Time for Benjamin to Cross the Line?

I would mark out for a Team Angle reunion! But in the long run I don’t think it would work a second time but it’d still be cool to see for a week or 2.

The thing with Shelton is he doesn’t seem to have as much passion for the business as he once had, he doesn’t seem to mind being a jobber or a mid carder. It’s not his dream to be world champ, he just wants to get paid. I’d be a fan of his in TNA but I don’t think he’d even make the main event scene over there, especially with guys like RVD and Hardy who are so much better than him. He could be great but it’s all up to Shelton.
There is a lot Shelton can do in TNA. Bring in Haas, and they can be feuding with Beer Money. You guys can't tell me that you wouldn't want to see the World's Greatest Tag Team vs Beer Money. Put him in singles competition and Shelton could do wonders in the x-division.

You guys saying Shelton has no passion are full of crap. How can you tell? All he's been allowed to do lately is job. I'll grant you Shelton cannot cut a promo to save his life, but he can put on one hell of a match.
For fuck's sake this always happens, a WWE employee is released and two minutes later there's a thread saying how they should go to TNA, and people wonder why some people call TNA a place full of ex WWE employees. TNA shouldn't grab every ex WWE employee, they should only get the ones that can genuinly help their product.

I'm not knocking Benjamen he's great in the ring but shit on the mic, ROH would better suit him where there's little talk and more wrestling.

Haha this just makes me laugh. Sure signing people from WWE who have been released is the way TNA goes, but think about it. If you were in charage of signing talent to TNA, would you.........

A) sign some no name nobody has heard of before and gradually make him a star

B) Sign somebody who has a name that people will know to help build the product quicker?

You dont have to answer that cuz we all know the answer. Its just funny how ppl come in here and hate everytime WWE releases someone and starts a comment about them going to TNA.

You have to use your coconut and think sometimes
While having TWGTT in TNA would be cool, upon further inspection I don't see the point.

TNA doesn't have enough TV time for their existing tag teams! Unless they get Explosion on for an hour on Thursday, their roster is just too damn big anyways. Their existing tag teams:

-Beer Money
-Motor City Machine Guns
-Generation Me
-LAX (getting reformed)
-Team 3D
-The Band

Not to mention that Matt Morgan is already holding the tag belts! Of all of these teams, who exactly would you put Haas & Shelton in over?

Well let's breakdown your post.

Beer Money. Best Tag Team on the planet. Nope.
As you point out many people consider Beer Money the best tag team around at the moment, in fact Flair even described them as such in a promo before lockdown, so perhaps the World's Greatest Tag Team show up and suddenly you've got an instant feud that can not only introduce TNA's audience to Haas and Benjamin but help Beer Money by getting over some slightly better known competition.

Motor City Machine Guns. I'm a mark but they're awesome and unique. Nope.
MCMG are a young unqiue team who make use mostly of high-flying moves, again WGTT an be placed into a feud with them in a similar manner to what Doug Williams had been doing in the X-division proclaiming mat wrestling to be superior to high-flying. Which will get them a fair amount of heat as a heel team.

Team 3D. They're old but extremely famous/over. They don't suck in the ring. Nope.
Team 3D plays the same angle they've done for years arguing that WGTT aren't as good as them and should show them respect (not something I really want to see but it worked before and will probably work again)

Latin-American Exchange. Another strong and homegrown tag team from TNA that has two differing styles. Plus both of these guys talk better than TWGTT. Nope.
LOL at the idea that Hernadez and Homicide are better talkers than Benjamin and Haas. Neither team is particularly good mic-wise. But Hernandez has almost no emotion when it comes to cutting promos and Homicide is just plain awful. In the ring this would a be a good feud, especially if WGTT take the High-road heel persona and argue that LAX are thugs not wrestlers.

Generation Me. These guys bring just as much to the ring as Shelton when it comes to high-flying moves and are much younger. They also just made a recent commitment to these guys so I don't see it happening. Shelton does have better name value but these guys are up and comers so I don't see it happening.
Gen Me have won 1 match the whole time they've been in TNA. Aside from matches against MCMG they're a jobber team who tend to be added to multi-tags to add some spots for the audience. WGTT could easily feud with them in the same way I suggested for the MCMG calling them spot-monkeys or a circus act and showing them how to win with technical skill.

The Band. Look, I know they're old and I know TWGTT is definitely better in the ring. But these guys have serious name value and Nash and Hall look better now than any point in the past 5 years. You can make an argument here based on in-ring abilities (by a mile) but exposure-wise the nWo is much stronger.
The Band are involved in a feud with EY, but suppose they piss off Kurt Angle when he returns, who better than Team Angle to stand up to The Band and show them the meaning of wrestling and the Three I's.

So why should TNA shell out money for another under-used tag team when they don't have enough air time for their current guys?

If Shelton comes to TNA, he should go right into the X Division against Samoa Joe and Kazarian because that appears to be the only fit to me. And that would be great because Shelton would be a lot of fun to watch in an X setting.

As for Haas? Well unless Kurt wants him like he did a few months back, I don't see the point right now in putting their tag team together again.

Preparing to be mauled by the legions of IWC Benjamin marks in 5......4......3.......2......1........

So whilst I get your point about air-time the fact is that TNA's tag team scene needs a fresh team, they added GenMe but they're jobbers that's it. WGTT would be a great edition to TNA, whether it's a Heel tag team, a stable with Kurt Angle, a face tag team or even Benjamin alone as a singles competitor. The point is Shelton would be used quite well in TNA. TNA does have an over blown roster but that's because a huge number of their roster are on pay as you play contracts. Benjamin would probably get signed to a more appropriate deal due to name value and support from Angle. So I personally I hope to see Haas and Benjamin in TNA in the near future.
Hmmm.....I'm thinking more along the lines of bringing Elix Skipper back and pair him with Shelton. They wrestled similar crazy-ass styles and had a similar look. I only say this because TNA's most lacking division is the Tag division, so that could provide another boost in something WWE doesn't even care about, tag-teams
Benjamin did nothing much memorable in WWE so I'm not sad to see him go and it was a long time coming. I don't know if I would go to TNA right away if I were him. TNA seriously needs to decrease their roster because it's full of X-Division and tag team guys who aren't doing shit right now and Shelton will quickly fall into that group. Maybe next year would be better but I don't know about right now.
Haha this just makes me laugh. Sure signing people from WWE who have been released is the way TNA goes, but think about it. If you were in charage of signing talent to TNA, would you.........

A) sign some no name nobody has heard of before and gradually make him a star

B) Sign somebody who has a name that people will know to help build the product quicker?

You dont have to answer that cuz we all know the answer. Its just funny how ppl come in here and hate everytime WWE releases someone and starts a comment about them going to TNA.

You have to use your coconut and think sometimes

I'd sign someone who I saw potential in, whether they were a no name or not. People like Burke/Pope didn't have much to go on when they were in WWE but there was some potential there and it was capitalised on, people like RVD are a big name and good in the ring and on the mic so they can help your product. Benjamen has been doing the same thing for six years with no noticeable improvements, the only difference is his hair colour.
honestly i think this is the best thing for both shelton and tna...tna gets another great athlete and shelton will get a home where he will be appreciated at...its no brainer he will cross the line
Shelton Benjamin is good in the ring but he just wasn't really able to get over in the WWE. It's not as if the WWE didn't give him quality opponents when trying to get him over. Rob Van Dam, Triple H, Chris Jericho, etc. Benjamin defeated Chris Jericho to win the Intercontinental Championship for the first time, held it for 244 days and nobody gave a crap. When Benjamin and Haas were over as a tag team, it was back when they called themselves Team Angle. A big reason why they were over in the first place was because of their association with Kurt Angle. His last title run started in the summer of 2008 by winning the United States Championship on Smackdown. Benjamin held the title for 240 days and nobody really cared. He'd wrestle often, but he just never went anywhere. Benjamin is good in the ring, but he has the personality of an expired jar of mayonaise.

As Little Jerry Lawler said, TNA's roster is roughly the same size as the WWE's now. They mostly have a lot of guys signed that they don't do shit with and just adding Shelton Benjamin to that list isn't going to do him or them any favors. Maybe if they trim the fat somewhat and bring Benajamin in afterward, it might be more beneficial.
I have an idea that I think would be hilarious and probably work anyways as a way to launch Shelton Benjamin in TNA. Needless to say I think they should sign him, he's talented enough and I think they need all the talent they can get.

So, I think that in order to really do something with this guy that is going to introduce him in a big way you need to put him in what will be a meaningful feud. This is why the guy to bring him in against is going to be Orlando Jordan. We all know this guy's gimmick so I need not explain, but it's rather controversial.

For this reason we will bring in Shelton Benjamin who at one time was called "The Gold Standard" and call him:

"The Moral Standard" Shelton Benjamin. Who would take shots at Orlando Jordan for obvious reasons upholding that he is going to maintain "The Moral Standard" in TNA. Not only would that be rather controversial but it would shock people in a big way. I think the nickname would work for him, and that would be a good way to get people interested in him.

Eventually as well he could join The Pope D'angelo Dinero and feud against Beer Money Inc. Think of that "The Moral Standard" and "The Pope", subtle but effective. I didn't think of anything past that but what a way to get that train rolling. Tell me what you think.
Shelton was released because he can't promote himself, and no one likes managers anymore, apparently. He's got some moves, he's got a decent look, but he can't talk to save his life. He's done nothing of note but get burned by Swagger after his title win. I've admired his work in ring, but it takes more than that to succeed in this industry.

That being said, I feel TNA is a natural fit for him, more than many who already have crossed the line. Is this time for him to cross that line as well? No, it will be when his no-compete clause expires, though. TNA could do much worse in way of ex-WWE (and in some cases already has).
Is the WWE just TRYING to help TNA? I mean really, okay, let's disregard the following people. Hogan, Bischoff, Foley, Hall, Nash, Team 3-D, RVD, Sting, X-Pac...Now, with that being said, the WWE seems to be losing a lot of really "talented" wrestlers, NOT personalities. If the WWE isn't careful, it's going to be HHH, Orton, Cena & Batista with The Big Show, Jericho and maybe The Miz and Morrison rounding things out. So comparetively speaking, TNA is going to start kicking into high gear. Now, I'm not saying Shelton is the person to make this happen and by all means, he should go to TNA and he'll probably suceed and be happier, but stil...Be careful WWE. Too many stars are leaving.

First of all, really??? I hope this is a joke. You can't possibly think HHH, Orton, Cena, etc. would jump ship from the biggest wrestling company on the planet to a promotion that can barely draw a 1.0 rating on Monday nights. Miz, Morrison, aren't going anywhere either. What stars are leaving? And Hogan, Bischoff, Dudleys, Hall, Nash, XPac, RVD havent been in the E for years. Sting never was a member of the WWE. I don't really get what the hell you're trying to get across here.

As far as the subject of this thread, Shelton would fit in wonderfully with all the other spot monkeys in the X Division. He won't make too much of an impact though. The man has no charisma, and couldn't cut a promo to save his life. He's decent in the ring but not this god that the IWC tries to make him out to be. Theres a reason he never got above holding a mid card title. He's not over with the general wrestling fan. HHH tried to put the guy over and that didn't work. Trips was the biggest star/heel in the WWE at the time too. All in all, there's some interesting things he could do in TNA. As mentioned, reformation of WGTT or Team Angle(if Haas were to be signed, which hasn't happened), and would be right at home in the X Division. I think TNA had a guy similar to Shelton before though, his name was Elix Skipper. They're basically the same guy.

I don't hate Benjamin. Not at all. He's a decent mid carder. But that's all he is. Never will draw, and will never headline shows. So, it doesn't make much of a difference if he goes to TNA or not. And theres always the possibility he resigns with the WWE.
If Batista is really leaving WWE it would be so ill to see him and Benjamin pop up on TNA together kind of how Hall and Nash did in WCW.
While I think it would be a great career choice for Shelton to join TNA, it would only solidify their reputation as a former-WWE wasteland. I prefer TNA, honestly, it's different. Christian and Kurt Angle are the select few who left for TNA on their own volition. Had Shelton done the same he might have saved face for himself and TNA. It's ok, we'll still get to see Benjamin vs. RVD again!

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