Time for WWE to pay Reggie Parks a visit

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Not that there's anything wrong with the current belts. Well, except for the Spinner belt... But even still it represented an Era that people liked so it kind of worked for me...

However, as it's been known, the WWE has the itch to redesign the WWE title every so often. Over the course of time the WWWF, WWF, and WWE title has been redesigned at least 6 times, with the more recent updates coming every few years.

With that said, the IC and US titles have also been updated as have the tag team titles to fit their modern day fan base.

So this post here is to discuss what you would like to see if (and when) the WWE decides to change title looks.

Again, there's no problem with the titles... and this post is just an opinionated topic as I know in the title redesign post, a lot of people agreed that wwe titles need a change. Here are what I'd like.

Raw Titles

WWE Title: Lose the spin. With Sheamus as the current champion, now is the perfect time to give the WWE title an update. Give the classic dome shape with the WWE title across the globe, or maybe even put it back to the old Undisputed title look. Point being, it needs to be redone without the spinner.

US Title: I like this belt, especially on The Miz, but I can't help but get the feel that it's telling me to look down. Not to mention, I never could find anything wrong with the old WCW style US title. To me, it worked a lot better and gave it a unique look.

Tag Titles: Make an Undisputed title look. The belts have been Unified since 2009's WrestleMania and they still use the two belts. The titles aren't defended on Smackdown anymore anyway so why not just give them a solid design. I'm very positive that J-Mar can make you some nice belts, or if you want to do a serious upgrade, Reggie Parks is very affordable.

Diva's title: IT SUCKS... unless it's around Maryse's waist cause it looks nice... but still, what happens when you get a diva like Melina to hold the title? It just wouldn't look right IMO. In which case, it's time for an update. Maybe make a pink strapped title, which I think would be pretty sweet.

Smackdown Titles

World Title: Do NOTHING to this title. The world title is the oldest title in the game and dates back to WWE's NWA routes. The only reason the WWE should change this is to let it look good around Kane, but even then the World title looks fine to me. To this day, I say the World title is the best designed title in WWE, or hell the entire wrestling world.

IC Title: I like the look, but it's just ran its course. The title needs to lose the Egg shape as it's kind of weird looking and after seeing other promotions and even WWE using the same shape for their woman's titles, I say an update is in store.

Women's Title: I guess if you're going to do redesigns for it, make it a bit more legit looking. The Women's title in WWE is the top title for a women's wrestler... In which case, you should make it feel as if it means something. Give it a few more diamonds or something.

That's what I think should be done, but again, the current ones don't bother me that much. I like the current designs, but if they were to update these are what I want to see.
I really really want them to bring back the eagle wwe championship. That championship is good looking and it really looks legit. The current wwe championship looks like a freaking plastic toy. It matches cena with his old rapper gimmick, but on sheamus? Sheamus looks like a White, white rapper with that shit on him.
The only titles i don't like are the WWE and the tag team belts. They should make one tag title and i think it should be the world tag title. I always liked the undisputed WWE championship and i think they should bring it back and stop using the spinner that doesn't even spin.
I have a problem with the WWE Champ...when I see it..I think John Cena...its his belt...

I know they wont go back to the attitude belt or the winged eagle, but maybe like an upgraded version of either would be better...or simply get the undisputed look better...It looked mental on Brock..i think it would look good on Sheamus..

The unified tag titles..Im not too fussy..

And I just with they bring the old US title design..it just looked heavy...but I know bringing back something that was WCW isn't what WWE do..
I think the only Championship that I would change would the WWE Championship. I recall a little while ago, people were talking about this exact same subject and I think the general consensus was that it was desperately in need of changing. The WWE had it’s moment with that belt and the people buying the merchandise just ate it up. I mean, people of all ages just loved how fresh it loved and it tied in nicely to the new era of the WWE. However, I think that the time to change this belt has come and whilst we are still very much embroiled in the PG-era of the WWE, I just think it makes sense to change it with all of the new faces coming into the main event scene.

Someone said it best when they thought that the Spinner Championship, whilst not being able to spin anymore, has become synonymous with John Cena. Personally, I think that is bang-on and I think if John Cena is going to be out of the Championship picture for a while, then it could make sense to change the Championship look now. With people like The Miz perhaps gaining the Championship, you could easily write the script for the change and it could even be done using Sheamus if they so chose.

Personally, I am one of the biggest Cena marks on the internet but I am becoming sick of looking at the WWE Championship. It is just so exaggerated in it’s features and it does remind me of a toy at times. I say bring back the Eagle Championship that they had during the Attitude Era. That was a beautiful Championship but I think I wouldn’t mind seeing a new design for the belt.

The only other Championship I would change is possibly the tag titles. I don’t think there is the need for 4 Championships to be held by two guys and I think they should be merged into two belts to be worn by the Champions. That is unless they are going to split them up in the future and that is why I am so hesitant to committing to changing them at all.
I agree with changing the WWE Championship belt and the Tag belts. If they are unified you only need two instead of four.

The Spinner belt almost reminds me of the Diva belt and needs less bling.
So basically, you want them to change all the titles except the WHC?

I disagree with that. It'd be way too much change. I do think it's time to update the WWE championship though, within the next year. The spinner doesn't spin anymore so I don't know why people bitch about it, but the belt does scream "CENA!" and it doesn't really look right on anyone else(except Sheamus for some reason). I also agree that they should just go ahead and make one set of tag belts. I don't care if there is a new one or if they get rid of one of the pairs they have, just have one freakin' set.

Back to the WWE championship- I'm all for nostalgia but I am also for progression. There should be a new belt, and by new belt I don't mean going back to any of the old designs. Create a totally new design to fit this day and age.

PS random off the wall question- would anybody else think it'd be cool if one of the belts had like an LED screen for the name plate? I think that'd be pretty cool.
So basically, you want them to change all the titles except the WHC?

Well not all at once lol... just over time

I disagree with that. It'd be way too much change. I do think it's time to update the WWE championship though, within the next year. The spinner doesn't spin anymore so I don't know why people bitch about it, but the belt does scream "CENA!" and it doesn't really look right on anyone else(except Sheamus for some reason). I also agree that they should just go ahead and make one set of tag belts. I don't care if there is a new one or if they get rid of one of the pairs they have, just have one freakin' set.

Agreed, although I don't bitch about it spinning I just bitch that it looks like a toy... which it does.

Back to the WWE championship- I'm all for nostalgia but I am also for progression. There should be a new belt, and by new belt I don't mean going back to any of the old designs. Create a totally new design to fit this day and age.

Yes, but one would expect it to be cheaper to go with a previous design.

PS random off the wall question- would anybody else think it'd be cool if one of the belts had like an LED screen for the name plate? I think that'd be pretty cool.

It would, but with the Shots to the head it would probably break easy. But who knows, maybe it could work.

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