Thoughts on watching my first TNA program


Championship Contender
Well, Tonite i actually watched my FIRST TNA tv program. I keep up with it but only reading through spoilers. And iv been a wrestling fan since HBK and Jannetty was togather. But always a WWE/F fan..But i watched tonites Impact and LOVED it..I had no idea that TNA had such awsome athletes and wrestlers. I lvoed the Motor City Machineguns/Beer Money match..I can say that MCMG is by far my favorite tag team in all of wrestling right now..Beer Money a close second. Iv always been a fan of Mr. Anderson and i thought the Anderson/Pope/Morgan match kicked ass as well..The main even was pretty awsome too. Being a fan of the Attitude Era in WWF seeing the viol;ence and blood brought back memories...

But there was a few bad remarks..I HATE the Impact setting..Small budget. I hate when something is not done live as well.

The best thing can happen, a WWE/TNA take over (much like the WWE/WCW takeover)...Vince needs to BUY TNA, make it live, move into arenas and then we would see some awsome tv along with awsome booking and sets. WWE being PG rating is watering it down..TNA seems more wicked,...Please Vince...BUY TNA OUT!!

Imma new TNA fan after tonite..MCMG 4 LIFE!!

Dude...that would suck. You just said you watched TNA for the first time and liked all those things, do you not realise that everything you said you liked is everything the WWE doesn't do? The WWE hates tag wrestling, they hate violence. If Vince McMahon bought TNA he would ruin it, just like he ruins everything. Beside that TNA would never sell out to the WWE, TNA's whole concept revolves around them not being anything like the WWE. If TNA ever got purchased everything would suck all over again.
Glad you liked it. Continue watching it and post in the weekly live discussions (LD) if ya feel like it. Post your thoughts about iMPACT in the TNA section more often.

And be sure to spread the word about TNA iMPACT.
Dude...that would suck. You just said you watched TNA for the first time and liked all those things, do you not realise that everything you said you liked is everything the WWE doesn't do? The WWE hates tag wrestling, they hate violence. If Vince McMahon bought TNA he would ruin it, just like he ruins everything. Beside that TNA would never sell out to the WWE, TNA's whole concept revolves around them not being anything like the WWE. If TNA ever got purchased everything would suck all over again.

exactly what I was thinking...for some reason XFL pops into m head lol but yea....this dude should have started watching when they were live in march...only good thing about tna not being live on mondays is now i dont have to choose between wrestling and football
Glad you liked the show, but like the other posters mentioned... Vince needs to stay as far away from TNA as possible...

If he were to buy TNA it would have to fall under the E umbrella and knowing Vince, He'd move all the reject WWE wrestlers there and probably have Khali be the next World Champion... All the Tag teams would be fired...

Hell, he wouldn't even let them have a show... He'd do another failed invasion thing with a few of the good workers in TNA and then fire em one by

TNA is head and shoulders above WWE in entertainment value, they just need to work on advertising and production...

Tell your friends about TNA!!
Hopefully, TNA's ratings for this week are better than the norm, and provoke them to put on more shows like this. This was, far and away, the best episode of TNA Impact! I have ever seen.
If this was your first Impact then you witnessed an amazing bout but in my opinion this show was way too overhyped. Other than the Beer Money vs MCMG match there was nothing spectacular. AJ vs Angle usually provides a much bigger match but I think we've seen it so much there's nothing new left to see, Madison vs Angelina was the typical knockout match, The Triple Threat was basically a handicap match for most of the time and was really short but Morgan winning was a big surprise. Jeff vs Shannon was great but they could have had someone new actually debut here so I didn't expect Shannon here. Main event was ok but it was just a lot of spots and that's a reason I don't really like hardcore wrestling. Ending was great though with Abyss taking out RVD.
Hi guys, I'm new to the Wrestlezone forums having watched the posts about various subjects, I've decided to sign and post. I'm a mark for Wrestling in general, my thoughts on WWE are not at it's highest as it is on TNA right now. And has been for afew years now, however at a later date when I reach my post count to create threads I will note down my thoughts on both companies.

However based on this current thread, to counter the original post and to concur on many other posts so far. WWE should stay as far away from TNA as humanly possible. We've seen what they did with their version of ECW. Which was horrible at the best of times. To say WWE should take over is rather ill minded in my opinion. We've all seen yes the WWE makes stars, course it does because it has 5+ hours of television in the United States in comparision to TNA's 3 hours of television of which one hour is more or less a re-cap show (at the moment.)

Of course there are many factors but at the end of the day, TNA must capitalize on what WWE doesn't and that is what the fans want. A majority of the IWC would agree they wanted an ECW type thing happening in TNA, they got it and yet they still weren't happy but I loved it. I thought it could've been done a million times better but to say the WWE did a better job is utter bull. What did John Cena ever have to do with TNA? So why would John Cena be on "One Night Stand"? He shouldn't have been.

I am yet to see this week's TNA broadcast, being from the UK we don't get the show until Saturday night here on Bravo but from what I've read on the spoilers it looked like a great show as does next week's show. Ratings will go up gradually. I took the WWE 20 years to get to a level that was considered a success, TNA have been around 8 years and based on that, they are more successful than the WWE was in it's 8th year of it's business life.

I hope this post was ok and readable. It is my first and I hope to delve more into subjects but I wanted to keep this short and sweet. Thanks for your time.
I was going to make a thread JUST like this after watching for my first time last night! ********eeeeeeeeeeee lol. It wasn't my first time ever watching, but my first full show.

I agreee with you on behalf of you would rather watch if live, I also prefer watching it live, it's one of the reasons I make sure I never miss a RAW. But no, Vicne shouldn't buy it out. They should just, do everything good themselves, and make Vince try harder to dish out better stuff, and the TNA to the same.

Anyways I must agree that tag match was epic, prob my favorite match, and I enjoyed the beatdown at the end of the show, it made me lol quite the bit. I can now officially say I will no longer be so biased towards TNA, they are not THAT bad.
The best thing can happen, a WWE/TNA take over (much like the WWE/WCW takeover)...Vince needs to BUY TNA, make it live, move into arenas and then we would see some awsome tv along with awsome booking and sets. WWE being PG rating is watering it down..TNA seems more wicked,...Please Vince...BUY TNA OUT!!

You know all those things you loved about TNA? They would all effectively go away if Vince bought out the company. Maybe not right away... he has got to throw the "cretins" a bit of a bone like he did when ECW was revived in 06. Rest assured though... within 6-12 months you'd see several big names on the roster disappear. Some of those names might make it to WWE programming where they'll flounder in the mid-card or be jobbed out to the "homegrown" stars. Others will be "future endeavored", only to be seen in other independent promotions.

Admittedly, Vince does a pretty good job at providing his product for his core audience. Anything outside of that scope... not so much. He either attempts to mold it into his own image and if that's not successful, kill it outright. Those highlights you noted from the TNA broadcast last night? They'd be all but gone within a year, as Vince puts absolutely no value in any of them.
I'm ecstatic you enjoyed the show and moreso that you're an apparent TNA fan now, but you've got to be kidding me with the "Vince should buy it" nonsense. That's exactly what put the wrestling business in the shitter for a nearly a decade following the collapse (and purchase) of the WCW. Competition is the catalyst for creativity – last thing on earth I want to see is yet another reasonably competitive company (WCW, ECW) fall to the Goliath and end up chewed up and spit out because of it. Fans suffer most when that happens, just as they did when it happened with ECW and when it happened with WCW especially.
Yes, last nights show was stellar for TNA. I hope they follow thru with the story lines. That's always been my biggest complaint with TNA. They never have any closure with their stories. I agree with most of you on here in that if Vince were to buy TNA, all the good stuff would be gone, at least until Linda's Senate race is over...
If TNA can keep up it's current pace they will become that little engine that could. TNA! TNA! TNA! Now if I could just get them to come to California again!!!!:banghead:
TNA is my favorite. has been for a while now. However wwe programming is the best its since like 2006. Haha. What i feel is TNA did just fine on mondays live. Ratings werent as high as thursdays cuz of raw. So Ynot go live Thursdays? TNA is special so special. But for all of you that don't want vince to buyout TNA...

He's not going to. HE HAS MONEY IN TNA!!!! Realize that people. No doubt in my mind somewhere somehow Vince realized that after 3 years of ruling the wrestling world and being the only company on tv, It was boring. No competition. His programming and work recieved soooo much more criticism because it was the only programming on 2 nights a week and eventually 3.

He needs TNA to keep up the progress it has made. My only problem is he treats the one who went to TNA like crap except Jeff HArdy. Look at Christian, how much longer do we have to wait for hime to be World champion. Honestly 2 or 3 more years. And K-Kwik (ummm.. ughugh excuse me) R-Truth dont think he ever gon have a title on his waist but yet he the first ever NWATNA Champion.
Welcome to the club! Last night's TNA was crazy good! The MCMG and Beer Money series was off the chain and match 5 culminated without a doubt the best tag-team match series I've ever seen and I've been watching wrestling since the old World Class days of the Von Erichs and Freebirds. RVD/Abyss is going to turn out to be a classic rivalry and boy did EV2.0 bleed last night at the hands of Fortune. Of course, the guys from EV2 bleeding is nothing new but one thing that is new is when did Matt Morgan and Doug Williams become members of Fortune or are they members? I thought it was only AJ, Kazarian, and Beer Money? Interesting. I've said this before and I'll say it again...TNA is growing in popularity right now because they can offer stuff that WWE can't and won't. WWE would never have a beat-down bloody segment like what took place to end IMPACT last night because of its PG rating. Also, TNA can safely say that they are going to kick someone's ass and get away with it because of Spike TV's edgy attitude. TNA is doing the right thing by doing what WWE won't and that is deliver a product with an attitude.
He's not going to. HE HAS MONEY IN TNA!!!! Realize that people. No doubt in my mind somewhere somehow Vince realized that after 3 years of ruling the wrestling world and being the only company on tv, It was boring. No competition. His programming and work recieved soooo much more criticism because it was the only programming on 2 nights a week and eventually 3.
Another ******ed conspiracy of Vince owns TNA? Really? Do you people really believe this or do you think you come off as funny?

Anyway the last thing Vince should do is buy TNA. It's a different thing than we get on Monday or Friday nights. It looks different, it feels different. It's a good thing. I'm glad that they are starting to once again show good focus in their stories because I miss the days of the old TNA when Raven had his 4 year quest for his "destiny" and the twists and turns you never saw coming.
I agree with the OP that I am a new TNA fan because I also grew up witht he Attitude Era and Impact reminds me of some of the good old days. I also agree Impact should go live eventually because the spoilers do just that, spoil it. I have stopped reading them them as much as before to remedy that. I don't think Vince needs to buy it though. I do like WWE as well, but it is nice having something different to watch.
I thought the whole F!@cking show was AWESOME.... The tag match was off the charts excellent. I haven't seen WWE put on a show like this in years.. Even before they went pg. If it were live I think it would have been more of a awesome night, only because people are constantly putting spoilers on here, so I had already knew what happened to Rob Van Dam. I think the EV2.0 vs. Fortune will be great in helping elevate Fortune to another level

And NOOOOOOOOOOO, Vince is already balls deep in pg wrestling, and we do not need him to Destroy the only entertaining wrestling on tv right now.
TNA is heading in right direction. All they have to do is take there time with the storylines and let them play out. Also bring back the hard no nonsence knockout division along with moving to only a 4 to six PPV shows a year while providing great Free TV mathches weekly with a live one once a month on the road.
Well, Tonite i actually watched my FIRST TNA tv program. I keep up with it but only reading through spoilers. And iv been a wrestling fan since HBK and Jannetty was togather. But always a WWE/F fan..But i watched tonites Impact and LOVED it..I had no idea that TNA had such awsome athletes and wrestlers. I lvoed the Motor City Machineguns/Beer Money match..I can say that MCMG is by far my favorite tag team in all of wrestling right now..Beer Money a close second. Iv always been a fan of Mr. Anderson and i thought the Anderson/Pope/Morgan match kicked ass as well..The main even was pretty awsome too. Being a fan of the Attitude Era in WWF seeing the viol;ence and blood brought back memories...

But there was a few bad remarks..I HATE the Impact setting..Small budget. I hate when something is not done live as well.

The best thing can happen, a WWE/TNA take over (much like the WWE/WCW takeover)...Vince needs to BUY TNA, make it live, move into arenas and then we would see some awsome tv along with awsome booking and sets. WWE being PG rating is watering it down..TNA seems more wicked,...Please Vince...BUY TNA OUT!!

Imma new TNA fan after tonite..MCMG 4 LIFE!!


Really! Its your first Impact, but you keep up with it by reading spoilers? Hmmm.Did you notice the ramp was missing? Here is a little advice, if you want the show your watching to be spontaneous than stop reading spoilers.Why do that you may ask. Well its simple they spoil the outcome!Oh and the Impact zone hasn't been around for generations like the E,but you cant deny the crowd is always hyped and knows more words then just "What".

I'm glad you enjoyed the program it in my opinion has been better than the "E" for some time now its just the fact that they are not only getting the booking correct they are getting the pacing of the show correct also.I have to admit, I was glued to the T.V.

Beside TNA is the only place your going to see actual "Wrestling" on T.V.It's not a back and fourth chest chop,scoop slam,atomic drop kip-up and sell the move for five minutes before you overcome all odds and hit your finisher which most of the other people on the roster can do, but your is more powerful because you named it.

I believe TNA realized that they cant play with peoples intelligence.If they try the crowd wont fall for it unlike other programs "What".
Well, Tonite i actually watched my FIRST TNA tv program. I keep up with it but only reading through spoilers. And iv been a wrestling fan since HBK and Jannetty was togather. But always a WWE/F fan..But i watched tonites Impact and LOVED it..I had no idea that TNA had such awsome athletes and wrestlers. I lvoed the Motor City Machineguns/Beer Money match..I can say that MCMG is by far my favorite tag team in all of wrestling right now..Beer Money a close second. Iv always been a fan of Mr. Anderson and i thought the Anderson/Pope/Morgan match kicked ass as well..The main even was pretty awsome too. Being a fan of the Attitude Era in WWF seeing the viol;ence and blood brought back memories...

But there was a few bad remarks..I HATE the Impact setting..Small budget. I hate when something is not done live as well.

The best thing can happen, a WWE/TNA take over (much like the WWE/WCW takeover)...Vince needs to BUY TNA, make it live, move into arenas and then we would see some awsome tv along with awsome booking and sets. WWE being PG rating is watering it down..TNA seems more wicked,...Please Vince...BUY TNA OUT!!

Imma new TNA fan after tonite..MCMG 4 LIFE!!


While it was not the first Impact I watched, as I have watched it before but usually miss Impact! and SD! due to inconvenient dates/times. I was impressed, the MCMG vs Beer Money match was solid, lots of action something that just isn't seen on WWE tv. As well as the other matches and the ending.

I must disagree with TNA being bought by Vince. While it would be cool to see new rivalries etc. the fact is that WWE has wrestlers very capable of putting on great matches like that.... but they rarely do. Because of the E. If they bought TNA, expect the matches to become watered down.
Glad you enjoyed TNA last night! Though I am a new poster here on the WZ Forums, I have been a long time TNA fan. Have been sticking with them through the bad and good. It's good that you liked last night's Impact and from the sound of it, you'll keep tuning in each week. If your friends and family like wrestling as well, make sure to tell them about TNA!

But I'm going to agree with everyone else here, Vince needs to stay as far away as possible from TNA. If he bought out TNA, tag team wrestling would disappear, the X-Division (not at it's strongest, deepest, or best) would disappear, the Knockouts would disappear, and all the talented athletes in TNA would lose their jobs. The ones Vince did keep around, would be subject to being stuck in the mid card taking back seats to everyone else. Look at what vince did to WCW and especially ECW.
Well after reading what everyone said I guess i should have worded it different..I wouldnt wanna see Vince ruin TNA's product. I do have to say i almost get sick watching the tag match between MCMG and Beer money won me over as a TNA fan..

As long as MCMG, Beer Money, Mr. Anderson, RVD, Hardy, Matt Morgan, and that Pope guy are all on TNA ill be watching...

Ohh ya, i didnt read the spoilers this past week thats why i watched the show..So i think Ill skip the spoilers every week "IF" TNA can keep providing this good of wrestling..

But thanks for all the feedback!!


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