Scott Hall suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Have KB and X swapped bodies today or something? I'm used to one guy talking rational sense on the subject of drug addiction and the other acting like a judgmental tool... I'm just use dot it being the other way around.

I'm sorry but being a drug addict doesn't give you PTSD. Trust me, my entire family were/are drug addicts and so was I for a long time. Just being addicted to drugs isn't traumatic enough to give you PTSD. It can ruin your life and destroy your mental state, but that's still not PTSD. You have to actually have, you know, some big trauma happen to you. Going to war, a car crash, watching a loved one die, etc. Not just being a depressed drug addict for 20 years. This is nothing but another bullshit excuse in a long line of them to try and excuse Hall's behavior and to try and make it seem like his drug addiction isn't his main problem, when it clearly is. "Oh no, it's not the drugs! He has PTSD! That's why his life sucks!" Fucking puh-lease Kevin Nash.

For the first time having a house full of old medical textbooks has paid off.

Subject: a complex and much misunderstood psychological condition.

On the one hand we have the combined consensus of the majority of the worlds medical professionals, and on the other we have the randomized whim of Xfear. Forgive me if I go with the people who actually know what they are talking about.

PTSD is usually the cause of drug addiction as oppose to the other way around, but experiences with substance abuse can lead to psychological trauma. Fuck, PTSD has been diagnosed as a response to divorces, unemployment and a whole host of other things. It is not simply a response to helicopters crashing over head in Vietnam and anyone who suggests otherwise is full of shit.

Some recent studies suggest that as much as 10% of the population will develop some level of PTSD at some point in their lives. Given that we know little to nothing about Scott Hall's life, and that the assertion he suffers from PTSD is being made by someone who knows a great deal about Scott Hall's life, I'm disinclined to dismiss the notion out of hand.
Have KB and X swapped bodies today or something? I'm used to one guy talking rational sense on the subject of drug addiction and the other acting like a judgmental tool... I'm just use dot it being the other way around.

Well I have to keep things interesting around here.

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