Thoughts on Scott Hall

Flair is Overrated

Dark Match Winner
I created a thread recently about the most well rounded wrestlers in history. One of the guys I mentioned, that no one else did (although no one flamed me about it) was Scott Hall.

Setting aside all personal issues and his hopeful redemption with DDP and Jake Roberts, I really think the guy was the most gifted big man in wrestling history, even more so than the Undertaker (note that I said most gifted, not most successful or most accomplished). I think, technically, he was as good of a worker as any big man. On the mic, I rank him in my top 20 of all time (maybe even top 10). In addition to the ring and the mic skills, the guy had a great look and had that impossible to define it factor.

Obviously he had issues that derailed his consistency and career. If he had kept his demons and substance abuse in check, and toned down the cartoonish qualities of Razor Ramon, I think this guy could have handled the anti-hero Austin role in the attitude era. Ultimately, despite a highly successful career, he didn't meet his full potential (although I hope he can get and stay clean and healthy, and go on to contribute years to the business behind the scenes, if he so wishes). Am I alone, or does anyone else think he really was the total package as far as big man wrestlers go?
I did think he was a good all-rounder, in the ring, talking, physique. I don't know if he could've been as big as you suggest, but definitely a world champion.
I was a fan. Solid all-arounder like MDDFA said. I didn't mind the fact that he never rose above tag and midcard titles then, nor do I now. He was very entertaining, but even as a mark for him, I never thought he was a great wrestler. I think "solid" or "good hand" would be the ways I'd describe him in the ring. Loved his mic work, he definitely had a charisma and it factor, and he had about as good a career as any pro wrestler could hope for. Now I just hope DDP straightens his ass out so he can go into next year's HoF, sans wheelchair or fear of relapse.
What Razor taught me is that I have no chance in hell of being a good-looking older man. He was a handsome dude, now look at him! What chance do I have? Genetic lottery is a heartless bitch.
What Razor taught me is that I have no chance in hell of being a good-looking older man. He was a handsome dude, now look at him! What chance do I have? Genetic lottery is a heartless bitch.
Yep. Scott Hall ageing less-than-gracefully is down to genetics and genetics alone.
He had the right look, gimmick and charisma to receive Diesel's push in 95 and would have more than likely done better in the role, since he was more over. Wasted potential.
I'm nothing short of amazed that they raised over $80,000. There either had to be some wealthy donors or wrestling fans are just generous (and/or stupid) to a fault.

In fairness... people aren't really "donating" They're buying stuff. A phone call from Hall, an autograph, etc.

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