Jack Swagger's push is over

I'm not as impressed with Swagger as some people are but I think he has alot of potential which is something I don't see from Sheamus. Swagger is very athletic and has shown some signs of greatness in the ring. His match with Cena about a year ago was great and he looked believable dominating Cena for almost the entire match and that was when he was still a very new guy. His lisp might be holding him back but he's still decent on the mic despite the lisp.

I'd rather WWE push Swagger who has the potential to be a star for the next 10 years rather than the Irish version of Kozlov.
Why would they drop the ball on Swagger? its pointless, I know I'm stating the obvious but, they shouldn't have moved him from ECW, it was the worst idea they could comme up with. now im contradicting my self. he had it all in ECW, he was champion for 3 months, there was nothing left for him. I think right now he should have the United States Championship. He deserves it more than miz. but Miz is being booked really well as champion. it is dare I say interesting what the miz is doing. Swagger should've been moved to Smackdown, there he could have quality feuds with the likes of mysterio, R-Truth, CM Punk, Finlay, heck even Escobar. i just think hes being killed by creative. Hopefully he is released and he should become a "wwe reject" in TNA and be pushed decently.
Jack Swagger's push was over the first time it was proclaimed "I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!" When the crowd started to get into him, even if it is hoping to see him get his ass handed to him, Swagger was done. Especially when Vince realized that The All American American had a speech impediment and you can't get over in this business without being good on the mic, like it or not.
I'm not getting this. Swagger must be in the doghouse or something. He's got a great look and is still charismatic, but I guess he ticked someone off backstage or maybe he's been half assing during his matches, ala Carlito. Either way, if this is the case, then it's tragic. They actually featured a CHRIS MASTERS face turn on Raw and not one second of Jack Swagger? That intrigues me. And makes me wonder if he's in the doghouse or not.
This is the 2nd straight Swagger-less Raw isn't it? That is a shame. Swagger has the tools to be a star in the biz. Hopefully the E doesn't give up on him. Maybe we see him drafted whenever the next draft occurs. Not sure if he will thrive on SD or not and I really don't want to see him demoted back to ECW. Maybe we have a repackage in the making and Swagger can have a strong showing in 2010.
Swagger is so much more deserving of a push than Sheamus. It's been pointed out several times & should be obvious to everyone watching RAW: Swagger = Better Than Sheamus. He's got solid in-ring ability & he's not bad on the mic. Honestly, I think the lisp actually ADDS to his character. Get him & Masters in the ring together, and get them both moving up the ladder. Swagger deserves to be in the main event sooner than any of the new guys IMO.

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