what you are thinking of. They are hard rubber and barely move. I have a lot of those as they were the ones by dad bought me when I was a wee lad. Only about half of those are in boxes though, I got a large quantity of them at yard sales as well.

Sir yes sir, thems be the ones. Ah, the memoies. Well, til my house burnt down when I was 15. but still.
My brother seriously has every figure made from 2003-2006. I used to have the LJN Hogan, Piper, Savage, Andre, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, and Junkyard Dog. That may be the whole collection. Also liked the smaller ones from LJN and the WCW ones from Galoob. I need a Stan Hansen one. Or Terry Funk.

I don't think they've ever made a Hansen or I would have found that fucker. I have the Funker though. I don't have maybe more than 30 WCW figures, just never liked the hard plastic ones.
That's a cool thing to have Scotty, but it's not LJN, Galoob or Jakks. It's kind of a random figure, which I still wouldn't mind having seeing that I don't have a Hansen.
Remco figures are extremely hard to find in good condition, I'd kill for that Blackwell/Hansen set and the Thunderlips Hogan.
I'm willing to bet virtually everyone shat themselves upon seeing the title of this thread.
Since I was a kid, and I mean maybe 3 years old, I have been collecting wrestling action figures. My dad had a whole giant collection of the hard rubber LJN figures, and he started buying me the Jakks ones as well when they came out. I would spend my allowance on one of two things: video games and or wrestling toys. Eventually I grew old enough to get a job and had my own money so I didn't stop. As of now I have around 2,750 figures. Some were bought in stores, some I had to order online.

I know it's a humorous hobby to have and a bit nerdy, but I just never stopped. I'm getting a new place in a month and I think it might be time to get rid of them. They take up a ridiculous amount of space. What would you guys do with them?
I'm jealous. I wish I had that many. I used to play with mine though, so none of them are in any kind of boxes, and many of them show wear and tear.
I used to have a collection of the old hard plastic figures from Hogan to Beefcake when I was a kid. However me with my stupidity always tended to break them somehow while I played with them. I had about 5 hogans due to that. I also had the first set of Jakks Pacific toys. Then I moved then had to sell them. I MISS THEM!!!!!
You know, I actually thought this was about Armbar leaving. I thought to myself, how dare someone come on for a while, become a good poster and leave. i mean, the nerve of some peop...... oh.....

Nevertheless, Armbar, it's been proven man. Figures get you dates. I promise it

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