Time To Push Jack Swagger - Part 2!


Dark Match Jobber
Right folks, Jack swagger's wrestling ability is second to none, he indeed is in the kurt angle frame, but after his first whc win he never really was over. This man's ability is being wasted so it is time for a push in 2012. I believe he needs a real nasty aggressive persona. It is predicted chris jericho will return so how about a faction with jericho, ziggler and swagger. Get jericho to put swagger over, have him attack a few superstars to start his new aggressive persona. give jericho the wwe title on raw and swagger the whc on smackdown and get ziggler to retain his united states championship. Call the faction 'the invincables', Just an idea for swagger because I believe he is going nowhere. I wouldnt mind seeing kane vs swagger at wrestlemania. get swagger to cost kane the royal rumble match and attack kane setting up this match.

What you all think?
Woah there Sunshine! Calm yourself before we end up with another Ryan69 Cody Mark (Jokes of course I love that guy).
Jack Swagger is indeed talented and he is indeed an all American American (What an overconfident title for success.... I hate this about the yanks). But Jack Swagger being second to none in wrestling ability is not only debatable but down right ludicrous. No matter what way you look at it, he is still a very young man with a lot to learn, the Kurt Angle comparison is something that has been put on his character... he is an amateur wrestling champion with an American patriotic persona with the attire and move set (a move set that is likely scripted and limited by WWE officials in order to keep him in KayFabe character... example the Ankle Lock)...much like Angle.

I am not saying he does not deserve a push. I believe he is not far off another push since he will probably retain Vickie when (if) Ziggler ditches her, she will gain him heat. I am just saying that your views on Swagger, albeit a personal opinion which you have every right to...... is in my personal opinion very jaded and bias.
Swagger should not enter into a faction (invincibles really?..) and he certainly does not deserve a 1 on 1 Wrestlemania feud. For starters Swagger is way too far out of favour with the crowd this close to Mania to even comprehend giving him that type of match. A bit part player in a MITB, Tag Team match or an outside interference maybe but HEEEELLL NO.

Don’t get me wrong here, Jack Swagger is a good talent and I think that his title run was outrageously underrated. I was honestly gutted for him when Big Show was destroying his childhood memorabilia ( I know KAYFABE ) and I thought he was quite believable as a cowardly HEEL pouncing on an injured Rey Mysterio and getting lucky against the Big Show. I didn’t think it was a failure in terms of a title run but a good first shot to keep him in mind as a former champion much like The Miz. It is what has happened to him since losing the title that has all but ruined his career. Christ knows what happened, and I hope that it is reversible.

What I think Swagger needs to do to get back in favour and I hope get over.
Stop with the Kurt Angle Comparitives. I.E. Change
Ring Attire
Ankle Lock (Most Boring and Overused Submission EVER EVER EVER)
American Flag Entrance VT
Ok, pretty much everything apparently.

Nobody gives two flying turds about being an ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN anymore…. By all means during Promo’s you may reference these accolades in an attempt to intimidate your opponent but let’s remember that this is no longer who you are. Get some more trademark moves, string together a few moves much like Kane, Taker, Punk, Orton, Cena all have that make the crowd recognise when shits gonna happen! (seriously why haven’t the rest of the roster worked out by now how well this works?).
I am not a big fan of Swagger but I MARK OUT when he goes for a Swagger Bomb… this move is brilliant!

Jack Swagger needs a MASSIVE change but regardless of this I am expecting another Swagger Push a little while after Wrestlemania…but not before, and not for the Main Event but back up the Upper MidCard, Intercontinental and U.S. titles.
No!! Please I can not stomach another Jack Swagger push. The man simply does not have it and if he did, he lost it thanks to all the stupid booking he's been through. The guy comes across as a joke. He's a lot closer to that dude from tought enough that went to harvard than Kurt Angle. He has a lisp and looks like a douche bag. Whenever his music hits i hit the fast forward button on the DVR. His name alone is probably the second worse next to Michael McGillicutty. Jack Swagger? That's his name. Future endeavors should be his future. That or he will be a jobber to the stars.
Jack Swagger has world championship potential with the right CONSISTENT push. Too bad the clowns running the WWE forgot how to create stars these days with their spastic start-stop and aborted pushes. He never should have won the world title already. He should have received a sustained, consistent push over a couple of years, with some mid-card title reigns throughout, instead of hot-shotting him to the World Title when he wasn't ready yet, then quickly taking it off him when the fools in "creative" realized they made a mistake.

I'd also like to see him get a new submission finishing hold. Then injure and put on the shelf some jobbers by refusing to let go of the hold ala 1994 Bob Backlund with the Cross Face Chicken Wing.

Another idea would be to give him Kurt Angle's old music and have him rip off the "American Hero" gimmick. People would hate him for stealing Angle's music / gimmick 100%. He could call himself the "greatest American hero of all time" to further the hate.
I also thought the mascot he used to bring out was hilarious. It would be great to give him another mascot (the same or different) who would interfere in matches and help him cheat to win.
i was thinking, and i came up with (imo) a decent and different idea.

with punk, bryan and ryder all seeming as the underdog and grouping together, why not have a stable feud with all three titles involved, with ziggler, swagger and someone else (possibly christian). you can have ziggler feuding with punk, swagger with bryan and mcintyre with ryder, and mix it up every couple of weeks. maybe at elimination chamber, have it like a 3 on 3 elimination tag team match inside the elimination chamber, and any of the champions who are eliminated lose the title to whoever got the pin. Its a way of making it interesting again, lifting bryan, ryder, christian and swagger and having ziggler/punk carry a bit
I like Swagger. He has the skills and he is funny, but that lisp kills him. Dusty and Cody worked through it, but it just ruins his charisma. He needs a manager that brings heat like a mother and he can be a top heel. People already hate to see him. I just don't know how you can make him a better star.
A shot in the dark could be turning Swagger face by having him feud with a jealous Ziggler (Due to Vickie Guerrero's Management), which is something that has already been teased. The matches these two guys could put on would be amazing, and this would sure help the rise of both men. Finally, have the feud culminate at a PPV, perhaps Wrestlemania, with both men eventually abandoning Vickie and she hopefully moves onto another failing heel that needs cheap heat, because by this point neither Ziggler nor Swagger will need her, not that Ziggler ever did...
At the PPV have either men win, it's not entirely important who does, as by this point, both men should be over based solely on the matches they'd been putting on. Finally, allow them to have a re-match the next night on Raw, if the match was good enough, which in my eyes... it would be. Then, have the opposite guy to who won at the PPV win this match. Finally, have Swagger move over to Smackdown (where he'd be more likely to get a mainevent push due to their lack of maineventers in comparison to Raw) and either turn him heel again by attacking Orton/Sheamus, thus setting up a feud with them, or keep him face and have him feud with Barrett in a USA VS UK feud. The All-American verses The Englishman. Could work.
Jack Swagger has world championship potential with the right CONSISTENT push. Too bad the clowns running the WWE forgot how to create stars these days with their spastic start-stop and aborted pushes.

Forgot how to create stars? Wait, what? How about Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler, chugging along to main-event inevitability? How about Zack Ryder, forgotten one moment, US champ the next? How about Mark Henry? How about the Miz? How about CM Punk?

Swagger's match with Show the other week was good but he's essentially Dolph's Nattie, eating all the losses so his more gifted buddy doesn't have to, add to that the fact he struggles on the mic and I think it will take some extensive repackaging to get him back to main event level.

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