Time to rerank the women's division


Championship Contender
I done this a while back, but we've had debuts injuries and more. So simply, how would you rank the Divas??

MOD NOTE: This is a non-spam area. Please also explain why you ranked as you did. If you post only a list you risk having your post deleted and getting a spam infraction.

1) Sasha Banks
2) Bayley
3) Becky Lynch
4) Paige
5) Natalya
6) Asunka
7) Emma
8) Alicia Foxx
10) Dana Brooke
11) Alexa Bliss
12) Nia Jax
13) Naomi
14) Summer Rae
15) Carmella
16) Stamina
17) Nikki Bella
18) Eva Marie
19) Lana
20) Rosa Mendes
1. Charlotte
2. Sasha
3. Bayley
4. Asuka
5. Becky
6. Nattie
7. Emma

The rest don't matter at this point.
I done this a while back, but we've had debuts injuries and more. So simply, how would you rank the Divas??

1) Sasha Banks
2) Bayley
3) Becky Lynch
4) Paige
5) Natalya
6) Asunka
7) Emma
8) Alicia Foxx
10) Dana Brooke
11) Alexa Bliss
12) Nia Jax
13) Naomi
14) Summer Rae
15) Carmella
16) Stamina
17) Nikki Bella
18) Eva Marie
19) Lana
20) Rosa Mendes

Who are these two? And Paige at number 4? She gets one win in 2016 and she deserves to be that high? She's a bottom feeder at best, like Del Rio. They should date each other.
1. Charlotte - The Champ. Question, how is Alicia Fox better? Lol

2. Sasha Banks - Not necessarily the best in ring woman's wrestler, but clearly the most over.

3. Askua - NXT Champ

4. Becky Lynch
5. Bayley
6. Paige
7. Nattie
8. Emma
9. Naomi
10. Nikki Bella
1- Charlotte
She is the WWE Women's champion and deserves #1.
2- Natalya
Clearly the #1 contender right now.
3- Asuka
I'm gonna put the NXT champ right here on the list.
4- Bayley
She will either win her NXT title back or graduate to main roster.
5- Sasha Banks
My favourite personally but has nothing to do right now...
6 & 7- Becky Lynch and Emma ex aequo
Good feud for them.
8- Paige
She's a veteran even if she is kinda young... But she can climb on that list really fast I think.

I won't rank the others cause at this point I think they are all at the same level.
I ranked overall by doing first a ranking by accomplishments, promo skills, in-ring skills, and appearance with points based off said rankings. Accomplishments counted twice, promos and in-ring skill counted once, and appearance counted half in terms of the points. This is to make it to where the overall score would be out of 100. Up to 40 from accomplishment, up to 20 from promos, up to 20 from in-ring, and up to 10 for appearance.


This is based primarily on title reigns and history making. The more main roster titles she has won, the higher she ranks. NXT Womens Championship reigns are considered also, but weighted less than Divas Championship or WWE Womens Championship wins. Ties by main roster divas were broken by title shots, time spent on the main roster, and other things like that. Ties for NXT divas were broken by similar reasons that the main roster diva ties were. The higher she ranks in this, the more points she received. Up to 40 points here, least earned is 2.

NOTE: These are WWE accomplishments, so keep that in mind before mentioning success women like Asuka have had elsewhere. I am ranking their WWE careers.

1. Paige
  • Divas Champion (2 time)
  • Youngest Divas Champion
  • Is on WWE Main Roster
  • NXT Womens Champion (1 time)
  • First NXT Womens Champion

2. Charlotte
  • Divas Champion (1 time)
  • Final Divas Champion
  • WWE Womens Champion (1 time and current)
  • First WWE Womens Champion
  • Is on WWE Main Roster
  • NXT Womens Champion (1 time)

3. Nikki Bella
  • Divas Champion (2 time)
  • Longest reigned Divas Champion
  • Slammy winner (2 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

4. Natalya
  • Divas Champion (1 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

5. Alicia Fox
  • Divas Champion (1 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

6. Bayley
  • NXT Womens Champion (1 time)
  • NXT Year-End Award winner (2 time)

7. Sasha Banks
  • NXT Womens Champion (1 time)
  • NXT Year-End Awards winner (1 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

8. Asuka
  • NXT Womens Champion (1 time and current)

9. Naomi
  • Slammy winner (1 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

10. Rosa Mendes
  • Slammy winner (1 time)
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

11. Becky Lynch
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

12. Summer Rae
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

13. Tamina
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

14. Emma
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

15. Lana
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

16. Eva Marie
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

17. Dana Brooke
  • Is on WWE Main Roster

18. Alexa Bliss

19. Carmella

20. Nia Jax


This should be self-explanatory. Up to 20 points earned here from the higher she ranked, 1 is the least.

1. Sasha Banks
2. Paige
3. Becky Lynch
4. Natalya
5. Bayley
6. Emma
7. Alexa Bliss
8. Charlotte
9. Summer Rae
10. Lana
11. Dana Brooke
12. Eva Marie
13. Nikki Bella
14. Naomi
15. Asuka
16. Carmella
17. Nia Jax
18. Alicia Fox
19. Tamina
20. Rosa Mendes


Same rules here for points as Promo Skills. From 1 to 20 based on ranking.

1. Becky Lynch
2. Natalya
3. Sasha Banks
4. Paige
5. Bayley
6. Emma
7. Asuka
8. Charlotte
9. Alexa Bliss
10. Naomi
11. Summer Rae
12. Dana Brooke
13. Nikki Bella
14. Carmella
15. Alicia Fox
16. Nia Jax
17. Tamina
18. Lana
19. Rosa Mendes
20. Eva Marie


This provided the least points-wise for obvious reasons. It is a matter of opinion as I might find some of these women more attractive than others might, and vice versa. However, it is still something to consider so this portion is worth half the points of Promos or In-Ring Skills. Highest is 10 and the least earned is 0.5 points.

1. Summer Rae
2. Becky Lynch
3. Emma
4. Alexa Bliss
5. Paige
6. Dana Brooke
7. Natalya
8. Bayley
9. Eva Marie
10. Sasha Banks
11. Lana
12. Charlotte
13. Asuka
14. Nikki Bella
15. Carmella
16. Alicia Fox
17. Rosa Mendes
18. Naomi
19. Tamina
20. Nia Jax

Overall Rankings

Alright, here is where it gets interesting and the actual rankings based off the point earned. Keep in mind that this is all my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. We did run into a couple of ties here so they were broken by whoever had the higher Accomplishments score. Also another thing to note is that when I list an Appearance score it is the number of points she got based off that ranking category, when it says Natalya got a 7 out of 10 it means she got 7 points, not that she is a "7 out of 10 in appearance" if that makes sense. Think of the Appearance points as bonus points that got added in, since 90%*of the score is from accomplishments and actual abilities. The highest anyone could have gotten was 90 points. *Now, here we go:

1. Paige
  • 40/40 Accomplishments
  • 19/20 Promos
  • 17/20 In-Ring
  • 8/10 Appearance

84 points total

Paige is the best they have right now, period. In terms of legitimate talent she is in the top tier for both promos and in the ring. How about accomplishments? She is a 2 time Divas Champion, youngest Divas Champion, and first NXT Womens Champion. She has had tremendous success for someone so young and with her legitimate abilities the potential for a fantastic career is there. She'll remain one of the very best as long as she remains in the WWE. Simply put, Paige is the best.

2. Natalya
  • 34/40 Accomplishments
  • 17/20 Promos
  • 19/20 In-Ring
  • 7/10 Appearance

77 points total

Coming in 2nd place is Natalya. Another top tier woman in both of the legitimate skill categories. She has not had the history-making accomplishments of others, so it bumped her down a little for that. However, you don't find very many with as much legitimate skill as Natalya. She's also seen success on the main roster as a former Divas Champion and makes a perfect challenger for any champion.

3. Sasha Banks
  • 28/40 accomplishments
  • 20/20 Promos
  • 18/20 In-Ring
  • 5.5/10 Appearance

71.5 points total

The main thing that hurt Sasha in the rankings is that she has not been as successful on the main roster yet. I see multiple WWE Womens Championship reigns in her future. I have to rank based off what we have actually seen though. She's great in terms of legitimate skill and was highly successful in NXT.

4. Charlotte
  • 38/40 Accomplishments
  • 13/20 Promos
  • 13/20 In-Ring
  • 4.5/10 Appearance

68.5 points total

Extremely successful on the main roster after only a year on there. Charlotte isn't as talented in the ring or in promos as some of the other girls and that is where she lost some points. She made history at this year's Wrestlemania becoming the first WWE Womens Champion (they consider it a new belt, so it is what it is) and I doubt that will be the last story of success we will see with her. Her NXT run was also successful.

5. Bayley
  • 30/40 Accomplishments
  • 16/20 Promos
  • 16/20 In-Ring
  • 6.5/10 Appearance

68.5 points total

Bayley and Charlotte had the same amount of points, so Charlotte ended up ranking higher due to the accomplishment scores. Bayley hasn't made it to the main roster yet but she is the most successful woman of all time in NXT. That combined with her legitimate skill earns her 5th place here. I do predict in future rankings she could very well top the list, depending on how things go for her on the main roster when she gets there.

6. Becky Lynch
  • 20/40 Accomplishments
  • 18/20 Promos
  • 20/20 In-Ring
  • 9.5/10 Appearance

67.5 points total

Becky is a success story waiting to happen. The lack of accomplishments other than having multiple show-stealing title matches is what hurt her overall. She is THE best in the ring and is top tier in promos. I wish I could rank her higher, but this is another case of having to go why what we have actually seen. Fingers are crossed for that WWE Womens Championship reign that she 100% deserves.

7. Nikki Bella
  • 36/40 Accomplishments
  • 8/20 Promos
  • 8/20 In-Ring
  • 3.5/10 Appearance

55.5 points total

As much as I cannot stand her, I have to give credit where it is due. She's improved in the two legitimate skill categories and she *cringes* did have the longest Divas Championship reign, whether she deserves that or not. There's better options whether you look at legitimate skill or even in appearance, nearly all of her points came from her accomplishments.

8. Emma
  • 14/40 Accomplishments
  • 15/20 Promos
  • 15/20 In-Ring
  • 9/10 Appearance

53 points total

Emma's another case of where the lack of accomplishments are what hurt the ranking. She has the skills both in-ring and in promos. The fact that she made it back to the main roster is a good sign, although if she manages to win the WWE Womens Championship or not remains to be seen. I would say she deserves a chance, I fear that the legal incident with the iPad case may keep her away from the title forever sadly. She would already have held the Divas Championship or NXT Womens Championship by now if it wasn't for that. Emma will always make a great challenger for the champions, if anything.

9. Summer Rae
  • 18/40 Accomplishments
  • 12/20 Promos
  • 10/20 In-Ring
  • 10/10 Appearance

50 points total

Summer Rae is a bit under-rated. Now that women more talented than her are making it onto the main roster, she may get lost in the shuffle long-term. No major accomplishments hurt her, and if she remains in the roles she has been in, that won't change. I don't see her winning the WWE Womens Championship anytime soon and that's coming from one of the biggest Summer Rae marks around here. She's the most attractive woman currently on the roster in my opinion, so there's that. Once the newer girls begin making accomplishments on the main roster, Summer will end up dropping lower on rakings like this in the future unless she gets a title win or two of her own.

10. Asuka
  • 26/40 Accomplishments
  • 6/20 promos
  • 14/20 In-Ring
  • 4/10 Appearance

50 points total

Asuka and Summer Rae both had 50 points. The only reason Summer beat Asuka is because Asuka is not on the main roster yet. Once she gets there, it's only a matter of time before her ranking would skyrocket. For now, we have a successful NXT run and great in-ring skills to go by. She's not the best verbally in promos, but that's ok. Her in-ring skill make up for it and I see at least one WWE Womens Championship reign for her in the future when she gets to the main roster.

11. Alicia Fox
  • 32/40 Accomplishments
  • 3/20 Promos
  • 6/20 In-Ring
  • 2.5/10 Appearance

43.5 points total

Alicia Fox's a former Divas Champion and that's the main reason she ranked as high as she did. There's much better options when you look at legitimate skill. Once the new girls catch up to her in accomplishments, she'll be further down on future rankings. I seriously doubt we will see her win another title.

12. Naomi
  • 24/40 Accomplishments
  • 7/20 Promos
  • 11/20 In-Ring
  • 1.5/10 Appearance

43.5 points total

Naomi and Alicia had the same amount of points, but Naomi has not won a title yet. I hope it stays that way. While she has improved, the new girls coming in from NXT are all better than her. She'll likely be much further down in future rankings.

13. Alexa Bliss
  • 6/40 Accomplishments
  • 14/20 Promos
  • 12/20 In-Ring
  • 8.5/10 Appearance

40.5 points total

Alexa has had a decent NXT run but has not held any titles yet and has not made it to the main roster. She certainly has the skills, but until there's a major accomplishment other than NXT Championship title shots there is nothing else to really go by. She makes a good heel challenger for the NXT Championship for now.

14. Dana Brooke
  • 8/40 Accomplishments
  • 10/20 Promos
  • 9/20 In-Ring
  • 7.5/10 Appearance

34.5 points total

The fact that Dana made it to the main roster bumped up her accomplishments score some. She has yet to win a title and still has a little improving to do to catch up to the others in legitimate skills, but she's gotten better since her NXT debut. I am unsure if she will ever hold the WWE Womens Championship but she'll make a good heel challenger for face champions.

15. Lana
  • 12/40 Accomplishments
  • 11/20 promos
  • 3/20 In-Ring
  • 5/10 Appearance

31 points total

No major accomplishments other than being on the main roster and best known for managing Rusev. If they keep her primarily in the managerial role (which is quite likely) she'll be further down on future rankings since the others will begin getting more accomplishments. There's better options for title pushes. Her promos really aren't bad, and heels like Rusev will benefit from her managing them.

16. Rosa Mendes
  • 22/40 Accomplishments
  • 1/20 Promos
  • 2/20 In-Ring
  • 2/10 Appearance

27 points total

Rosa's biggest accomplishment (unless you count her Slammy Award as a bigger achievement) is somehow still having a job after doing absolutely nothing for 8 years. She sucks at promos, she sucks in the ring, and really brings nothing to the table. She's been on the main roster for a good while yet others have not made it yet and that's the main reason she didn't come in dead last.

17. Eva Marie
  • 10/40 Accomplishments
  • 9/20 Promos
  • 1/20 In-Ring
  • 6/10 Appearance

26 points total

Say what you will about her in-ring skills (dead last at the moment) but Eva is good at heel promos and she made it back to the main roster. There are better options for title pushes and it will probably stay that way, unless WWE wants to capitalize on her heel heat. The fans HATE her. I think she'll be better off as a manager utilizing those promo skills.

18. Tamina
  • 16/40 Accomplishments
  • 2/20 Promos
  • 4/20 In-Ring
  • 1/10 Appearance

23 points total

Nothing in terms of accomplishments other than a few Divas Championship title shots. Tamina makes an ok enforcer but she's bottom tier in both legitimate skill categories. She has a lot of catching up to do now that more talented new girls are coming to the main roster. She's in last place out of the main roster women and I predict that doesn't change in future rankings.

19. Carmella
  • 4/40 Accomplishments
  • 5/20 Promos
  • 7/20 In-Ring
  • 3/10 Appearance

19 points total

I won't go as far as to say that Carmella sucks, but there's better options even in NXT. She hasn't made it to the main roster yet and when she does I don't see her doing anything outside of managing Enzo & Cass. Maybe she'll work a match here and there, but she'd get lost in the shuffle and there's plenty of women who are better than her.

20. Nia Jax
  • 2/40 Accomplishments
  • 4/20 Promos
  • 5/20 In-Ring
  • 0.5/10 Appearance

11.5 points total

Yeah, I'm not the biggest Nia Jax fan. She still sucks, although I do see the potential for some success in the future. There's better heels in NXT and she has not gotten to the main roster yet. When you compare what we have actually seen from her all we can go by are NXT Womens Championship shots, and when you look at all the women on the main roster as well as the top NXT women, Nia comes in last for now.
I'll only include the women relevant to the division (RAW and NXT) at the moment. The two previous rankings come from old "rank the divas" threads, completely subjective.

1. Paige

Previous rankings: 2, 2

She consistently gets a good reaction from the live crowd, she never disappoints in the ring when given time, and she's acquired quite the following through social media thanks to Total Divas. Coupling this with the fact that she's only 23 there's really no where to go but up. The division is a bit congested right now, which I consider a good thing, with plenty of women worthy of the top spot but she's had plenty of exposure in the past (add in nagging injuries) so she's been on the back burner for awhile. With a recent win over Charlotte on Monday though it looks like she'll be getting more involved which I look forward to, even if it's not actually for the title.

2. Sasha Banks

Previous ranking: 5, 1

Though the hype for her had died down a bit her last few months in NXT (that's about the time I started watching) is still fresh in my mind. The only thing that can, and has, tripped her up is the issue of booking. Like I said the division (NXT and Main Roster) is flooded with talent and with only one title around creative has to find a way to keep as many women relevant as possible even with without being in the title picture. They're doing a good job with that right now with Becky Lynch/Emma/Dana, which is just more proof of how a congested division can be a good and bad thing. Still, when Sasha is given a time to truly shine with the belt she'll be hard to top.

3. Bayley

Previous rankings: 6, 3

It'll be easy to stick Bayley in a more comedic/non-serious threat to the title role, but I think it'd be a much better ride watching her navigate the "evils" of the main roster all the while chasing the title. She never fails to entertain and will surely have the crowd eating out of her hand when she's called up.

4. Becky Lynch

Previous rankings: 12, 6

I've been pleasantly surprised at how well they've handled Becky since she's joined the main roster. From PCB till now she's been pretty solidly booked as the fiery "lass kicker" even when she, often, comes up short. Like I said above, at the moment she's the best example of creative using 3 women even when it's not directly tied to the title. It may not be thought of often, but much like Bayley and Banks when Becky wins the title I think it'll be a pretty big moment.

5. Asuka

Previous ranking: 7

"The Future" indeed. I fear them turning this complete badass into a comedic character, but since things are looking up for now I'll give creative the benefit of the doubt. Her in-ring work certainly doesn't need my praise, and her mic skills aren't even a problem because she'll rarely need to give any sort of long winded promo. Just a :)

6. Charlotte

Precious rankings: 1, 4

This may seem like a pretty low ranking but I've actually enjoyed her reign for the most part. Yes Flair has worn out his welcome and yes this feud with Natalya is being painfully drawn out just for Bret/Flair but, the ending is among us my friends. A clean win over Natalya will be enough to quiet the doubts of her father being the only reason she's champ, just in time for her to lose the belt to her next opponent. She'll probably get lost in the shuffle for a little while afterwards but when she's back in the spotlight, in one fashion or another, she'll do fine.

7. Emma

Previous rankings: 7, 9

Again, color me surprised with how well they're handling heel Emma. It's nothing ground breaking but twice as much as they wold have done in the not so distant past. I don't think she'll be capturing the Women's title anytime soon, or even in the distant future, but she's still a solid hand to have around.

8. Natalya

Previous rankings: 10, 11

Nattie Nattie Nattie Nattie Nattie. It didn't take me long to stop scratching my head at this being the feud of choice after Mania for reasons already started, but still :shrug: As I've watched this feud unfold I can only think of how happy Natalya will be to have something to talk about on TD and how glad I'll be when it's over. It's nothing bad, but you know it's just a bump in the road for Charlotte, and if Natalya were to capture the belt... ugh. It probably sounds like I hate her or something but I don't, she's great in the ring but she does nothing that I wouldn't rather see at least 10 other women doing instead.

9. Alexa Bliss

Previous rankings: 15, 8

I think Alexa has really grown into her character down in NXT, she's coming off really natural and can be pretty impressive in the ring. If they don't keep this up when she comes to the main roster it'll be easier for her to get lost in the shuffle as the cute-as-a-button blonde.

10. Carmella

Previous rankings: 17, 15

I like Carmella. She's charismatic and not too shabby in the ring. She'll probably be staying in NXT to prove herself as more than Enzo and Cass's third wheel, which is a decision I like the more I think about it. I doubt she'll be lighting the title scene on fire, in Nxt or RAW, but she's another good talent to have around.

11. Dana Brooke

Previous rankings: 20, 12

Dana's another good hand to have around and could potentially grow into a title contender but it'll take some time. I still don't feel that she's coming off as natural as she should be at this point, but she's still relatively new and has plenty of time to improve.

12. Nia Jax

Previous rankings: 18

I know a lot of people are still unsure about her but I enjoyed her title match with Bayley and think that she's in a fine position as of now. She's been nothing more than the monster heel/body guard up till now and there's nothing wrong with that. It'll be fun to see her challenging for the title after she's been given time to develop.

13. Eva Marie

Previous rankings: 16, 20

She's undoubtedly improved since coming to NXT, but it is hard to argue with her detractors since she's improved from being really, really bad. I'll give credit where it's due though with only one warning: chill. Her match with Asuka was... odd to say the least. Keep Eva in Eva's lane and she should be fine, but going above and beyond what's plausible for her will hurt more than anything.
1. Charlotte
2. Nikki Bella
3. Natalya
4. Emma
5. Becky Lynch

Top 5 is all i can do.. Charlotte is clearly the best, no other women comes close to her.. It was hard putting Becky in the top 5 considering how awkward she is with her promo skills and facial expressions. Becky trying to fire up the crowd is one of the worst things i've seen in wrestling.
1.Sasha Banks: The best overall Diva IMO, She has it all, the in-ring talent, the look, the promo skills, the it-factor and last but certainly not least She knows who She is in the ring and has an excellent character , She also excels at being the villain but is fully capable of being a huge Babyface. Sooner rather than later I hope She finds Her way to the top of the Women's Division. I not only believe She can dominate but transend the Division it's self and become a Mega Star for the WWE and truly usher in the golden age for Women in professional wrestling.

2.Natalya: Simply outstanding in the ring as stated above She has a level of polish to Her in ring style that is usually reserved for Her male counterparts. The only knock on Her is that She is possibly the most bland Diva on the entire roster. Never thought She got the respect She deserves or the full opportunity to showcase the apex of Her ability. Now seemingly at the twilight of Her career I guess the WWE wasted the chance to create something special with Her. Glad She recently got a chance at showcasing Her considerable talent against Charlotte for the Championship, as unlikely as it is I would love to see Her get a Title reign even if it is transitional.

3.Becky Lynch: There is something that I just like about Becky, great in the ring and has a unique character, has some character development issues but nothing that can not be fixed. I think She should be back in NXT in Asuka's spot, representing there brand as Champion. Waiting for Her inevitable call-up and not playing the lovable underdog that can't win the big one.I hope She gets the chance to shine but WWE doesn't seem to be as high on Her as Her other Four HorseWomen Sisters.

4.Paige: Like Sasha I think Paige is an complete package, good on the mic, excellent in the ring, and knows who She is as an competitor, still needs a little work but She has been the most consistent competitor in the Women's Division and will stay along the top tier for years to come.

5.Charlotte: Say what You want but Charlotte is one of the best Women on the roster IMO and I don't think she's overrated so much as I believe that she is a tad bit out of Her depth. Her character has improved considerably since the paring with Her legendary Father.Her in-ring work could use a little refining but overall I think She very talented and has proven that She can have five star matches and even out perform Women I consider to be superior in the ring from time to time.

Sara Amato: Better known as Sara Del Rey is arguably the greatest American Women's Wrestler to never complete in the WWE. She has Her signature all over the new Diva's, they have improved exponentially under Her care, I would love to see Her get in a run on the main roster but alas maybe She is a little too old and not traditionally as beautiful as the WWE likes there Women.

Sarah Stock: Better known as Sarita in TNA or Dark Angel in other promotions around the world is now the head Female Trainer for The Training Center and NXT. She is young, talented and beautiful enough to standout in WWE's main roster so i'm not sure why She has chosen to stay behind the scenes but i'm sure She can help elevate and train the Diva's of the future.

7.Nikki Bella
10.Adrienne Reese
11.Peyton Royce
13.Billie Kay
14.Alicia Fox
15.Liv Morgan
16.Nia Jax
18.Gionna Daddio
19.Summer Rae
21.Dana Brooke
22.Alexa Bliss
25.Stephanie McMahon
26.Rosa Mendez
27.Daria Berenato
28.Mandy Rose
29.Sara Lee
30.NIcola Glencross

Non Wrestling Women

Eden StIles
Dasha Fuentes
Andrea DiMarco
Lillian Garcia
Rene Young
Cathy Kelley
1) Paige - she can go in the ring, she gets a reaction and she's become a solid fixture. They could put the title on her any time and it'd fit.
2) Natalya - solid solid wrestler, and she's not marketed as hot totty like so many of their women
3) Becky Lynch - I like her style so far, she's got a decent style and was my favourite in the WM triple header.
1. Sasha Banks
2. Nikki Bella
3. Charlotte
4. Emma
5. Bayley
6. Natalya
7. Paige
8. Becky Lynch
9. Asunka
10. Dana Brooke

No need to go beyond 10.
I done this a while back, but we've had debuts injuries and more. So simply, how would you rank the Divas??

1) Sasha Banks
2) Bayley
3) Becky Lynch
4) Paige
5) Natalya
6) Asunka
7) Emma
8) Alicia Foxx
10) Dana Brooke
11) Alexa Bliss
12) Nia Jax
13) Naomi
14) Summer Rae
15) Carmella
16) Stamina
17) Nikki Bella
18) Eva Marie
19) Lana
20) Rosa Mendes

Charlotte at 9? Behind Alicia Fox? Are you kidding?

1. Charlotte
2. Sasha
3. Becky
4. Natalya
5. Paige
6. Asuka
7. Bayley
8. Emma
9. Dana Brooke
10. Nia Jax

After that, it doesn't matter at the moment. Nikki Bella could be right back in the mix IF she comes back from her injury. These 10 are enough to keep the Women's Division interesting for a while. It's enough to even EVENTUALLY add a second woman's title, like a Women's Tag Team Championship, to add more to the division with all the talent they actually have now.

I think they need a 1 hour show on the WWE Network dedicated JUST to the women to build on them more than the 10 minutes they get on Raw and Smackdown.
1. Charlotte
2. The rest

Until the Nature Girl misses a step in her strut, until the Queen of the WWE is dethroned, until the Champion loses her Title, Charlotte will be ranked number 1 in my opinion. I also rank Roman Reigns as the number 1 male SuperStar currently, so take that for what it is.


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