Throwback Thursday


Behold my diction
Fun is fun, especially when it brings back fun memories of fun times back when fun was still fun.

Every Thursday, or every other Thursday, or whenever I feel like it, I'll share a video of an older match that was fun for me.

Here's a fun match full of fun, Samoa Joe vs Low-Ki from Ring of Honor's Glory by Honor event that was held way back in 2002.


Do you have a fun match from the great beyond that is "before"? Go ahead and share it! It might not be Thursday where you are, but it may as well be given how we rely on the horribly inaccurate Gregorian Calendar.

I'm pretty sure it was this one, but this match jump started my interest in TNA. I was still a young fan at the time, and this match provided me with something new and outrageous, with players who weren't from the WWE. And I wanted to see more.
I find I tend to ramble on about this match a lot in my posts so I'll go ahead and drop it here.

Well, fiddlesticks. I missed Thursday.

You know what? SCREW IT! I'm going to share a fun match from yesteryear even though it's clearly not an appropriate day to do so, obsessive compulsive disorder be damned!

There was that one time that The Undertaker joined forces with Iraq during the Gulf War, and it was fun.


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