This time next year


Occasional Pre-Show
FINALLY! THE E SEEMS TO HAVE DONE IT.....COH-RECT-LY! (sorry had to do a Rock improv)

Anyway, it seems like WWE has finally fully pushed the youth movement train into full speed. We have The Corre/possibly Kofi, Cody Rhodes, del Rio, Miz, Dolph Ziggler/Morrison, CM Punk, DBD/Sheamus, and Jack Swagger (to some extent) all on a Wrestlemania, card, with only the veterans being there against them, just for the sake of hopefully putting them over. The only match on this card that will include "new" people is DBD and Sheamus, and thats a step in the right direction.

My question to you guys is, this time next year, Wrestlemania 28, do you think these guys are capable of pulling off an exciting, Wrestlemania card without the veterans? I mean sure, we'll still have Cena, Rey, Orton, and maybe HHH, Taker, Big Show and Kane all next year, theres no argueing that, but are these men I mentioned, as well as a few others whom WWE hasnt pushed yet (*cough Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder cough*), are they ready, in your eyes, ready to do a Wrestlemania successfully?

For example, next year The Miz vs Cody Rhodes(c) for the WWE championship, would you buy it? Or Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger in a grudge match, would you be excited? Of course after many weeks of watching the storyline unfold you may or may not be excited, but this is all hypothetical.

So, this time next year, will these guys, that WWE is giving probably a once in a lifetime chance, ready to take the bull by the horns (in Miz's case the Brahma Bull lol), and finally acheive stardom that the fans havent been willing to give 100%. I know I am, heres hoping Miz and Morrison headline WM28.
By WM28 many of these characters you named will either evolve, perfect themselves, or both. Maybe in 1 or 2 cases some guys fall apart but hopefully not. For your specific examples... not sure I'd buy into Miz/Rhodes. A Ziggler/Swagger could be great given their in-ring abilities but I'd like to see mic improvement on both ends over the course of the year. So assuming that at this time next year all these guys improve even more, yes I'd be excited.
Hopefully Vince will push young talent and boost them to be stars of the future. Hopefully the Wrestlemania Card next year will look something like this:

Tag Team Title Match - Peter Orlov and Bourne vs Drew and Sheamus

Better Masked Wrestler Match - Sin Cara vs 619

Money In The Bank - Rhodes vs Ziggler vs Percy Watson vs Barretta vs Swagger vs Dibiase vs Kofi vs Masters vs Richie Steamboat vs Gabriel

IC Title Match - Seth Rollins vs CM Punk vs Bryan (over 30 minute match, should be a classic)

Grudge Match - Orton (heel) vs Morrison

WHC Match - Edge vs Miz (c) vs Christian vs Barrett

WWE Title Match - Del Rio vs HHH (c)

Streak Match - Undertaker vs Cena (face still)
The two superstars I can see progressing ALOT by next 'mania are:

Daniel Bryan - superb in ring ability, needs work on the mic though. Potentially looking to be in the main event scene in the future, but still has a while to go. By next 'mania I can see him being in a worth-watching grudge match (better than Punk/Orton, Rhodes/Rey grudges).

Wade Barrett - I can honestly see Wade main eventing next years Wrestlemania, because I think he will win the Royal Rumble. He has already main evented some PPVs last year, very good wrestler, very good on the mic, he's the full package!
Barret is a future top tier star for sure. He has everything that Vince looks for in a star. The guy is capable on the mic, has a precense about him, has good size, and is not horrible in the ring. Guys never used to make it to WWF until 6-8 years of working on the indy scene perfecting their craft, now they are pushed to the limelight in 2-3 years. Sometimes it will take 3-4 years on WWE tv until a guy can really perfect his in ring abaility. I think in 3-4 year Barrett will be the top heel in WWE for sure.

If they were smart, he would be the one to knock off Undertaker. I know a lot of people would hate it but the guy could live off of that alone for almost the rest of his career. Give him a Randy Orton style legend killer gimmick. Have him retire Kane, maybe bring back a Kevin Nash for a short run to get retired off, then have him send off the UNdertaker.

I can see Swagger, Morrison, Ziggler and Sheamus being ready to carry the ball. The future is pretty bright I think.
I've got a sneaky suspicion that we may see the uber rise of CM Punk as an epic face or heel by next year.

On another note it does seem the youth movement is in full swing and if anything im looking forward to higher quality and more fast paced wrestling (like it or not its more entertaining than wrestling with in ring psychology more often than not).

Also ill be looking forward to an mammoth push for Rhodes, Barret and Sheamus all of which I think can make it big (really dont know what people see in Dibiase he's quite boring and his only plus point is that he's the son of one of, if not the, greatest heel ever).
I've got a sneaky suspicion that we may see the uber rise of CM Punk as an epic face or heel by next year.

On another note it does seem the youth movement is in full swing and if anything im looking forward to higher quality and more fast paced wrestling (like it or not its more entertaining than wrestling with in ring psychology more often than not).

Also ill be looking forward to an mammoth push for Rhodes, Barret and Sheamus all of which I think can make it big (really dont know what people see in Dibiase he's quite boring and his only plus point is that he's the son of one of, if not the, greatest heel ever).

As stupid as it sounds, one future storyline I can see with most of the major heels being from outside the United States, would be a coalition type angle. It could include Barrett, Sheamus, Mcintyre, Gabriel, Del Rio, and I am sure there are others. I could easily see them forming some sort of Anti American super group to be taken down by Cena or whatever. Just a remake of Austin vs Hart Foundation.

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